Savior Of Her Heart

Chapter 34: Ch.33/ Unexpected Situation

Chapter 34: Ch.33/ Unexpected Situation

Anupama's POV:-

"I want you to survey the supposed outcome of this meeting because I don't want to get cold feet while presenting the idea of our company." I instruct the financial head of the company.

"I will ma'am but there is a little problem with the deal." Elena replies while showing me a phrase from the file in her hand.

"As a newly launched company we don't have many financial assets so if we agree with the terms of the deal and by any chance the project fails then we can lose a huge chunk of money." She explains making me worried. Our company is indeed new and we can not just sign a contract with anyone knowing that the contract may backfire in the future.

"Let me think about it then. I will let you know by tomorrow." I reply before handing her the file. When she goes out of the cabin I call Dadabhai and describe the whole thing to him. However, he assures me that he is already working on the matter so I don't need to worry about anything.

I know that Dadabhai is capable of handling this company without my help and he will not take any decision that can cause problems for the future. But I am getting a bad vibe as if something is not right with the current project. I need to look at the project by myself without telling anyone because this can cause a hassle around the company.

I call the driver and tell him to get the car ready. There is nothing much to do for me in the company today so I think it will be better if I go home and spend some time with my babies. Because for some days I am not able to give them time and I know that's not correct. As much as I love working in the company, I also love to spend some quality time with my family. So, I have decided to take Advira and the dogs out to the park. Olivia is also going to accompany me because she has complained that I don't have time for my friend.

Upon arriving at the personal parking slot I get inside the car and tell the driver to take me to the park which is near the Bianchi mansion. I have already informed Olivia that I am coming so can bring Advira and the dogs at the park. After some time the car stop in front of the park and I get out of the car before telling the driver that he can go now. He protests but I assure him that I will come back with Olivia so he doesn't need to worry.

Soon I spot Advira running around with her brothers in the park while Olivia is watching over them. I start to walk towards them and pick up my baby who squeals in delight. I pepper her face with kisses before bending down to pet the dogs who are waiting eagerly for some love. I put Advira on the grass and sit beside Olivia who is grinning from ear to ear.

"What's got you so happy Oli?" I ask after taking a sip of water from the water bottle.

"Finally, I can spend some time with you without Alessandro breathing on your neck." She replies with a huff.

"When did he breath in my neck? He always let me go anywhere I want." I say with confusion.

"Oh, I have seen his behavior babe. I am not saying that he doesn't let you go anywhere. I am saying that your hubby is quite possessive towards you so he can not let you go somewhere for many hours." She answers making me laugh because what she says is true. Alessandro is extremely possessive of me and our daughter so I can not go somewhere without him calling me every hour.

"Okay enough talking about me, now tell me how everything is going between you and Samuel?" I ask and throw a stick toward Boomer who catches it like a pro.

"Everything is going very well and he has promised to take me somewhere special after Christmas to spend some alone time." She replies with a blush.

It came as a huge surprise for us when one day Bianca caught her brother kissing her best friend and she decided to scream like a banshee. We were all talking among us in the backyard so when we heard her scream we all ran there to see what's got her so frightened. Much to our relief, there was nothing to worry about. But no one could save Samuel from getting an earful from his sister for hiding such a big thing from her. She also didn't spare Olivia as she felt betrayed. However, Liam being the loving husband took a weeping Bianca in his embrace and calm her down while advising her to forgive the two.

"I was so worried about Bianca that she will never talk to me again but when she gave me a hug of assurance I knew that my best friend has forgiven me." Olivia comments making me look at her.

"Bianca was hurt that the two important persons of her life had hidden a big secret from her but she is a very sensible person so she didn't hold a grudge against you both for long." I reply.

"It's not like we were trying to hide our relationship for long, actually I was a little hesitant to disclose it to everyone because of my upbringing. Although I have left my parent's house their orthodox thinking is still somewhere present in my mind. They used to tell me that we shouldn't be involved in any kind of relationship before marriage but when I came here for studies and got to see how today's world work, I started to see the untrue in my parent's teaching. We had a big argument when I get back to my house after completing my study because they were not ready to let me stay here on my own. They even threatened to disown me but I didn't back down. I came back here and open my own business without anyone's help." She says and wipes the tears that have managed to flow down her eyes. I put my hand on her shoulder before giving a reassuring squeeze.

"You are very brave to choose your own path despite your parent's typical reasoning about everything. However, I think you should at least try to talk to them and let them know about you and Samuel. I am not saying that you have to take their approval or something but they are your parents and they should know what's going on in your life." I advise her.

"But what if they don't accept Samuel? What if they try to separate us?" She asks with a terrifying voice.

"Calm down Oli. I don't know what they will do but I do know that if they try to do anything to separate you from Samuel then they have to deal with Alessandro and me." I reply making her laugh.

