Chapter 52: It's the art of being normal

Chapter 52: It's the art of being normal

Sage Miller

I blinked rapidly and stared at her. There was no way she was serious. She couldn't be serious. I


"Uh..What?" I asked her.

"I'm not trying to attack you Sage." She told me coyly. "I just want to give you the best help I can get

you but that start by you talking to me."

I waited for something to happen, maybe for Wren to smile and say I'm kidding but it never came. I

gaped staring at her feeling unbelievably pranked. First they thought I was suicidal now I'm a druggie.

Don't get me wrong, I appriciate everything she's doing for me even though I'm not her kid. It shows

just how kind hearted she is, the opposite of my own mother but that doesn't mean I have to admit to


The nagging feeling I've been having since last night came back.

"I'm not doing drugs Wren." I stated hanging my head low defeated.

Wren sigh probably thinking that I'm a drug addict in denial.

"The doctor called and gave me your test results. You had a lot of propofol in your system. You know

what does is?" I shook my head. I had no idea what that is. "An anaesthetic used in hospitals and

there's only two ways you could've gotten it on your system. Either you were hospitalized and went to

surgery or, you know what the other thing is."

I frowned at the implications.

I rubbed the back of my neck feeling a tingly sensation then suddenly it clicked.

The tingly sensation, the loss of consciousness, the overdose. It all led back to Kate. It all started with


I knew all along she had something to do with this but I didn't think she'd go this far.

"Propofol isn't an over the counter type of sedative Sage." I suddenly stood up feeling like the anger

building inside me will implode and stain everything.

I quickly turned around and grabbed the chair I shoved before it fell. A lot of shuffling noise was made

in the process.

"Look Wren, I appriciate all this but I'm not on drug. I've never done drugs in my life and I don't know

how that...." I paused trying to remember the name of the drug but I couldn't recall it. I gave up.

"...made it to my system but I swear I don't do drugs."

I hope she bought my sincerity because I couldn't tell her the truth. I don't wanna drag her and

eventually into my mess. I can handle Kate and I know how serious this is but I will deal with her


Wren met my gaze and held it for a moment thinking. She sighed then massaged her temples and

looked down.

"I believe you." I relaxed and released a breath I didn't even realize I was holding.

I exited Wren's office trying to hide my tremble hands. The truth is I was terrified, acknowledging that

Kate almost killed me terrified the shit out of me.

The truth is I was shaking, the drug wasn't fully out of my system but that wasn't the reason why I was

shaking. I was angry and afraid.

I thought I knew what Kate was capable of but I was wrong but either way I was pissed that she almost

killed me. The anger flushed out any fear that was seeping through my bone.

I chose to focus on the anger more than the fear. I channeled everything I had, every little energy in my

body to my anger.

I speed walked to my temporary room and slammed the door shut with more force than I intended.

No matter what I did to keep the trembling at bay seemed futile, useless. I knew I'd see Kate tomorrow

but tomorrow couldn't come fast enough.

Then there was a knock on the door. From the giggling and hushed voices I knew it was Alex and Ben.

I slowly got off the bed and went to open the door. The eleven year olds ran inside the room and ran to

the bed then jumped on it.

I tried to smile at them.

"Evernly-" Ben said jumping on the bed.

"-sent-" Alex piped in.

"-us-" it was Ben again.







They took turns talking.

Ben threw the keys at me and I caught them effortlessly.

"Where is she?" I asked them.

"She left with her boyfriend." Alex answered me. "She said since your car is not here you can use hers

tomorrow for school."

I sighed exhausted just thinking that tomorrow was Monday again. The weekend felt shorter than

normal granted I was drugged half of it.

I rubbed my forehead feeling a headache coming. I've sort of gotten used to the feeling of an

approaching headache. The things is, I feel it coming but it never fully comes.

It's like a preview headache, it's there but not there at the same time. Its just a nagging feeling that's

not fully there but at the same time it hurts. It's a far away feeling I can't shake off even with several

pain medication. I've sort of learned to ignore the feeling.

"Alright guys, get off my bed." I told them using a hand to wave them off.

Their bouncing was getting under my nerves.

"Come on Ben, Alex. I said get off the damn bed." I said a little more harsher.

They stopped jumping and stared at me shocked. I raised an eyebrow waiting for them to get off.

Slowly they stepped down pouting.

"Come on Ben, let's get out of here." Alex said giving me an attitude. I rolled my eyes.

I passed them going straight for the bed while they went for the door. I heard the door close with a soft

click then relaxed a bit.

I still didn't know what I'll do when I see Kate next time but I knew it wouldn't be good. She almost killed


I fell asleep thinking of ways to dispose of her body.

The next morning I had breakfast with every intent of facing Kate and give her a piece if my mind. I

didn't feel like calling her as my brain was still boiling. My plan was to get to her in a crowded place so I

wouldn't strangle her.

