Remarriage to a Rich Famliy

Chapter 16

Standing inside the empty elevator, Cheng Lydia gazed bleakly at herself reflected on the elevator walls, her heart as quiet as death.

In fact, she knew very well in her heart that the old lady had done nothing wrong, and had even given her the perfect opportunity to settle her mother’s medical bills. But there was still resentment in her heart, resentment that the other party had forced her into a loveless marriage.

So engrossed was she in her thoughts that she didn’t even realize that the elevator had crossed the floor she was going to.

“Ms Cheng, are you going downstairs or not?” a familiar and magnetic voice sounded. A familiar and magnetic voice sounded, and Cheng Lydia realized that Shen Ron was standing at the elevator door, with one hand crossed into his trouser pocket and one hand wrenching at the elevator door, with a slender and handsome figure and a smiling expression on his face.

How did he get here? And met by such a coincidence?

Cheng Lydia responded tersely, “I’m not going downstairs.”

“I’ll go in then.” Shen Ron stepped in with one foot.

Cheng Lydia, however, squeezed out from under him as he stepped in, clearly not wanting to share the elevator with him.

“Not going up with me?” Shen Ron raised an eyebrow at her.

Cheng Lydia, however, turned to the other elevator in a flash.

Shen Ron pressed the door close button as he did and pushed the number for the top floor, the elevator went straight to the top floor, and when he walked into the dean’s office, Mrs. Shen was smiling and planning his and Cheng Lydia’s wedding.

“Grandma, what’s making you so happy?” Shen Ron walked over to sit across from Old Mrs. Shen and leisurely crossed his long, slender legs.

“You guess?”

“Everything came back normal on the physical today?”

“It’s more delightful than that.” Old Mrs. Shen smiled with a thief’s face.

Shen Ron looked at her and then at Zhang Jane, who said with a smile, “The old lady has convinced Cheng Lydia to marry you, Ron.”NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

“Oh, no wonder that woman is crying with both eyes swollen to peachy.” Shen Ron dropped his legs and rolled his eyes without a smile.

“You make it sound like I’m bullying her” Old Mrs. Shen was not happy.

“You are not?” Shen Ron asked rhetorically, remembering well the determined face Cheng Lydia had made when she had rejected him.

“It’s not really bullying her.” Old Mrs. Shen said a little vainly, finishing with a smile and asking, “Have you seen her?”

Shen Ron nodded.

“And did you tell her that you were the man she was going to marry?”

“She didn’t even bother to look at me.” Shen Ron scowled at Old Mrs. Shen, “You didn’t tell her?”

“I wanted to say it, she didn’t give me a chance.” Mrs. Shen looked innocent, at the beginning she had asked Cheng Lydia if she loved Shen Ron, Cheng Lydia said no. She was worried that she wouldn’t say yes so she didn’t say Shen Ron. She was worried that she wouldn’t say yes so she didn’t say it was Shen Ron, during which she casually said it once, seemingly Cheng Lydia took it as she was farting. When she tried to say it, Cheng Lydia looked like she didn’t care if she married a dog or a cat.

Old Mrs. Shen glanced at the time and got up to push Shen Ron out of the office door urging, “It’s after work time, go ask her out to dinner and cultivate a relationship.”

“I’m not going.” Shen Ron didn’t have the heart to break away from her hands.

“Hmm?” The old woman looked askance at his eyes with a glare, “Forget how you promised me?”


The department Cheng Lydia worked in was on the sixth floor, and as the elevator passed from the top floor to the 15th floor, a young and beautiful female nurse walked in the door. The nurse lady was holding a bouquet of bright red roses in her arms, smiling lightly with a happy and beautiful face.

When she stepped into the elevator and saw Shen Ron, leaning lazily and casually against the elevator wall in the corner, the smile on her lips narrowed and was replaced with a look of amazement.

This man … was too good looking, isn’t he? Is he a hospital worker? Or is it …?

Shen Ron smiled at her with a charming smile and said, “Miss, you don’t press the floor?”

The little nurse then came back to her senses and was busy withdrawing her gaze and turning around to press the floor, but to her surprise, the button on the sixth floor was lighting up, which meant that the beautiful man in front of her was going to the same floor as her.

“What a coincidence, I’m going to the sixth floor too.” She hemmed and hawed.

“We’ve met?” She asked again hesitantly, why did she feel somehow familiar with the gorgeous man in front of her?

“Sort of seen it.” Shen Ron nodded, if she liked to read newspapers she should have seen them. His eyes fell on the roses in the young nurse’s arms and he smiled lightly, “From your boyfriend?”

“No, it’s not …” The young nurse shook her head.

Can’t let this big handsome guy know the fact that he already has a boyfriend, definitely not.

