Sold to my crush

My Honeymoon

Lily’s PoV

“Mmmm this feels so good. I’ve been dying to feel your hot kisses all over my body.” I couldn’t help the moan that slipped out of my mouth.

After Alex stormed out of our wedding, Mr. Daniel guided me through the numerous reporters who fired numerous questions at me. I don’t know if i could ever get used to this.

He led me to a black Mercedes that appeared to have been waiting for me at the back of the church.

He left me in the car with a driver, a sweet older man who introduced himself to me as Mark after informing me that the driver would take me to the airport where i would meet Alex. We would be flying together to our honeymoon.

I did not get a chance to say goodbye to my family before the driver zoomed off.

When we got to the airport i found Alex standing by a jet that had Dankworth written bodly on it. My jaw dropped at the sight of it. I couldn’t believe that they had their own fucking private Jet.

I was so excited to get into it as it was also my first time flying.

Flashback : at the airport

As i stood before the jet taking in it’s beauty, Alex was stood at the entrance his eyes following my movements.

“Hey”. I waved at him. No response “Hey Alex”. Still no response.

“Rude much”. I muttered under on breath.

” Get in Lily”. He finally spoke up before walking in.

“And he speaks”. I exclaimed sarcastically.

I walked in and a brunette hostess stood in front me, glaring at me not making any move to let me through.

“Uhm, excuse me”. I said to her, trying to get her to move .

“Of course”. She flashed me a sickenly sweet smile which was very much fake if i may add before moving out of my way.

I decided to ignore her so i walked further into the jet. I spotted Alex and i went towards that direction seating opposite him.

He had a laptop before him and he buried himself into refusing to acknowledge my presence. I decided to distract myself by admiring the big Jet.

‘We’re getting ready for take off and i just wanted to know if you’re ready sir?. The annoying Hostess had returned. Her eyes solely on Alex completely ignoring my existence.

For moment he did not respond and i wondered if he did not hear her, not until he typed something quickly on his laptop and closed it. He learned back casually on his chair before acknowledging the hostess with a firm tone. “Of course.” Then his eyes flashed to me and my heart jumped.

“Alright sir”. The hostess replied with a high pitched voice that was so irritating before walking away, but not before giving me stink eye.

I looked back at Alex to find him already staring at me. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat when his stare became more intense. I panicked, wondering if my make up was smudged or something else was wrong. I finally decided to voice out my thoughts.

“Is something wrong?”. I asked cautiously. Knowing Alex, his mood could flip at any point and i was not in the mood to be at the receiving end of it any time soon.

I did not get any response from him, instead he moved closer to me and my heart beat skyrocketed.

I.. is there something wrong?. I asked more anxiously this time. No response again. Instead he kept his grey eyes trained on me as i felt his arms on my waist rubbing me softly.

I closed my eyes as i basked in the feeling.

I felt like jelly and i almost melted into in his arms before a clicking sound brought me out of my thoughts.

I opened my eyes and i found Alex relaxed in his seat. The absence of his hands on my body left me feeling uneasy.

“If you wanted my hands on your body that badly you should haved said so. After all you’re my dear wife .” He said with a wink, his eyes glistening with amusement.

I couldn’t help the blush that formed on my cheeks as he called me his wife. ” it’s really not like that, i wasn’t aware of the seat belt”.

“Yeah right”. He replied sarcastically.

“It’s actually my first time flying”. I said embarrassed.

I got no response from him and then i met his eyes trying to decipher whatever he was thinking, but that was impossible as he stared blankly at me.

He stared at me for a while before he abruptly unbuckled himself and sat close to me. He buckled his seat belt before glancing at my stunned expression.

“Hold on to me”. He spoke firmly.

“Why should I … Ahhhhh”. I screamed and held tightly to Alex. The plan was taking off and i was so scared. I also felt like throwing up because of turbulence.

After a while of me screaming and holding unto Alex like my life depended on it the jet finally moved steadily, signalling that we were on air.

I breathed a sigh of relief before i realized that i was still holding unto Alex. I quickly detached my hands from him, muttering countless apologies.From NôvelDrama.Org.

” I’m so sorry, i hope i did not hurt you”. I asked worriedly as i grimaced at the memory of how tight i held his arm.

He quietly stood up from the seat, ignoring me and moved to seat opposite me, the previous place he was sat. This little action of his hurt me and as well annoyed as i felt like a plague that he couldn’t stand to be close to me.

He relaxed in his seat before bringing out his laptop and continued typing. I continued to glare at him as i imagined throwing him out of window. God!! He was so annoying.

“So you find your dear husband annoying?.”

“What!?, why… why would you say that”. My mouth ran dry, an embarrassed heat rushed over my neck and face. Did i say that out loud.

“Yes, you said it loud enough for the whole plane to hear.”. He said with a smug smile. “I’m sorry. I.. i didn’t mean to..”.

“Stop apologising, you do that alot. And get changed in the bedroom. You don’t look too comfortable in that dress.” He cut me off before i could continue speaking.

“You have a room in here?”. I asked astonished.

