[3] b

I forced myself to work, ignoring Naomi’s nagging all the way to the office. Well, I felt much better now, even though I hadn’t taken a shower. Trust me; I didn’t smell bad. I just wiped my body with warm water, no shampoo. It’s okay for just today. Usually, I’m diligent in grooming my long hair.

“If you faint, don’t ask for my help!” Naomi said fiercely as we arrived in the basement. Naomi’s floor was different from mine, although we still worked for the same company. She was on the 21st floor, while I was on the executive floor, the 22nd floor. On the 21st floor, it was more about the central operations like finance, HR, and finance.

I just smiled without guilt. Well, since she arrived, I felt a little better, even though I was showered with suspicious looks. She said I was pretending to be healthy just to work. I shook my head in wonder at her thoughts.

As we walked around the lobby, someone patted my shoulder. When I turned, I found an oriental-looking man with maybe his best smile?

“I sent you a message last night. No response,” he said as he walked beside me. Oh, I remembered. My phone was indeed demanding my attention last night, but I fell asleep quickly because I was tired. So, I chose to sleep right away instead of replying.

“Sorry, Vin. I fell asleep.”

He just shrugged. “Dinner next weekend?”

I slowed down my steps, glancing at Naomi, who seemed indifferent. She continued walking as usual, probably not realizing that I was already far behind.

“I don’t know if I have any plans next weekend,” I replied to Kelvin. He was the IT manager in my office. As Dona said, if I might be pregnant with Kelvin’s child, he still understood. Considering how often he approached me. However, I often gave signals that I wasn’t interested at all.


I don’t know why I felt uncomfortable every time I was close to this man. He looked good and had a decent position. I guess he could genuinely love someone. But still, I couldn’t feel any romantic vibes. Sounds cheesy, right?

“I’ll wait for your update, okay, Anya?” He stopped walking just like me. Waiting right in front of the elevator. I glanced around slowly so that it didn’t look like Kelvin left me alone.

“What do you want for breakfast?” Naomi asked.

I let out a relieved sigh. I thought I was alone with Kelvin. “I don’t know yet.”

“You have to eat, Anya. Remember, you’re not feeling well.”

“Are you sick? If you’re sick, why did you come to work?” Kelvin asked, his voice sounding slightly panicked. “No wonder you look pale.”

As the metal box opened, we all entered. I myself chose to ignore Kelvin’s words just now. What I wasn’t prepared for was Cedric getting into the elevator too. It left me breathless.

“Hey, Cedric. I’ll buy breakfast for you later, okay. I didn’t have time earlier,” I said, glancing at Naomi standing right beside me. You can guess what’s on my left. There’s Kelvin. And in front of me, standing without hesitation, even though I’m sure his gaze was scanning the elevator floor, was Cedric.

“Yes, ma’am. I’ll deliver breakfast to you first, Ms. Krystal,” he said, glancing at Naomi while pointing to a paper bag with a cafe logo from across the office. Krystal and her preferences. Wait … if Cedric bought breakfast for …

“Is Ms. Krystal already here?” I suddenly asked.

Feeling that no one answered, probably because those insides were confused, the question was directed to whom. “Cedric, is Ms. Krystal here yet?” I asked again.

The man turned to me, and our eyes finally met.

“Oh, yes, Ma’am. She’s already in her office.”

“I’m doomed,” I muttered.

“What’s wrong with you?” Naomi asked suddenly.

“I have a morning meeting, and … I forgot.” I didn’t know how to face Krystal now. Oh God! I should have realized Naomi’s spontaneous idea of taking a day off. Now, I regret it.

“Whether you have a meeting or not, you have to eat breakfast first.”

“If you’re really sick, don’t force yourself to work. It’s dangerous, Anya,” Kelvin said, touching my arm. I flinched. Surprised. My mind was completely elsewhere. My head was planning my morning tasks, matching schedules, especially the copy of the contract draft that Krystal needed to read. After escaping my sight, of course.

Oh, don’t forget the agenda for the upcoming week that I hadn’t received from Krystal yet. And it shouldn’t be last-minute because I couldn’t afford to be scolded by the top executives again for a sudden canceled meeting. Or worse, a delayed dinner because Krystal got too caught up with work.

No, that couldn’t happen.

“Anya? Are you daydreaming?”

No time to answer Naomi; I chose to fiddle with my phone. My important schedule was organized there. The elevator ding indicated that Naomi and Kelvin had reached their destination. Leaving just Cedric and me.

I didn’t expect Naomi to be so blunt. I’ll make sure to get back at her later this afternoon! Damn, she’s such a conniving friend!!!

“Anya, I’ll text you your breakfast order. I want to know your favorites starting today,” Cedric replied positively. As if he never refused when asked for help like that. I glared sharply at Naomi, who was grinning like the devil she was! Damn! Damn!

Cedric moved slightly to the side of the elevator. “What would you like for breakfast, Ma’am?”

