Return Of The Bad Boy Alpha

Return of the Bad Boy Alpha Chapter 45


'WAKE UP!' Kairos yells in my head.

I had a pleasant dream about my family and was content to stay there forever.

'WAKE UP!' Kairos roars again.

"Nova!" I hear Naomi scream while I hear a baby crying.

I open my eyes and feel like I am in a fog. "What is going on?" I mumble as I try sitting up, but I feel dizzy. I look over to see Naomi holding one of our pups with tears flowing down her cheeks. "Nova is gone!" she shouts.

I am instantly roused from my fog and rise to my feet. "What?" I say and look at the empty crib. "How is she missing?"

"I don't know!" Naomi screams. Axel is in her arms crying. She is rocking him, trying to soothe him. "It's okay, Axel," she kisses him.

There is a knock on the door, and Kerry pokes his head in, "Hey Magnus, Naomi," He smiles and steps in with Moira just behind him. Moira has a large bundle of balloons and a pair of teddy bears. Kerry sees our faces and frowns, "What's wrong?" "Nova is missing," Naomi cries. "My baby is gone." She sits on the bed, still clutching onto Axel.

"Missing?" Kerry looks at the crib. He takes a deep breath and yells out the door. A guard named Calvin rushes into the room and stands at attention. "Get me the surveillance feeds for this entire hospital, now!" The king orders. Dr. Torres walks into the room with a slight smile.

"Where is my daughter?" I snarl at her, and she tenses.

"What?" The doctor narrows her eyes and looks at my distraught mate holding our son. "I-" She trails off.

Calvin rushes back into the room, "Your majesty, security is refusing to allow me access to the footage."

"Do they know who you work for?" Kerry growls. "Bring me the person you spoke with."

"Yes, your majesty," Calvin nods and glances at me.

Naomi is sobbing heavily, and I walk over and try to take Axel from her, but she growls. "No," She blubbers.

I sigh and touch her shoulder, and she leans into me and sobs. I want to cry with her but must maintain my composure to find our daughter.

Moira sits on the bed beside Naomi and touches her leg, "I swear we will exhaust every resource we have to find your daughter," The queen tells my mate.

Naomi sniffles and nods. "I feel like I was drugged."

"I felt like that too," I say to her.

"Drugged like how?" Kerry asks.

"I woke up and felt like I was in a fog," I respond.

Calvin walks into the room, pushing a short fat man in a suit and tie. The man bows at Kerry. "This is Pete."

"Are you the one not showing Calvin the surveillance footage?" Kerry demands.

"Your majesty, he didn't tell me what it was for at first," Pete responds.

"My daughter is missing. She was taken from this room," I yell.

"Gamma Bowie," Pete mumbles. He looks between Kerry and me, "I can take you to the security office and show you everything we have.

I look at Naomi, "Baby, I am going to-"

"I heard," She responds quietly.

"I'll stay with her," Moira says to me.

I lean down and kiss Naomi's cheek and the top of Axel's head. "I swear to you that we will get Nova back," I hold her chin and look deep into her eyes.

She says nothing and just holds Axel.

I take a deep breath and follow Kerry, Calvin, and Pete out of the room.

"Do you know why anyone would take your daughter, not your son?" Kerry asks.Exclusive content © by Nô(v)el/Dr/ama.Org.

"Because," I start to say. 'She is a Blythe wolf,' I mind link him.

"Right," He sighs.

Pete leads us into a back room of the hospital. It's a small room with just a desk and several large monitors on the wall. There are cameras in the hallways and on the outside of the hospital. "What time do you think your pup was taken?" He asks me. I try to remember, but my mind is in a fog. "I honestly don't know. I remember Naomi nursing them, and then we fell asleep."

"Do you have any idea when that was?" He asks.

I shake my head.

"When were they born?" Kerry asks. "Around midnight, right?"

I nod. It is daylight now, and I try to remember when my family left. "My family left around five am." I look at the clock, and it's around ten am.

Pete works quietly, and I watch the screens as they fast forward from five am on. We see Dr. Torres go into the room with a nurse and come out. Minutes later, a person in all black with a hood over their head walks into the room and emerges seconds later with a bundle I assume to be Nova.

"Do you have other angles?" I demand.

"Yeah," Pete responds.

He shows us multiple angles, and one looks directly at the face of the person kidnapping my daughter.

"That looks like Rocky," Kerry growls.

We watch the footage, and Rocky carries my daughter out of the backdoor of the hospital, where he hands Nova off to a person just off camera who gets into a car and drives off. The details of the vehicle are barely seen, and all we know is that it appears to be white. "Can you get more of the car?"

"No," Pete shakes his head.

"MOTHERFUCKER!" I roar and run out of the room.

"Magnus!" Kerry shouts after me.

I ignore him. Kairos is raging in my head and fighting for control.

"MAGNUS, STOP!" Kerry bellows in his kingly tone.

Kairos lets a vicious growl but is forced to comply with the king's order. I stop, and Kerry runs up to me.

He grabs my shoulders, "We have to be rational."

"ROCKY TOOK MY DAUGHTER!" I scream in his face.

Kerry sighs calmly, "I saw that, Magnus. I also just ordered him to my office."

I feel myself calm slightly. "I'm coming with you."

Kerry smirks, "Of course you are."

I walk back to the room, and Naomi is lying in bed nursing, Axel. Moira is sitting beside her, watching TV. I stop beside the bed and touch Naomi's cheek. "It was Rocky." "That asshole," Moira curses.

"Kerry and I are going to confront him," I tell Naomi.

