My Handsome Uncle, Please Be Mine!

Chap 28

28 || Obstacle! ||

Part 28.

Clara and Joe were on their way to a shopping center. Mr. Joko, sitting behind the wheel, focused on driving the four-wheeled vehicle, providing comfort to his employer.

Joe and Clara sat in the back, while the four-year-old girl was in Clara’s lap.

“Kak Clara!” whispered Kimmy.

“Yes,” Clara replied, focusing her gaze and attention on Kimmy.

“Grandma said Kak Kimmy wants to go to college and not stay at home anymore. Is that true?” Kimmy asked.

Clara threw a smile. She paused for a moment before answering the question. Meanwhile, Joe pretended to focus on his tablet screen. Although both of his senses were tuned into what Kimmy and Clara were talking about.

“Emmm …,” murmured Clara.

“Kak Clara will still stay here, she’ll go to college and come home every day!” Joe interrupted, stealing a glance at Clara.

“Emmm …, Grandma likes to lie, huh, Pa?” protested the little girl.

Joe smiled thinly and glanced at Clara again.

Clara chose to remain silent. She couldn’t smile until she heard those explanations from Joe. Her heart was still burning with jealousy.

After thirty minutes of traveling, they arrived at the largest shopping center in the city. Mr. Joko parked his car in the parking area.

Joe, along with Clara and Kimmy, got out of the car and began to enter the multi-story building. The man glanced at his watch and then watched Clara and Kimmy again.

“Shall we go to the top floor? Does Kimmy want to eat ice cream?” Joe asked. “What about you, Clara? What flavor ice cream do you want?” he offered.

“Anything, Uncle!” Clara replied, still indifferent. In fact, she didn’t want to eat ice cream. She just needed explanations about those eye-catching and heart-wrenching articles.

The elevator door opened.

Joe led Kimmy, then made sure Clara entered and always stayed close to her.

The elevator door closed. The transportation device in the multi-story building began to ascend.

Joe loves Clara! That’s what he feels. Initially, he thought he just wanted to see Clara without having her. However, all of that was wrong. A dominant man like him couldn’t contain his jealousy.

The door opened.

The three of them stepped out to a table reserved by Joe. It was a rectangular table with six seats.

Joe sat at the end, Kimmy beside him. Clara chose to sit across from Kimmy.

Soon, a waiter came and brought two drinks and two servings of ice cream.

Clara thought for a moment, why were there two drinks? Strawberry juice was clearly Joe’s order, but what about the soda? Kimmy couldn’t have it. Joe also avoided soda.




Footsteps approached. Clara’s question was answered. Celine was standing next to Joe, smiling sweetly.

“Good afternoon, Mr. Joe,” she greeted. She sat next to Clara, facing Joe.

“Good afternoon, Celine!” Joe replied. “Thank you for coming!” he added.

“Yes, Sir, I’ll always be ready if you want me to come!” she said with a continued smile.

“I want to talk about the articles circulating in the media about us,” Joe paused for a moment, looking at Clara who was enjoying her ice cream.

Clara seemed indifferent. But, in fact, she was paying attention to every word uttered by Celine and Joe.

“Oh yes, I read those articles earlier!” said Celine, pretending not to be interested. Although she was the mastermind behind the spread of those articles about her closeness to the widower.

“Yes, I don’t know where those articles came from, I just want you to confirm that none of it is true!” Joe commanded. “Our relationship is just work-related, nothing more. I don’t want those rumors to spread, because there are hearts I need to protect!” Joe glanced briefly at Clara, then looked back at Celine.

“Mr. Joe, aren’t you already divorced? That means you’re not in a relationship with anyone, right?” Celine asked, raising her eyebrows, full of questions. Could it be that Joe was in a relationship with another woman?

Joe stared at Celine sharply. He didn’t expect the model to be so bold.

“Then, what’s the meaning of the gift you gave?” she protested. A gift of flowers and a gown was given by Joe, about a month ago.All content is property © NôvelDrama.Org.

“Gift?” Joe squinted, trying to remember.


“I’ll excuse myself to the restroom!” Clara couldn’t handle it. She didn’t want to know what Joe gave to Celine, until the beautiful woman got carried away and thought Joe liked her.

Silence. Kimmy was busy with her chocolate ice cream.

“Which gift, Celine? I don’t recall,” Joe asked.

“Flowers and an evening gown!” Celine replied.

“Sorry, but I really don’t know about that. I always send gifts to the models I work with, but my secretary chooses them!” Joe explained. For a moment, he remembered Antoni and wanted to scold him.

Celine’s breath became heavy. Joe politely rejected her. Her face turned red with embarrassment.

“I’ll excuse myself to the restroom for a moment!” Celine said, feeling extremely embarrassed. She walked quickly. The sound of her high heels clashing with the floor echoed loudly in Joe’s ears.

In the restroom.

Celine found Clara standing in front of the mirror. They stared at each other.

“Who are you, what’s your name?” Celine asked curtly.

