Chapter 43: You win some, you loose some

Chapter 43: You win some, you loose some

Sage Miller

I ran one hand through my hair. I couldn't believe they were making me do this.

They're being so cruel and inconsiderate right now.

Sure I admit that in the past two weeks I've been unbearable but it wasn't on purpose. I was dealing

with some deep shit.

"Come on guys." I said and put both hands on my hips. "Sebastian?"

I called him but he flipped me and puffed some smoke.

"You want our forgiveness. Then do the chicken dance." Connor said mischievously.

I'll get him for this. I will.

"Anything but that. I'll do anything but that." I told him but he smirked.

"Unfortunately we want that." Connor said.

"You. You want that." I pointed an accusation finger at him because I know Sebastian couldn't care any


"Wrong." Connor said. "Sebastian and I talked. We want this."

I would never embarrassed myself like that. They wanted me to do the chicken dance at the football

pitch today during lunch.

That's just cruelty.

Never, my pride won't allow me too. Kate and her cheerleading squad will be there. People would be

sitting on the bleachers.

So no, no way. I'm not doing it.

I groaned when I realised what I'm about to say was ridiculous.

I was tired of fighting with them and I owed them an apology but what they asked of me was just


"You can drive my car." I murmured low as a last resort to get them to stop.

Just as the words left my lips I wished I have never said them. I prayed that my murmur was low

enough for them to not have heard but my prayer never worked.

Its never answers.

"Really?" Connor asked excitedly.

That news finally got Sebastian off his joint.

He threw it down and stomped on it.

"Don't bullshit me Sage." Sebastian warned joining us.

"I'm not." I grunted. "You get to drive my car, I don't do the chicken dance."

Only those two know how much of a fucking big deal letting someone else drive my car was. Never had

I let anyone drive my car. Never.

Except that time I was going to New York.

"Fuck yeah." Sebastian hollered. "Give me the fucking keys. I'm going first."

Never have I regretted a decision more than that when I saw Sebastian's face.

His blank face was lit up and covered with a huge smirk.

Never had I wished Sebastian was stone face more than now.

"Nah uh. I'm going first." Connor argued. "You wouldn't even get to drive it if it weren't for me."

"I call dibs." Sebastian snatched the keys from me and ran.

"I. I.... I feel like cussing at you." Connor stammered calling after him.

So that's how we spent the rest of the lunch break and fifth period.

Unfortunately it was a must to attend sixth period because we are suppose to get a new project or


"Where's the party tonight?" I asked both Connor and Sebastian.

Sebastian was sitting on my right and Connor was in front of me.

"I don't know. I heard Marcus saying he's having one on Thursday." Connor answered and continued to


"There's no party dipshit. It's a fucking Monday." Sebastian told me and I facepalmed myself.

"Fuck. I forgot. Damn." I almost yelled catching Mr Hurley's attention.

He looked around for the source of the noise but didn't see anything. I acted as if I was too deep taking


"Keep it down and focus people." He said and went back to lecturing.

"I don't care if it's a Monday. I'm getting drunk today. Whether I go to a party or I got to a club but I'm

getting drunk today." I told both of them when I was sure the teacher wasn't paying attention.

"I can't argue with that. I want to get drunk too." Connor comment.

"So where are we getting drunk? A club or your house?" Sebastian and before I could answer the

teacher busted us.

More like busted Sebastian.

"Wilder, do you wanna teach this class?" Mr Hurley asked annoyed.

"No sir, you're doing a very fantastic job not boring us to death." Sebastian said sarcastically shocking


I'm sure half the class have never heard his voice. He's that quiet and honestly no one bothers him.

They're afraid because they know he's an animal.

Mr Hurley gaped at Sebastian's bold answer. Half the class snickers and the other half are stuck up

bitches who thought their better.

"Sebastian Wilder, do you want detention right now?" He shouted at him.

I looked over at Sebastian and he rolled his eyes a bit.

"Oh no please don't." He faked cried. Mind you that he was sarcastic as hell.

Before Mr Hurley could answer and dish out a detention the bell rang and everyone was on there feet

ready to end the torture that is Chemistry.

"The due date is in three weeks from today. Don't forget." Sebastian was all forgotten as he yelled to

the student rushing out of the class.

Or so we thought.

"Sebastian, I'm not done with you. Come back here." He said but no one paid him any attention.

"I'm talking to you." He shouted but we were already on the threshold.

"Catch me next class Mr H." Sebastian called after him.

Connor and I laughed following Sebastian.

We didn't get to hear Mr H's response because of the laughter.

I didn't pay mind to Kate who was standing outside my classroom, as told.

I pasted her and she followed close behind us. I could feel her behind me.

"You're quite happy today." Connor commented.

"It's a lovely fucking day." Sebastian said.

"Who did you fuck last night?" I asked crudely.

Sebastian Wilder doesn't just get happy and cheery. He's not that person. He has one mood 99% of the

time. And that mood is the impassive.

"Spill the tea." Connor joined me.

"Chill. It's not that. Can't I just wake up happy?" Sebastian asked us.

Both Connor and I looked at each other then back at him.

"No." We answered at the same time.

