My Professor Is My Alpha Mate

Chapter 479

‘Hazel instantly knelt to the ground and.

bowed her head low in respect 1o the guardian. The rstof us did the same. The guardian, Aura, scanned us with her beautiful blue eyes with an expression unteadable, ye lld with sentry. he.

‘was beautiful and ree atthe same tine; twas almost Intimidating and ficult to Tookat her for an extended period of time. “Guardian of art, hank you for coming,” Hazel sald speaking na tone that was lowand direct, “Youhave.

summaned, we have come,” Aura sid, looking down at Hazel “Tell me, daughter. Why have you summoned —" Her voice broke off and sh looked fin he distance a nothing particular, a If Something had just caled for her. She breathed in deeply, closing her eyes hile She floated to the ground until she was Kneeling beside Hazel. She pressed the

palms of her delicate pearly white hands othe hard mass of the round and took in another deep breath. seemed kesh was smelling somethin; or maybe she was ust tain it ns. But what she was aldngin, wasn sure. well remained Silent, not daring to spesk hile she intone herself ih the arth and elt the round with he hands. Then her eyes opened, and she ec outa gasp before floating back nto th ic and resuming er spot just shove Hazel's head.

“Darkness,” she whispered. This time when she looked tus saw that herpes ‘were glistening with sadness and remorse, shevasn't already porcelain whit, ould have thought she ad gotten whiter, ut that couldn't have been possible. A single, spackling tear escaped from her lef eye and washed over hes cheek. 1 didn't drip rom her though, it disappeared once reached Her chin. “The earth weeps with pain and agony,” she spoke ina tone so low had to strain to hear her. “Darkness had

er ar LE core” Wall remained silent, Hazel bowed he head lower and the rest of us did the same, Aura looked down at are, nesting close, “How id this happen?” ura asked, hertone, though sl musical andlight, was fem and lied with power “What has happened tomy cath, daughter.” “0m so sory, Guardian.” Haze sad na tone that shook with ech breath she tok 1 thought she now Sounded weak and ightened, but this guardian did't bring me che samelevel offear and Iwas confused by Hazes reaction toward her. She did this spell with such confidence, and naw she appeared so tightened. “twas my sste.. she had med rom light a long.

ime ago and is now allied with darkness.

She had summened him to your eatth and.

hes here todo harm.” “Zagreus.” Auta breathed, taking a deep breath once again. he didn't say his name ikea Question; vias more lke she was facing him directly and she was greeting him.

‘But he wasn’t there; it was only us, and Hazel answered her anyway, Yes, Guardian. “Your siste Jasmine was th onewiho summoned him?” Aura shed, though she did't sound surprise, more.

like she was disheartened, I'm afraid so. Hazel sad sadly. “Lam s0 sore.” itis not your ful, daughter. You did not summon him 0 my earth. You did ght by summoning us hough,” shesaid simply, “Howser, cannot defeat darkness My obs o ot Gght but protect.” “Guardian, we summoned you today ta protect us from tis darks.

Wie don't know what Zageeus and my.

sste are planing We ae frightened and we need protection. We don't now what more to do,” Hazel sad, loking up atthe guardian. Aura looked amongst us fora moment and then to my uter surprise, her gaze ell upon me. My.

breathing got caught in my thecat and ve stared atone another for what felt lea Tong tie, She held my gaze, and something flashed in her eyes, “Whats

‘your name child?” She asked, lowering herself so she was at eye evel ih me. I swallowed the ump that had formed n+ my theoat before answering, "Lila I answeced, but my vole came out weak andsof leat gio was instantly embarrassed. “Yes, of course,” she ‘whispered as if she should have already. NôvelDrama.Org is the owner.

