My Stone-Hearted Billionaire Husband

Chapter 12: Move In With Me

Kourtney’s face flushed crimson red, and she looked away, feeling a mixture of embarrassment, confusion, frustration, and attraction. She hadn’t expected such a bold suggestion from him after she questioned his sexual orientation, and the thought of their wedding night made her heart race.

His response caught her off guard, and she struggled to find the right words. “I… I don’t want it. Forget what I said,” she stammered.

“It’s… It’s just that I thought… maybe the rumors were true. Some say you prefer men, so you avoid women like the plague. Others say you’re impotent that’s why you’ve been awfully single. And it made me wonder why you pursued marriage with me,” she added carefully.

“Rumors are just -rumors. But it’s amusing to see you so curious about my personal life, my dear Wife.”

“Well, forgive me for wanting to understand the man I just married.”

Sebastian’s gaze locked onto hers, his demeanor softening just a fraction. “You’re right,” he admitted, surprising her with his candid response.

“That’s why I suggest we go to my place. Perhaps, you can discover where my true desires lie,” Sebastian added with dangerous intent flashing in his eyes.

Kourtney continued to blush deeply in embarrassment. She glanced away, shifting uncomfortably and avoiding his intense gaze.

“I said I don’t want it. Please, take me home now. I want to go home!”

Sebastian leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms with a self-satisfied smirk still lingering across his face. He seemed to enjoy seeing her flustered and uncomfortable, and he took pleasure in having the upper hand in their conversation.

“But you wanted to know the truth, didn’t you? Well, there’s only one way to find out.”

Kourtney glared at him as her irritation started to build up. She realized he was toying with her, using her own queries against her. It was a cruel and manipulative move, which made understanding his true intentions a challenging task.

“I said I want to go home!”

“What home are you even talking about? Your family’s or Mine?” Sebastian said, a hint of arrogance creeping into his voice.

Kourtney sneered. “Of course, my family’s home. Where else?”

“Ah Ah! Very funny!” Sebastian chuckled darkly. “You do remember, don’t you, that we are legally married now? That means you’re moving in with me immediately. My house is your new home now.”


“You heard me, Wife.”

“You must be joking. Right? You’re a joker!”

“Whatever makes you think I’m joking? I never make jokes, especially about serious matters.” Sebastian replied with a condescending tone.

Kourtney’s eyes widened in disbelief. This was moving too fast, even for a forced marriage. She had only known him for a few hours, and now he expected her to move into his house already.

“You can’t be serious, Mr Woods. We just got married out of the blue, and now you expect me to just… move in with you? What nonsense is that?”

“I’m just informing you, not asking for your opinion.”

“You… You don’t even know”

“As my wife, you will move in with me. It’s only natural for a husband and wife to live together. Isn’t it?” Sebastian cut her off in a cold and serious tone.

“What if I refused?”

Kourtney asked, and Sebastian leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a dangerously low and threatening tone.

“You don’t have a choice in the matter, Wifey. The papers were signed, the vows were made, the marriage is legal, and you are now bound to me. My house will be your residence, and you will comply.”

Kourtney knew now that he was damn serious and the realization hit her like a ton of bricks. The forcefulness in his words sent shivers down her spine, and she felt the weight of the situation pressing down on her. She had always been a strong and independent woman, making her own decisions and living on her terms.

Now, she found herself trapped in a web of circumstances she had little control over. Kourtney wondered how on earth she had ended up here. Her heart raced with frustration and anger at his arrogance and entitlement. This time, she raised her voice at him.

“You can’t force me to do something I’m not ready for! It is my life, my decision, not yours.”

Sebastian’s face darkened, his anger simmering just beneath the surface. “I own you now. You’re mine, and you will do as I say,” he declared, his possessive nature coming to the fore.

‘She should feel honored to live in my home and be a part of my world. Why the rebellion?’ he thought gloomily.

He had always been a man of control, and the idea of someone challenging that control was foreign to him. It was something he wasn’t used to.

