My Dad's Bestfriend

Chapter 10 : Jealousy

Chapter 10 : Jealousy


This evening was weirder than the previous ones, at least....for me. While everyone seemed to be perfectly enjoying their evening, something felt off.

The coffee tasted increasingly bitter against my tastebuds as I observed Evelyn laughing and chatting with that new guy, sitting a little too close for comfort. My comfort.

There was no denying her breathtaking beauty. Her silky dark hair, enchanting hazel eyes, captivating smile, and radiant complexion held an irresistible allure. Beyond measure. They beckoned to me like forbidden fruit, tempting me to indulge in sinful desires. Oh, how I longed to take her to my room and ravish her!

Damn it, I knew I had to contain my thoughts. But, I just couldn't.

The memory of her lips pressed against mine in the kitchen still haunted my thoughts. Relentlessly

She was driving me to the brink of madness, every movement, every word, every smile and laugh sending shivers down my spine. Even without actively doing anything, she had an uncanny ability to ignite an inferno within me.

I was well aware that I shouldn't be acting like a love-struck teenager at my age.

Yet, my entire being, body, mind, and soul, yearned for her.

The depth of her impact on me was both exhilarating and terrifying.

I could sense her desire for me, an unspoken longing that she yearned to fulfill. She wanted me to have her and denying it won't make it true that I did want her as much as she did.

It was undeniable, but I had to resist. I couldn't allow myself to have her.

The truth was, she existed outside the boundaries I had set for myself. She was considerably younger than me, and to complicate matters further, she was Samuel's daughter. Entertaining such a risk could jeopardize everything I held dear.

My eyes moved to glance at her from afar. The lack of distance between that boy and her really bothered me; In a way, it shouldn't have. Nheless, I could not help it.

My fists continued to clench involuntarily, and my grip on the coffee mug handle tightened even further.

Calm down, Jacob. She is not yours.

Hell, I can't calm down!

I closed my eyes, taking a deep breath, but the moment I opened them, they landed on Evelyn once again. This time, a surge of rage coursed through me as I noticed that guy's hand resting possessively around her waist, while he whispered something into her ear, prompting her to giggle. Her gaze briefly met mine, but she quickly averted her eyes, refocusing her attention on that guy.

Okay! Enough was enough.

What was she trying to do?Allowing that guy to get all close to her....for fuck's sake, she was practically sitting on his lap!

"Hey, mate," Samuel's voice suddenly broke the tension, as he walked into the hall. "What are you doing here? I've been looking for you."

"I went to the kitchen to grab some coffee and heard the loud chatter of Evelyn and her friends, so I decided to check it out," I explained, dismissing the tension with a forced laugh.

"Ah, I get it. Kids these days can blabber on all night," Samuel chuckled.

"So, all of them are Evelyn's friends?"

"Yes, they're all very close to her, especially Mason. He and Evelyn have been together since Fourth grade."

Ah, so the pup's name was Mason.

"And you know the funny part? I don't have to worry about my daughter's safety when she's with Mason because he..." Samuel's sentence was abruptly cut off by the ringing of his phone.

"Give me a sec." Samuel swiftly retrieved his phone from his pocket and answered the call.

I didn't catch much of his conversation as my focus remained fixed on Evelyn. It was evident, though, that he was speaking with Clara.

If there was anything or anyone I'd rather divert my attention to, it was Evelyn.

"Yeah, I've come downstairs to inform him about it. Don't worry," Samuel hung up the call and walked over to me.

"So, Jacob, I actually came here to tell you something," he began. "Upon Clara's request, I've chartered a yacht. Since we're close to the coastal region, we'll be visiting some coastal areas and islands. Everyone will be joining us. I wanted to inform you in advance so that you wouldn't be late. We're leaving early in the morning and returning by night."

"Sorry, buddy. I won't be able to join you,"


"First of all, I've already visited those places, as you know. I was here a couple of years back," I explained, trying to sound reasonable. "Secondly, I really need some proper rest. All these functions and events have been exhausting, and I haven't had a chance to relax."

The first reason was true, but the second one was entirely fabricated. I knew one reason alone would never be enough to convince Samuel. "Okay, these reasons are absolutely stupid."

Well......they were. But I couldn't bring myself to attend and witness the nauseating lovey-dovey acts between Evelyn and that boy.

"I know but it is what is true." I shrugged.

"Fine then, if that's what you want," Samuel sighed, shaking his head before walking away.

As Samuel disappeared from view, I turned my gaze towards Evelyn. To my surprise, she was already looking at me. It seemed her gaze had lingered on me while I was engaged in conversation with Samuel. Those hazel eyes of hers were locked onto mine, suggesting a more meaningful connection than mere fleeting glances.Original from NôvelDrama.Org.

However, the moment I held her gaze, she averted her eyes in a swift flash.

There was undoubtedly something going on in her beautiful mind, but I couldn't bring myself to care. Her actions were already getting under my skin. Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I decided to retreat to the kitchen. I absentmindedly placed the cup in the dishwasher and reached into the fridge to grab a water bottle.

