Professor F

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

"Mom! That's how Augustine's boyfriend talks!" Rin shouting from the kitchen, still not over Flynn's

heavy European accent. "Is he celebrating with us?"

She blushed hearing her cousin's comments. Just how does that little body make such loud


They heard Grey and Rin rushed to meet them. "Is he the boyfriend?" Grey asked curious, wiping her

hands clean with a cloth while Rin is standing beside her.

Even before they could answer Grey, Rin did it for them. "Oh, that's not him! Augustine's boyfriend

wears eyeglasses and looked smart!"

"I like him already!" Pierre uttered sarcastically.

The awkward moment lasted only for a few seconds and she can only bite her lower lip to stop herself

from laughing at her cousin's innocent remarks about Pierre by highlighting Flynn's smart look!

"Oh! He's also from Pearsons U?" Grey noticed with amazement on her face. She holds Rin's head,

brushing his curly hair with her hand.

They approached them, Pierre scratching the back of his head, a little shy. "Yes, Ma'am. Thank you for

inviting us for dinner."

"Oh, I'm not Ruth. I'm Grey, August's cousin on her father's side. Come in. Dinner will be in a few

minutes. Aunt Ruth is still preparing with August's mom." She introduced herself with a smile while

Pierre looked apologetic for his wrong assumptions. Grey then allowed Pierre to go to the living area

but stopped August's attempt to follow him.

"W—What?" She asked.

"So, you know each other?"

She sighed. "Yeah. He's my student. I tutor him."

Grey's eyes sparkled with interest. "Oh, that's nice. But he doesn't seem pleased seeing you."

And she thinks it's not because of what Rin said earlier! He's been avoiding her and he definitely didn't

expect to see her here!

"Well, that's probably because he's not attended any of our tutor sessions for the last three weeks

because of this gig." She explained, also wanting to make herself believe that's the reason why and not

because of what he said that night after the concert.

"Oh. But he got in Pearsons U, he must be smart, right?" Grey asked.

She nodded. Pierre is smart in his own ways. He's not the natural born smart type of guy. He needs to

learn things and work so hard to achieve something especially that he loves music above anything

else, even his grades. "He is. Just a little lazy when it comes to school work. He's asked me to tutor

him in Math for his love of music but not for his grades. His grades are average but I know he could've

done better if not for his band."

"He seemed very passionate about music, he even went as far as traveling here to play with this local

band." Grey speaking her mind.

"Will you let me through now? I have to give him something."

Grey moved out of her way with dreamy eyes saying, "He's dangerously gorgeous." Content © NôvelDrama.Org.

She rolled her eyes. "You're already married with twins, Grey."

Grey cupped her smooth cheeks and giggled. "I wonder how your boyfriend thinks. I'm just excited for

you, August. I can't wait to witness how your love story unfolds." She squeezed her cheeks and went

back to the kitchen.

August massaged her cheeks gently as she went to the living room where the guys were silently sitting

on the couch and busy with their phones while Pierre is obviously avoiding her gaze.

She walked straight towards him and stayed in front of him until he looked at her. Four pairs of curious

eyes watched them.

Pierre getting all the attention from his band mates sighed discreetly as he stands up and opened his

mouth to talk but Aunt Ruth came out from the dining area, inviting them for dinner.

They all seated and Pierre obviously avoided her by sitting three seats away from her and next to his

two other friends.

"So, you're also studying at Pearsons, Pierre?" Her father, Augustus asked after the guys introduced


Pierre nodded politely and answered. "Yes, sir."

"Just Augustus." Her father smiled genuinely as she watched how Pierre looked a little uncomfortable

hearing her father's name. And all she could think about was that time he called her Augustus instead

of Augustine. He nodded shyly. "What are you studying?"


She only listened to their conversation while eating quietly. "And you guys, do you study Music in

Pearsons, too?" Augustus asked the other guys.

"Oh, no sir." Mike answered, the one who wears a black hoodie and blue bonnet. "I've graduated Music

a year ago and formed this band."

The guy wearing a red university hoodie named Nelson nodded, "I'm a Business major in Logans

University and I'm friends with Mike and Ricky here since third grade."

Ricky nodded with a smile. "Yeah, I'm also from Logans and studying Music there."

"So, you started the band together?" Grey asked, curious.

