Rise of the Billionaire actress

DDD 53

“You can’t convince me otherwise. There’s something going on between you both, the whole school’s talking about it.” Layla pushed, ” Tell me, when did it start?”

Deloise was exhausted, “There is nothing between us! I don’t know where you are getting all this information but they are all wrong.” She iterated yet again but Layla wasn’t having it.

“Really? Tell me then, what were you doing at the terrace with him?” She plopped to her bed. “There are very suggestive pictures of you guys running rampant.”

“We were just talking, Layla. You are going to give me a headache at this point.” Deloise hissed, and finally dropped her script.

There was no way she could get any work done with the incessant questions from her roommate.

“Talking about what?”

“The script? The weather? Think up something.” She said dismissively.

“You’re no fun.” Layla headed to her side with a pout, “What good is it if we are roommates if I don’t get the inside scoop?” she pondered aloud and Deloise almost lost it.

“There is no- you know what, think whatever. There’s no stopping you anyway.” Deloise checked the time and packed up a tote bag. “I should be on my way, better earlier than later.” She remarked as she moved around.

In no time, Deloise was on her way to the shoot site. Much to her irritation, the shoot was taking place on campus. As she walked towards their site, she couldn’t help but notice the unusual and excessive glances thrown her way – a result directly credited to the rumour making waves around the internet and campus.

Ever since her little reveal, she racked up some publicity and with the news flying around, her name was on the mouths of a lot of people. She could feel their stares, and sometimes, glares hit her like an arrow but she kept her countenance rigid and refused to be intimidated.

“Hey.” A familiar voice said from the doorway, casting a shadow and alerting her of his presence.

“Aaron.” She said without looking back, his deep voice couldn’t be mocked.

He walked in and the tent felt ten times crowded. What was this aura?

“I see you are getting ready. Need some help?” Aaron gestured to the open script in front of her, “I could help you get it right.” He added patronizingly.

“Thanks, but no thanks. I’m doing beautifully on my own.” She said with a tone that elicited laughter from his bowels.

The last thing she needed was another reason to insinuate they were having something other than they did. People were peeking for goodness sake!

“What if I need help? You know, get myself on par..” he shrugged, clearly enjoying her frustration.

Fed up, Deloise cut to the chase, “Haven’t you heard the news?” She whispered. “They all think there’s something going on between us. The longer you stay in here, the wilder their imaginations grow.” She hissed.

“And that’s my problem because?”

She was a foot away from hitting him. Her eyes narrow as she asks, “Did you do this? Are you really-”

The door burst open and Stella walked in with a smile on her face.

“Aaron! There you are! I’ve been searching for you the whole time.” She announced, successfully cutting off Deloise. “Hey, you’re here too. Congratulations on your deal, I’m so proud of you!”

Stella shocked Deloise with a kiss on both cheeks. What the heck was happening?

“Thank y-you?” she stuttered, unable to believe her eyes.

“You totally deserve it. Don’t you think so, Ronnie?”

Stella’s voice were claws on a chalkboard and Deloise almost puked at the fauxness of her tone. Aaron didn’t humour her with a reply.

“Get prepared, we shoot in twenty.” He said to no one in particular and made his way out. Not before connecting eyes with Deloise via the mirror.

Did her heart just skip or was it a hiccup?Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

Stella wasn’t oblivious to their silent communication. Matter-of-fact, her grip tightened at the sight of even the littlest interaction between them.

Why else did she find her way in after she heard the news of their presence alone in the pod?

“Oh yeah, your assistant is here! I better get going.” Stella left with her jaws clenched, while Deloise returned to her preparations for the shoot, unconvinced by her little show.

The shoot went on beautifully and Deloise was free for the rest of the day. On her way out, a car suddenly pulls up in front of her, bringing her to a halt. Her eyes narrowed at the elegant black vehicle and Doris jumped out of it.

“Get in! Quick! We don’t have much time!”

Doris pushed her into the car with an urgency she couldn’t understand.

“What’s going on? Where are we headed?” She manages to ask while Doris hits the road behind the wheels.

“There’s an audition. Your next movie role if everything goes perfectly.”

Her words knocked air from Deloise’ lungs.

“What? What are you saying?!” She asked, panic ridden.

“You heard me. Don’t blow a vein, I’m your manager, remember? I’ve also seen you perform. This is going to be a walk in the park.” She assured but Deloise was far from convinced.

Doris sped up, muttering something along the lines of needing to be there on time. Meanwhile, Deloise struggled to stay afloat. They soon got to the venue of the audition and headed into the building.

“Just a heads up, an actress from Preston is here, so there’s a high chance of meeting them.” Doris announced as they crossed the door.

“Should I be worried?”

“Of course not! No one should intimidate you, not even those darned Prestons.”

Deloise brows were drawn in confusion.

“Wait a second, tell me you have an idea on what I’m talking about.” Doris said after noticing her deer in headlights look. “Of course you don’t.” she deadpanned and wondered how she’s gone so far managing to know nothing about this world.

