Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 955: Chapter 12 : The Eyes

Chapter 955: Chapter 12 : The Eyes


Days later, it still felt like eyes were on me. I hadn't been back out to the library site. I hadn't even been back to the town. The eyes had followed me onto the train, right into the capital.

I'd thought of connecting with Lucas until, hours after arriving at my dorm, Jay called from Doc's phone and angrily told me that Lucas had accused us both of stirring up trouble.

Lucas didn't believe them–didn't believe me.

It made a ball of resentment settle in my stomach.

“If I never see Lucas Black again, it'll be too soon," I grumbled, coming out of Professor Augustine's office. I still didn't have a new work-study, and I was officially off the library project. Lucas might as well have put up a billboard telling me never to return.

Of course, as soon as I stepped onto the quad, the eyes were back, staring a hole in the back of my head, disappearing as soon as I turned around.

I'd have shouted at them to go away, and I was tempted to, but then everyone would think I was crazy, not just Lucas. Even Amanda had given me a weird look when I mentioned the inexplicable draw to the temple and the eyes.

Still, it was unsettling enough that when I thought I was alone, I rounded on the eyes, about to give them a piece of my mind, when I ran smack into Donovan.

“Hey there, Sasha. You okay?" Donovan asked, reaching out to steady me.

I could only imagine how I looked–frizzy blond hair, dark circles under sleepless eyes. I'd let my appearance go a bit, I knew, but I just didn't like the feeling of the eyes watching me naked in the bathroom. And I could hardly sleep at all, sensing them even in my dreams.

“I'm fine," I lied.

“Yeah, right," Donovan snorted. “You done with classes? I am. Let's go to Nostalgia and you can tell me all about it."

I looked up at Donovan. He was all sympathy and smiles. “I… just have the work-study this semester," I admitted. “And my current assignment just became my former assignment."

“Oh damn. Did Lucas Black toss you off his team because you wouldn't sleep with him?" Donovan clucked with disapproval.

I let out a bitter laugh. “I wish."

“Hmm. This sounds like a long story best told over a couple of martinis. Let's go." Donovan slid his arm around my shoulders and steered me away from campus and down the short few blocks to Nostalgia.

Once we were seated and I had an apple martini between my hands, I glanced at Donovan, who was sipping a beer, and finally gave in. “You're going to think I'm crazy."

“Too late. Already do," Donovan teased.

I shook my head. “No, really."

“Oh. Okay, you're serious. Well, lay it on me. I can't think you're crazy until you start raving like a lunatic at me," Donovan said.

Despite myself, I gave a little laugh.

“There she is. Now, go ahead," Donovan encouraged.

I tucked my hair behind my ear and stared into my martini. “Well… so… there's this temple that was discovered under the northern library site...."

Donovan nodded along as I continued, telling him everything that had happened. At the end of it all, his voice turned gruff. “And he didn't believe you?"

“Nobody but Jay and Doc believe me," I replied glumly, still watching the thin apple slices float across the top of my drink.

Gentle fingers touched my chin and Donovan tipped my head up to meet his eyes. “I believe you," he said.

It was like balm to my soul. I felt my eyes welling up, despite myself. “Really?"

“Absolutely," Donovan responded. “You're not some nut job, Sasha. Jay and the doctor are right. Something must be going on. Though, whatever it is, you should probably stay away from that library. Try your best to forget about it." He gave me a smile. “I'd be more than happy to distract you until this

all dies down."

I laughed. Honestly, would it be so wrong to date Donovan? Lucas was… well, quickly falling completely off the radar, and Donovan was sweet, and funny. If Lucas was right about him and he really did want to date me, well, why not?

“Thanks, Donovan," I said. “You're a really great guy."

Donovan wiggled his eyebrows at me. “Not just a great 'friend'?" he asked boldly.

I decided to be just as bold. “Not just a nice friend. Maybe a nice… boyfriend?"

His smile was wide and bright and blessedly nothing to do with eyes. I could barely feel them in his exuberant presence. “I'd like that a lot, Sasha. If you're sure."

I gave it a moment's thought, then nodded. “I'm sure."

“And Lucas Black?"

My smile faltered. “I… need to resolve something with him, but then it's done," I said firmly.

“Oh… okay," Donovan replied with a nod, no anger or pressure–just acceptance.

Donovan really was a truly great guy. And now he was my boyfriend.

I smiled at him, though there was a little twinge of disappointment in my gut that it wasn't Lucas I was smiling at. “I—“

The door to Nostalgia opened, and I was surprised to see Brady and a bouncy brunette walk in.

“Brady?" I asked, blinking.

Brady turned his face away from the brunette. Was her name Phoebe? I'd had a class with her. “Well, if it isn't the devil herself, Sasha Wentley."

Devil? I wondered why he'd called me that. But I shrugged it off and went over to give my childhood friend a hug. “It's been forever! How have you been?"

