Chapter 4

Chapter 4

Sage Miller

Everything about Ransom Everglades is luxuries, from the parking lot to the sign at the gate.

I've only been here a couple of times before and I can tell you that they take luxury to a different level.

Last time I was here I came to watch Styles play and eliminate the team that eliminated us. It seems

like a lifetime ago but it was just last November.

But I'm not here for that today. Today is a special day for me and Eve, not to mention Alora.

She never believed she could graduate, She didn't believe in herself. I understand her in a way. She

spent the whole senior year spiralling and drinking.

But I've seen how hard she worked towards the end of the year. She made an effort towards her


Now I'm here to see both of the graduate. I'm proud of both of them. she's doing something I would

never do.

She's fulfilling my dream.

I stood next to my house and looked around. Parents and their children buzzing with life and


I let myself slip into a lot of sadness knowing that dad would want to be here. He'd be so happy and

proud of her little princess. Just as I am.

Even if I did want to graduate I would never have this. My parents would never take pictures with me

and tell me their proud because I have none.

At least Has her mother, Wren. It would be sad if she didn't have her. That's my comfort. She has Wren.

I shook my head to get my mind out of that thought. Alora and Eve were behind me looking extremely


"I'm so nervous right now." Eve said clutching my right arm.

I chuckled and side glanced at her.

"You'll be fine." I reassured her smiling. "You've practiced that speech too many times."

"Yeah. You'll be excellent like always." Alora said. I detected the sad tone in her voice but chose to let it

go for now.

I didn't need anymore sadness for today.

"It's just that_" Eve started then looked down like she's was struggling on what to say. "Nothing."

She whispered softly and sad. I know what's her problem. No matter how hard she tried she's still hung

up on his stupid ex. I just wish he doesn't show up tonight because God help me.

I've dealt with so many fucking meltdown courtesy of that asshole in the past month. Eve is doing much

better now and him being here will set her back.

I pulled my sister in and hugged her. I placed a soft kiss on her temple.

"I love you sis and don't worry to much. You'll rock the stage, I heard your speech waaaaay to many

times. It's awesome." I encouraged her. "Now get over to Wren she calling for you."

She turned around and looked at them. She then looked at me. I smiled warmly at her and gestured for

her to go.

"I'll be back okay." I nodded and she walked away.

Today was one of the good days for her. She was bubbly and buzzing with excitement.

All this time Smurf was quiet. I looked at her and realised that she's miles away in thought.

"Earth to Smurf." I snapped my finger in her face and she jolted right back to reality.

"What? You were saying?" She asked confused. I gave her a look and shook my head.

"What's wrong Al?" I asked softly. She opened her mouth but I spoke before her. "And don't tell me


She opened her mouth then closed it again. She seemed to be at lost for words. She tried to hide her

long and sad face but she failed.

"You know you can tell me anything. I'm always here for you." I urged her. I gave her little push.

"It's silly and petty." She tried to brush it off but I can see that whatever it was. It was eating her inside.

"It's not silly or petty." I brushed her cheek with the back of my hand.

"It's just that__" She started. "Look at her." I followed her line of sight and saw that her eyes were in my

sister. I frowned confused.

"What about her?" I asked hesitantly. I'm not sure I wanted to hear her speak horribly about my sister.

If she did, we wouldn't get along at all. I'm protective of Eve.

"She's so perfect. Everything any parent would want in a daughter. She excelle in everything she does.

She's so beautiful. Look at her." She said. "She's so happy. Everybody loves her."

I watched Eve to see what Alora was talking about. Eve looked so happy with them. Wren, Zac even

Ben and Alex gushed over her. They showered her with love.

Even from a distance you could see how much they adore Eve. but I still didn't get what does that have

to do with her.

I turned back to Alora.

"What's that got to do with you though?" I asked again.

"Look around Sage. I'm here with you not my family. My father barely pays attention to me. I'm a

disappointment to him and a failure." She started and my brows pecked up in surprised. "I'm barely

graduating high school. The opposite of her."

Her voice cracking and making my heart break in the process.

"Al__" I started but she cut me off.

"Don't say anything. I know what I am. You know she's the first real friend I ever made by myself. I

didn't have to follow Linkin to be friends with her. She's genuinely my friends."

"I didn't know that." I whispered.

"She is. I've spent my whole like in Linkin's shadow and he's the one with the friends. I've always been

afraid to live his side because he's the one with friends until I met her. She was always my friend and

then I met you. But that doesn't change what I am. I'll always be a failure. I'm not perfect like her and I Content © copyrighted by NôvelDrama.Org.

try so hard, I help people and be good to people but I'm never the one they choose."