Meanwhile, Jamie and the others sat quietly in the front part of the Limo, hearing their boss quarreling with his new wife. The heated argument filled the car, the tension thick and detectable.

“I can’t just move in with you! We barely know each other.” Kourtney protested, not willing to back down. “What am I even going to tell my Family? That I just married a stranger? I can’t just move out when I haven’t gotten the chance to tell them. It’s absurd!!!”

Sebastian’s face hardened at her never-ending resistance, and he leaned in closer, his expression darkening and filled with irritation.

“You don’t get to call the shots here, Kourtney. We’re married, and you’ll do well to remember that because it’s in your best interest to obey me. Moving in with me is part of what you signed up for.”

Kourtney felt a sense of unease settles in her chest. She knew he was right. They were legally bound to each other now, and she had signed the marriage papers. Amid the conflict, Kourtney realized that she could never win against this man. He would always hold power over her as long as he was her legal husband.

The weight of her decision to sign those papers was becoming increasingly clear, and she felt a knot of regret forming in her stomach. While she didn’t want to be trapped in a loveless marriage, she also knew that standing up to the man continuously could make things worse. Instead of keeping up with the futile arguments, she decided to reason with him.

“M… Mr. Woods, I need some time to adjust to this new reality,” she pleaded, her voice more vulnerable now. “I’m not saying I’ll never move in with you, but I just need a little space to think and process everything. And also, plan how to let my family know.”

A flicker of emotion passed through her husband’s eyes, momentarily softening his stern and intimidating expression. He considered her words for a moment, his eyes searching her face for any signs of deception.

“Fine,” he finally said, his voice tinged with annoyance.

“I’ll give you just one week to come to terms with this. One week!” Sebastian repeated with an intimidating aura.

“Only one week? Are you kidding me?”

“What do you want? The whole year?” he scoffed.

“If you still refuse to inform your people and move in with me after one week. I’d come to pick you up myself and let them know you’re my wife. You have a choice to make; either move in with me and fulfill your duties as my wife or face the consequences,” he added with stern finality.

This woman made him talk too much, and he felt his vocal cords would crack soon. Before meeting her today, he hardly talked this much in a single day. All he does is give simple and short instructions all day to his staff. And he can command an entire room with a single brooding stare.This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

There has never been a need for him to engage in lengthy and stressful conversations like this, especially not ones that concerned emotions and personal matters. But here he was!

No one has ever been able to make him lose his composure like she did. Her defiance and unwillingness to obey his command frustrated him, yet he couldn’t help but be captivated by her strength.

He had always been a man of power and influence, accustomed to getting what he wanted. But this woman, this remarkable woman, now his wife, challenged him in ways he never expected.

Meanwhile, Kourtney stared at Sebastian with a mixture of disbelief and defiance. She couldn’t believe he was giving her an ultimatum to move in with him within a week. She had been foolishly hanging on to her last thread of hope, thinking that maybe the guy just wanted a wife on paper.

The very thought that she would begin to live in the same house with this arrogant and domineering freak never crossed her mind.

‘This whole thing is even worse than I thought, a lot worse!’

She felt uneasy and uncertain as she turned her attention away from him again and focused on the busy streets. The sounds of honking cars and bustling pedestrians provided a temporary escape from the whirlwind of emotions that consumed her.

Thankfully, after what seemed like an endless and tense ride, the Limo soon approached the gate of her family’s estate.

“Mr. Woods, please tell them to pack here! You don’t need to enter the estate grounds.” Kourtney sat up in a panic.

She didn’t want anyone to see her getting down from this incredibly expensive car. That would raise her family’s suspicions. She figured she would find time to sit everyone down and break the shocking news.

“I know,” Sebastian replied with annoyance in his voice.

Kourtney quickly alighted the vehicle without bothering to spare the man a glance. She walked into the villa in long strides, not caring to bid him farewell. Or what was she supposed to say?

It’s been such a long and frustrating day for her. And right now, she just wanted to lie down in the comfort of her bed.


Just as she was about to head upstairs to her bedroom, she heard her name being called. It was the voice of the she-devil herself.

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