"Narh." I breathed out a laugh and shook my head.

"Not impossible." Connor followed.

"I'm having a good fucking day and if you douchebags don't like that answer then fuck off." He said

basically proving us correct that last night he got some good pussy.

Sebastian's pinged and he took it out and read the messege and his whole mood and demour


I was about to ask him what was that about when he made eye contact with me telling me we'll talk


I obviously interpreted that and immediately my mind went to gang business.

And Connor was so oblivious to the whole exchange.

The warning bell chose that time to right.

"Okay guys. See you at practice." I told both of them since we didn't have class together for the rest of

the day.

"I won't be watching today. I'm meeting someone after school." He said and I smirked.

"Hoooo someone's got a date." I teased him and he blushed just a bit.

"Shut up Sage. It's not date." He denied it and looked away. "And I'm going to class."

"Definitely a date." I told him.

"Oh whatever Sage." He said and walked away.

I realised how Sebastian didn't contribute anything to the conversation.

Which was normal but he didn't pay mind to it too and that wasn't normal. Even if he doesn't say much

he always listen and pay mind.

I wondered what that message said that's worrying him this much.

They both left to go their classes and just then I realised that Kate's eyes followed Connor and I


"What the fuck are you looking at?" I spat and he jumped.

"What?" She stammered but I had caught her red handed.

"What the fuck were you looking at?" This time I said slowly but the venom was very much present.

"Nothing." She stuttered so fucking.

"Do you wanna fuck him too?" I whispered threatening her.

"What...No." She answered.

"Then why were you looking at him?" I took a step towards her just as the bell rang.

Students ran past us and I didn't make any movement to go anywhere.

"I'm sorry." She cried out. She was close to crying.

I could tell because her eyes were glossy.

"Why the fuck would you do that? Do you want me to fucking hurt You? I told to never look at another

man. I fucking told you. Why won't you fucking listen. Wasn't last time not enough for you?" I asked her.

"I'm sorry Sage. I'll never do it again. Sorry." She cried out begging me not to hurt her.

"You either look at me or look at the floor. Got it." I told her firmly.

"Yes I do." She said.

There was no one left on the hallway.

"Good, now wipe your tears and go to class." I told her and she nodded.

Two minutes later we both walked in class hand in hand. The other hand was holding her bag.

"You're late." Ms Anne announced as soon as we walked in.

Kate was looking at her shoes like I told her.

Good girl. I mentally praised with satisfaction.

"Sorry ma'am my girlfriend was feeling a bit out of the ordinary." I told her as apologetically as I could


And of course I was sarcastic but the dumb teacher didn't pick a damn thing.

All the girls in class gushed when I said my girlfriend.

"Don't make a habit of it now go sit down." She said as firm as she can ever be.

"Thank you." I told her and again being sarcastic.

I know I should stop before she catches on but she's one of those teachers you can bullshit but still

believe your shit.

She's just too guillable to be a teacher. Especially to junior students.

Both Kate and I found our usual seats empty. We sat down and I immediately felt sleepy.

I gave Kate a look that basically told her I have eyes on the back of my head and if she thinks of

fucking up I'll be watching before dozing off.

"Wake up." I felt someone coming me countlessly and shaking me.

"Fuck off." I told that person and tried prying their hands off me.

"You've got practice." The person which I now can identify as Kate insisted. "You're going to be late."

It took me a whole minute to convince myself that I have to get up.

"Fine." I grunted before slowly opening my eyes.

"How long has I been asleep?" I asked her stretching to get the feeling back in my body.

"The whole damn period." She said rolling her eyes and I glared at her.

She immediately cowered back to her shell.

"Are books packed?" I asked her and stood up.

"Yeah I'm already late for cheerleading practice." She also stood up.

"Now get going." I told her and before she could sprint I grabbed her.

"Remember who you belong to Blondie. Don't ever forget what I'm capable of." I warned her. "Don't do

anything stupid."

She nodded and I let her go and she ran.

I stretched some more than left the classroom and joined my friends my the locker rooms.

"Aren't you suppose to be on a date?" I asked Connor as soon as I was in earshot range.

They both turned around.

"It's not a date but I am leaving." Connor said with an eye roll and I smirked.

"Date." I corrected him.

"Mind ypur business Sage." He got defensive and I just threw my head back and laughed.

"About time you had a girlfriend or fuck buddy. Whichever one is fine with me because damn you're so

fucking dry.' I taunted him some more to get a good reaction put of him.

"Fuck off Sage. I'm warning you." He got even more defensive which cracked me some more.

"Okay fine. I'll back off." I raised my hands up in surrender.

"I'm leaving to meet a friend." He emphasised way too much on the word friend and I laughed. "Bye


He said goodbye to Sebastian and left.

Their relationship wasn't as strong and as healthy as it should be but at least Connor is trying and so is

Sebastian I guess.

"Say hello to your friend." I called after him just to annoy him.

"Grow up Sage." He flipped me off and disappeared.

I laughed a bit and sobered up. I could foresee the next few days. They will be so much fun mistaking

fun of Connor.

"Let's go change, coach said he wanted to talk to us before practice." Sebastian said and left the way.

