Renewal Of Love

Chapter 506 A Devastating Gunshot

Chapter 506 A Devastating Gunshot

When Anne was about to leave, a policeman suddenly got in her way. It turned out that Alan wanted to

have a word with her.

Because of Cherry's arrangement and Luke's request before the car accident, the police who worked

here treated Alan in the best way possible. Therefore, they were willing to help him.

In the beginning, Anne wanted nothing to do with him. However, after giving it a second thought, she

agreed to his request. As a matter of fact, she had no clue as to why Alan wanted to see her, but she

wasn't afraid.

They proceeded to take a seat at the nearest table and ended up face to face with each other. Alan

examined her closely, wearing a gentle smile on his face. Nonetheless, Anne could see the coldness

behind it.

Out of nowhere, the lady let out a heavy sigh. It was safe to say that Anne felt defeated. She realized

that, without Kevin, Alan wouldn't only seek revenge against Cherry but also her!

The man sitting in front of her wasn't like the others. He was a madman; he had lost his mind. In fact,

his sole purpose in life was to seek revenge against the people who hurt him.

The silence was too deafening, so Anne had to say something to break the tension. "Did you want to

tell me something?"

Once again, Alan put on a smile. "I imagine you're living the life you've always wanted."

Anne frowned at his condescending tone, but decided not to say anything.

Unfortunately, this meant they had fallen back into a silent state.

The lady couldn't stand the current atmosphere, so she interrupted their silent battle with a heavy sigh.

"The past is riddled with too many coincidences and misunderstandings. There are too many regrets

and some people are no longer with us. This is what it's come to. We just can't turn back time!

I'm perfectly aware that out of all of us, you are the one who can't let go of the past. When you

persuaded Andrew, I knew that, deep inside, you were still a kind-hearted person. Can't you please get

over it? You have to face up to the fact that she won't come back!

If your sister was still alive, she wouldn't want you to feel like this! She wanted you to get on with your


What Anne failed to notice after giving her long speech was that Alan's demeanor had changed for the

worst. His gaze was filled with disdain toward her! It was easy to say all of that when she wasn't the

one suffering! No one, even if they tried, could feel the pain he bore in his heart.

"Anne, if I kill your son, would you forgive me?" It was a straightforward question. Alan crossed his

arms and stared at her coldly with undisguised hatred in his eyes.

All of a sudden, the expression on Anne's face radically changed. All she cared was her family, so she

would sacrifice herself for them without a doubt. If someone dared to lay a finger on her children, there

would be hell to pay.

"If you ever hurt my child, I'll kill you!" It was safe to say that her contorted face could make someone

freeze on the spot. Her head was facing down but her cold eyes were looking forward at Alan.

The latter could only sneer. Then, he slowly stood up and looked at the lady with disdain. "Anne, I know

it was not you who killed my sister, but I want you to know that I still hate you. You're not the saint you

think you are.

I lost my dear family, you didn't. You think that with that speech of yours you were going to persuade

me into giving up? But what if your children died? Wouldn't you want revenge too? Or will you just

simply give up and let it go?

Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you. Have you heard that saying before?

Think before you speak, because this is not a good image for you."

Without saying another word, Alan turned on his heels and left. He didn't even give Anne a last look.

The latter, however, had no choice but to stare at his back. Only after Alan left did she gradually calm

down and let out a sigh.

She couldn't deny the truthfulness of his words, though. If someone dared to lay a finger on any of the

children, she would make their life a living hell. So, why couldn't she put herself in Alan's shoes?

'Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you!' That saying continued to echo in her


Some minutes passed until Anne decided to finally leave the place. Even though this situation had

nothing to do with her, she had stuck her nose in someone else's business. However, she finally

decided not to get involved anymore. Cherry was on her own.

Besides, this woman was extremely hateful. Not only did she kill someone, but she had the guts to hire

a hitman to kill Luke. She wasn't held at gunpoint. She did it all on her own! This woman had no

remorse whatsoever.