I wasn’t prepared at all to face him again. This time, for some reason, I was reluctant to move. I still vividly remembered how his pitch-black eyes and slightly full lips, dark on the edges, had a hold on me. Uttering his name fully consumed my consciousness, causing me to repeat it several times. If the walls of my apartment could talk, they would probably mock me today.

“Ma’am?” he called again.

Damn! Why did I have to remember that cursed night? I shook my head to push away that damn memory. Ignoring Cedric, who was walking behind me.


Cedric did buy me breakfast. Before placing it on the usual spot on the table, where he always put my cup of tea and the teapot, he said that it was Naomi who had sent him. He even refused to take any money from me. I snorted irritably because of his refusal. He never refused before; you know.

Green bean porridge with perfectly submerged pieces of bread was my favorite. Lucky me, Krystal seemed to still be busy and understood that it wasn’t yet office hours. So, she hadn’t shown her fangs yet. I still had a chance to devour the porridge quickly. Well, at least I had some energy. Naomi was right; I shouldn’t faint. It turned out that my schedule was packed besides this morning’s meeting.

I ate half of the bowl of porridge. At least, I didn’t feel nauseous. I didn’t feel the urge to vomit anymore. When I saw the tea cup, something seemed off. Why were there lemon slices? I became suspicious. And as expected, when I lifted the small plate that Cedric used as a coaster for the tea cup, I found a note tucked inside.

Anya, I hope you like it.


Fuck you!!!

What’s wrong with Cedric? Oh God!!! Is he seeking attention from me? That’s right!!! Naomi must be involved in this. There’s no way Cedric would suddenly give me tea with lemon slices.

Anya P: Send a picture (of the tea with lemon and Cedric’s handwritten note).

Anya P: Do you have anything to do with this, Naomi?

I didn’t have to wait long for Naomi’s reply. I quickly opened it and felt like exploding with anger.

Naomi: I just said you needed a refreshing and warm drink. I thought hot chocolate would do, but this exceeded my expectations. Good job, Cedric.

And not long after that, Dona’s message was even more excited.

Dona: Ooh… I want to be sent notes along with breakfast too. Auw!!!

“Um, cancel the meeting later. Anya has something to attend to,” I was caught off guard when Krystal appeared in front of my desk. I was fumbling and almost dropped my phone that I had been staring at all this time.

“Canceled? But it’s about to start, Ma’am. The finance department is ready, and I reminded them earlier.”

No matter what, she was still the boss. Krystal just responded with a shrug. “Let’s do it tomorrow morning. I have some errands outside today.”

“But the ag-”

“This is more important than my agenda, Anya.”

I mumbled, “Yes, Ma’am. I’ll take care of it right away.”

“I’m leaving now.”

Once it was like that, I was left alone in the office for the whole day. Nice? Who said so? Krystal Blaxton, the Board of Director at Blaxton Express, the spearhead of the company, wouldn’t assign anything that wouldn’t be done. Even when she wasn’t in her office. Only she wasn’t there. Her work? Filling my email inbox back and forth.All content is © N0velDrama.Org.

When lunchtime approached, Cedric usually went around the office. Asking if anyone needed him to buy lunch. Although most people left the office, some were too lazy to go out, especially when they had a lot of work, like me. But I didn’t want to take the risk of Cedric sending me notes.

As if! Who does he think he is?


Naomi was thoroughly enjoying my complaints. She said I was being melodramatic, overly exaggerated.

“Besides, Anya, you’re too confident, you know. It’s not necessarily that Kelvin meant to attract your attention like that. He just wanted to make sure you were okay. Besides, he has ears too. He overheard our conversation in the elevator.” Naomi continued to add untrue details to the story. This only made Dona, I was pretty sure, more curious. The proof was that she kept pressing Naomi to tell her more details.

Annoyed, I went back to enjoying my lunch, which was extra spicy chicken. I don’t know why, but I really wanted to eat this. And it accidentally popped up when I had already decided not to leave the office. But when Dona said, “The fried chicken looks delicious, Naomi,” my brain ordered me to join them. Leaving a pile of work without feeling guilty just to enjoy the spicy chicken.

“Still feeling nauseous?” Naomi asked cautiously. Ugh… as annoying as Naomi could be, she always worried about me. Like right now.

“Much better, actually.”

She nodded.

“I read that eating fruits can reduce nausea, Anya.” Dona suddenly showed me an article she read from her gadget. It was about ways to deal with early pregnancy.


“What’s this, seriously?” I pushed her away.

“I’m just telling you so you can stay healthy, Anya!” Dona probably didn’t appreciate how I treated her, but I didn’t care. Dona rarely stayed mad for long; only her lips formed an incredibly sharp line like a razor.

“Well, the longer you delay telling Cedric about this, the worse it gets,” Naomi spoke to me, but her gaze turned cold. That meant she was serious. I couldn’t deny it in a heartbeat. But seriously, I didn’t want to talk about this issue right now.

My head was still filled with many bad possibilities, like the father of what was in my stomach being Cedric, the office boy. Oh God! My luck is so bad!

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