Shouldn't Have Kissed You

Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Is there a day that her life will ever be a happy one? It seemed like even natural was against her birth

the day she came to this world. She had allot of haters than lovers and she had gotten used to it. Or

maybe she thought.

To be honest, no one gets used to people hating you. And there is one, then they just pretend. Pretend

to be okay when they're not. To be content when they want more. They want to be appreciated for

whatever the have done and not to be seen as the haters see them.

Anyway, what was her mistake? What had she ever done to be treated like this? First, she grew up with

a hating father. A man who could not hide his feels for and worse was when her birthday would arrive.

Like the day she broke a glass?

That day was her birthday. It was her day to celebrate with her one of the many Nanny's and her big

brother who had asked the nanny to help since he was also young. Her dad wasn't around as always

on her birthday. That's when he preferred to be in the hospital instead of see her ugly face and he

would remind her over and over again.

But when it came to her brother's birthday, he would be around. In fact, he would be the one arranging

things for him in order to be the perfect, no, perfect isn't the word, but the best birthday of the year. It

would cause him million but he didn't care about that. It was for his only precious kid.

As for the gifts, he would get the best for his son when she, she got nothing since she learnt about

people getting presents in this world. Of course, her brother would be generous enough to share his

presents with her which she couldn't refuse.

It made her feel like a charity box but she had no other choice. She couldn't hurt his feelings when he

wanted to share with her. Then it just happened that she had to take an extra glass that her nanny had

forgotten on the counter. She wasn't tall for her to reach the counter well but she could manage. And so

she stood on her toes and stretched her hand out.

She got the glass and due to her sweaty hands the glass slipped and fell breaking into pieces. That

made her just avoiding to be hurt which was kinda ironic. Her dad locked his gaze with hers and all she

could see was fuming. Fuming with hanger and he took the nearest thing to him which so happened to

be a knife.

Of course she tried to explain and say sorry but all he said was that that's what she knows since she

was born. It was true. What else could she say when her father hated her for unknown reason to her.

She had to apologise to him for all she ever did. For even being born. But he never listened to her,

instead he made the situation worse.

Before she knew it, the dagger was in her belly and all she felt at that time was pain. Pain that her dad

just killed her because of a replaceable piece of glass. Pain that she was dying without knowing what it

felt like to be loved by you own biological father. Yes, he was her biological dad if you're thing he is

step. She had done DNA when she had grown up. He didn't need to know that as well.

She needed answers too and she had hoped that he wasn't her dad because it would explain allot to

her but he was. He was her real dad yet he treated her like that. Like some piece of garbage. That's

how he treated her and she hated herself.

And now here she was. Looking at the most beautiful woman in the restaurant and yet at the moment

she saw no beauty. To her beauty isn't about outside appearance. It's about inner and this woman, she

was the worst.

To Maya, she had heard enough. Enough of people walking over her all her life. Of people calling her

names that she wasn't. She wasn't ugly and she refused to believe that anymore. According to the

Bible, she was fearful and wonderful made and she, she wasn't about to let people make her think

otherwise. Enough was enough. The last person to do that was Chris. He was the last.

It's about time she had balls. Balls to defend herself without anyone else helping her. Just like Kyle and

told her so many times. It was time to put it into an end. To stop people from betraying her and think

that they can get away with it just like Wesley did.

She was so mad at it right now when she hadn't even thought of him for months. People who called her

names like Kimberly and her father and her husband before. She wasn't those names. She was not

even close to being them. Whore? She was no whore. As far as she can remember she never whored

around with anyone.

All her life, Maya kissed two guys. Two and she was twenties. Her first was highschool crush which

turned out to be a disaster later on and her husband. Was that being a whore? If it was, she actually

had no idea.

And now Kimberly was calling her that? How in the hell did they find out where they were? Leonel had

come over to her office just as he had promised and takes her for lunch. They had great time. At least

they had before the intruders intruded. They're talking about anything and everything with him and that

was after she told him about her and her husband.

Leonel being Leonel, he made stupid jokes on her and her husband which she laughed it off and

continued with their lunch. It was delicious. And the breeze was amazing but now, it wasn't anymore.

She moved uncomfortable when she had felt Leone's figure linker for a while on her lips which he had

noticed and removed his hand way.

Just then, she had spotted her husband standing few steps away talking to someone who she knew

even without looking at her face. Leone noticed her staring at something and he looked over his

shoulder and he did what Maya didn't want. For her husband to see her but too late since Leonel had

already called him.

Maya stared at Kimberly who stared back at her and she could feel the other guys eyes on them. She

was boiling inside and she hated it. She hated when she got mad. She hated it but now, now she hated

being walked all over by someone who thought she knew her story. She knew nothing about her. And

she wouldn't love to be in her shoes.