So it was only fair that no one would continue to sympathize with her.

Originally, Anne's plan was to go home, but she remembered then that she hadn't seen Emily for a long

time. Therefore, the lady headed to the supermarket to buy nutritional products for her friend. Minutes

later, she drove straight to Sam's house.

Unfortunately for Sam, it was time to go to work. As the dean and attending doctor, he couldn't leave

the hospital and the staff to deal with the patients on their own! Plus, Emily was in the company of the

hired nanny at home.

After a while, Anne finally arrived. When the nanny opened the door, she greeted her happily and

invited her in.

Emily had been pregnant for seven months and her belly was very obvious now. When she finally

spotted Anne smiling at her, she immediately stood up from her seat. Her dear friend, however, gasped

when she saw her do that. Anne couldn't help but scold her, "How can you be so careless with such a

big belly?"

"When Sam is home, he doesn't want me to do anything. I feel like I've become the queen of the castle.

Now that I finally see you after such a long time, why won't you let me get up?" Emily pouted.

She sounded like a little girl being told off by her mother.

Anne, on the other hand, could only smile. This was, after all, Sam and Emily's first child. It was

perfectly reasonable how the former would be very careful around the pregnant lady, but perhaps it had

gone a little too far.

"Pregnant women can't stay at home all day long. You should walk more. It's not only good for you but

the baby as well." After all, Anne had given birth to three children, so she knew more than Emily.

Emily nodded and smiled faintly at her. However, she then frowned.

The sudden change in her demeanor made Anne a bit nervous. So, she made sure to check what was

wrong with her. "Are you okay?"

Emily looked back at her and smiled shyly. She rested her hand on her belly, as she was feeling her

child moving. "The little baby is very naughty kicking me all the time," she said helplessly.

Anne, on the other hand, let out a sigh of relief when she understood what was happening. This was all

too familiar to her, so she carefully moved closer to Emily's belly and tried to communicate with the

baby. "Hello, sweetie! How are you? I'm your aunt," she said in almost a whisper.

The pregnant woman smiled gently at her genuine display of affection. Some hours passed until Anne

finally decided to go home. She had spent the whole afternoon with Emily, but failed to notice that it

was almost dusk.

After she walked out of Emily's house, Anne felt the wind running through her hair. She looked up at

the sunset and the corners of her lips curved up pleasantly. Slowly, she stretched out her arms. "It's

time for us to cherish our life, we've only got one!"

'Just let it be! Happy and peaceful!' she thought to herself.

Funnily enough, Anne's moment of happiness caught the attention of the passersby. They couldn't help

but stare secretly at her. Only when she noticed the unexpected attention did she smile gently at them.

However, this was her moment of peace and no one could ruin it.

Out of the blue, an unknown man approached her. Anne saw nothing wrong or strange, so she just

smiled shyly at him. What she truly didn't expect was that this exact same man would brush past her

and snatch the handbag out of her hands! Now, he was running away from her, while she still couldn't

process the chain of events.

Anne couldn't believe her eyes. Had she just been robbed?!

"Hey, don't run away! You thief!" As she was boiling with fury, her face turned as red as a tomato. Some

minutes ago, she was hoping for happiness, but now she was standing there still in shock by what just

happened. What was this? Why did a thief have to show up and ruin her day?

Anne looked down at the pavement with defeat in her eyes. She felt hopeless, since the high heels she

was wearing wouldn't let her chase after the thief.

Although there wasn't anything she was particularly attached to, her ID card and other important

documents were kept in there. If she happened to lose these forever, it would be such a pain to apply

for new ones.

So, instead of moping around, Anne took off her high heels and ran toward the criminal.

Unfortunately, it was too late to catch the thief. He was so far away already. How could she catch up

with him?

When the man had run away with her stuff, no one had stepped up to help. Anne could only grit her

teeth and continue to chase after him.

In the end, the criminal was too fast for her. She just couldn't catch up with him at all. The only thing

she could see when she finally gave up was the silhouette of the man getting farther and farther away.

