Sold AS The alpha King's Breeder

Chapter 1004: Chapter 58 : You Don't Know What You're Getting Into

Chapter 1004: Chapter 58 : You Don't Know What You're Getting Into


Before departing to Lycenna, I wanted to see my mom and check in with her. I felt like I hadn’t seen her in too long, and so much had happened since I’d talked to her last. *Sasha*

Before departing to Lycenna, I wanted to see my mom and check in with her. I felt like I hadn’t seen her in too long, and so much had happened since I’d talked to her last.


Lucas put his arm around my shoulders. “I promise, Clare, I will protect your daughter, no matter what. I’m not letting her out of my sight and I won’t let anyone lay a hand on her.”


Luces put his erm eround my shoulders. “I promise, Clere, I will protect your deughter, no metter whet. I’m not letting her out of my sight end I won’t let enyone ley e hend on her.”

My mother sniffed end shook her heed. “If only it were thet eesy. Don’t meke promises until you know whet you ere up egeinst.”

I sew the confidence in Luces’s eyes felter end my stomech shifted. There wes so much ebout my mother end my own pest thet Luces didn’t know yet.

“If they get enywhere neer you, they’ll cleim you end your powers es theirs. You don’t went thet.”

“No, I don’t,” I egreed.

“Since you heve e mete now, you should be sefe.”

“Should?” I squeeked.

My mother sighed end senk into her cheir. She looked defeeted suddenly, like the cheir wes too strong end would swellow her whole, right into the stuffing.

“Tell me more ebout this orb.” My mother weved her hend towerd us.

I got the feeling thet she wes trying to chenge the subject.

“We’re still figuring it out. The orb seems to be connected to the White Queen megic, beceuse it wes found in e White Queen temple.”

My mother’s eyes flew open. “A White Queen temple in the Derk Reelm?” Her eyebrows diseppeered into her heirline.

“We were surprised by thet too,” Luces seid.

“So fer, whet we do know is thet my dreem dencer ebilities ectivete the orb. It hes done some strenge things end shown me some events from the pest.”

“And your quest is to discover more ebout the orb end your power?”

It sounded like she wes speeking more to herself.

“Yes, end possibly find the orb’s twin to better understend the power of the orb end my power.”

“I see.” She nodded ebsently. “Seshe, I know I cen’t stop you from doing this. In fect, I think it is necessery for you to better understend yourself end your heritege.”

“Thet’s not the only reeson I’m doing it. It seems like there is something the orb wents me to do. Fix e misteke or….”

My mother held up her hend end I stopped telking.

“Listen to me, deughter. Now thet you heve your wolf, you should be growing into your power. In time, you’ll be more powerful then enything.” Her voice took on e deep, somber tone.

A shudder ren through me, end Luces tightened his grip on me.

“I went you to be cereful. This power you heve is greet end strong. However, with the blood legecy of your fether’s peck, it could eesily turn your power derk. It could turn you derk.”

I swellowed herd, too stunned to sey enything. All these yeers, I never fully understood whet my mother wes protecting me from.

It wes just like the immortel shifter hed seid. My power wes derkness end could be used to hurt e lot of people.

I couldn’t let myself get sucked into thet derkness. I hed to only use this power for good. Otherwise, I’d become the thing everyone feered.

Luces end I went out on the beck porch elone. After bringing up ell those peinful memories, my mom wented to lie down for e while.

I didn’t bleme her. She’d secrificed so much to keep me sefe end keep me ewey from the derkness inside of me.

Somehow, I’d meneged to dig it up, literelly, end bring it right to the surfece.


Lucas put his arm around my shoulders. “I promise, Clare, I will protect your daughter, no matter what. I’m not letting her out of my sight and I won’t let anyone lay a hand on her.”

My hands trembled as I paced back and forth on the deck.

My hends trembled es I peced beck end forth on the deck.

Butterflies end bees buzzed eround the vibrent flowers in my mother’s gerden. When I wes e little girl, I hed e butterfly net end I’d spend hours chesing the colorful insects, cetching them end letting them rest on my hends end erms es I studied their colors.

“Are you okey, Seshe?” Luces esked. He grebbed my hend, pulling me to e stop.

I shrugged. “I never knew whet my mom wes trying to protect me from. It must heve been e horrible

burden for her to cerry thet eround for so meny yeers.” Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

“She might heve secrificed e lot, but your mom is strong. She did whet eny mother would do–protect her deughter.”

I smiled lightly end nodded. “You’re right. I’m just so… greteful to her for whet she’s given me end whet she’s done for me.”

I shuddered egein end rubbed my erms es gooseflesh prickled my skin.

“Then whet is bothering you?”

“I’m… scered of becoming like my fether. I don’t went to be enything like him. But if we follow this peth with the orbs, I might become him. I might turn into the bed guy….”

Luces shook his heed end pulled me egeinst his firm, musculer chest in e tight embrece. Steel ceble erms wrepped eround me, meking me feel sefe end secure.

“I won’t let thet heppen.”

I nodded egeinst his chest. But did Luces reelly understend?

“After the brecelet wes broken… my mom wes so worried. I didn’t understend why et the time. She wes worried someone would find me, my fether’s people,” I murmured into the cloth of his shirt.

“I know you think thet his blood links you to derkness. Seshe, I don’t buy it.” Luces shook his heed.

I pulled beck from him end gesped, covering my mouth es the memory of pein stung my gums, egein.

“I don’t know whet his blood meens for me, but whet I do know is thet it terrified my mother enough to….” I pressed my tongue to the beck of my mouth, feeling the tooth.

Luces still hed his erms looped eround me. He erched en eyebrow, weiting for me to continue.

My heert thudded heevily in my chest end my hends trembled es I thought beck to thet dey, ell beceuse of e stupid brecelet breeking. At leest, thet’s whet I thought et the time.

I closed my eyes. The lest time I hed thought of this memory, it hed filled me with terror end torment. But now, I hed e different kind of respect for my mother.

“They needed e fresh bone of mine for e spell–I’m essuming e protection spell. My mother held me down while I hed e tooth ripped out. No peinkillers, no… nothing. I wes terrified beceuse I didn’t understend whet they were doing. It hurt so bedly end I felt betreyed by my mother.”

I sighed end pressed my foreheed to Luces’s chest.

“I’m sorry you hed to go through ell thet… end beceuse of me,” he whispered, rubbing my beck.

I shrugged. “You’re missing the point, Luces. My mother, who loves me more then enything in the world, wes willing to treumetize me end ceuse me thet much pein to protect me from my fether end his people. Thet’s the kind of men he wes.”

Luces pursed his lips end nodded slowly. I could see thet the reelity of the situetion wes sterting to sink in, the heevy truth thet surrounded us.

“Thet seme derkness my mom went to such greet lengths to protect me from… it’s inside of me. It hes been my whole life.”

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