I frowned following behind him. I didn't hear anything about it. I should know, I'm the co-captain.

I'm back now. My punishment is now over.

We changed and met the other players in the field.

"What a week." I comment as we walked up to them.

"It's Monday Sage." Sebastian said stopping for a second to look at me before continuing.

"I'm just saying." I told him.

I looked over on the otherside and saw Kate was practicing. Doing what she should. As told.

We have a rule because they finish practice first.

After she's done she knows she's not suppose to go back to the locker room. She waits for me to finish

and then she can go.

She gets five minutes in the locker room for showering and wearing clothes then I meet her outside the

girls locker room.

If she's even a second late she knows she'll face the consequences and I can tell you they aren't pretty


"-Sage is back on the team and he won't be benched." I zoned back in when I heard coach day my


I wasn't even aware I had zoned out.

I heard groans and grumbles and I smirked. I was ready to take all my glory back.

I smiled and to tilted my head up with satisfaction.

"Now quiet. I won't bench him because the team needs him. He's good at being a runner." If that wasn't Content protected by Nôv/el(D)rama.Org.

a confidence booster I don't know what is. "So he's back on the team."

I immediately sensed a but and I dreaded the words that were about to follow.

"But he won't be getting the co-captain tittle back." I felt like the world was suddenly on slow motion

and I was falling.

Some cheered and I made eye contact with Sebastian, the current co-captain. I felt like murdering him

and coach with my mind.

My whole work down the drain. I felt so pissed, so angry, so frustrated.

"What?" I asked even though I heard him what he said.

I just couldn't believe that after so many years of working for that tittle. Now it's down the fucking drain.

Being co-captain isn't just a tittle to me or to anyone for that matter.

It guarantees that when the captain leaves for college you get to be captain and there's nothing more

I'd like than to be captain.

"It's what it is Miller. You showed that you're violent and irresponsible. I need a responsible co-captain

woth leaderships skills." Coach told me but I still couldn't process the information.

His words were insult. He could've taken a dagger and stabbed me and it would feel the same.

I looked over my shoulder to Kate who was practicing and still had her co-captainship in the bag.

I felt so much loathing for that girl that's suppose to be my girl. After all its all her fault yet she gets to

keep her position while I loose mine.

Then my eyes moved to Sebastian who looked so impassive like he always is but right now I wanted a

reaction out of him.

But nothing. He gave nothing away. I didn't know if he was feeling happy or bad for me. Was he even

feeling sorry for taking that tittle away from me.

"And he isn't?" I yelled pointing at Sebastian and again I got no reaction whatsoever from him. "He isn't

much better than me if not fucking worst."

I wanted to know.

"Calm down young man. You made your bed now lie on it. No one forced you to break Nathan's hand."

Coach warned me.

"He had it coming and I think he fucking deserved it." I told him.

"I don't care how good you are if you continue with that fucking attitude I will bench you." He said and I

rolled my eyes. "Now ten laps around the pitch."

"Whatever." I said and took off to start my punishment.

After practice was done I left and dropped Kate off like usual.

Sebastian sent me a text saying Styles wanted to see him as soon as he got to the warehouse.

I went to my house and changed my pink tee to a black one.

As soon as I got to the warehouse I went to join Sebastian who was counting some merch.

"Did you go in yet" I asked him.

"Narh." He answered. "But he just arrived."

"Okay. I'm going in." I told him.

"Okay sure." He said.

I went towards Styles's office. I knocked and heard his gruff come in.

"Tell me you didn't miss me." I said as soon as I walked.

"Unfortunately for you, you have a dick so I'll never miss you." He said without looking up.

He already knew who I was.

He continued to crock the guns he had lined up in his desk.

I felt so much envy before I've always wanted to carry one and Styles said he'll give me one when he

thinks um ready.

"Ouch, you could've lied and said you missed me." I told him.

"I'm not a lair." He declared and I fully agreed with that.

He pulled out a case from under his desk and packed all the guns and bullets.

"Wanna go for a drive?" He asked me and just then a knock was heard.

"Come in." Styles answered and seconds later Sebastian came in.

"You asked for me." He asked Styles with so much respect I've ever heard from him in all my life.

"You're finally here. Were going for a drive." He declared and turned to me. "You coming?"

I was on my feet in seconds.

"Yeah sure." I replied casually so I can't seem so eager.

"Fine let's go. Who wanna drive?"

At the end Sebastian ended up driving and Styles have him directions to someplace.

I guess it was a gun range of some sorts. I was excited training with a real gun for the first time.

I really thought it was my time to get a gun from the gang.

That was until I heard what Styles had to say.

"It's time for you to get your own gun, Sebastian."


Damn chapter 43 was really fun.

Besides the cringe worthy moments, I enjoyed this chapter very much.

Share your thoughts please and if you wanna see Smurf or Alora.

Which do you prefer, Smurf or Alora.

What do you think about Kate's relatiomsh6qith Sage.

Would you like to see a Kate pov soon.

I just got my nails done and typimg was a real nightmare but I made it work.

I'm sorry for the typos and errors.

I love you all


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