All of a sudden, her body stiffened when she heard a shrill sound.


The explosive noise echoed in her ears. When Anne recovered from the shock, she noticed that the

passersby had also turned pale. Now, they were all running for their lives.

It was the sound of a gunshot.

Someone was shooting!

Anne's face turned as pale as snow when she realized what had happened. The thief who had

snatched her handbag was shot to death in broad daylight! He had fallen to the ground and now, he

was lying down motionless. NôvelDrama.Org owns this.

What were the odds! The shooter had helped her catch the criminal!

Anne was certainly speechless. The only person she knew who would dare to openly commit a crime

had already been locked up in prison. Cherry wouldn't obviously put herself in more trouble, knowing

that she couldn't deal with the repercussions. So, if all of this was taken into consideration, who risked

shooting the man in public?

When Anne managed to spot the shooter, she gulped loudly due to the nervousness. In the distance, a

man with a towering figure wearing a black windbreaker was walking away. Even though, he hadn't

looked back after what he did, the sense of familiarity made Anne tremble with fear.

As a matter of fact, she had lived with him for two years! Of course she could recognize his back very


But how could it be possible?

Kim was dead. To be more precisely, he was shot to death by the police. In fact, Kevin had seen them

executing him. How could he be alive? How was this possible?

After a while, Anne watched the figure gradually disappear in front of her. However, her body was still

trembling due to the shock.

What happened? What was going on?

Kevin despised Kim too much to ever let him escape. Moreover, this madman had been under close

watch before his death. His men were very loyal and smart, but they could never have fooled the


So, who was the person with the similar figure? Could it have been him? Besides, who else in the world

except for Kim would dare to shoot in a public space and leave as though nothing had happened?

Anne was confused beyond belief. Only after the police arrived did she realize that she was standing

there for a long time.

Shooting and killing in public... This person was basically begging for the police to come! In the end, he

managed to succeed, because the authorities immediately showed up after receiving the report.

A few days ago, the director of the police station was rewarded and promoted to a much higher position

due to Kim's arrest. But now, this man was no longer in A City. Who would give up the opportunity to

win such an honor?

Of course, what was always recommended was to catch someone without risking their lives.

When they arrived at the scene of the crime, the murderer had already disappeared. The only one

there was Anne, who stood there speechless for a long time.

"Mrs. Anne, what happened?" Nowadays, all of the policemen in A City knew who she was.

As soon as she heard that voice, Anne snapped out of her thoughts. She looked up to find a middle-

aged man standing in front of her. She realized that this person had asked her about what happened.

Without giving it a second thought, she turned to look where she last had seen the man. Suddenly,

Anne furrowed her eyebrows. She believed in what she had seen. That sense of familiarity wasn't

wrong. At that time, Kim had died so easily that it was almost too hard to believe...

"I'll accompany you to the police station. There, I'll tell you everything," Anne said decidedly.

Satisfied with the cooperation of Anne, the policeman nodded eagerly. He was thankful that she was

willing to go back to the police station and give a statement.

Meanwhile, a young policeman grabbed the handbag and gave it back to the helpless owner. Anne

thanked him and, without further delay, got in the police car.

While waiting inside, she decided to roll down the window. The thief had been covered with a white

cloth, which meant death. Anne lowered her eyes. This wasn't supposed to end up like this. In fact, he

had just stolen something. He hadn't even laid a finger on her. The thief didn't deserve to die.

Perhaps, that was one of the reasons her relationship with Kim would have never worked out. His

attitude towards life was despicable to say the least.

Kim firmly believed that he was the ruler of the world. That it was up to him whether someone should

live or die. Anne obviously thought he was mistaken. To her mind, life needed to be fair. She would

never think the same as him! No one would die because of her!

She wasn't a saint, but at least she wasn't a bloodthirsty devil!

However, she was still confused by what had happened. What were the odds? Was it really Kim who

shot the thief? Had he been following her all this time and she never noticed?

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