We spend a few hours in playing in the park and then roaming in the street while talking to each other. I have put Advira on the stroller because she is getting tired. The dogs are trotting in front of us while looking here and there as if they are on guard duty. When it comes close to evening we decide to head home. I have already called the driver because I don't think everyone will fit in Olivia's car although it is pretty big. Soon two cars stop in front of us, and Samuel along with my driver gets out of them.

By seeing Samuel Olivia's face lit up so I choose to give them some alone time. I open the car door and one by one my furry babies start to go inside. I tell the driver to take them home because I have something to tell the lovebirds. I turn around and notice that Samuel is smiling softly at Olivia who is busy talking animatedly without any care in the world. I clear my throat to get their attention making them look at me with a startled expression.

"Sorry for disturbing you guys but I think we should go home because it's pretty late already." Both of their cheeks tinted pink and that only make me laugh loudly.

"You are so evil Anu." Olivia scolds although she has a big smile on her face. Samuel only shakes his head before telling us to get inside the car because it's pretty much late now. So, without wasting time Olivia gets inside her car while Samuel and I get into his car.


When I arrive at the entrance of the mansion after bidding goodbye to Samuel I hear a lot of yelling coming from inside. So I hurriedly get inside to know what's going on. However, I am not expecting to

see an unknown woman standing in front of my husband as if the angry shouting doesn't affect her at all.

"You are not welcomed here so why the hell you have come here, Samantha?" Alessandro yells at the woman standing in front of me. But what catches my attention is the name he just said. So, this is Samantha White who had tormented my husband in the past and now she has come back to ruin his life.

I hand over Advira to a maid who is standing beside me and tell her to take my daughter upstairs. Then I go and put my hand on Alessandro's shoulder to calm him down. Upon seeing me he wraps his arm around my waist before putting his face in the crook of my neck. I run my hand through his hair knowing well that this way he will calm down easily. I don't care who is seeing us like this because currently, my main priority is my husband.

"So you're my Alessandro's wife?" Samantha asks mockingly. I feel irritated hearing her voice and the way she is referring to my husband. Alessandro tries to reply but I stop him because it's high time that this woman realizes her place. So, I pull away from the hug and turn around to face the vile woman.

"I think you're in the wrong place, Mrs. White because I didn't know what my husband Alessandro is related to you." I reply with a sweet smile.

"Don't try to be smart with me. You know well what I am talking about and what my relation with Alessandro. However, I don't think he has told you about the intimacy we used to share in our teenage time." Whatever she is saying is just to make me feel uncomfortable but I know how to hold my place well.

"There was nothing between us Samantha. Stop lying in front of my wife or you will be facing the consequences." Alessandro threatens and anyone can see the way Samantha gulp in fear. But I can tell that she is not going to back out so easily.

"You know well that I am not lying. We were in a relationship in the past and I was your first kiss as well as your first intimate partner. I know how much you crave my touch because I can see that you are not getting the satisfaction you want to have." She replies seductively while biting her lower lip making me look at her with disgust. Alessandro tense beside me and tries to pull away his arm from my waist but I keep his hand in there not wanting to miss his warmth.

"If you think that my husband needs your touch to feel satisfied then you are highly mistaken because I am here to take care of him. Also whatever you have with him was in the past and I am sure that he doesn't want to repeat the same mistake again. So, it will be better if you leave our house or I will not hesitate to throw you out like garbage." I warn her sternly.

"I am not going anywhere from here. I am the rightful person to stay here with Alessandro because he loves me not you. You are just a person who is lucky enough aah-" she can not complete her words because King has already started to growl at her angrily. Soon enough Boomer and Tank join their big brother before barking loudly at the woman who is trying not to faint seeing the beast-like dogs.

"Alessandro take them away from me." Samantha screams in terror but Alessandro only smirks at her request. When she tries to come near him King nearly bites her leg however I stop him.

"Get out of here before my boys kill you for disrespecting their mum and believe me when I say kill because they will do anything for my wife." Alessandro tells the screaming lady who tries to reply but one look at the angry dogs and she runs out of the mansion. I crouch down in front of the dogs before praising them for the way they have defended me. I give them a lot of pets and kisses for being the good boys for me. Suddenly, Alessandro lifts me in his arms making me squeal. He starts to climb the stairs with me in his arms while I try to get down because I am sure that I am not some feather-like person.

"Put me down, Alessandro. I can walk you know." I say but he only shakes his head making me pout.

"Nope, you are not going away from me." That's his only reply. I know it will be no use to argue with him so I decided to keep my mouth shut. When he comes in front of our room he puts me down but takes my hand in his before opening the door to the room. He leads me in the bed and sits down with me in his lap. He doesn't say anything to me, just hold me tightly as if I will go away from him. C0pyright © 2024 Nôv)(elDrama.Org.

"Aren't you going to ask me anything, Cara?" He mutters after some time.

