Rules Of Our Own (Rule Breaker Series Book 3)

Rules Of Our Own: Chapter 13

THE SECOND I got out of the car, I ran from Alex and River. I’ve spent the rest of the day hiding at Sidney’s. She took one look at me and kicked Jax out to hang with the boys.

Even after I locked myself in her villa for the last eight hours, eating and watching reality tv she hasn’t asked any questions, but I can tell it’s killing her. She’s brought up Alex and River a few times, feeling me out, but I’ve miraculously been able to divert the conversation.

I can tell the curiosity is finally getting the best of her, and she’s just about to press when there’s a knock on the door.

Sidney lets a beaming Piper in, and relief floods me, knowing she’s going to have to drop it for the rest of the night.

Tonight’s all about Piper. The wedding’s tomorrow, which means all the girls are having a sleepover here.

“Where have you two been?” Piper collapses on the couch beside me. Her hair’s pulled up in a messy bun, and she’s wearing a simple sundress.

“This one’s been hiding and won’t tell me why,” Sidney says from the door, where she’s waiting for the others to arrive.

Piper squeals and turns toward me. “What happened?” She looks entirely too excited.

“Nothing.” My phone buzzes, saving the day. I bend over to grab it from my bag, but any sense of relief disappears the second I check it. Another unknown number. This time, three texts back to back.

Unknown: Where the hell are you?ConTEent bel0ngs to Nôv(e)lD/rama(.)Org .

Unknown: Don’t fucking ignore me Mia.

Unknown: I swear to God if you’re fucking around.

I hit delete before I can finish reading the last message, a shudder running down my spine,  and slide my cell into Do Not Disturb mode. There’s no way I’m letting him ruin tonight.

“Who was that?” Piper’s watching me, head tilted to the side. She’s entirely too observant.

I put on my best fake smile and lie through my teeth. “Scam. You know how it is—”

Misty and Shana walk in together, the latter holding a giant bottle of rum. “Who’s ready for tonight?”

I huff out a laugh. “Isn’t getting wasted the night before the wedding a bad idea?”

“Well, considering the guys are already well on their way, I’d say it’s pretty normal,” Shana says, taking the chair across from me.

The living room of Sidney’s villa is twice the size of ours, even though we have one more person staying with us. The space is dominated by a long sofa of pale blue linen upholstery with two club chairs to its left, currently occupied by Shana and Misty.

Sidney grabs the bottle and heads to the small kitchenette area to prepare drinks.

“How was hot-air ballooning?” Piper asks, and my cheeks heat.

I clear my throat, suddenly thick. “Good. Pretty spectacular.”

She bites back a smile. “I bet. I ran into River and Alex after. They were both looking a little flush. Hot up there?”

“Um. No, not really.” By the gleam in her eyes, I realize I really should’ve just lied.

Misty leans forward, a smirk crossing her lips. “So are you going to tell us about it?”

“It’s pretty slow. Balloon just floats around.”

The girls laugh, and Misty presses. “You want to tell us what has you blushing like a freaking tomato?”


“Not fair.” She pouts, then gives me a wink. “You’ve got both eligible players staying with you. The least you can do is give us the deets if you aren’t going to share.”

I have to remind myself Misty is actually pretty cool to stop the jealousy from taking over. “Nothing to share.”

“Leave her alone, guys.” Sidney comes from behind me and hands me a fruity cocktail. I take a deep drink, sending her a thank-you with my eyes.

She just smirks. “Plus, she’ll spill once she’s ready.”

Not liking where that’s going, I redirect the conversation. “So what’s the plan?”

Shana’s the first to answer. “Drinking games.”

I groan, knowing I’m totally screwed.

It takes less than an hour for me to feel tipsy and to sway a bit where I sit. Somehow, in the hours I’d spent here, we’d forgotten to eat. The rest of the girls aren’t any better off than I am, giggling the entire time. We played beer pong, where Piper beat us all soundly, which left her the only one remotely sober. Apparently, it’s not the type of game you play with someone who grew up with all guys.

Sidney throws back the rest of her drink. “Let’s play never have I ever.” Her eyes meet mine before moving to Piper’s.

“No way.” Piper sits on the couch on my left and Sidney on the right. I’m squished between them, reminding me a little too much of my earlier car ride. I clear my throat.

Shana laughs and leans over her knees. “Piper played with Lucas once and accidently admitted no guy had managed to get her off. He then proceeded to do it. Repeatedly.”

