Owning the Mafia Don



He heard the blood whooshing in his ears, and then he was on Sophie.

Grabbing her hair, he hit her across the face. Before she could scream, he gripped her jaw painfully.NôvelDrama.Org © 2024.

“Where is my woman?’ He snarled, and then, “TALK!’

There was a menace in his tone.

His hand snaked to her throat, but Danielle stopped him.

‘Boss,’ said Danielle urgently, and Aiyana stepped forward, gripping his arm.

‘Leave her,’ said Aiyana softly.

“There are people around. We do not draw unnecessary attention.’

She nodded at the bodyguards, who had created a tight circle around the group, effectively obscuring the view of many interested spectators.

‘Hey ya, folks!’ Cried Danielle,’ You could move on. We gotta get a little thief into the room to ask her a few questions, is all, okay?’

Her commanding tone and the glare she gave everyone as she stood, surveying them, hands on her hips, made the few people who had stopped squirm uneasily and caused them to scurry away.

Lucien was on the phone, desperate but ice cold, barking out orders to Beston, making sure his children were safe. He was also trying to contact all his people, his acquaintances, to find out where his wife was.


Aiyana, as always, took charge of Sophie.

‘Delano,’ she said in her clipped voice, ‘let us get this woman somewhere. She has some answering to do.’

Lucien turned; his face a fearful mask of anger. He stepped forward, and regardless of the people with him, he gripped Sophie by her hair and jerked her head back. Again, Danielle stepped forward, prising his fingers away from the woman, whose eyes were pools of hate and pain as she tried to scream. But another blow, on her mouth this time made her sag. Sophie could feel a tooth come loose and the blood was flowing down her chin.

She made a moaning sound.


The men frog marched her away to a room on the first floor, a room that was half-hidden, tucked away as it was in a corner of the building..

Flinging her onto the floor, the bodyguards stepped back. Aiyana who had been bringing up the rear, her hand on her weapon, looked around herself. This was a room with red damask curtains, and strange implements…realisation hit her. A room where people who cared for kinky sex came to experiment.

She turned her lips down, in contempt and she watched as Sophie was strapped to a chair in the middle of the room. Lucien was pacing around, sweating profusely as he made calls, using both his phones. The air conditioning was working at full blast but the burly man with the white head of hair was perspiring.


Danielle , who had disappeared for a minute, emerged.

Aiyana’s phone pinged. It was a message from Shwartz. He had landed. He was on his way to the Club.

She glanced at Lucien.

He walked up to Sophie who was sitting on the chair, a bruise on her cheek but still defiant. Having discarded his jacket and rolled up his sleeves to reveal his powerful fighter’s biceps and physique, he looked frightening.

She knew that if she had been strapped to the chair, she would have been quaking.


“You stupid c*nt.’ He growled but it was Danielle who stepped forward and hit Sophie on her cheek, Hard.

As the woman cried out, he jerked her head back, staring at her and said in a clear, hard voice, not displaying his obvious anxiety,


Sophie’s bloodied mouth twisted in a grimace of a smile.

Breathing heavily, Lucien stepped back, having changed his mind about questioning her. He wanted to kill her and that would not be helpful he needed to get information. But his fury was limitless.

‘I am leaving you with Daniele and Aiyana. I have other things to do. I had your mother removed from the machines keeping her alive. She must be dead by now so there is nothing to be done to her. As for that half-wit boy, he has been sent to Social Services. ‘

Stepping forward, he lowered his voice, his hands fisting as he controlled the urge to hit her.

‘My woman treated that boy like her own son.’ He took a deep breath, his voice rough with emotion as she went on, low and deep,

” Now, I will see that he is ill-treated in every way possible.”

At his words, she let out a low moan, trying to struggle.

“You bast*rd.’ she screamed.

Lucien went on, unmoved,” Remember this, you wh*re. He will suffer because of you.’

Sophie flung her head back, as she began to struggle, wailing.

Danielle slapped her hard.

“Stop your sh*t, you bit*h!’ she roared and Lucien strode out.


Sophie was blubbering,

“What about my mother, what did she do to you, you…’

Danielle backhanded her, and spat,

“Your old woman was a dead body kept alive because of Proserpina. SHE was the only one who cared for you, you piece of sh*t.’

Sophie glared at her, as Aiyana stood nearby, arms crossed, feet apart, observing before she spoke.

‘Why did you do this?’ she asked in her deep melodious voice and Sophie met her eyes, furious.

‘She was a b*tch who had it all.’ She raised her head proudly and went on,

‘I did it for Sondra. And Sondra was involved with your precious Lucien the Great Womanizer Delano, ‘she went on in a rush,

‘When Proserpina found out, she had Sondra sent to Worthington…’

Who had been feeding this naive woman such fabricated yarns, thought Aiyana in amazement. Did jealousy make you crazy?

‘Your druggie wh*re sister died a long time ago!’ screamed Danielle.

‘And as for Lucien, he never got involved with her, hell, he does not know what she looks like!’

It was Sophie’s turn to gawp. She stared at them, eyes moving from one face to the other, as the truth slowly sank in.

Danielle went on, “Your sister got involved with a gangster alright. A man named DeLawrence. But he grew tired of her. Dumped her.’

Sophie felt the fight go out of her. She slumped in her seat as the thoughts flowed around her.

She looked up, piteously, her tears flowing unchecked.

“Sondra…my sister…is she… is she dead?’ she managed to say through her swollen lips.

Aiyana nodded, going down on her haunches before Sophie, her eyes cold and unforgiving, the weapon cradled loosely in her hands. Sophie’s eyes widened as she began to see the enormity of what she had done in her envious foolishness.

‘Yup. The only person who cared for you, who tried to help you was Proserpina. And you handed her over to the wolves.’ Said Danielle, her voice almost breaking. It was clear that she was on the verge of a breakdown. She had loved Proserpina and she had no doubt about who had whisked away the fragile, loving woman who was the only weakness of the formidable Mafia Don.

‘My mother…Paddy…’ whispered Sophie, beseechingly.

Aiyana straightened and Danielle came forward.

She gripped Sophie’s hair, tugging at the scalp, exerting pain and said,

‘You just gonna find out what happens when you get Lucien Delano pissed. He has already got your belongings carted away. Yeah, the kid is in foster care. Can’t have an unattended autistic kid wandering around. Only, he asked for the meanest social worker on the block to take charge of poor piss*ng Paddy. As for your mother, he got her off the ventilator. ‘

She heaved and took a deep breath.

‘Proserpina is pregnant. She’s expecting twins. She needs to be taken care of. But you got her kidnapped, handed her over to the Boss’ greatest enemy?’

And she raised her hand to hit Sophie but Aiyana grabbed her hand easily.

She stopped, breathing heavily. ‘I hope it hurts, bit*h. Your mother’s dead. And you didn’t get the chance to say bye. How does that feel, bit*ch?’

The ice-cold blonde was crying, as she shouted,

‘Proserpina was the sweetest, kindest person ever. And you…you did this to her?’ And Danielle began to hit her around the head.

Aiyana grabbed her, dragging her away from Sophie whose chair had overturned causing her to fall down, head first. Sophie was wailing loudly. Danielle aimed a vicious kick at her ribs, which connected before Aiyana jerked her away.

“Stop it!’ snarled Aiyana.

‘This is a gang war, bae,’ snapped Danielle, thrusting her face into Aiyana’s

“We don’t play by any fancy FBI games here.

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