Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 969: Chapter 26 : The Morning After

Chapter 969: Chapter 26 : The Morning After


Lucas wasn't kidding.

I moved delicately in the seat of Lucas's town car, trying to relieve the well-sexed ache I felt while I was sitting. It was a dull, throbbing pain, but every time we hit a pothole, I wondered if that third time had been worth it… or the fourth… or fifth....

Goddess, I'd lost track of how many times Lucas Black had ravished me.

Lucas smoothed a hand over my knee as he spoke to Brady, giving him the update on events while Ian drove. His touch made butterflies in my stomach tickle goosebumps down my arms.

Totally worth it, I decided, placing my hand over his.

Lucas thumbed the soft skin on the inside of my thigh, and I praised the inspiration that had told me to buy a skirt instead of pants to wear today. Lucas seemed appreciative as well.

Brady scratched the back of his neck as Lucas finished. “So… what do you want to do?"

“Throw it in the deepest part of the sea," Lucas grumbled, which got a squeak of protest from me.

Lucas squeezed my knee reassuringly. “I know we can't. Stupid thing would probably make you swim after it."

“Hammer and chisel?" Brady suggested.

“Guys, the Goddess herself says I need to use it–no hammers, no chisels, no throwing down wells or into the sea," I said sternly.

Lucas grunted his displeasure but nodded just the same. “There's nothing for it. We're going to have to tell the Alpha King."

“That we stole a precious artifact and destroyed a religious site?" Brady groaned.

“Okay, I'll tell the Alpha King. It was my site, my idea, and my responsibility," Lucas assured him.

“I should go with you," I said, threading my fingers through his.

“No," Lucas replied, “absolutely not."

“Why?" I asked with a frown. “I'm the one the Goddess chose, and I'm the one the orb keeps showing things… and disappearing." I shuddered. “It really could choose a more pleasant location next time."

“Hopefully, there is no next time." Lucas squeezed my hand. “I'm going to talk to the Alpha King. I'm not bringing you or the orb. Hell, I'm not even sure I should even talk to him."

“You don't trust King Xander?" Brady asked, sounding confused.

“I don't trust everyone in his court." Lucas sighed and leaned his chin on my shoulder. “I don't know. I have to think about it."

Lucas gave my neck a possessive kiss, ending in a nip I felt all the way down to my nethers.

“You sure riding in front is far enough away from you two?" Brady chuckled.

“Nope, but what choice do we have?" Lucas quipped.

I put my hand on Lucas's chest when it seemed he was coming back for more. “I'm not going anywhere, Lucas. You don't need to have me in the car in front of Ian and Brady."

“Could be fun," Lucas teased, and I smacked his arm.

“As to going anywhere...." Lucas glared at the seat behind us that separated us from the trunk and, consequently, Gage's bag containing the orb.

I placed a hand on Lucas's cheek. “It's far enough away. I'm not going to touch it right now."

“Hmph," Lucas grunted. “If it were up to me, you'd never touch it again."

“I second the motion," Brady said.

I rolled my eyes. “The Goddess herself gave me a mission...."

Lucas silenced me with a peck on the lips. “We'll discuss it later."

I sank back in my seat, resisting the urge to throw up my hands in frustration, before I smacked the overbearing brute in the face, not that that wasn't becoming appealing....

“We've entered the capital, sir," Ian said. “Where to?"

“Miss Wentley's apartment," Lucas replied.

“We can't. What if Amanda's home?" I hissed.

Lucas's lips twitched. “As much as I'd like to see just how sore you are from last night with all your shifting around in your seat, I have a few things I need to do. I'll be back later, I promise."

My cheeks flamed. “Oh."

Brady covered a laugh with a cough.

Ian was far too professional to do more than bite his lip.

Lucas squeezed my hand again, with the way his thumb skimmed up under the edge of my skirt promising so much more.

Lust banished my embarrassment, and now I was blushing for a different reason.

We stopped in front of my dorm and Lucas tugged me out of the sedan by our joined hands. He let go as we approached the front stairs, only to casually put his hand low on my back, guiding me to my unit.

At my door, I fumbled with my keys, feeling his heat behind me. Lucas plucked the keys from my hand and very efficiently unlocked my door.

I spun to face him, and Lucas captured my lips, giving me the most thorough, toe-curling kiss of my life.

“I hope Amanda's gone when I get back," Lucas murmured in my ear, then took a step back.

With a swallow, I said, “Me, too."

Lucas gave me a cheeky smirk, then turned and left me there, a completely undone puddle of need.

I turned back to my door and pushed my way in, seeing immediately that I was alone. That was alright. I needed time to process before I'd be able to relay all that had happened to Amanda.