"Where's Wren?" I asked Zac who was seated opposite of me.

I hadn't seen Wren since I woke up and I wanted to say goodbye before I left.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "She wasn't here when I woke up."

I hummed and continued eating. Few words were exchanged between us before we were done.

"I'm going to school okay." I yelled over to Zac as I walked out the house.

I knew I wasn't going to school and I knew I'd get in trouble for it too but I was in no mood to face

people today especially teenagers that think the world revolves around them.

I span Eve's keys on my finger. I've never driven Eve's car. I've never driven her bugatti.

If I wasn't as nasty and restless as I was I would've swoon over the fact of driving the car but I was

jittey and edgy. I couldn't relax.

I was glad when I got to the house and it was empty. Connor wasn't in the house and so was the car.

He was probably in school.

I went straight to the kitchen and got some bourbon. I had a headache or some for of headache and it

seemed stronger and closer.

I didn't bother myself with a glass as I tipped my head and drank straight from the bottle. The liquid was

bitter but I already knew that.

I walked to the living room and flung myself in the sofa. To a certain point there was peace.

It was as if I was in the eye if the storm, where it was peaceful. It felt like this was the calm before the


Just from the few gulps I took, I felt the buzz of the bourbon. The headache was now subsiding into a

thing of the past.

I felt more relaxed than I've been in the last couple of day. Maybe it's an illusion given by the bourbon

but I liked the feeling. The feeling that nothing else mattered beside the right here and the now.

There was a knock at the door just as I was sinking deeper into myself. I hadn't realised that my eyes

were closed until I snapped them opened when I heard the knock.

I groaned already annoyed at the person at the door. I pushed myself up then stomped to the door.

I swang it open and my breath hitched. My whole face and body hardened going into defence mode. I

clenched my teeth getting a murdourous feel.

"I don't know if you're brave or stupid coming back here." I sneered at Kate. "Do you realise I could kill

you right now?"

She frowned condescending me.

"What do you mean?" She asked innocently.

Someone who didn't know here would've believe her innocent and sweet velvet voice but I knew her, I

knew her tricks. Her overly sweet voice would never fool me.

"Get the fuck out of here before I loose it." I warned her because I don't hit girls. I tried to slam the door

in her face but she blocked it.

"What did I do?" She looked genuine shocked and confused.

"Don't fucking play dump, it doesn't suit you." I tilted my head to the side.

Her mask shed realizing she couldn't fool me. She shrugged making me loose whatever patience I


I took a threatening step towards her. She didn't back down or look threatened even a bit. Now that is

the real Kate.

"You're disgust me." I spat in her face. "Get out of my face before I rearrange yours."

"Now come on Sage, why would I do that when we're just having fun." She smirked making me realise

that I was dealing with a complete psycho.

"Fun? You call almost killing me fun?" I asked enraged that she saw nothing wrong with her little stunt.

"I'll admit. That wasn't suppose to happen." I gasped feeling helpless because I couldn't slap or choke

her. "You hit me I drugged you."

My chest rose up and down. I clenched my fist at my side feeling my whole blood boiling with

uncontrollable rage.

"Get the fuck out Kate. I mean it. I never wanna see your disgusting face again." I hissed at her but she

didn't move.

"I am not going anywhere." She said slowly.

I looked behind her for any witnesses for what I was about to do. I felt like my whole body was


"Don't make me do something I'll regret." I warned her one last time. "Actually Kate,It's over. I'm

breaking up with you. I never wanna see you ever again in my life."

"It's not over Sage and do your worst. There's nothing you can do to me that you haven't done before."

She was pushing me. She wanted me to snap and fall into her trap bit I won't let her.

"You can punish me all you want but you're not breaking up with me.." She added sharply.

I grabbed the door frame and squeezed it. I felt like I couldn't breathe as long as she was in front of me

or anywhere near me.

"I can take whatever you throw at me but you're not gonna leave me just like that. You're not leaving

me, you hear me. I won't let you and if you think-"

I snapped and cut her off with my hand wrapping it around her neck. She grabbed my arm with both

her hands then scratched my arm.

I tilted my head to the side as she tried to talk and beg for me to let go. I added more pressure around

her neck and squeezed.

She croaked and scratched but I didn't let go. I wanted to give her a taste if her own medicine. I wanted

her to feel how it's like to feel your soul leaving your body, how it's like to feel your life slipping away

and you can't do anything to stop it.

Her face was slowly turning red as I squeezed even tighter. A tear ran down her check.

Suddenly someone pushed me away from Kate. I let go of her neck and she fell down.

"Are you fucking crazy?" Sebastian barked pushing me again.

Like a rubber band, my senses came back snapping. I scowlled and looked down at Kate who was

coughing. She was on her knees clutching her neck.

