Reborn Heart of Steel

Chapter 23: The Journal

Brianne’ Journal…

While exploring the hidden room, my heart raced and I felt like I was uncovering a secret meant to be kept hidden. The smell of antiquity and decay permeated the air, as flickering candles created spooky shadows on the walls. I felt like an outsider, an invader in a realm not meant for me to investigate. However, I needed to discover the reality. I needed to find out the secret he was keeping.

The papers were spread out on the table, a few with unfamiliar symbols and codes that I couldn’t understand. However, the pictures… ah, the pictures. They were the most dreadful. They displayed individuals whom I didn’t recognize, with expressions of agony and dread on their faces. And next came the videos. I couldn’t bear to see them, but the noises… the noises sent a chill down my spine.

I realized at that moment that I needed to escape. I needed to get away from this world, from him, from the overwhelming darkness enveloping me. However, when I tried to go away, I noticed it. A photograph of myself, captured without my permission or awareness. I was grinning, chuckling, completely unaware that my life was on the brink of a significant change. And he was next to me with his arm around me. The man I believed I was in love with. I suddenly realized I didn’t know the man at all.

While staring at the picture, doubts and fears were whispered by a persistent voice in my mind.

“Brianne, what are you up to? Why are you prying?” It was a voice that I was very familiar with, the voice of my own conscience. However, the sound had changed, becoming more pressing and demanding.

I tried to dismiss the sense of unease by convincing myself that it was merely a product of my imagination.

But, the voice continued, resonating in my thoughts like a repetitive chant.

“You’re unaware of the situation you’re getting involved in. You are unaware of the truth.”

I experienced a wave of frustration and nervousness. Who did I think I was fooling? I was fully immersed and aware of it. But the voice inside my mind continued to persist.

“Leave now before it’s too late. While you are still able to…”

I inhaled deeply and attempted to relax. I had to focus, to understand the situation. However, the voice refused to be quiet. It felt like a persistent companion, a lingering presence in my thoughts that I couldn’t rid myself of.

And suddenly, the voice ceased as abruptly as it had begun. The silence was overwhelming. I was left standing there, feeling unsettled and bewildered.

What was happening to me? Was my sanity slipping away?


I was seated at the kitchen table, going through Brianne’s journal entries, attempting to decipher the cryptic messages and bizarre events. Did Brianne hear voices? I couldn’t get rid of the feeling that something was not quite right.

As I began to drift into deep thinking, Chase entered the kitchen and our eyes met, causing my heart to race. He beamed a delightful grin at me, his eyes creasing at the edges.

” Hmm, interesting. See what we’ve got here,” he remarked with a tone full of conceit. “The tiny investigator, busy on the case.”

I rolled my eyes, attempting to disregard the fluttering sensation in my chest. “I was simply trying to understand the situation with Brianne,” I stated, trying to appear nonchalant despite my heart racing.

Chase casually walked towards me, displaying smooth and assured movements. “What have you found out, hmm?” he inquired, his gaze moving over the documents before me.

His tone irritated me, but I couldn’t ignore the growing attraction between us. “I believe she may have been hearing voices in her head,” I whispered quietly.

Chase’s demeanor quickly became grave as his eyes narrowed. “Continue,” he murmured in a deep, rough voice.

I moved closer, feeling my heart beat rapidly in my chest. “Her writing style could mean she was having a mental debate with someone.”

Chase’s face was now only a few inches away from mine, his breath warm and causing shivers to run down my spine.

“You’re close to something. I can sense it.”

He extended his arm and moved a piece of hair away from my ear, causing a sensation of sparks to race through me.

I experienced a surge of adrenaline, combined with a feeling of excitement.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

“What are you doing?” I murmured, attempting to move back.

Chase’s intense gaze met mine, locking our eyes together.

“I’m close to the truth. And I won’t let you stop me.” He ststed.

A chill raced down my back as he moved nearer, his lips almost touching mine.

“I can’t handle the truth,” I murmured, attempting to project confidence amidst the rising tension.

Chase’s smirk was both conceited and endearing. “I can handle it,” he stated. “And I can handle you.”

I flushed as Chase’s words lingered in the air.

A surge of adrenaline, combined with a feeling of excitement, swept over me. I was aware that I should resist him, but my body had different intentions.

Right as we were about to kiss, a loud sound startled us, causing both of us to flinch. The lights flickered and decreased in brightness, causing a shiver to travel down my spine.

“What did I just hear?” I murmured, attempting to move back.

Chase’s intense gaze met mine, locking eyes in a fiery moment. “I’m not sure.”

All of a sudden, the lights turned off entirely, engulfing us in darkness. I listened to the sound of deliberate and heavy footsteps approaching from the hallway.

“What is happening?”

However, he remained silent. Instead, he drew me near, his arms enveloping me tightly like a vice.

“Be patient.” He hushed.

I experienced a rush of anxiety, blended with a feeling of anticipation. What was going on? What information did Chase have that I wasn’t aware of?

While we stood in the shadows, the sound of footsteps increased, coming nearer. I could sense my heart beating quickly in my chest as Chase’s arms wrapped around me tightly.

And suddenly, just like how it began, everything came to a halt. The sound of footsteps stopped, the lights turned on again, and the room fell silent once more.

When I glanced up at Chase, I noticed something in his eyes that sent shivers down my spine.

A warning.

A warning that spoke danger.

Who was after Brianne really?

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