“I’m Clara, Kak,” Clara replied kindly. The woman she was talking to was incredibly beautiful, even with minimal makeup. Truly out of her league.

“Do you know the woman who’s close to Joe?” Celine asked while examining her appearance in the mirror.

“Emmm…,” Clara murmured.

“Damn, who is that woman! Why is she not interested in me! Why can Joe not be interested in me?” she exclaimed angrily.

“Clara!” she called.

“Yes, Kak!” Clara replied, trembling.

“I’m beautiful, aren’t I?”

“Yes, Kak Celine, you’re beautiful and talented!” Clara replied honestly. The woman standing next to her was indeed perfect.

“I deserve to have Joe, right?” Celine’s breath still sounded heavy with frustration.

Clara didn’t answer. “I’m going out, Kak!” Clara excused herself.

“Wait!” Celine stopped her.


“If you know who the woman close to Joe is, you should tell Clara!” she requested. “Since you’re always close to Joe, you should know who he’s close to!” she added with emphasis.

“I… I don’t know, Kak!”

“My efforts have been in vain!” Celine sighed. She bowed her head, resting it on her hands.

“What do you mean, Celine?” Clara asked, abandoning her intention to stay longer in the room.

“I made those articles, I paid the media. I thought he liked me!” she lamented again.

Clara sighed. It was understandable! What she had been feeling all along. Loving Joe deeply. The man was indeed charming. Even someone like Celine, a model, desired Joe. Not to mention Vivian, his supermodel ex-wife.

Clara’s courage faltered. Did Joe really love her? The longer it went on, the more doubts she had!

“Kak Celine, be strong! Loving someone without any reciprocation is painful! I’ve felt it for years!” Clara advised and quickly left Celine. A feeling of sadness creeping into her heart.

Celine was stunned. Was what Clara said true? Wasn’t she still in high school? For years?

Celine shook her head, unsure.

Joe complied with Clara’s wish to go home.

“We need to talk tonight,” Joe requested before they arrived at the parking area.

“Yes, let’s talk over the phone, Uncle!” Clara suggested. There was a sense of fear because Joe had started to boldly kiss her anywhere.


They got into the car. Mr. Joko, who had been waiting faithfully, started the car.

“Where to, Sir?” the man asked.

“Let’s just go home!” Joe replied.


The car started moving back towards home. Throughout the journey, Joe felt relieved because Clara wasn’t angry anymore.

The four-wheeled vehicle arrived at Joe’s residence. Clara got out of the car, as did Joe, carrying the sleeping Kimmy.

Out of the blue, Clara was startled to see a woman sitting on the veranda of the house.

“Why is Aunt Vivian here already! It hasn’t even been two months in Paris!” Clara muttered as she followed behind Joe.

The man stopped in his tracks.

“Darling, let’s talk!” Vivian called Joe “darling”.

“Don’t touch me!” Joe whispered, brushing off his ex-wife’s hand. He chose to leave Vivian behind.

Clara, who had been silent all this time, followed Joe into the house.

“Wait, Clara!” Vivian stopped her, grabbing Clara’s hand roughly.

Clara stopped. She returned Vivian’s gaze.

“I’ll make sure Joe comes back to me! Realize yourself, Clara, you’re just a parasite living in this house, without Joe’s mercy, you can’t experience life with such facilities!” Vivian said confidently.

“You’re the one who should realize, Aunt! You come and go as you please without respecting Joe’s feelings!” Clara retorted. She understood well how painful it was for Joe. Loving but not being prioritized was painful.

“Watch your words, Clara! You’re no match for me! Give up on getting Joe!” his former wife urged.

“I’m not afraid, Aunt!” Clara tried to sound strong. But her heart was already torn apart.

“Fine! Get ready, Clara, I’ll make you cry blood. Because you’re bold enough, I won’t hesitate, I’ll make sure your heart shatters into pieces!”

“Let go of my hand, Aunt!”

Vivian released Clara’s hand. They exchanged fierce glances. Neither wanted to back down; they both felt entitled to Joe.

“I’m not giving up, Clara, don’t cry! I’ll make sure we’ll be together!” Joe said as he reached out to Clara in his embrace.

Before Clara entered, Joe was already inside her room.

Clara opened her unlocked bedroom door. Strange, because she had locked it when she left earlier.

The girl sat on the edge of her bed. In her dimly lit room.

“How strong do I have to be, Uncle! Do I have to be a mountain! Or as tough as a rock! I feel small, why does loving you have to be this exhausting! I’m tired!” Clara murmured as she closed both of her hands. Tears welled up. Her chest felt heavy. Celine, Vivian, Mr. Bond, Mrs. Linn, who else would hinder her feelings for Joe.

“I’m tired! Should I give up!” Clara lamented with herself.


Only faint sobs from the girl could be heard.

“Don’t give up, Clara, don’t cry! I’ll make sure we’ll be together!” Joe said as he reached out to Clara in his embrace.

Before Clara entered, Joe was already inside her room.

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