Known my name. she stared around my.

face ke 1 was some kindof science.

project that she needed tosucy. She ceached her hand out toward me and I cemained frozen, scaring at her with wide eyes. Her fingertips grazed th top of my cheekbone and her ouch eta cooling sensation nits place. 1 saw, from th.

corner of my eye, Enzo tensing unsure of what was appeningand who vas touching his mate. “Your wolf, what is her name?” “Valentin, answered, my voice coming out stronger his time. She.

tilted her head ith such curiosity, that she almost looked childlike, “Valentina.” she repeated ina low ‘whisper like she was testing the name out

a PERG ex Soli oud myself furrowing my brows together confused by her request Butbore 1 could ascher hae hemes, cy body sifting nd morphing oto my wo.

Val had taken control nd ook on er full form. Soon sherwas standing and proudin ontof he guardanaf the cath. heard my moth gasping roma distance as she watched wht was Happening Everyone le was staring us with wide ees, unmoving Aura sc looked pleased as shestaeed round the face of my wolfe reached her hand out and stoked Vals pure wit fur. u's fingeps grazed ats shouldees and down he narrow nd omg hod “You see quite beautiful creature,” Auea breaded wonder “Thankyou, guardian,” Val sid ith voice s0stzong couldn't help but be prow of er. A fst dik Aura would be bi o hea he because wolves only spoke one mind, but Aura mild i Val spoke to er Your powers are quite impressive, Aura continued as

‘she stared into Vals eyes. “You are very powerful” “Lama Volana," Val explained proudly. “Yes, indeed But you + are different, Your powers range a Tot lacger than a typical Volana. never sensed povs as strong as yours befor 10S incredible” “What does it mean?” Val asked, curiosity clean he one. It means you could be powerful enough o defeat darkness,” Auea said simply. “You ate what this world needs Val had so many more questons but wasn't sure howto answer them. “in due ime, all your questions willbe answered, daughter,” Aura said, asf shecould ead our minds, “But for ight now tis protection that you eek, so protection will ive you heard Hazel sighing in elie andthe others rlaxing ust as Aura withccew her hand from Val's fur.

Without Auea structing her, Val gave me full control and shifted back nto my.

Human form. though fo sure was going tobe completely naked when shifted back, and 1 was bracing myself for

the embarrassment 1 was about to feel But tomy complteamazement, when I Shifted bak, was still in my clothes, unripped.1staced dow at my loin, with my mouth hanging open. "You have enough power to feed my children,” Aura continued, and his time she was Speaking to everyone because he eyes traced ove th circle, “The energy is Incredible iis as if we never lft he earth grounds. They will be very happy here. will leave them to protect ou, however, [muse protect the earth rounds because, without my protection, twill surely fal” “0m sore, Guardian, but your children?” It was ry mother that asked. Aura looked at my mother witha thoughtful expression and a small Smile dancing on her ps. “Youare the mother of this powerful wolf” Aura sald smoothly; she did't phrase tas question, but my mother tll answered “Yes; am Luna Selene. Lil's mother.” “You are powerful tao, but shes abit mre than you. You, however, have.

‘strong genes,” Aura said kindly. “Yes, daughter My children” She motioned for herbs ofight hat danced seound her and they continued to giggle. “They help me protec the arth and now ppoint the to protect you and your people, she explained, they bogan o glow brighily as they danced around her features, lighting her up In rays of ght ‘and color. “I have 4 children to represent of the cements. They can each protect upto city line. But only one eritry or each of my children” “We can choose 4 territories?” Hazel asked, looking amongst the rest of us with a frown.

es; they can protect evry pack within their given ciy or own,” Aura confirmed. “How long wil we have your protection for? Diana nally spoke, turning Aura’s acention to her. “Weare attached to the strongest power and will only survive i that power sll.

thriving,” Aura answered and then she fumed to face me. “As longas Valentina sable, we will be able to protect he reas

‘you appoint us to, Lila. Indefinitely.” What?” 1 gasped, wide-eyed. “He?” Then, Aura smiled. “ts your wo that keeps us here and makes t possible for us 0 protect you Valentina sour main Source of power.”

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