Nephilim and the Nun

Chapter 32: •Back home•

Chapter 32: •Back home•


After getting rid of the dead bodies of the gunmen, we took all of our valuables and teleported back to

my home.

We appeared into my room with Rhea holding onto me tightly.

"Where are we?" She asked, glancing around the darkroom nervously.

The windows were locked with curtains down, preventing light from illuminating the room. The little that

filtered in made it dim to human eyes.

"My home"

At my response, her thudding heart calmed and she released a deep breath. Releasing her grip on my

arm, she walked towards the windows to open them and move the curtains aside.

"Don't" I ordered before she could get to the window.

She turned towards me, raising her brows in question.

"You don't want to risk getting caught".

Her shoulders slumped in frustration but she stepped away from the windows, her gaze drifting to my

king-sized bed.

"Get some sleep" It was barely dawn. Had it not been for the disturbance of the gunmen, we'd have still

been in bed.

Giving me a nod, she climbed into the bed and pulled the covers over her. As soon as her head hit the

pillow, she was out cold.

I watched her for a while, having the urge to move to her and thug the stray hair covering her face to

her ears.

Exhaling a gush of air, I got to work, returning my suitcase of clothes to the closet. Thereafter, I stripped

off and joined her in bed.

A few hours later, I woke up to see Rhea wrapped around me. She was still dressed in my shirt that

she'd worn to bed the previous night. Her head was on my chest, her blonde hair splayed on me.

Reaching out to her face, I moved the hair away to reveal her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful

sleeping, with her lips formed into a natural pout.

I traced her lips with my thumb then I moved it slightly to her face before pulling my hand away. I laid in Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

bed for a while longer before getting up.

When I climbed out of bed, I walked towards the windows to peek outside. It was midday already. The

sun was high up in the sky with people moving about their daily jobs.

Stepping away from the window, I sat on the bed and got the remote to the TV compartment. I needed

to check the security cameras to know if I'd had any visitors while I was away. With Rhea still sleeping

and her soft snores filling my ears, I pressed a button on the remote and the wall shifted inside

revealing the tv. I turned it on and began to check the camera footage for anything unusual but I found

nothing. The house was as clean as I'd left it.

Turning off the tv, I closed the part of the wall housing it then moved to the kitchen in search of food.

Luckily for me, there were still a few foodstuffs in the fridge that could be used to make a decent meal. I

prepared a meal for two and was dishing it when she walked into the room.

I felt her gaze on me before turning to see her. My eyes landed on her but her eyes were somewhere

else. I traced them to see they were unashamedly ogling me in just boxers. I had forgotten to pull on


"Like what you see?" I asked, smirking.

Shaking her head as if to clear the images from her head, she dragged her eyes to mine with much


"What time is it?" She asked


Her eyes widened.

"I slept for that long?"

In response, I gave her a curt nod. She was about to speak when her stomach rumbled. She wrapped

her arms around her mid-region, her face contorting into a cute frown with her brows drawn together.

Returning my attention to the food, I took a plate and handed it to her. She stared at me with grateful

eyes. In response, I smiled.

As soon as she got seated on the kitchen island, she immediately went to town on the food.

We ate in silence with me mostly watching her devour her food. As soon as she was done, she pushed

the plate away and looked up to see my eyes on her. Colour spread through her cheeks to the rest part

of her face when she realized I'd been watching her all along.

Once I was done eating, she did the dishes. While she was washing them, I decided to let her in on the

new changes.

"You can't stay with me anymore" I started.

As soon as the words left my mouth, she stopped what she'd been doing to give me her full attention.

"The men were sent by Elliott and they'd been searching for you. He knows you're still alive". Her eyes

widened at the information while his body stilled. "We can't stay at the cabin anymore because he'd find

us there and you can't be with me anymore because we'd be endangering our lives. We have to part


A crestfallen look overtook her features.

"I can't go back home. Please don't send me back. I-I promise to be careful". Her lips trembled as she

said the words, eyes filling up with tears.

I walked up to her, pulling her into my arms. She rested her head on my naked chest, wrapping her wet

arms around me tightly.

"shhh…I'm not letting you go home. At least, not yet" I assured her, rubbing her back soothingly to

ease the tension but it wasn't working. "I'm going to look for a place for you to stay where you'll be safe

and I'd come to check on you always. That way, they wouldn't ever found us and we'd be safe to carry

out our mission"

"Do you have a place in mind?" She asks, raising her head to stare into my eyes with her beautiful

hazel ones.

"Not yet but I'll figure something out. Trust me"

I stared into her eyes to convey my message and she simply nodded, sniffling back her unshed tears.

We stayed there with arms wrapped around each other.

I needed to find a safe place for her. The sadness in her eyes when she'd thought I was taking her

home pricked my heart. It made me all the more determined to hunt down our foes and deal with them


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