"I want to come," She looks at our son.

"You need to stay here with Axel," I respond.

Naomi glares at me, "But-"

"Please," I plead with her.

"I assure you that Rocky will be punished to the full extent of the law, Naomi," Kerry steps toward the bed.

"I want his fucking head," Naomi hisses quietly, giving me chills.

Kerry sighs and glances at Moira, "You heard her, Kerry," Moira nods.

I let out a sharp breath, kiss my mate, and touch my son's cheek before leaving the room.

"You look a bit jarred," Kerry mentions.

"I have never heard that kind of coldness from Naomi before," I shudder.

"Well, her newborn daughter was taken, so I can understand," Kerry responds.

We walk out of the hospital, and Calvin and several guards await us. The bow to us. "We are waiting in formation as ordered, your majesty." "Thank you, Calvin," I reply.

"We set up a perimeter around the kingdom, and we have begun searching in vain for your daughter, Gamma," Calvin informs me.

"Anything?" I ask with desperation.

"Not yet," Calvin frowns.

Kerry and I get into a waiting car. It's a quick drive back to the palace. My nerves are on edge, and Kairos is pacing in my head. He wants t find his pup just as much as I do. We get out of the car, and Kerry has to hold me back. I see the culprit standing in the foyer, and I lose it. "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I roar and tackle Rocky to the ground and punch him several times before I am pulled off. Several guards hold me while I fight them.

Rocky lays on the floor with blood coming from his nose and lips. He grins at me. "I did what had to be done for the kingdom's safety."

"FUCKER!" I scream and lunge at him again while he laughs. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?"

Kerry helps Rocky off the ground. "I was just protecting the kingdom, Kerry," Rocky says to the king.

Kerry punches Rocky hard in the stomach, "Take him to the cells!" The king orders.

"Kerry!" Rocky yells. "Kerry!"

"You have no right to call me that," Kerry glares at Rocky. "I, King Kerry Francis Abbott, demote you Rocky Daniel Bedford as the Royal Beta," Kerry hisses.

"No!" Rocky screams as he is dragged away from us. It takes all of my strength not to go after him again. "I did it for the kingdom. That brat would have destroyed us all!"

In seconds I am on top of Rocky, beating the shit out of him. "WHERE IS MY DAUGHTER?!" I bellow as I am pulled off of the former beta again.

"Magnus!" Kerry yells. "You need to calm down."

I sigh as I watch the beta being dragged away from us. "But-"

"You need to calm down," Kerry repeats, looking me in the eyes.

"He took my baby girl," I blubber as tears fall down my cheeks.

"Where is the a*****e that took my niece?!" I heard Brutus shout and saw him and Phoebe walking towards us.

"It was the beta," I mumble.

"I will tear him in two!" Brutus growls.

"And I'll rip his nuts off!" Phoebe shrieks.

Kerry snorts. "I need the Elite Force to help us find the girl."

"We are at your service, your majesty," Dulce walks up in her full uniform. She gives me a sympathetic look. "I am so sorry to hear about your daughter, Magnus."

"Don't be sorry, Dulce. Help us find her," I tell my best friend.

"Let's go to the cells to interrogate, Rocky," Kerry says softly, and we all follow him down to the Cells far beneath the palace.

It's cold, and the smell of mildew hangs in the air. There are multiple layers depending on the severity of the crime committed. Rocky is being held on the third layer in a cold metal room. He is strapped to a metal chair as we walk in. Dulce and Brutus wait out in the corridor with my sister while Kerry and I conduct the interrogation.

"Where is my daughter?" I demand, and Kerry holds me back.

"I don't know," Rocky confesses, I punch him in the jaw, and blood flies out of his mouth.

"Magnus!" Kerry pushes me back. "Where is Nova?" He asks, entirely too calm.

Rocky clamps his mouth shut.

"Rocky," Kerry snarls. "Tell us what you did with Nova?" He asks in a deeper tone.

Rocky struggles to stay quiet, but his eyes turn brown to black. He breathes heavily while trying to resist the king's command.

"What did you do with Nova?" Kerry asks in a deeper tone, and I feel his aura take over the room. It makes Kairos whine in my head as I bare my neck.

"I handed her over to the council!" Rocky screams.

"What council?" Kerry questions.

"Cedric and the other witches paid me to take her," Rocky struggles against his restraints.

"And you did it without question?" Kerry scowls.

"That kid was going to destroy us!" Rocky screams.

"Where did they take her?" I demand in a cold tone.

"I don't know!" Rocky responds. "She is an abomination. I was doing you a favor."

"SHE IS MY DAUGHTER!" I screamed and launched myself onto him again. He becomes bloody and bruised as I punch him several times.

"Magnus!" Kerry and the guards pull me back. He holds me against the cold wall. "Major Garcia!" Kerry bellows, and Dulce runs into the room. "Take the Elite Force to the witch's council."

"I'm going with you," I say to Dulce and look at Kerry, who nods and lets me go.

"Let's go, Mag," Dulce concedes, and we walk out of the interrogation room.

"I'm coming with you," Phoebe says to me.

"Stay here with Naomi," I respond to my sister.

"No!" Phoebe whines.

"Phoebe, please?" Brutus pleads with my sister. "Naomi needs you. So does Edie."

Phoebe lets out a growl and nods. "Fine, but you better bring back my niece, or I'll sever your nuts."

I hug my sister, "I love you, Pheebs." I release and run out of the cells with Brutus and Dulce. I pray to the moon goddess that no harm has come to my daughter and that she'll be fine until we find her.

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