I flopped down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. In my mind's eye, I could see Lucas, naked, our bodies twining in the near-dark, and I moaned. Property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

Curling my fingers into a fist, I shook my head. I needed to focus. So much more had happened than Lucas making love to me, over… and over… and over....

I shook my head. “Get a grip, Sasha," I admonished myself.

The real priority was the orb, and that man from the past… and some unknown prophecy he and the old priestess had been babbling about.

I couldn't shake the memory of my mother and the old man. Had she been trying to protect me from this prophecy? Why didn't she ever tell me about it?

I let my tongue trace over my back teeth until it found the one that had been removed, fortified by the old man's spell, and replaced. The pain had been excruciating, but the fever that followed was what had nearly done me in.

Had all of that in the end really been for nothing?

But instead of being able to put the pieces of the puzzle together, I just got more frustrated and confused, adding to the confusion I felt over Lucas. It seemed like neither of us was going to “come to our senses," which brought our relationship into a wholly different territory.

If I was honest with myself, I knew I'd never felt this way about any other man, or boy, for that measure. Even my childhood crushes paled in comparison to the heat and… and other things Lucas Black made me feel.

What did I feel? Everything was all jumbled up and all I really wanted was for Lucas to show up, tear off my clothes, and ravage again me until I was past the power of thought.

There was a knock at my door, and I smiled, relieved. Here was the man himself to do just that.

I rolled off the bed, quickly smoothing out the comforter, then trotted to the door, pulling it open with an eager yank.

My face fell when I saw Donovan. “What are you doing here?" I asked coldly.

Donovan frowned at me. “Nice to see you, too."

“I thought I told you I didn't want to see you again." I folded my arms across my chest, still wearing Gage's T-shirt. In retrospect, I should have changed. The white T-shirt was a little tight.

This was a fact Donovan hadn't missed. He looked me up and down as though I were steak. “Come on.

Don't be like that. We've been friends a long time."

“Yeah, and you managed to wreck that in less than fifteen minutes. Goodbye, Donovan," I snapped, starting to shut the door.

Donovan grabbed it, and my strength was no match for him. I couldn't get it closed.

He held it open and glared at me. I shivered as I looked into eyes that seemed to be void of any soul.

“Nice necklace, did he give it to you?" Donovan growled.

“That's none of your business, Donovan," I replied, wrenching at the door, but to no avail.

While my hands were occupied, Donovan pushed my hair aside, revealing something else he didn't like. “He gave you that as well?"

I scowled at him. “Let go of the door, Donovan. I have nothing to say to you. Now leave."

Donovan instead gave me a shove, sending me stumbling back into my dorm room. He kicked the door shut behind him. “Little b***h didn't mark you properly, huh?"

“I don't know what you're talking about. Now get the f**k out of my room, Donovan!" I yelled.

He stalked toward me, a chilling smile on his face.

“I can mark you properly," Donovan grinned.

“You're insane," I realized aloud, quickly putting the bed between me and him.

Donovan shrugged. “Maybe. Maybe not."

“You're not my mate," I insisted.

Donovan smiled at me again. I didn't know how I ever found that smile charming. “I will be in a second. One little bite, and you're mine."

“No, Donovan! What the hell is wrong with you?! Do you just go around biting ALL the girls? Every girl you meet?!"

“Nah, just the ones I like. I can always reject you later," Donovan said.

I squared my shoulders. “Let's get one thing straight. I reject you. You don't even have to bite me. I'm rejecting you in advance."

Donovan shook his head slowly. “Can't do that until your birthday. We can have all kinds of fun before that." He advanced on me. “All kinds."

I didn't even want to know what this madman considered fun. “Go away, Donovan. Now!"

Donovan padded closer, stalking me toward the far side of my room. “I don't think I will. You reek of him. Give me an hour or two, and you will reek of me." He patted his flat belly. “Maybe get a pup in you before we part ways."

I felt sick. Nothing horrified me more than the idea of carrying this demon's spawn. “H-How many p-

pups do you have? How many women have you done this to?!"

Donovan lifted a shoulder. “No pups yet, not for lack of trying."

“You're sick. You need help," I said as he walked around the side of the bed.

“I'd rather just help myself. Life is a buffet, Sasha, and I've made you the main course," Donovan chuckled.

How could I have ever thought of him as a friend?

Before he could get me caught in a corner, I dove over the bed, landing hard on my elbow on the other side. I cried out in pain.

Donovan pounced, ripping down my shirt to expose my shoulder.

“This will only hurt for a minute," he grinned, his fangs elongating.

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