“We don’t have much time so I’m going to be brief. I’ll download the whole lesson at a later time,” Doris began, “Preston Talent Management is a rival company to Evolve. They are headed by a former rut manager from Evolve who betrayed the company and started another with poached artists from this end. Ever since, there’s been an unspoken rivalry between our artists due to their slimy ways of getting hold of gigs.” She hissed, “I won’t be surprised if they bought their way into getting this too.”

“Meaning I should be worried.” Deloise deadpanned, not loving the idea of having yet another factor to deal with.

They soon took their seat in the hall, only then did she realize they had a whole two hours to kill before the exercise. A news that was both bad and good to Deloise who needed some time to prepare but not so much she overthought the situation.

A while later, Deloise sights Stella strutting towards her with a less than friendly countenance. She couldn’t get a break from it all.

“What are you doing here?” Her tone told of her displeasure. “Didn’t realize you attended auditions, seeing how you snagged the other role. Why bother this time?”

Deloise could sense the hidden jabs at her person. The last thing she wanted was to get accused wrongly. Especially in front of an audience.

“I don’t have time for this, whatever trouble you have up your sleeves, take it to someone willing.” She bit back with as much sass and attitude.

Just when Stella made to take their exchange a bit further, Doris returned from her bathroom break.

” I suggest you walk away young lady.” Her tone was firm, settling the case once and for all.

With a huff, Stella walked towards her seat, gearing up for the face off that would happen between them. No matter the cost, she was determined to beat Deloise in the audition and make proof of the fraud she was.

Meanwhile, unknown to them, during their unfriendly exchange, a plan hatched in the mind of their enemy, gunning to utilize their feud to their advantage.


After the auditions, Doris brought them to the mall.

“Seeing you exceeded our expectations, it’s only right we treat you to a makeover!” She announced to the surprise of Deloise.

“I think I’d prefer a quick lunch.” She opined but Doris wasn’t having it.

“We’ll get to lunch. But first, we shop.”

Doris dragged Deloise around the mall, picking up clothes, shoes, bags and eventually snacks. Deloise couldn’t deny she was having a good time, the stress from the day faded away as they lounged around, talking about anything and everything.

“Are you sure we still have time for that?” Deloise asked when Doris demanded they head on for a makeover.

“I already paid for it, and time’s ticking.” She replied, urging her along.

The duo headed for their appointment, which was later revealed to be Deloise’ appointment. One hour later, she was perfect. Doris couldn’t help but gush.

“I knew you were beautiful, but this is ethereal.” Deloise blushed profusely, she wasn’t used to such compliments, especially one so genuine.

“Thank you, it’s a pity I don’t get to wear it out. The look is wasted on just our eyes.” She retorted with a shrug.

“And who says you don’t have an appearance?” Doris asked with a smirk, she looked over her watch, then continued. “We should get going. Or we’ll be late.”

Again, Deloise thoughts were worked up on what she had up her sleeves. This time, she didn’t even have an opportunity to ask, following her quick steps to the car.

The car ride was spent with endless questions and zero answers. Later, they arrived in front of the school’s event hall.

“What’s going on in there?” Deloise asked for the nth time, noticing the blinking party lights from within. “Is that a party?” She got out of the car, and followed Doris towards the entrance.

“No darling, it’s a funeral.” Her words dripped sarcasm, “Don’t ask stupid questions.”

Deloise thought to be offended but she wasn’t. Matter-of-fact, she thought it was a stupid question after it rolled off her tongue but she couldn’t say that. She opted for a careless smile instead.

“Open the door, sunshine.” Doris said when they got to the door and despite how weird it felt, she did it anyway.


The entire school chorused, startling the hell out of an unsuspecting Deloise. It took a moment before she understood it was her party. Apparently, she wasn’t as hated as she thought if they were out here throwing a congratulatory party in her honour.

“Thank you so much.” She squeaked, moved to tears by their thoughtfulness.

“My job here is done.” Doris announced and engulfed her in a hug. “Have fun, but not too much.” she admonished with raised eyebrows, “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

She nodded and they parted ways. Layla took over and together they breezed through the party, exchanging pleasantries and having a good time.

After a while, Deloise spots Aaron and Mr. Austin walking through the door. Her body freezes and she was moments away from escaping before Aaron pointed her out.

“Congratulations.” He mouthed, and she stood entranced till they came to her.

“Congratulations Deloise. I knew you had it in you.” Mr. Austin said with a smile, easing off her worries.

“Thank you so much.” She smiled.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but could we perhaps see for a moment?” Mr. Austin’s voice was direct. Of course there was something, Deloise thought fearfully.

“No problem, do we speak out or-”

” He wants to see us.” Aaron cut off her rambling with just the information that sent her panicked heart to a still.

” Yes, I’d like to speak to both of you. Outside perhaps?”


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