"Yes. Pierre is playing support for our band this Friday for Thanksgiving. Our lead guitarist had plans

before this event was offered and he couldn't make it so we tapped Pierre for this gig."

"Oh!" Grey smiled. "So, that's allowed?"

Mike nodded and slightly bumped Pierre's arm. "Yes. This guy's brilliant—and famous with the girls."

He teased leaving Pierre quiet and uncomfortable.

"He has his own band in Pearsons." Nelson added, looking at August for confirmation. She nodded in


"You must be really good! I'm looking forward to your performance!" Augustus smiled.

She saw how Pierre humbly smiled at her father's remarks. "Good luck on your concert this Friday."

Grey nodded with the rest of them.

"Thank you, sir. I hope all of you could come." Mike smiled.

"Of course." Christine answered with a warm smile.

"Can I come, Mom?" Rin asked after chewing his food.

"Yes. Of course, honey." Aunt Ruth answered while feeding her youngest son Rico.

Dinner ended with happy smiles and full stomach. The kids, Grey and Tucker went ahead to put the

kids to bed. Aunt Ruth, her mother Christine, Uncle Jim and her father Augustus stayed in the living

area with their guests.

"We'll drive you kids back to your hotel." Uncle Jim told them as he grabs his car keys from the counter.

The guys slightly bowed their heads to give thanks to her parents and relatives. She just stood there,

watching Pierre who never glanced at her the whole night. He even went first following Uncle Jim as

they headed out the house.

She was fast enough to walk beside him. "Until when are you going to avoid me?" She asked, she has

to talk to him about the money he paid her for the tutoring schedules and whether he still wants to do it.

He seemed surprised that she caught up with her but was able to recover, he cleared his throat. "I

wasn't avoiding you. I told you I was busy." He answered.

She remembered him telling her that in his message but she's not convinced. "Why don't you, at least,

take your money back if you're not going to attend our tutoring schedules." She said as she reaches for

her pocket. "—then you can just pay me when you're ready." She hands out the bills from her pocket.

He stopped walking. He took a deep breath while looking away. His friends went ahead of them with

Uncle Jim while her parents went back inside.

He opened his mouth to talk when his bandmates called his name. "Pierre! We're leaving! Come on."

He ignored her hand holding the bills and kept his hands on his hoodie pockets. "Just send the money

back to my bank account."

"Really?!" She exclaimed in frustration but he never looked back as he walked away.

She sighed. Why is he being so difficult? Is it still because of what happened that night? Of saying the

song was about her? Of saying he'll kiss her?

She lost her patience and reached for his right arm forcefully, pulled his hand out and puts the money

on his palm. "You paid cold cash, I'm not lining up at the bank to put this money on your bank account!"

He looked shocked with her outburst and then his lips twisted into an amused smile as he looked at her

small cold hands on his. She pulled her hands away and rubbed them, pretended she's cold, she

warmed her hands with her breath. "I'm going inside. S—See you on Thanksgiving concert." She

turned her heels and walked away.

"August—" He called her name but he looked as if he's struggling whether he'll talk to her or not.

She turned to him and waited. She rolled her eyes and turned her back on him when he didn't speak.

She heard the car driving away as she closed the door behind her. She sighed heavily. Guess that's

how it ends.

She spent the night talking to Flynn on video call before going to bed. It's the first time they'll be away

from each other for a week since they dated so she understand why he'd want to talk to her for hours

until they fell asleep.

She also mentioned about Pierre playing for the Thanksgiving concert. Flynn is aware about Pierre not

going to their tutoring schedules. He asked whether she spoke to him about it and she frustratedly told

him what happened.

"I feel like there's something he wanted to say to me but he decided not to." She told Flynn.

"What made you say that?"

"He called my name after what I told him to say something but when I turned to face him, he just stared

at me." Flynn went quiet. "Hello?"

"Yes, I'm still here. Is it a free concert?"

"Oh, yes. My Aunt Ruth organized the event. It'll be in our town plaza, it's an open door concert." She

excitedly explained him. "Like the one we attended a month ago to watch Pierre's band play."

The phone conversation switched to different things and stories until she fell asleep and only woke up

next day. "Shit." She opened her messages from Flynn and he even sent a screenshot of their video

call with her sleeping face.

I miss you. One of his messages said.

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