I wanted to tell her how much Eve struggled each morning just to smile. I wanted to tell her that she

pushed so she can be the way she is. I wanted to tell her that she is Eve's first real friend. I wanted to

tell her Eve's story but it wasn't mine to tell.

I looked at Eve then at the beautiful woman next to me who didn't feel enough in her own skin.

"Look Alora, you are perfect, in my eyes. I see you. The real you. You don't need to be like Eve. You

are not a failure." I explained but she frowned and looked away.

"You're just saying that because that's what I want to hear." She mumbled.

"You're right maybe I am but maybe am not. I've known you long enough to give you a review of

yourself." I said firmly and she turned and looked at me.

I just wish she could see herself with my eyes. Maybe she could see how worthy she is, just as much

as Eve.

"You're so beautiful and smart when you want to. I don't think you're barely graduating because you are

a failure. No. I think it's because you didn't try hard before the last couple. I wish I could give you my

eyes and see what I see in you."

Her eyes watered but she blinked the tears away.

"You're my Smurf. Strong willed and strong minded. Don't forget that." I lightly pushed her but she


"Thank you. I feel a lot better now." She wrapped her arms around me.

I smiled in triumph. I just want her to be happy and see herself like I see her. Her father is a fool for not

appropriating her.

"I'm still trying to process whatever is going on between the two of you." Evernly startled us. She said

as she waved a finger up and down at us. "So for my sanity please, stop."

We laughed and broke off the intimate moment we were having.

"Let's head inside the ceremony is about to start." Eve urged and I groan. I wanna see her graduate but

the sitting through the whole ceremony will be torture. I can't even sit still for ten minutes.

"I told Wren to save you a seat." She told me and pulled Alora as she entered the building.

I have nothing against Wren. Not anymore at least. We have a healthy relationship and I sort of like

her. After all how could I not because she's a replica of Eve. Her attitude and personality and her looks.

The ceremony started and I tapped on my phone. I zoned the whole thing out. I saw Alex and Ben

doing the same thing. I smiled to myself, those two are trouble makers.

They started by listing this year's accomplishments, from football to swimming to chess games.

I stood up and went to the bathroom to stretch my legs. I've been sitting for thirty minutes straight. I

could feel cramps coming on.

In my way back I spot someone who made the hair at the back of my neck stand. Horrified I look

closely but the crowd swallow him.

The guy looked like someone I told not to show up. He promised he wouldn't. He said he'd get his

diploma by mail.

Fucking Styles.

I told him he shouldn't come. I remember specifically telling him not to show up and he agreed he


Eve can't see him. It's her big night. I don't want him to ruin it for her.

Maybe it wasn't him. I told him, calming myself and I went back to my seat.

I couldn't focus on anything. I kept on glancing on the direction I saw him.

"Sage are you alright?" Wren asked concerned.

"Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I'm fine." I brushed her off looking around.

My eyes then scanned the whole room and at the far end of the auditorium I saw him hiding in plain


I scowlled at him but he's focusing on something else. I follow his eyes and they are focused on Eve. I

growled low, fighting the edge to get up and kick him out.

Even though I wanna kick his sorry ass for showing up but my heart sank when I saw the look in his

face. Longing. Defeated.

He looks so sad. It must be hard to have something you want so close yet so far. I felt pity for him. He

can't live with his own failures.

Against my own will I decide to let him be. If he's not causing trouble I'll leave him alone.

My conscience wouldn't let me kick his ass. Not with that look on his eyes.

I zoned back in just in time as they started calling names. Alora took her diploma and sat down.

I waited patiently until it was Eve's turn. They called her on stage and everyone cheered for her. Wren

even stood up and called her name.

She saw Wren and blushed looking away. She then made eye contact with me.

'You got this. I believe in you.' I mouthed to her. She gave me a small nod as if saying, message

recieved. She read my lips.

I smiled and she started her speech.

"As most if you know, I'm Evernly Miller and apparently I'm your valedictorian." Everyone chuckled and

so did I.

I stole a glance at Styles and saw him chuckling too.

"It's an honor to be standing in front of you all. It's been a dream of mine to stand here on this day.

What I'm saying is, dream do come true. We're all here because our dream to graduate high school

came true. Many things I could say today have already been said: drugs mess up your life, get a good

career, do not have babies before you get married."

It gets better every time I hear it.

