Rejected Mate's Redemption (Freda and James)

Mates 6

Mates 6

Chapter 6 APTER SIX KAIDEN’S POV I felt the world around me still and I almost collapsed from the news that I had just received. “What do you mean by that?! I clearly saw her this evening…she was …” I stammered, trying to make sense out of what I was being told. I looked around the pack house, hoping that the pack members including my father’s Beta were playing a silly prank on me but the look on their faces told me otherwise. Purchase completed and we have no idea “Sadly that’s the truth, Fi where she has gone, we should be asking you where she is, you were the last one to see her right?” Lyra, Freda’s best friend, asked me in an accusing tone. I looked around speechlessly, not knowing what to say back in return. She was right, I was the last person to see Freda but I had left her in her room to go save Safiya, I could still remember the look of disappointment in her eyes when I had hurriedly left, telling her that Safiya was in danger. And that was when it registered in my mind. When I was speaking with Freda in her room, her luggage was on the bed and wide open. Even her wardrobe was opened and there were clothes s**d on the bed. “No! I should be the one asking you guys, how did Freda go missing under you guys nose, I left Freda in her room to go save Safiya who was attacked by rogues in the woods” I said loudly. The pack member murmured on hearing that there were rogues in the woods. For the meantime, talks about Freda was forgotten as finding and weeding out rogues were the most important thing. © I was going crazy and mad in anxiety, it had been 2 weeks. 2 f**g weeks and still Freda was nowhere to be found, it was like she had disappeared off the face

of earth, almost like she never existed in the first place and that was when I began to have fears. ‘Was it possible that she had been attacked and killed by a rogue while leaving the pack?’ I felt my body chill at that thought. My wolf hissed at me she’s alive, I can clearly feel her’ Kai my wolf said in an angry tone. Ever since that day Freda had gone missing, we had become two enemies. He didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore, my wolf was badly disappointed in me. He had always been disappointed in me, since I find out that 288 Mouch Freda was my mate and refused to be openly together with her and the truth was that I regretted it So much. I shouldn’t have delayed one bit, I should have proudly told everyone in the pack that Freda was my mate but my love for Safiya had clouded my eyes. I sat down and looked around the room, thinking seriously….was I really that in love with Safiya. FREDA’S POV I had been on the run for too long, moving from cities to cities, masking my scent with everything I could find,and changing cars and taxi’s halfway. It was exhilarating but worth it. I knew very well that my disappearance would cause a commotion in the pack especially now that they had found out that I was their future Luna and they would probably send out their best trackers to go after me I didn’t want to be caught by any of the pack trackers, I was tired of my painful life in that pack. I didn’t want to go back to that old life,I wanted to be a new me, someone who didn’t have to live everyday watching the person had held dearly in my heart kissing another woman in front of me and treating that woman specially. I really didn’t know when my eyes started leaking tears as a drop of tear rolled down my cheeks “Ma’am, are you Alright?” A kind female voice asked beside. 1705 288 Vouchers

I looked at the woman beside me and shook my head, flashing a small sad smile at her. “I’m fine, I will be fine” I croaked out, cleaning the more tears that were rolling down my cheeks, I was embarrassed at being seen crying by a stranger in the bus. The woman flashed an understanding smile at me, she reached into her bag and brought out a neat white handkerchief that was folded neatly into 2 squares. “Here have this, you need it” she said and handed the handkerchief to me. I gratefully took it from her and pressed it on my face, the smell of mild and sewer scenting soap filled my nose reminding me of my mom who had died when i was still a little girl. The sad memories made more tears roll down my cheeks and soon I was bawling out little child, so loud that the other people in the bus stared at me with strange faces. o a But it was the woman who had given them an apologetic gaze because I myself was too far gone to remember that I was in a public bus with other people. A few minutes later, I had exhausted my tears, I used the handkerchief to clean the tears and s** on my face. I was embarrassed to find the older woman looking at me with an understanding gaze in her eyes. “Are you feeling better now?” She asked with an understanding smile. 17:05 288 Vouchere I nodded my head and crinkled the wet hanky embarrassingly. I was almost blushing from the shame that I had soiled someone’s property with my liquids. “Thank you” I croaked out “It’s alright, I felt that you needed a good cry, I’m Tina by the way, what’s your name?” She asked. “I’m Freda,” I replied. “Running away from home?” She asked. I stalled for sometime before saying “somehow…He was with another woman and I had to leave, he betrayed our bond and I found out that, I don’t want to stay in a place that would keep on reminding me about him and his betrayal” I said.

I couldn’t tell her that he was my mate and that I had actually left the pack house. She wasn’t a werewolf and she won’t understand what I was saying since the existence of werewolf were hidden from humans. If I told her all those s**t, she would probably look at me like I was a crazy person. The woman looked at me with understanding “I know that feeling dear, I once experienced it and it was from someone I trusted so much, I was very pained” she said to me. I wasn’t surprised, cheating and lying men like Kaiden were everywhere and their victims couldn’t be counted. 17.05 288 (Vouchers “But I applaud your decision, you made the right choice, leaving him entirely was the best thing to do,no woman deserves to stay with someone who doesn’t know her worth, you did well leaving so he would know what he had missed” Tina said, looking at me proudly. I curled up my lips at the thought that someone had supported me instead of blaming me. But then I remembered my sister Safiya and Kaiden. I don’t really think that Kaiden would miss me or realize that he had lost something. He was deeply in love with Safiya to realize anything, to him and Safiya I was the thorn in their flesh and they probably couldn’t wait for me to leave the pack house and never return. C C It had been one month since I left the pack house and the country and I realized that it was the best decision that I had ever made. After crying in the bus that day, I hadn’t cried since, I was happy and feeling confident, something I had never felt ever since I found out that Kaiden was my mate. I had settled down in this strange but welcoming country, found a house and gotten a nice job. All in all I was having a good time and I didn’t even want to think of my previous life. “Have a nice day ma’am” I said to the customer, handing over 17.05 283 (Vouchers Belongs to © n0velDrama.Org.

the cup of coffee to her. I worked in a cat cafe and I enjoyed myself so much though the pay was not high, I still loved the job. Working with furry cute cats and serving eager customers and then chatting with my colleagues, everything was fun and helped me take my mind off some certain things. Then that feeling came again, the feeling of nausea washing over me and that dizziness, fear gripped me immediately as I remembered something. “Are you okay?” My coworker asked, I shook my head at her and removed my apron immediately. “Can you cover up for me? I have something I need to check on quickly” I said to her breathlessly She looked at me for sometime before agreeing. I rushed out of the cafe and headed straight to a drug store. With a trembling voice I asked the attending woman to give a pregnancy test strip. A few moments later, I stared at the two red lines on the pregnancy strip with wide eyes. I was pregnant! Pregnant with Kaiden’s child

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