“Just great. Practicing doctor at the Capitol Hospital. Engaged to the lovely Phoebe here...." Brady grinned.

Phoebe blushed happily.

I smiled and took her hand when she held it out to show me the ring. “Wow."

“I know, right? It's so beautiful," Phoebe gushed.

“… living with Lucas Black…" Brady went on.

My smile turned to a frown. “Oh. Is that why I'm the devil?"

Brady winced. “Yeah. Kind of."

“But a good devil," Phoebe cut in. “He talks about you all the time. He...." She trailed off.

I followed her gaze to Donovan, who'd come sauntering over from the table. He draped his arm around my shoulders.

“What are we talking about?" he asked with a wide grin. His eyes were hard, however, and looking right at Phoebe.

“Um," I said, wondering what in the world was passing between them. “Brady, Phoebe, this is Donovan. Donovan, this is Brady. We grew up together. And this is his fiancée, Phoebe."

“Fiancée? Well done," Donovan drawled, still giving Phoebe that same strange look.

Phoebe looked pale, possibly… angry?

“Donovan Clarke?" Brady asked politely, his arm going around Phoebe.

“Yeah," Donovan said, giving me a squeeze. “I'm Sasha's boyfriend."

Phoebe let out a squeak.

Brady gave Donovan a cool smile—then punched him in the face.

Donovan's head snapped back, and his nose made an ominous cracking sound before blood began spilling out.

“Brady!" I gaped, turning to Donovan as he stumbled back. “What the h—?!"

Brady grasped my wrist, his arm still around Phoebe as he escorted her and dragged me out of Nostalgia.

I fought him, looking back at Donovan, who was holding his nose. Strangely, he was also grinning.

“We're leaving," Brady said gruffly, taking us both to a dark sedan. He all but threw me in the back of it, then gently put Phoebe in the middle so he could sit on her other side and take her in his arms.

“Brady, what… where…?" I stuttered.

“He's an ass. And we're going home," Brady snapped.

I frowned. “Lucas's home?"

“Yes," Brady grunted, rubbing Phoebe's back. “Ian, home."

I had no idea why she was upset, but as the sedan started moving, I knew I had a thing or two to say.

“I'm not going," I protested. “I want nothing to do with Lucas Black."

“That's too bad because, in about fifteen minutes, he's going to want something to do with you," Brady said.

I gave a bitter laugh. “Oh no. He made it quite clear—“

“He's an ass, too," Brady butted in.

“Well, that we can agree on," I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest. “Still, you can't just go around punching people and kidnapping me!"

“Looks like I just did," Brady said. He kissed Phoebe's hair and murmured something in her ear, which made her relax against him.

I hesitated, then tried the door.

Clearly, Ian was in on the kidnapping.

“You'd really jump from a moving car?" Brady asked, giving me the side-eye.

“Maybe," I muttered.

Brady shook his head. “You and jumping out of cars and into holes and Moon Goddess knows what else–you're wild enough to shoot at, that's what you are."

“I wasn't going to jump in the hole!" I shouted, making both Ian and Phoebe wince. I hunched back in my seat. “Not on purpose, anyway."

“Right, it was the evil forces," Brady sighed.

I scowled. “I don't care if you believe me or not. It's what happened."

“Uh-huh." A pothole shook the sedan and shook us all into silence.

The rest of the trip to the edge of the city and up the hill was really quite scenic, and it would have been

nice except for the potholes… and the company… and the destination. I stared out the window, pointedly ignoring everyone else in the car.

But when we reached Lucas's house, I couldn't help but be awestruck. “Wow," was all I could push out of my mouth as my breath caught. NôvelDrama.Org copyrighted © content.

“He designed it himself," Brady said, using this as an in to start the conversation again.

Himself? Moon Goddess, the place was perfect....

I stepped out of the car, crunching on the carefully manicured pea rock roundabout in front of the house, still staring.

“You should see the inside," Phoebe added.

Yes, I should see the inside, I thought. I was drawn to the place in a way that had everything to do with appreciation and nothing to do with evil. The eyes had receded, and I barely felt them at all as I stepped into Lucas's home.

“Stay here," Brady said to Phoebe and me and then bounded up the stairs, leaving us both in the foyer.

It should have seemed ostentatious to have a home with a wide foyer, but Lucas had somehow made it feel warm and welcoming.

“So… about Donovan...." Phoebe began, startling me from my reverie.

“What about D—?" I began.

“SASHA WENTLEY, get your ASS up here!" Lucas's roar interrupted us. It was an Alpha command if there ever was one.

Phoebe shivered. “I'd go up there if I were you."

I grimaced and stomped up the staircase.

Brady was standing beside Lucas's open office door, gesturing me inside as though he were the courteous butler of the place.

Lucas was sitting behind a large desk, as red-faced and angry as I'd ever seen him.

Brady gave me a little push. “Good luck," he said, and he closed the door behind me.

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