"But they've already been said and grades don't equal life experience. I'm not going to waste time and

uncliche the cliche. No advice will be given in this speech. Alas, many people can give advice, people

who are older, more educated, more experience than I. Maybe when I'm 60, hopefully famous. I'll be

worthy of giving advice. This speech will be short.I could reminisce about the last four years. Instead I

think it's more important we focus on where we will be in the next four years. Whether it's presenting

the next big discovery in science, cooking laws im senate or making music. I think the word success

should be associated with what we do. Alfred Lord Tennyson ended his poem 'Ulysses' with the line 'To

strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield'. Indeed you've done that. We are graduating today. Do good

and live on Ransom Everglade students."

Everyone cheered even louder when she finished. They all stood up and clapped. I felt so proud of her.

She did it.

I tried to catch a glimpse of Styles' reaction but everyone was blocking my view.

When they all settled down I looked again but found the seat he occupied empty. I sighed in relief.

At least he's gone. Eve won't see him. That didn't give me the relief I thought it would. I felt so much

heaviness in my heart for the lost soul.

He looked so lost. Not like he use to. There was dull in his eyes. They were empty. But when he

chucked, I saw a glimpse of the man he use to be.

The ceremony ended and the graduates took off their caps and threw them up. I made sure to take

pictures. Wren's orders.

We took so many pics of Zac and Eve then Eve and I. After that we took them as a family, me included.

Then we took pics of Smurf and Eve then I got in on the action. We also took a couple with her friends.

Most pictured were taken by Alora, she likes taking pictures and she's good at it too. She has a whole

album of the past year memories.

"I'm so proud of you." I pulled Eve in for a hug when she was done talking to her friends and Wren.

"Thank you Sage." She became flustered.

"You inspire me to actually graduate high school." She frown at my not so funny joke. I laughed

nervously and said. "It's a joke."

She swatted and pushed me. But it wasn't a joke.

"Don't think about joking about that." She scolded and I laughed harder. "You are graduating high

school and going to college then get your dream job."

Even though I said I was joking to her but I meant it. I wasn't thinking about finishing school anymore.

Lately school is becoming a place to pass time and conduct business.

And what if I don't even have a dream Job? I don't have one. I don't see what I'll be doing in the next

two years. it's all blank.

"I'm going to my locker one last time to get a few things." Eve said and walked away.

Smurf approached me and I smirked.

"Are you coming to the party?" She asked seductively. It's been a while since we partied together.

We spent so much time wrapped in sheets in my house.

"I'm definitely coming." I winked at her.

We continue to make passes at each other while we heard for the parking lot.

I didn't realise that Eve has been fine for a while until Smurf pointed it out.

"Now that you mention it. She's been gone for a while." I said.

"Let's go find her." Smurf suggested but before we could put the plan into action she walked out of the


Without realising the pair of eyes on her. She leaned against the wall with her books in her hands.

I observed carefully. She took a few breathers then exhale like she was about to collapsed.

I was about to rush to her when she pushes herself off the wall and smiled like she was practicing the

best smile to show off.

Then I knew what happened. She saw him. Maybe they even talked. That's the only explanation I could

possibly come up with.

She walked towards us and we turned around so she won't realise we saw her.

"Sorry that took so long." She said casually. I looked at her, really looked at her but she averted her

gaze. "Now let's get out of here."

I put my hand in her shoulder and stopped her. I looked in her eyes and asked her.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes I'm fine." She answered and tried to get away but I stopped her again.

"Are you sure?" I hesitantly asked.

"Yes." She answered curtly. I dropped it and we got inside the house.

I dropped Alora first and we drove to a popular restaurant to meet Wren for a celebratory dinner for the

two graduates.

"I saw Harry." She suddenly said and o don't even fake being surprised. Deep down I knew he'd go to

her but I hoped he didn't.

I hate being right sometimes.

"He was at the ceremony." She continued.

"I know." I said looking straight ahead at the road.

"At first I saw him in the crowd when I was giving my speech but then decided against it. I thought that

maybe I wanted him there so bad that I imagined him there and confused him with someone else. After

all it wouldn't be the first time. I confused people to Harry in these past few months that I didn't put it

past me but then I saw him at the hallway when I was at my locker. We talked__"

"Wait What? You talked?" My head snapped to her and I stuttered.

"Yeah we talked." She replied.

"Are you okay?" I asked again concerned.

"No I'm not but I will be." She said. I glance at her and saw her leaning against the car window looking


I decided to let her be. At least she answered me honestly.

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