Sold To The Mafia Lord


Alexander nodded slowly, his eyes reflecting a newfound understanding. The simplicity and depth of Liam’s advice resonated with him, reminding him of the importance of self-development and genuine connections.

At least it wasn’t a bad idea coming to Liam.© NôvelDrama.Org - All rights reserved.

“But above all,” Liam emphasized, leaning forward slightly, “your friend must be courageous. Love often requires taking risks and stepping outside of one’s comfort zone. Encourage him to express his feelings honestly and openly. After all, one can never know how the other person truly feels unless they are willing to express it”

Alexander frowned a bit at that “What you mean is I.. I mean – my friend should try as much as possible to be more open with his feelings even without confessing what he feels for her??”

Lima nodded “That your friend never can tell if she likes him too, women are complicated beings, sometimes their No means Yes, they might say they don’t want a guy to do something but they want the guy to do more of it”

With that possibility said, Alexander’s eyes widened before turning gloomy again “I don’t think so, she often say hurtful words to me, just like yesterday..” Alexander said that in his thoughts, not voicing it out.

The thought of how Amelia told him she wasn’t comfortable with him holding her close, made him so depressed and for the first time in his life, he wasn’t sure of his charms.

It was as if his charms weren’t effective on Amelia.

Liam just shrugged without probing further “I wish your friend good luck in his pursuit of the woman he has a crush on,” Liam emphasized each word, his tone deliberate and loaded with meaning. It was as if he was subtly implying, ‘I know it’s you.’

Alexander’s face flushed with a tinge of embarrassment. He stumbled over his words, his voice slightly shaky. “Yeah… yeah, I wish him luck too,” he managed to reply, trying to regain his composure.

A brief moment of silence hung in the air, interrupted only by a cough from Alexander that seemed to break the tension. Liam maintained a knowing look as if concealing a smirk behind his calm facade. His gaze seemed to penetrate Alexander’s thoughts, making him feel uncomfortably exposed.

“What?” Alexander finally blurted out, unable to bear the weight of Liam’s unwavering gaze any longer. His voice carried a mix of defensiveness and vulnerability.

Liam’s expression remained serene as he replied, “Nothing.” His calm demeanor only added to Alexander’s growing unease.

Feeling increasingly overwhelmed, Alexander abruptly stood up from his seat. “Seems I’m not welcomed here. I’m off,” he declared, his words laced with a hint of frustration. He swiftly walked out of the room, his long strides betraying his attempt to hide his true emotions.

As Alexander made his way down the corridor, he couldn’t shake off the nagging feeling that Liam had seen right through him. The thought of his secret crush on Amelia being exposed left him feeling exposed and vulnerable. He needed time to gather his thoughts and come to terms with his feelings before facing Liam again.

That guy was so evil and Sly.

Alexander walked out of the building and entered his car, He sat there for a while before suddenly remembering Amelia who had a cheeky expression earlier, saying she had a punishment for him.

He felt amused for some reason, A girl wanted to punish him?? A Ron??

Alexander let out a small chuckle without him even knowing about it. Just then his phone rang and it was Ash calling.

Alexander sighed, totally not in the mood to answer her call but he still had to because it might be an emergency since she was sick.

As Alexander’s phone rang, He wasn’t particularly in the mood to talk to her, but he answered the call nonetheless, his tone cold and distant.

“Speak,” he said curtly, his voice lacking any warmth or enthusiasm.

Ash was taken aback by the coldness in Alexander’s tone, but she tried to maintain her composure. She took a deep breath and mustered a smile as she began to speak. “Umm, Alex, I came to your office earlier, but you weren’t at your desk. I wanted to inform you that I just bought a new house,” she said, hoping to share her excitement with him.

Alexander’s response lacked any genuine interest or enthusiasm. “Oh, congratulations then,” he replied, his words devoid of emotion.

Ash felt a pang of disappointment as she realized that she hadn’t received the desired reaction from Alexander. She was aware that he had always been distant and cold towards her, but she had hoped that his response would have been different this time, considering the news she was sharing.

Unfazed by the lackluster response, Ash continued, determined to share her latest news. “And, it so happens that… I’m now your newest neighbor,” she added, hoping that this revelation would spark some interest or reaction from Alexander.

As soon as the words left Ash’s lips, Alexander’s expression turned into a frown. His mind raced with a mix of conflicting emotions. He had desired some peace and distance from Ash since she wasn’t cool with Amelia, and her proximity as a neighbor threatened to disrupt that.

Trying to regain his composure, Alexander managed to respond, albeit with a hint of annoyance. “Is that so?” he replied, his voice tinged with frustration.

Ash sensed the tension in Alexander’s voice and decided to change the topic, hoping to alleviate the awkwardness. “Well, anyway, I just thought I’d let you know. We can catch up sometime if you’re interested,” she offered, trying to maintain a friendly tone despite the underlying tension.

Alexander let out a sigh, realizing that the situation was out of his control. He knew that he couldn’t avoid Ash forever, especially now that they were neighbors. With a hint of resignation in his voice, he replied, “Sure, we can figure something out.”

As the call ended, Alexander’s Eyes flicked, he couldn’t remember any house close to his that was vacant and besides his area was so reserved that not just anyone could buy a house there.

Mr Moon, Ash’s father isn’t someone to spend lavishly on Ash just to buy a house, she was only transferred to work in Ron’s headquarters but it wasn’t permanent, The Least Mr Moon could do was rent a full apartment for Ash Moon.

And if he wanted to at least spoil his daughter a bit, he could also buy her a house but not in the most reserved and Prominent area in Europe.

How did Ash Moon come about such wealth to buy a house close to his??

Alexander narrowed his eyes a bit

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