"Kimberly stop," Chris said.

"Stop? It's her fault that were in this situation, Chris." Kimberly said looking at him. "This bitch, made

our life miserable. This ugly lit..."

Maya did what her mind thought at that time. She took the water she drinking and poured it on her face

stopping her from finishing the damn words that Kimberly wanted to say. And before it could register to

Kimberly what hit her, two slaps were on her both cheeks.

Yes, Maya did that. She threw water on Kimberly and slapped her. Was that a bad thing? This had

nothing to do with revenge but something to do with argue. Something to do with having enough of

people walking over her the way they felt like they could. People thing they knew story of her life when

they had no idea what she had gone through in this life. It all had to do with those things.

"A whore? Between me and you who is whoring around here?" Maya asked and she knew people

where staring. "Am I the one sleeping with a married man? He is married yet you're still going after him

and you call me a whore? Did you even go to school at all? You look like you're from ghetto and you've

never even heard of the word dictionary. Even smart phone do have them. So before you use a heavy

vocabulary to show people how you know them, please check the mean. Because I'm not the whore

here. I'm a married woman who is having lunch with a loving friend and I'm not dating one of my

bosses. Sorry dating is a heavy word, I'm not the one sleeping with my boss or a married man here. So

tell me, who is the whore of the year here?"

She was out of breath by the time she was done with her speech. Everyone was staring at her like she

had grown horns on her head and by everyone, I mean everyone who was at that damn floor. Thank

God they didn't take any pictures or record them. That's one of the advantages of going to a rich

society environment. Who knows, those who were around where cheating on their partners. But then

again, Maya wished she could take a picture of the three people in front of him.

Leonel was more surprised than shocked and she saw a smirk form on his lips. He was like telling her

'you did it at last' with that look. As for Chris, he was amused. She guessed it was because he had

gotten used to her wrath so far but he was also surprised be her. And Kimberly, it's like she wished the

earth would swallow her whole at that moment. She was socking wet and her face was flashed plus

shocked. All the bitch speech she had at the tip of her tongue seemed to come to an end.

"I think you need to get out of those clothes," Leonel spoke after what seemed like forever.

Kimberly looked at him as if trying to see if he was laughing at him and Leonel being Leonel, he

couldn't hold it any longer. He bursted out laughing.

"This isn't over, Maya." She began to walk towards the exit. "Chris you coming or what?" From NôvelDrama.Org.

Chris gave Maya an apologetic look but she saw a small smile form on his lips before he began to

follow his girlfriend.

"Too bad we can't have chocolate ice cream your favourite dessert," Leonel said as Chris exited the


"My favourite? It's yours you idiot and we're having it."

Leonel laughed as he called for their waiter, "you really need to cool down after that speech. I never

knew you had it in you."

Leonel asked for dessert and for more water since the one they had had been used as a weapon.

Good thing that their food was almost over so there was no wastage of any kind.

The dessert came and they all eat in silence. It was delicious and Maya loved it. It calmed her down in

the best way it could. Did she regret what she did? Of course yes. And don't get her wrong. The only

regret she had was her friend, Kyle wasn't around to see that. That was her only regret and nothing


Once done with their dessert, Maya drunk her water as Leonel paid for their bill. They walked out of the

restaurant and Leonel drove her back to her office. She still had patient to check up on and a call to


She worried about her friend Kyle. She had quit her job which was a good thing since it didn't give her

time to deal with her personal life. Moving from one country to another, one continent to another wasn't

healthy at all.

She still had one week before she came back home. Where she belonged. With her and Maya was

sure that she could get along with Leonel very well. As for her husband, time would tell when it came to

personally knowing him. Not Chris Rollins the designer or the musician but the man who married her

best friend...

"So, do I pick you up when you're done here?" Leonel asked pulling in front of the hospital.

"No, thanks," Maya unfastened her seat belt. "I don't want to be asked to go to my Uber App tomorrow

morning when my driver is on a last minute call photoshoot."

"Haha... Very funny, love. But you enjoyed your ride with your dearest faithful husband."

"Of course I did. He is so charming."

"Yeah, tell that to Kimberly not."

"And why not you?" She asked reaching for her handbag. "Are you jealous, Leo?"

"Me, jealous?" Leonel laughed, "why should I? I know you love is only mine to keep and that husband

of yours is no near my looks."

Maya laughed opening the passenger door.

"You wish. Anyway thanks for lunch and to answer your question, I'll drive myself home."

"But I can call?"

"You know you can do that. See you when you see me."

"Yes, and please spare the patients."

"Don't worry," she locked the door and watched as Leonel drive away.

She just hoped that she would have any emergency today.

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