Owning the Mafia Don

Meeting Melissa

Schwartz smiled fondly as Proserpina practically flew out of the car to scoop her children in her arms even before the car had slid to a halt. Claude fell on her as did Piers and Ria. As for the little ones, who seemed to have grown bigger in a month’s time, they immediately commenced their wailing on sensing the presence of their mother, close at hand.

Lucien stepped out slowly. His chest still hurt and his knuckles were battered. The sight of his large family made his heart swell with pride and some other feeling he was still getting used to; the feeling of love, of belonging.

But then, Ria ran to him and throwing her arms around her father, she sobbed as he hugged her tightly and cried,

” Pappa, O Pappa!!! You are safe!!!’

Philippe slid out of the car shyly and stood, his hands awkwardly hanging by his sides, unsure what he was supposed to do in the midst of a family reunion.

Impetuous as ever, Ria turned to him and flew to him. She caught his hands and leaned up to plant a kiss on his lean cheek even as the youth turned dark with embarrassment, abashed.

“You saved my Pappa, my Mumma and you! I love you, Philippe Diaz!” she cried, jumping up and down before him, her long blonde locks dancing, her blue eyes shimmering with tears of joy, the curling lashes and pouting red mouth making her look adorable.

Both Proserpina and Lucien froze. As did the rather flustered Philippe who looked like he wanted to sink into the ground and disappear. His father who had rushed to the scene to greet his son, also came to a stop, wide-eyed.

Taking charge, Lucien stepped forward and said smoothly, in his cold, precise way,

“Diaz, I need to talk to you. Regarding your son.”

Benedict Diaz looked terrified as he straightened and stared in fear. He had been the head gardener of the Mafia Don’s estate and palatial home for years now. Had his son inadvertently angered the dreaded Don? He knew what happened to men who crossed the Boss. His body broke out in a sweat and he looked ghastly white as he stuttered a reply,

‘Yes Sir, Mr. Delano.’

Philippe had also turned to gaze at the Boss, his heart in his mouth. Back during the flight, he had felt the pale, cold eyes of the Mafia Don on him, observing him critically.

His heart pounded. Had he done something wrong?

Handsome James and Proserpina guessed at once that in his cold way, the Don had unwittingly managed to terrify the old gardener .

The shell-shocked expressions of the father and son made Schwartz step forward, immediately, before Proserpina could say a word, and he smiled as he said smoothly,

‘Young Philippe here is a brave young man. We want to secure his future.’

He threw his arm around the alarmed-looking youth and beamed, taking the sharpness out of the scene.

Wryly, he reflected himself that the Boss could scare people without wanting to; such was his severe, menacing personality.

Proserpina came forward too, her arms full with her young babies, Louis and Tara. her face was lit with a smile, and she looked affectionately at Philippe as she spoke.

“Without Philippe,’ she said with a disarming smile, ‘We would not have got back safely.’

The older Diaz looked relieved and he smiled at Proserpina’s unstinted admiration glowing in his tanned face as he clutched his hat.

The Mafia Don watched the scene, his lip curling slightly. His Woman had everyone eating out of the palm of her hand anyways, thought Lucien. With a curt dismissive nod to the father-son duo, he pulled his wife to him and walked to the house, an arm around his daughter, Ria. Piers was beside his father too as well as young Claude who tried to totter along on his plump legs. The little fellow was definitely overweight, thought Lucien as he picked the boy in his arms.

Jeanie and Grace waited on the threshold as did Beatrice, who was carrying the littlest fellow, baby Dominique.



Baby Dominique had turned to look at us as we entered the hallway. I was cradling Louis and Tara in my arms, not too easy but the nurses flitted around, waiting to take them from me.

Dom blinked his large blue eyes at me and then gave a grin, just a big toothless grin. I laughed in happiness but Lucien stopped me from moving to the baby, his heavy arm around my waist, jerking me to him as the nurses quickly stepped up to take the children from my arms.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

“I have work, woman.’ he growled, ‘I shall see you in a while.’

Even as my eyes widened and I opened my mouth to speak, he silenced me with a hard kiss.

When he raised his head, I stared at him, eyes glazed. He could bring me to the edge in such a careless fashion. I was already ready to receive him.

His gaze roved over my face, reading my helpless expression.

Bending his head with a coarse oath, he kissed me again, with thoroughness. Then, abruptly, he turned and strode off, followed by his men and a smiling Schwartz.

I felt my cheeks burn with embarrassment as I realized that the staff and my children had been observing us, interestedly.

It must be like watching a soap opera live, I guess, I thought ludicrously and dimpled at Grace and Rachel.

The people around me clapped.

“Welcome back, Tigress!’ chortled Rachel and stepped forward to give me a bouquet of flowers, lilies this time, thankfully.


Camille appeared, and I thought of what the kids had told me, about her soft corner for Beston. Then there was Tadhana, and Danielle, who raced up the steps, having driven over in her flashy new red sports car.

‘Dani car, look,’ lisped Claude, clinging to my knees with a dimpled smile, his eyes twinkling in mischief. He had graduated to making broken sentences now.

Lucien had already disappeared, striding into the study with Schwartz as Beston trotted along beside him, speaking rapidly, while I remained in the hallway, surrounded by my children, my friends, the staff and Paddy who had come loping up to me.

The boy had been hanging back, frightened as he was of Lucien.

He threw his arms around me awkwardly, with a goofy smile, whispering,

“Welcome back, Mumma.’

He had grown thinner, I thought as I hugged him back. Shyly, he produced a small bouquet of wilted daisies for me.

“For you.’ he beamed shyly.

“Claude and I helped him to pluck them.’ said Ria importantly, tugging her plump sibling forward as I hugged the boy, kneeling to slide my arms around him. Poor Paddy was still not quite tall. “But Claude was naughty till I gave him a whack on the head.’

Piers was by my side and he remained there, making it clear that he had no intention of letting me out of his sight.

Danielle was smoking an e-cigar now and she grimaced as she filled me in on what had been happening around us.


Beston had doubled back and was approaching me.

‘Ahem,’ began Beston as we entered the hall and I noticed a woman standing in the shadows with a small child clinging to her legs, and another child in her arms.

“Who is that?’ I asked in astonishment. The nurses were fussing around with the babies, Tara and Louis.

“Ma’am,’ the lady I told you about,’ said Beston, coming closer, apologetically, looking embarrassed, ‘The… ummm… lady who is ahem… Tristan Lord’s…um….’


I straightened in some belated surprise. Preoccupied as I had been with all my matters, I had forgotten the fact that Lucien had arranged for the lover of Tristan Lord to stay with us here. Her life and that of her children were in danger, Beston had said.

And my husband had been too busy to tell me about it. I straightened and smiled at her. She seemed a little ill at ease. Extending my hand, I stepped to her.

‘Hi! I’m Proserpina.’ I said and Ria was beside me in a minute, playing hostess.

‘Mumma, this is Melissa and these are her children, Jack Jr. and Leo.’

I smiled and walked up to her. The little boy in her arms must be around Claude’s age, dark with keen eyes. The child clinging to her legs was blonde like his mother. He had inherited her green eyes and blonde colouring too.

I smiled again and said, “I am so happy to have you here.’

Melissa smiled shyly and spoke in a soft voice,

‘You are an amazing person. Ria has been telling me about you.’

I laughed and pulled my daughter to me fondly.

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