Rejected Mate's Redemption (Freda and James)

Mates 19

Mates 19

Chapter 19 FREDA WHITLOCK I gulped, trying to calm the class five tornado that was going through my chest. I was going to die. If I did not stop it, I was sure I would die. I did not know what to say. I did not know what to do. He was not supposed to be here. He was not supposed to know I was here. He… I started to hyperventilate. I had not been able to stop the tornado and not my heart was suffering for it. I had to stop it. I took a step back and shut the door. Well, attempted. He stopped it. Dear **d, this was not good. This was not how it was supposed to go. This was not how I planned my stay here. How did he know I was back in the pack??? The last person I wanted to see was him. I couldn’t breathe. And this was not figuratively. I could not breathe. “Freda…” He whispered my name and a wake of dizziness hit me. I **d and instantly the door was wide open and he was holding me. I fought against the panic in my chest. It was not letting me breathe. I was having a d**n panic attack. Chapter 19 Oh, dear goddess… 1280 (Vouchers “Hey hey, breathe. Look at me, breathe…” He whispered, lowering my withering form in his arms. He was not supposed to be holding me. “No,” I whispered. ‘Let me go. Go away… Please…’ I wanted to plead, but my vision was darkening and my throat was clogged. I was suffocating. A tear left my eye as I choked and breathed my last. The last thing I saw was his panicked face before my eyes slipped shut. *** *** ***

“What happened??” I heard a voice question someone with fury. “What are you even doing here?” recognized the voice to be Lyra’s own. Lyra… She was supposed to have gone out for the night. What was going on? What was she doing here? I opened my eyes, and as I looked around, the memory of what had happened struck me. Lyra left, and someone came to the door. I opened it and found Kaiden. Kaiden. I bolted off of the couch, not exactly sure where I was going or what I planned to do. “Woah woah, slow down. You just woke up,” I heard Kaiden’s voice coming from the direction of the dining table. Lýra who was standing beside him walked towards me with a concerned Chapter 19 1/ 288 Vouchers look on her face. “Are you alright?” She asked and bit my lip. “What is he doing. here? He shouldn’t be here,” I said the words in rushed whispers and the familiar chokehold of panic wrapped around my throat. I forced myself to take deep breaths and I looked in the direction of where the rooms were. Horror filled me. “Francisco,” I started to panic again. “Did he see Francisco?” I asked as tears filled my eyes. Lyra shook her head with sadness and lowered her voice. “He knows, but he isn’t sure,” she whispered and my eyes flew over to where he was. On any other day, I would have been too intimidated to speak, but I was not going to let him or his presence bring any harm to my child. For all I knew, Safiya had probably sent him to come and make sure no child of his was not hers. “Get out,” I said through gritted teeth, wiping my tears as I stormed over to him. “Get out right now!” I screamed. He looked hurt, but I did not care. The look passed away from his eyes almost immediately. He looked at me almost coldly. “That is no way to talk to your Alpha, Freda,” he said in an almost gentle tone.

What was he doing? “I don’t give a bird’s a**who you are. I just need you to leave,” I said. “Please.” He shook his head. was confused, and my frustration was reaching an all-time high. “No,” he said and I bit my lip hard to stop the stream of obscenities that so desperately wanted to 00:44 Chapter 19 288 Vouchers leave my lips. I settled for a weak “what?” “I’m not leaving until we talk.” “We have nothing to talk about.” “That’s what you think.” “It’s what I know, Kaiden. Leave now. “I’m not going anywhere, Freda. We need to talk,” he adamantly said and I very well could have tossed myself to the floor and burst into a sobbing, furious, tormented mess. “Mom?” I heard my baby’s voice and it was like my worst nightmare had just come true. “Cisco baby, go back inside your room,” I said and Lyra lifted him in her arms, heading back. towards the room after giving me a look that said, ‘I’m not going to fail you this time’. I took in a shaky breath and looked back at Kaiden. He looked surprised, hurt and almost tortured. “Is he mine?” He asked in a quiet voice. I saw his eyes glisten with tears, and despite that catching me off guard, I adamantly shook my head and said, “No.” “I don’t believe that, Freda. Don’t lie to me,” he whispered, taking a step towards me. I inhaled sharply, taking a step back. “Stay back, Kaiden. You’re invading. Don’t push it,” I said through gritted teeth and the pain in his eyes seemed to increase. I hate to admit it, but it was almost satisfying because the most emotion I felt for him was hatred. Chapter 19 1208 Vouchers This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Pure, angry hatred. Burning, red-hot hatred. “Freda, I’m sorry,” he whispered and my blood seemed to ice over at the same time it started to boil. My wolf was a mess of longing, anger and betrayal. She was angry that he had replaced her and betrayed her by marrying my sister. At the same time, she longed for him. I could feel it. And I was feeling the same, except in place of the longing was hatred. She was only pushing her longing to me. “Get out,” I quietly said. Tears filled my eyes as I remembered how much he had hurt me, how he was the reason I left the pack. “Freda…” He started speaking but I interrupted him. “Get the f**k out right now!” I screamed and he sighed before he nodded and headed towards the door. He walked out and quietly shut it behind him. I blinked as more tears left my eyes and I fell to my knees, gasping for air. I started to s**b loudly at the agony that was cutting through my chest so viciously. I could not bear it. I could not take it at all. Lyra rushed to my side and knelt beside me, holding me tight like she was trying to hold my broken being together. “I hate him, Lyra. I hate him so much,” I wept. “I know, Freeds. I know.” NO 18%

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