Reyona’s Revenge

Just Let Go

“I have been longing to do that since the moment I saw you up there on that staircase,” Bernard said moments later as he raised his head. He was breathing harshly, and the sight of Marissa’s closed eyes and her wet, plump lips beckoning on him was enough to have him swooping in again, especially when her eyes fluttered open and she looked at him vulnerably for a moment with those expressive eyes of hers-an expression that was rarely seen in her eyes.

He almost took her right there and then, giving no damn about the dratted outing, but still with that vulnerable look lingering in her eyes, she whispered, “What are you doing, Ben? What are you doing to me? Why do you seem so changed?”NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

Benard turned away from her as he struggled to bring his breathing under control. As much as he felt the urge to present his case again, he was not about to spoil the mood of the evening by saying something that was guaranteed to spoil the nice time they could have together that evening, so he pasted on his smile and turned back to her. Giving her a once-over, he whistled, “Babe, you look so hot tonight. I have never seen that on you before. I guess I should propose we go out more if that means I get to see you in hot getups like this,” he said reverently as he came back to her. His look heated up as he looked her over again, like he wanted to strip the piece of clothing off her.

Marissa had discarded different options of clothes she had seen online when she searched for clothes that women wear to clubs. Many had been so ludicrous that she couldn’t even imagine herself in them. She had seen ladies in bum shorts that were so flimsy that they were showing part of their buttocks. Some were in jeans so tight that she was sure they would have needed the help of another person to pull them on or off. Crazy jeans and dresses showcase a lot of skin. Tight-fitting clothes that had seemed uncomfortable just by looking at them, and she had wondered how the owners had been able to breathe.

She had been about to give up and just put on her regular casual clothes when she saw one simple sleeveless bodycon dress with straps. The lady had on not-so-high heels and a purse.

“This I can do,” Marissa thought as the dress reminded her of one like that that Henrietta had urged her to get back when they were shopping for her wedding trousseau. The latter had joked then that Marissa could even wear the dress to do a lap dance for Bernard when she had complained that she had never been a fan of tight-fitting clothes.

Perfect,” Marissa had thought when she dug it out of the back of her closet. The slinky dress was a subtle shade of pink, and she found matching heels and a purse for it.

Seeing the appreciative look in Bernard’s eyes now made the uncertainty she had felt while putting it on recede. She had felt that it was unbecoming of her since it was not what she was used to wearing; she had wondered if it would seem as if she was trying to please someone and failing horribly. The look in his eyes made it all worth it, and the tension she had not realized her body was infused with quietly subsided.

“Not that I wanted to please him anyway. I wore this for myself, not because I want him to like it,” she thought to counter the direction her thoughts were going.

“Of course,” her subconscious replied sarcastically.

“Ready when you are,” she said, and he bowed slightly as he motioned for her to go before him.

Marissa laughed shortly as she passed, and he closed the door behind them.

He opened the car door for her. Milady,” he said as Marissa entered.

“Uhhh, how chivalrous of you, dear sir,” she responded in the same tone, and they shared a laugh.


Club De Royale was different from what Marissa had been expecting. Her one-time experience of a club had her carrying a mental image of what clubs look like but she was shocked when she entered the club.

The first thing Marissa noticed was that it wasn’t as rowdy as the one she had gone to then. Even though the music was blaring and people were busy throwing out suggestions and requests to the DJ who merely nodded and assured everyone that they would get what they needed before the night was over.

“Good evening, people! This is Club De Royale, baby!” The clean-shaven DJ shouted over the scratching sound coming from the jukebox and the crowd roared in reply as another catchy music came on and the frenzy of moving, wiggling bodies continued again.

Marissa shook her head as she thought that it wasn’t so different after all but she knew that she could get used to this. Bernard brought her abruptly close to him as a couple that seemed to have had one too many drinks elbowed their way past them.

He smiled as Marissa shouted “Hey, watch it” after the departing duo as he wondered if they even knew she was referring to them, that was if they could even hear her over the blaring music.

“Hey, babe,” he said moving against her when she looked back at him and realized that he was holding her so closely and her body tensed.

“Nope, we would have none of that today,” Bernard thought. It was one of the reasons Bernard had picked a club for their outing.

Marissa had always had this underlying reservation in her that never really leave her and the only time he had seen it leave her for a fleeting moment had been when she had been inhibited by sex. Every other time, she had always had this underlying carefulness in everything she does, like someone afraid of crossing the line. He wanted to see how free she could be if she can let go when the atmosphere calls for it.

“I…ah don’t dance, not that I can’t but…” her heart jumped to her throat as he sharply twirled her, holding her so effortlessly that she matched her movement to his without even realizing it as they moved among the wriggling bodies on the floor. One minute they had been on the edge of the floor where she had been certain that no one else would be able to squeeze in among the throngs on the floor and the next minute they had been among that throng, a part of the pulsing beat. She was plastered against Bernard and her crotch was rubbing right over his bulge as they danced like a four-legged creature.

The heat was getting too much for her and she knew that she needed space from him before she made a fool of herself “Bernard” she whispered wondering if he could even hear her over the blaring sound of the music. The DJ had just changed the music to a popular one that seemed to be a favorite of the clubgoers and the din had risen as they started singing along to the music, but he heard her and he smiled at her with that warm twinkle in his eyes that does things to her inside.

“Relax, babe” he whispered to her “This is a place to let go. Forget all your worries and just let go. Let it all out, babe. All those bothersome thoughts in your head. Simply let the music guide you, hon”

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