Mates with Alpha Maddox



(A/N They did NOT have sex!)

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Jayda's POV

"Jayda, wake up sweetheart" I hear a voice say.

Groaning, I bury my face in the pillow.

"C'mon love wake up" the voice says softly.

"Leave me alone, I want to sleep" I mumble against the pillow.

"Jayda. We have things to do today"

I hesitantly open my eyes to see Maddox with an amused smile on his face.

"I'm sleepy" I say pouting, he kisses my pout and grins.

"I know but today is your first official day as a Luna, I need to show you around"

I sigh, "I have no choice in the matter do I?"

"Nope" he says kissing my forehead.

I smile and start standing up "Take a quick shower and I'll make you breakfast, your clothes are in the closet" Maddox says.

I nod and he leaves the room.

I walk into the bathroom and then remember I got marked yesterday so I quickly run towards the mirror to see it.

It was a beautiful mark, it had my blonde wolf and Maddox black wolf howling at the moon. Under the two wolves it said Alpha Maddox Franco.

Smiling I step into the shower, I take a 15 minute shower and go to the walk in closet to look for something to wear.

I start looking through all of the clothes and until I find the perfect shirt. I chuckle to myself while I read what the muscle shirt says i put a black bandeau under it .

It also showed off my mark so thats a plus.

I pair it with some pale denim super skinny jeans and white converse. I put my hair in a high pony tail and leave my face make up free.

I walk run down the stairs two at a time, wanting to see Maddox reaction to my shirt.

When I get to the kitchen, Maddox is there making chocolate chip pancakes.

"Hey babe I chirp, making him turn around to look at me.

His eyes go from my face to clothing, when he sees my white muscle shirt he burst out laughing.

My shirt said in big bold black letters:







"Very funny Jayda" he says with a smirk.

"I know right?" I ask sitting on one of the stools.

He rolls his eyes then goes back to making the pancakes.

After about 5 minutes he stacks the pancakes in two plates, placing one in front of me then sitting on the stool beside mine with his own plate.

"Eat" he says motioning to the pancakes.

He looks so adorable, his face looks so nervous about me not liking the food he made.

I grab my fork and grab a forkful of pancake.

"Mm, this is really good Maddox" I say smiling while taking another forkful.

He smiles proudly then starts eating.

"So, what are we going to do first?" I ask him after we are both done with our food.

"Well, lets go to my office so I can explain all the rogue problems we are having and then I think we should go training, then I want to show you the cellars, the pack medical center. Also tonight there will be a gathering celebrating our new Luna" He says with a smile.

"Wow" I breath out.

He nods "you can go shopping to get a dress with Nikki if you want or if you want to go with one of your uh-human friend's than its okay" he says, you can hear the distaste he has for humans.

It bothers me that he doesn't like humans since my mom was human but I don't let it show.

"Yeah, I'll go with Nikki. I will also call my other friend Ellie and see if she can come. She was been avoiding me for the past 3 days so I want to know what's wrong" I say frowning.

"She must be busy" Maddox says leading me towards his office.

When we are outside his office door, he takes out a key and opens it.

He sits on his big comfortable looking chair and sits me on his lap. He opens a drawer and takes out a bunch of papers.

Most of the papers had people's full names, ages, address and if they were mated or not. It also had a picture of the person.

"What's that?" I ask him.

"That is a list containing personal information about our pack" he explains.

When he says "our" pack, I almost died of happiness.

"How many people are in the pack?" I ask him.

"182 without counting the pups" he says simply.

I frown "why not count the pups?, I mean they are part of the pack"

"We don't count the pups because many of them will not survive the shift. When they shift into their wolf then they are added to this list"

I nod and he keeps talking "Now, we need to talk about the main problem. Rogues" he explains making my eyes wide when I remembered that Nikki said Maddox tortures rogues.

I clear my throat "Why are they a problem?"