"There is nothing to ask when I know that you haven't done anything wrong. But I want to know where is everyone? Because with all the yelling Dadabhai, Jasmine di, Mama Melody should have come there." I ask because I am really confused why didn't no one come and how Samantha get to come inside the mansion.

"Uncle Gabriel has taken Melody out in a much-needed date and Mr. Ganguly is spending some quality time with his wife in a restaurant. Before you ask about your sister then let me tell you that she has gone out with her good friend Marco." He replies.

"Hmm, do you think that they are only good friends?" I ask.

"I don't know what's going on between them but I don't want Miss Ganguly to get hurt because best friend or not Marco is a big playboy who changes girls like he changes clothes so don't get your hopes high Cara." He answers back and gives me a kiss on the lips. He puts me on the bed before he goes inside the washroom to change his work clothes.

I think about what he says and I can not deny the fact that Marco is indeed a playboy and I don't want Riya to get hurt in the end. I think I need to talk to Riya about it before anything else happens between them. Riya may be older than me but that doesn't mean that I can not look out for her. She has already suffered a lot so I don't want her to go through any heartbreak because of someone who only uses girls to please his desires. I don't have any problem with Marco because I know as a person he is great but after hearing so many things about him and his way to treat girls I can not just let him do the same with

my sister. I can be wrong about my assumption but I need to confirm everything before anything drastic can happen.


Alessandro's POV:-

When I come back from my morning jogging I don't find my wife in our bedroom. It still very early in the morning so I don't understand where she can go. I come downstairs in the kitchen in her search but she is not there. So I go in front of the temple that I have gotten built for my wife who likes to do prayer every morning. However, she also not there instead Mrs. Ganguly is the one who is doing prayer. Upon noticing my presence she turns around and smiles at me.

"If you are wondering where your wife is then I think I can help you. She is in her study room writing some notes for her upcoming exams." She informs me.

"Thank you for the information." I reply and bid her goodbye before I get away from there. Just like Mrs. Ganguly says I find my Cara studying in her old bedroom. She is so engrossed in her study that she doesn't even notice my presence.

I clear my throat making her look at me in an instant. She stands up from her place and comes to stand in front of me. I put my hands around her waist before pulling her for my morning hug. I release her but not before kissing her on the forehead.

"You are not going to the company till you complete your study for the upcoming exams." I instruct her.

"But I need to go because there is an important meeting will be held with our new investors. I can not miss that Alessandro." She replies. I put a stray hair behind her ear before looking at her with admiration.

"I know that you need to go but your study is also very important Cara. I know how hard it is to take care of the house, the company as well as doing study. So don't stress and concentrate on your study for now because that's the most important thing for you." I tell her gently in which she nods her head in understanding. I kiss her one more time but this time on the lips because why not, after all she is my lovely wife.

After having breakfast with my darling daughter I got inside my car and drive towards my company. I have already informed the PR team to be present in the conference room because we have to discuss a lot of things regarding the upcoming annual ball. I park the car in my personal parking slot and get into the elevator. Upon arriving at the conference room I start the meeting because the sooner this meeting will end the sooner I can do other important works. There have been a lot of arguments during the meeting at first but when I take the matter in my hand everyone shut up not wanting to anger me.

I give them instructions about what to do and what not. I also order them to get in touch with the best planner for the party because I want things to be planned adequately. Finally it's decided that the ball will be held three days before Christmas and that will give us only one week to get everything ready. I dismiss the meeting and get out of the conference room.

I am working nonstop for five hours without taking any break because I need to get done as much as possible because I am planning to take Anhuphama and our daughter for shopping. I can easily order the best clothes for them but I want to spend some alone time with them so I am going to shopping like a common man and cherish the moment.

When the clock struck 4'o clock I close my laptop and stand up from my seat before getting out of my cabin. I call Melody to let her know about my planning which she approves very much. Upon arriving at the mansion I notice that my princess is running in the garden while the dogs are chasing her playfully. I whistle and the dogs stop before turning to look at me. They run in my direction and start to bark for petting. I crouch down and rub their belly making them happy.

"Me mad papa," Princess says standing beside me while folding her little hands in front of her chest. I can not help but laugh at the glare she is giving me because it's only making her look more adorable. I pick her up in my arms and tickle her making her giggle loudly.

"Tell me princess, why are you mad at papa?" I ask the laughing little girl.

"You no play wid me." She complains while pouting.

"Aww, my baby. Papa is very sorry but look Papa is home early because Papa is going to take you and mum-mum for shopping." I say making her clap her hands loudly in delight.

"Rweally? Me go shopin?" She asks as if I have said something unexpected. This makes me feel terrible because it's true that I am not able to spend much time with her because of the workload.

"So where are you taking us, Alessandro?" Anhuphama asks coming out of the mansion.

"Shopin!" Our daughter yells out happily making us laugh.

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