Mr Billionaires Secret Baby

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Chapter 78

Aweek had gone by and there was no sign not even a peep from Dante. It was like he had just fell of the face of the earth, initially, | thought that he had finally chosen to leave me alone and he was consciously staying away from me but when Hayley mentioned that he hadn't stopped by to see her in days | began to think other wise.

He could have easily gone on a business trip and that would have been entirely normal but it was rather odd of him to have you and disappeared. | tried not to care reminding myself several times. that he was none of my concern but a small part of me was itching with curiosity.

Despite the need to know his whereabouts, | enjoyed the peace for a little bit and Dante being gone didn’t mean at all that Scott Vanderbilt had rested. His determination was impeccable and even after having recieved a bloodied nose and bruised chin, he walked through the office wearing his bruises like an armor as he offered to take me out to lunch.

| declined, obviously, and he left but when | found myself at the cafe grabbing a quick bite and Scott had been there himself fetching his own food, | had no excuse any more to not share a table with him. | didn’t believe it to be a coincidence at all that he was at the cafe.Content is © by NôvelDrama.Org.

Scott's own business head quarters were on the other side of the city. The more popular and elite side, if you will. He had quite possibly never ever eaten from this cafe before that brunch meeting and | refused to believe that it had become his new favourite spot to take lunch at

He was too calculated. Too persistent. Too determined. And he had too much of time on his hands. One would think being a business man would require him to be busier and occupied with more commendable persuits but at his wealth level, money made itself.

| dragged myself out of my own thoughts as | placed a pair of gold hoop earrings through my lobes. It was still a little early and | had some toaster waffles and fruit already precut last night so | could enjoy a breakfast with Hayley. She had been missing Dante immensely even thought she tried not to show it too much but | saw the way her face would light up expectantly when Nancy would knock on the door and she would think that it was Dante even though he never ever dropped by so early in the morning.

| pretended like | didn’t notice and | tried to be with her a lot more so she didn’t feel his absence too much.

“You said there were toaster waffles. | was dreaming all night about it. There was some drool.” Hayley bounced in to my room in her pajamas and it made me realise why | tried to save exciting things for the last minute only because she became too eager and invested, as any child would

“And | keep my promises.” | wrapped my arms around her in a tight hug and sighed at how much | loved her.

“Okay, then let’s go.” She began tugging on my hand until we were both out of the room and walking down the stairs together until we reached the kitchen.


11:36. Fri, 8 Mar

Chapter 78

“I'll get the plates out.” She announced as she moved to the cabinet that held the plates.

“Thank you. These babies won't take too long in the toaster.” | informed her since she was so excited. about it.

| popped the waffles in to the toaster and moved to the fridge to get the bowl of berries and fruit and, of course, the syrup from the cupboard.

It must have been less than five minutes before Hayley and | had been seat at the kitchen island, knife and fork in half, and out waffles piled high with fruit and drenched in syrup.

“Mmmm, this is so so Sooo good, mama. Hayley said with her mouth full and | didn’t blame her. this was actually really delicious “It really is. We should do this more often.” | suggested and that carned me a big nod from her in approval.

We ate as we chatted and she filled me in on her week with Nancy so far and how they were beginning to move on to more educational persuits instead of just colouring all day.

“Do you miss colouring though?” | popped a lone blueberry in my mouth.

“Not really. | get to colour after we finish a lesson but | like learning. | feel smart. Like you.” She smiled widely at me and | couldn’t help but beam at her words.

“You are smart, darling.” | reached over and tucked her hair behind her car.

“Dad told me the same thing, | miss him. | haven't seen him all week. Do you know where he is?” And bam. There it was.

| thought about what to say to her and how to handle this situation. Saying | didn’t know would leave her wondering and | didn’t want her to be uneasy.

“|- Actually, | think he went away for some business. He should be back any day now.” | said gently but she just stared at her syrup streaked plate.

“But he didn’t even say good-bye before he left.” Her voice was small and it hurt every part of me to hear sound so delicate and disappointed.

“If he doesn’t drop by before | get home then we will video call him and you can speak to him. How about that?” Her slumped shoulders instantly perked up and she flashed me all of her teeth as she grinned.

“Yes! That would be awesome. Oh, | can’t wait for you to get home now.” She said and | mentally face palmed realising that | had done it again. | had made her excited about some thing before hand but | guess it was okay if it kept her away from feeling sad.

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