"First of all The guy at the woods that tried to mark you was a rogue. They are disgusting beings that don't follow werewolf law that states you can't mark someone who isn't your mate unless she is okay with it. They kill for fun, rape humans who wonder into the woods and are always trespassing our territories." He says with distaste and anger.

"Not all of them can be that bad, since I was going to become a rogue without even knowing it before my dad brought me here. And I am not a killing machine" I say defiantly,

I am sure that they are many more people who like me didn't know about packs.

"It really doesn't matter, if a pack sees a rogue in their territory, werewolf law states that we can either kill it or interrogate it to get more rogues" he says shrugging.

"Why are you saying 'it'? They are people like us" I exclaim, mad at how he is treating them.

"Babe, that's just how it is in the werewolf world. Its either them or us and I sure as hell am not putting You or my pack in danger for a worthless rogue" he says fiercely making me sigh.

"Lets skip this and go to the next thing of my daily Luna activities list" i say softly.

He frowns "Baby, you know that sooner or later you will have to talk about this right" he asks.

I nod "Yes, but not now. What's next?" I mumble.

"We can go training with the teens" he says and I smile.

"Yeah, lets do that" he closes his office door then drags me towards some sort of huge clearing. It had about 60 teenagers from 13-15 years old.

They were all sitting on the floor while listening to a really buff guy who looked about 30 years old talk. He had dark skin, curly dark hair and bulging muscles. His face was set in an strict scowl but you could see the kindness in his warm brown eyes. I instantly liked him.

"Who's that?" I ask Maddox while pointing towards The guy talking to the teens.

"He is our third in command, his name is Derek. He is in charge of training the pack" my mate says.

"He is strong, like really strong" I point out. I think his muscles are the size of my head.

Maddox growls pulling me closer and burying his face in the crook of my neck, kissing my mark.

I feel my mark tingle making me gasp out a quiet moan. My face turning beet red. "Maddox, not here! There are people who can see us" I mutter trying to pull away.

"I don't care, let them look so they know that you are mine" he murmurs against my neck making me roll my eyes.

Someone clears their throat making me blush harder and Maddox growl in annoyance. He ever so slowly detaches himself from me and looks back to the crowd who is looking at us as if we are aliens.

I smile nervously at them and Maddox settles with a curt nod.

Its amazing how even though he is the "ruthless" Alpha everyone says he is, they don't look at him with hostility. They look at him with admiration and pride.

"Hello everyone, My friend and I just want to see you guys train so proceed" His strong deep velvety voice says.

I instantly feel hurt that he introduced me as his friend instead of his mate.I guess he feels the hurt through our mate bond because He tenses and turns to me quickly.

"Baby, I'm sorry but I want them to find out we are mates on tonight's ceremony" he says reassuringly.

"Won't they see my mark?" I ask confused.

"Nope, they are still humans. And the only ones who can see the mark are wolves. Derek probably knows though" he adds as an after thought.

All of the teens and Derek bow their heads at Maddox.

"Okay, so lets just the Alpha and his friend what we've learned so far" Derek orders making the teens immediately stand up and get into attacking positions. Content © NôvelDrama.Org 2024.

"Pick a partner, and take turns in defense and offense. Don't stop fighting until you pin your opponent down. We will be making rounds and if I see you guys doing anything wrong you will do laps." He says in a firm voice making my eyes widen.

"How old are they?" I ask quietly.

"12-15, this is the human form training. When they turn 16 they will start to train in their wolf form with the rest of the adults" he says, looking at the kids that were using different fighting techniques to pin their opponent down.

"Remember! The goal is to pin your opponent down not harm them!" Derek yells strictly while walking around the fighting students.

"Owww" I hear a girls voice hiss. I look around trying to locate the sound to see a girl about 13 clutching her arm while another girl who seemed to be about 14 smirked down at her.

"You are so weak, thats why your mate won't ever want you" the 14 year old girl says smiling evilly as the Younger girl's eyes fill with tears.

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