This unfamiliar sensation gripped me, unlike anything I had ever experienced, even in my time with Chloe. It was a strange feeling, as if a raging fire had been ignited within my chest, threatening to consume everything in its path. No matter how many gulps of cold water I took, it did nothing to extinguish it.

This was so wrong.

I shouldn't be feeling this way for her.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps broke through my thoughts. I turned my gaze towards the kitchen entrance, only to find Evelyn walking in.

She casually flipped her hair over her shoulder, a slight furrow forming between her eyebrows, and her plump, pink lips slightly parted as she locked her eyes on me.

As I laid my eyes on her in that short maroon dress, hugging her like a second skin, my self-control teetered on the edge. Every curve of her body seemed irresistibly

tempting, and it was become!


harder to resist.

She had transformed into a completely different person—A beautiful woman.

"Oh, so you're still lingering around here," she remarked curtly, striding past me towards the cab to grab a beer bottle.

In her haste, her dress hitched up slightly, revealing more of her enticing form. Her frustration grew evident as she struggled to reach the cab that seemed just out of her grasp.

"Shit," she muttered softly under her breath, her attempts proving futile.

I looked down at her juicy ass that begged my attention. Fuck!

She flattened one of her hands on the counter and supported her weight as she made an attempt to get the bottle. This time her dress lifted upwards, a bit more, and her creamy thighs drew my attention.

This was it.

I finally lost it.

I approached her, closing the distance until I stood just behind her. With a smooth motion, I slid my hands onto her hips, drawing her in closer until her back met my chest.

She immediately froze on her spot, and there was a hitch in her breathing.

Her delicate fragrance enveloped my senses, a hint of roses filled the air, intoxicating and captivating. Her ass pressed against my hard-on. Holy, this is all I could wish for.

I sensed her awareness of my presence, her stillness betraying a mix of caution and uncertainty.

"What is it that you want?"

"I-I... want the beer bottle," she stuttered.

"This one?" With deliberate intent, I extended my left hand toward the bottle, effectively enclosing her in the space between the counter and myself.

"Yes," she nodded, her troubled breathing filling the air, a palpable tension hanging between us.

As I grasped the bottle and set it down on the counter, I posed another question, "And for whom?"

There was a moment of silence before she spoke hesitantly, "Mason, my boyfri—"

Interrupting her, I swiftly spun her around, capturing her throat within my grip. "What are you attempting to do, huh?"

Her lack of shock or surprise caught me off guard.

Instead, a smirk crept across her lips, "There are plenty more fish in the sea, Mr. Jacob Adriano. Remember?"

Damn this girl was going to fucking ruin me!

"Don't play with fire, Evelyn. You'll get burned if you push it too far," I warned, my teeth clenched tightly.

"What fire are you talking about?" she retorted, her voice laced with a calculated tone. "All I see is a..." Her voice trailed off as she let out a thoughtful sound. "Coward."

Calm. Down.

You can't lose it right now.

"Watch your mouth, Evelyn," I growled, it was so fucking hard to control the storm raging within me

"You're not my father to dictate my actions," she retorted, swiftly seizing my hand that rested on her neck and forcefully pushing it away. "What are you even to me? My boyfriend?You have no right to tell me what to do or not do. I'll say and do as I please."

"And what I do is none of your concern," she continued, "You've always excelled at turning a blind eye, so continue doing that for the remainder of our


Yes, it shouldn't have mattered to me who she was involved with, who she conversed with, or who she chose to be with.

But it did. It affected me more than I cared to admit.

I fucking hated seeing her with anyone else. Even the thought of it.

"Was it that new guy you fantasized about when you touched yourself at night, or was it me?" I grabbed her jaw firmly, angling her face to meet my


Her lips parted, a fleeting flicker passing through her eyes. Her breathing grew heavier, yet she remained silent. I knew she was nervous.

"Was it the new guy you used to discreetly steal glances at during every gathering, or was it me?" I pressed, my voice tinged with a mix of desperation and longing.

Her mouth opened as if to respond, but she seemed at a loss for words.

"Whose touch used to, and still does, send shivers down your spine? His or mine?" I whispered against her lips, my voice laced with a raw intensity.

"Answer me, Evelyn."

"Listen, Jacob," she finally breathed


out, her voice carrying a blend of exasperation and frustration. "You can't keep doing this, alright? One moment you act like this, and the next moment you change. I don't want to be caught in this constant

dilemma. I need someone who won't be such a coward, someone who can push past their fears, like Mason."

A surge of rage enveloped me as her words pierced through my defenses. But I chose to stay silent.

glance, she walked away, leaving me seething in her wake.

"So, excuse me. I need to join my friends, they are waiting for me." She lightly pushed at my chest, creating a gap between us, and without a second

Perhaps it was time to break free from the confines of my own limitations, to show Evelyn Fernandez just how wrong she was to label me a coward.

She wanted the real Jacob, she will get the real Jacob.

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