My eyes widened and my gut twisted. I rubbed my face hard. I did it again, I swore I'd never do it again.

Again, she made me do something stupid.

I lifted my head to Sebastian who was yelling crazy at me. I felt like I was on slow motion while

everything else was on normal speed.

I roughly rubbed a hand over my face feeling like my face was covered with a white fog.

"You could've fucking killed her." He was still screaming at me.

It wasn't like I didn't know I could've killed her. I knew I could've but it was as if I didn't care and I wasn't

in control of my own action. It's like my brain and action weren't communicating for a second.

"Serves her right. She tried to kill me first." I mumble, the reality of my actions starting to set in.

"What's wrong with you? You can't fucking kill her." He continue to scold me. I looked down at Kate

again who was coughing hardly.

Sebastian squatted down to try and help her. I almost pushed Sebastian off her. She should help


I didn't do it though, I glared at them.

"Get her the fuck off my porch." I told Sebastian. "It's fucking over Kate, don't fucking come here ever


I hope she listen because next time Sebastian might not be here to save her. Next time might be the

last day of her life.

I turned around and slammed the door. Hate for the girl I called my girlfriend less than 24 hours ago

was quickly consuming me.

I could feel it because all I could think about was ways to torture her soul.

I picked up the bourbon again and gulped it. I needed something to occupy my mind, to distract me

before I walk back out there and finished her.

The door opened and I knew it was Sebastian.

"Don't lecture me. I don't need it." I told him as soon as he appeared. I was in no mood to get a lecture

especially from Sebastian.

"I'm not going to lecture you. What's the use of doing that when you're going to do whatever you want."

He sneered angry.

I frowned annoyed and glanced at him at the corner of my eye. I didn't understand what crawled up his


I don't know why his angry cause he doesn't even like Kate.

"That sounds like a lecture." I deadpanned and tipped the bottle again.

The bottle was snatched from my hands and it flew across the room and shattered when it hit the wall.

Brown liquor ran down the cream paint of my living room. I slowly turned my head to Sebastian.

I glared at him and he glared back seething. My chest rose and fell.

"I came here to check on you after you said you weren't coming to school and I find you almost killing

someone. You hit her and don't even deny that. You've been beating the shit out of her. I'm very sure

today wasn't the first time you choked her."

I suddenly stop of up and squared up to him.

"And what if I do, what does that have to do with you?" I gritted my teeth breathing hard.

"Rather break up with that fucking beating her up." Her snarled his own breathing quickening. "One of

you is going to kill the other, that chick is bad shit crazy."

"I fucking did break up with her and I almost died. She didn't. I was just teaching her a lesson."

"That's precisely the problem with you, let her leave than hitting her. Stop on picking on defenseless

women and face someone your own size." Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

I clenched my fists. My hands were both shaking with anger.

"Come on, that bitch is hardly defenseless." I scoffed. "And if you're gonna annoy Me, I'm going to my

room. You know the door."

I didn't wait to hear his response. I jumped his shoulder with mine and left him downstairs.

When I got to my room I found it in somewhat decent state. I bent down and picked up a pillow then

violently threw it across the room screaming.

I kicked the foot of the bed then yelp when pain shot up foot. I clenched my teeth sitting down on the

bed pulling my knee to my chest.

I was still shaking with rage. Every nerve and tissue pulsed with anger. I stood up and pulled the bed

sheet throwing them down. I picked up my bedside lamp and smashed on the wall.

I smashed everything I could get my hands on in the room. I destroyed everything. I walked to my

dresser and started throwing everything.

I took a cologne and I was about to smash it against the wall until I saw what I had in my hands. Alora's

face popped up in my head.

She bought me this cologne almost a year ago. I barely used it but I loved it. I placed it down and

stumbled backwards.

I ran a hand through my hair feeling an urge to pull it. I pulled my hair screaming in rage. I focus on the

anger, I wanted to feel it all. Violent waves crushing inside my skull. I stopped when I couldn't scream

anymore. I was panting trying to get oxygen inside my lungs.

I stumbled backwards then let go and fell on my ass. My back came into contact with the bed. I leaned

against the bed.

There was a knock on the door by ignore it. I huffed breathing angrily.

"Dude, you okay?" I slowly turned my head to the door. Sebastian's head poked inside.

I thought he left. He looked around my room horrified with the scene.

"Get the fuck out." I yelled angrily and quickly stood up and pushed the door close. I felt violent like I

was dying.

He managed to pull back his head and avoided decapitation.

Everything was unhinged. Every voice in my head was loose. I slid down the door shaking. Something

was breaking inside of me.


I'm anxious to know what you'll think of this chapter so please leave comments.

Everything is talking a turn for the worst isn't it. It's unhinged.

The ending of this book is set and done the only thing left is the journey there so stay tuned.

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God bless those who vote

I love you all


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