He replied with a firm nod and waved me away to the room. I walked towards the direction Alex pointed me to then i found a another hostess who thankfully wasn’t the rude brunette.

I asked her for directions and she led me to the room. I was really impressed. It was a small space by well arranged. The bed was clean and made, he had a window by the bed and a small night stand.

I found myself moving towards the bed, my fingers running over the smooth sheets, and i smiled at the softness.

I decided to focus on the reason why i was here. I went into the closet and I found different outfits which was surprisingly my size. That is certainly not creepy.

I struggled to get out of my wedding dress before finally go out of it. I opted for a loose orange joggers, a plain white Tee and white air Jordans. I got dressed before walking out of the room to my seat.

Walking towards my seat i found the brunette leaning towards Alex and giggling like a sea horse. I sat annoyed watching them.

“Mr Dankworth. I hope our take off was smooth enough. Would you like anything to eat or drink at this point?”. The brunette asked, the first few buttons of her shirt were open, her boobs spilling out and her skirt couldn’t have gotten shorter than the last time i saw her.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes as she bent forward and her boobs now in Alex’s face. Now all these were already irritating but what angered me the most was the fact that Alex did not try to reject her advances.

His eyes that were once trained on his laptop was already in her shirt, resting on her boobs or probably sucking on them.

Okay, maybe I’m exaggerating but his eyes were focused on her boobs and boy did she enjoy the attention.

“Get me a glass of wine and get her some food”. He gestured towards me but his eyes never left her boobs. I couldn’t stand the scene in front of me so i huffed and stood up.

” I’m not hungry”. I snapped angrily before storming to the room. I sighed relaxing into the soft sheets. At least i get to enjoy these sheets.

Disturbing thoughts of them fucking their brains out there kept my mind active but as tiredness overwhelmed me i feel asleep.


I woke up feeling the rays of sun light on my face as i squinted my eyes to adjust to the unfamiliar surrounding. I panicked and jumped off the body trying to figure out where i was. I was still wearing my earlier outfit but my shoes on the floor next to the bed. So i was certain nothing bad had happened to me. Yet.

I walked out the room and followed my intution. I got to the dining area where i found an old lady cooking by the stove.

As she noticed my presence she smiled sweetly and spoke up. ” Mrs Dankworth, you’re awake. How are you feeling now.”

” I’m fine, thank you. And you’re?. I asked looking at her cautiously.

“Oh forgive my manners. I’m Grace and I’m the cook here.” She turned around to check what she

was cooking before turning back to me. “Mr. Dankworth had asked me to prepare something for you to eat when you’re awake.”

“You know alex”. I threw another question at her.

” Yes, Mrs Dankworth. Like i said earlier, I’m the cook here and I’ve been working for the Dankworths ever he was a little boy.”. I felt so stupid and dumb at this point. Of course she would know him.

” Do you know where he is?”.

“Yes Ma, in his study.” She flashed me another gentle smile.

“And where is that?”.

“Oh silly me, go down this hallway. It’s the first door you’ll see. You can’t miss it. “Thank you and please call me lily”. I smiled at her before going back to find his study.

I got infront of the door and knocked. No response.





Again “Alex”

I huffed annoyed about to leave before rhe door was harshly pulled open. “WHAT?”.

“I just wanted to check on you”. I said in almost a whisper.

“Well, I’m right here.”. He snapped at me before walking back into the room, leaving the door open.

I stood still at the door watching him gather some of his things. When he was certain that he had gathered all that he needed, he walked out of the door shutting in behind him.

“And don’t ever scream my name again.” He says brushing past me. “Unless I’m fucking it out of you”.

I gasped as i stared at his retreating figure walking out of the house.

End of Flashback

I enjoyed as the sun peppered kisses all over my skin.

Our honeymoon had gone by so quickly and i had not seen Alex all through the week. I guess it should be called my honeymoon seeing that i had spent the entire time alone at the cabin. Well not entirely alone as i had Grace with me.

I discovered that we were at santorini, Greece. It was a really lovely plscr and all i wanted was to explore the place but i couldn’t do that because Alex had instructed me not to leave the cabin.

I wouldn’t consider myself as a very obedient person but i know it was for the best as i did not know how to navigate myself around.

The entire week was spent reading whatever books i could find, eating, napping and at times playing games with Grace and Repeat all over again.

Today i decided to come out to the pooll and now i wonder why i had not been coming here. Well I had not been able to come to the pool because of the bruises on my body but now I’m glad that they have faded a bit and it doesn’t hurt so much.

I was dressed in a teal two piece swim suitthat barely covered my ass and boobs. I was not bothered because iy was just mr and Grace, not that she would even come here but just in case i had a towel close to me.

“Wifey”. I jumped as i heard an all to familiar deep voice. I stared at him confused and wondering why he was here all of a sudden.

He let his eyes run all over my body, ogling at me shamelessly. Still staring at me with his hands in his pocket, his eyes went to my stomach and something shifted in his yes. He clenched his jaw and balled his fists.

I quickly covered myself with a towel in shame. Was i really that appalling?. I kept my head down as i brushed past him into the Cabin.

Who was i think that Alex would find me attractive?.

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