Piper turns bright red, and Sidney laughs. “Yeah, this is happening.”

“Never have I ever kissed anyone in this room,” Misty adds with a smirk, clearly knowing something.

Both Shana and Piper drink. I raise my brow, and Piper shrugs. “What? I was experimenting.”

“Worked out for me.” Shana blows a kiss her way.

Shana cracks her neck and looks at me. “Never have I ever fucked one of my guy friends.”

I’m the only one not to drink, and I’m suddenly grateful that my last shred of willpower held out.

Sidney squints at me. “You’re telling me you never, with either of those boys?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

She collapses back into her chair as if I just dropped something that altered her known reality. “I’m not going to lie, I’m kinda disappointed. I thought you were hooking up.”

Piper smirks. “You and everyone else.”

Misty leans forward. “Never have I ever gotten off in a public place.”

Piper, Sidney, and I all drink.

Misty squeals. “Details now!”

“Not the way it works,” Piper quickly adds.

Misty’s quick. “Never have I ever gotten off at a restaurant.”

Piper groans and takes a drink.

“Never have I ever gotten off in the same place as anyone here,” Shana adds next.

Piper drinks, and Sidney scrunches up her face before taking another sip. “We weren’t nearby.”

Both my brows raise. “Wait? Was it me?”

She flushes bright pink.


“Offside behind the speakers,” Sidney replies.

“You’re my hero.” Misty beams.

We look at Piper, and she holds one finger up as she chugs her drink for courage. “Under the table at Brewhouse with everyone there. Pretty sure River knew.”

“Oh my God.” Misty laughs.

Piper shoots her a look. “You’ve gotten off entirely too easy, Misty. Never have I ever had sex on the player bus.”

Misty glares and takes a drink.

All of us cheer.

Piper leans in closer. “Never have I ever wanted to have a threesome with Alex and River.”

Their eyes are on me. “Not freaking fair.” I take a deep gulp, finishing off my drink. It hits my head, and I sway in my seat.

“I don’t know. Seems fair to me.” Piper smirks.

Sidney drops her voice, tone turning serious. “Why did you ghost them before?”

I huff out a laugh, thinking about that night. My chest tightens, remembering how everything clicked into place. “River got jealous. Ended up punching Alex before anything could really get started. I decided it was better for everyone to just go my separate way.”

“And that worked?” Shana asks.

“It did until this weekend. Now I don’t know what’s happening.”

“What does that mean?”

“They…they made a proposal…” They all lean forward, and I know I’m not getting out of this. “They want to fool around for the rest of the trip.”

Misty makes a high-pitched squeal. “Like all together?”

I think back to the car. “Yeah, I think so.”

“And do you want that?” Sidney asks. She sounds hesitant. She, of all people, knows how hard it was for me to walk away the first time.

My gut twists. “I don’t know. Yes?”

“Show of hands. Who thinks Mia should have nasty, dirty sex with Alex and River while in Napa?” Misty looks entirely too eager.

Their hands lift immediately.

“What’s it to you, Misty?” I ask and smile, knowing their teasing is in good fun. I’m lucky to have friends like this in my life.

She points at Shana, Sidney, and Piper. “These three are in long-term, committed relationships, and I’m single as fuck. You’re the only person I can live vicariously through, and honestly, who turns down a threesome with two gorgeous men?”

I choke on a laugh. “I’ll think about it.”

I sip my coffee, feeling the warmth radiating through my hands as I wait for Piper’s final touches.

I’m grateful and relieved that the wedding isn’t until two in the afternoon.

The bottle of rum Shana had brought over last night was nearly empty by the time we’d all fallen asleep. Even with the two Advil I took, I still feel like someone’s trying to escape my skull from the inside.

I probably would’ve slept past lunch if it wasn’t for the three cheerful women who showed up at eleven with roller bags full of beauty products.

Just over two hours later and we’re all primped and shined, waiting on Piper’s final touches. She’d gone into the bathroom so we wouldn’t be able to see until she was completely ready, and the anticipation is killing me.

The door creaks open, and the esthetician who’d been helping Piper steps out.

She beams at us. “She’s ready.”

Piper steps out from where she’s hiding, and my mouth drops open. She’s stunning in a pearlescent satin dress cut in a classic silhouette. It’s tight around her waist and fans out below her hips, giving her an almost princess-like quality.

She looks down at herself and back at us. “So what do you think?”

Misty claps her hands together. “Lucas is going to die.”

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