Shen Ron suddenly leaned in and reached out to pull one of the roses from the bouquet before the young nurse was caught off guard, then put it to his nose and smelled it, “Beautiful flowers, thank you.”

The young nurse was about to say that he could give him the whole bunch if he liked it when the elevator doors opened with a ‘ding’ and Shen Ron took the lead and stepped out.

The young nurse unconsciously quickened her pace to follow, and managed to get next to Shen Ron’s side, only to be stopped by the two young nurses walking on her way smiling and snickering, “Yo, Dr. Peng gave Zoey roses again, so jealous.”

“That’s right, not only is Dr. Peng good to his patients, he’s also the best in the world to his girlfriend.” Another nurse said with a look of envy.

If it had been in the past, Miss Zoey would have gloated all afternoon at the envious glances of her colleagues, but today … looking at Shen Ron, who had already walked away, she could not wait to take a needle and thread and sew the mouths of the two immediately.

It is inevitable that you will be slandered when you are immediately reinstated after just leaving your job.

Cheng Lydia ignored all the voices around her.

“Lydia, let’s go to dinner.” Qin Eve, a co-worker, called out.

“Come with us.” Doctor Song and Wendy spoke up at the right time.

“Okay, I’ll buy you guys dinner.” Cheng Lydia smiled at them.

There were still so many colleagues in this noisy office who genuinely cared for her.

Counting two or three years of working with them, she had never bought a meal because of financial difficulties.

Soon she would be married to the grandson of Yarn’s chairman, no more worrying about her mother’s medical bills, no more paying rent and utilities, and she could be the one in charge behind Yarn Hospital and fire whoever she wanted, which was wonderful to think about.

Yet, little by little, her vision blurred …

Was she crying? No. How could she cry with such a bright future in front of her?

She closed her eyes, forcing herself hard to stop crying.

There was the fresh scent of roses permeating the nose, faint, familiar and unfamiliar …

Familiar, because Lim Toby always gave her a big handful before they got married. Strange because it’s been three years since she got married and she hasn’t received any roses from Lim Toby.

“What would you like to eat tonight, dear?” A magnetic male voice rang out.

Cheng Lydia’s eyes opened suddenly, and the first thing that caught her eyelids was a delicate red rose, and then the handsome face with the wicked grin she never wanted to see again in her life.

What did he call her? Sweetheart? In front of all those doctors and nurses?

“What are you doing here?” She looked at him with cold eyes, her tone irritated.

“No need to ask, of course I’m here to pick you up from work.” Shen Ron handed her the rose in his hand and smiled a charming smile, “For you.”

Inside the nurse’s station on the other side of the office, Zoey’s arms tightened little by little as she clutched the bouquet of roses, her face stiffening, how she hadn’t expected Shen Ron to be coming over to find Cheng Lydia.

“Isn’t that the man named Shen Ron from the newspaper?” A young nurse whispered.

Zoey then realized, no wonder she looked at this man and felt familiar, so he was the man in the newspaper who only showed his side face and Cheng Lydia had an affair.

Cheng Lydia took a deep breath, and despite her efforts to control her anger, she couldn’t hold back as she grabbed the rose from Shen Ron’s hand and slammed it in his face, saying coldly, “Get the hell out of here! Now!”

The rose had thorns that cut the skin on Shen Ron’s face.

Shen Ron frowned, thinking to himself that this woman … was really violent and difficult to deal with.

“Get out!” Cheng Lydia yelled at him, punching the exasperated man as she pushed him towards the door, “Next time you come here, I’ll call the police.”

“Hey … I will walk by myself, no need for you to push, said I will walk by myself … you woman why so savage ah? In bed when obviously quite gentle and quite womanly …”


As her colleagues were surprised, Cheng Lydia threw a slap at Shen Ron’s face, but of course she missed this time, and her raised palm met his in mid-air before he snapped it in place.

He was doing it on purpose, deliberately punishing her, deliberately making her look completely shameful in front of her colleagues, Cheng Lydia understood.

This damn man, won’t he be satisfied until he’s ruined her completely?

She looked at him askance and spoke through gritted teeth, “Does it really give you pleasure and satisfaction to ruin my reputation?”

“Violent maniac, whoever marries you in this life is unlucky.” Shen Ron shrugged off her palm without a smile and turned to sail off in the direction of the elevator.

Looking at his departing back, the nerves in Cheng Lydia’s body only finally relaxed, twisting her head and sweeping around, there were still quite a few onlookers at all.

Before Shen Ron’s arrival, she could still be adamant that the articles were fabricated and the photos were taken out of context, but now, after the kind of things Shen Ron said, I guess even Doctor Song and Wendy and the girls won’t believe her anymore.

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