Mated To My Alpha Brother

Chapter 24

Chapter twenty four

It was something Mia didn’t expect. She felt words hooked at her throat for a while. She always knew he approached her for a reason and it was because he liked her? Wow.

“Alex… I… uh… I wasn’t expecting that.” She managed to say, stammeringly.

Alexander smiled. “I know. You don’t need to give me a reply now ’cause I can see I’m about to get rejected. I’ll give you time to think about it, then you can give me an answer.”

Mia smiled. She was glad he understood her. “Thank you.”

“It’s a pleasure. I’ll be out of the country very soon, so when I’m back, you can give the answer. Take your time.”

“You’re traveling? Why?” She asked curiously.

“Hmm yeah. My family are having a get-together soon. I should be there.”

Mia nodded instinctively. “Right, you need to be there.” She got off the car and peeped through the window. “Take care of yourself and don’t get into fights or arguments with them. That would be really bad.”

Alexander smiled more sincerely. “Thanks Mia. See you.”


The phone ring abruptly woke Lian out of sleep. He groaned loudly as he opened his eyes. There were visible beads of sweat on his forehead and his breathing was a little bit faster than normal. He had just had a dream that he couldn’t comprehend. Some people were been stabbed to death by unknown people and watching this awful scene, he cried vigorously in pain. What was more awful presently was, he didn’t remember the faces of the people that were stabbed, and it troubled him. Considering the way he felt in the dream, those people had to be close people. Could be Shane and Marlin? Mia? Rosie? Jabi or Axel? He thought.

Placing the phone on his ear, a troubled voice said, “Lian, you need to be here right now. The Jacobs family were attacked.”


As he rushed towards Shane and Marlin, who were standing outside the house, Lian inquired. “What exactly happened?”

“We got a call from the Mr Jacobs, after claiming that you weren’t picking your phone. He said some unknown guy barged into the house and stabbed their son first, then he and his wife, all in their arms. They’ve been taken to the hospital and currently… the police are involved.” Marlin explained.

“It’s Giovanni again.” He muttered. “The police shouldn’t be a problem. It might actually be a good thing that they are involved. Anything about the attacker?”

“I got a vague one.” Shane voiced. “Driving towards the Jacobs house, I saw a blue Benz, a latest model, drive out of the compound. The last three characters on its number plate was ‘BB2’. And I swear to the moon goddess, I’ve seen that car at the school parking lot before.”

“I think I’ve seen some car with that number plate also.” Marlin added.

“So the attacker might be a student or a teacher at the school pack?” Lian arched his brow and the other two nodded.

Lian travelled through his thought for a while.

“Where were the Jacobs stabbed again?” He asked, for confirmation. Seemed he was getting something out of the whole situation already.

“In their arms.”


“Honey, we ran out of sparkling water.” Mrs Torres announced to her husband, who was sipping a wine from a glass while reading newspapers.

“We can drink water tonight and then grab some bottles of sparkling ones tomorrow. It’s late.”

“I refuse. Your doctor said you should have a bottle or two per day, for your health and you’ve not had any today. You should stop drinking that wine also, you’ve had too much already.” She nagged.

“Aish… you and your naggings all the time. Fine, I’ll stop drinking, but there’s no way I’m letting you out tonight. It’s really dark outside. If you must get the sparkling water, order online.”

She sank in the couch, beside him. “Why should I order online when there’s a convenience store six buildings away? Besides, delivery can’t be done in the middle of the night.” She protested calmly.

Mr Torres tossed the newspapers aside. “If you insist on going out tonight, then I’ll go with you.”

“Your wish.” She flashed a smile and he stood up and walked to the room, to get a change of clothes.

She thinks he’s loving, as she stared at the newspapers he tossed. “Who reads newspapers nowadays?” She mumbled, thinking her husband was the weird, old fashioned type. And then she smiled again.

Just then, it started to rain. It was raining cats and dogs. She didn’t see it coming. She saw a figure flash across the window at the waiting room and slowly, she stood up and walked towards the door, wanting to check if it was someone that was caught up by the rain on their way home.

As she placed her hand on the knob, and about to open it, she heard a loud crash from the room her husband went into.

She quickly gave up the idea of going outside as she rushed to the room.

Opening the door, she met the room turned upside down and inside out. She looked around and saw her husband lying on the bed, and groaning in pain. Then someone dressed in a complete black outfit came in view.

It was a man. Not just a man but a weaponed one. The man made an attempt to stab her husband in the chest but he was quick to roll off the bed.

It took her a while to realize she had been screaming.

The man suddenly charged at her, infuriated by her screams. He motioned her to keep quiet, then he whirled a pocket knife at her, which she wittily dodged. Scared, she ran off to her husband’s side, with some scratches on her arm.

Shielding his wife with his body, Grayson Torres glared at the attacker. “Who are you? Who sent you? What do you want?”

“If you must know, Giovanni sent me. And I’m here to murder you two.”

Paige Torres let out a sharp scream as she heard those words, and the glass vase in the room broke and shattered unto the floor.

“Calm down darling, it’ll be alright. I’ll make sure you’re safe, okay?” He assured and even though she wasn’t deeplu assured, Paige nodded vigorously.

The man charged at Grayson, this time with a spiritual weapon. Grayson gathered his powers and skills to fight the man but it seemed he was weaker. He hadn’t really used his powers in a long time and he stopped training and working out ages ago. It was no surprise the man had an upper hand.Owned by NôvelDrama.Org.

Paige started screaming with some intentions. Whenever she screamed, everything around gets destroyed. And if it gets more intense, the whole building will collapse. She couldn’t let that happen.

The wide screened television that was on a long, white shelf in the room fell off and broke. The wall clock, the windows, the air-conditioners all broke and fell off. Then the lights broke and went off, leaving the whole room dark.

Grayson let out a cry of pain as he got stabbed on his arm. His chest was the target, but he had anticipated the man’s move and moved swiftly.

“Oh my, honey are you okay?” Paige let out worriedly as she approached him. It was still raining out, but it seemed like it would stop soon.

*I have to finish up here before the rain stops*

The man raised his knife, with the intent to stab Grayson continuously, before moving to his wife.

Grayson was still in pain, from his bleeding arm and didn’t notice the man’s move.

Paige shook her head in disbelief as she rushed towards the man. “No no no no!” She uttered as she got a weak grip of the man’s arm, preventing him from piercing the sharp object through her husband’s flesh. Furiously, the man shook her off violently and continued his move.

Paige couldn’t live without her husband. It was better for her to die than watch her husband die, then live the rest of her life alone. Without thinking, she shielded Grayson with her body, moving over him, volunteering to be killed in her husband’s stead. “Paige!!!” Grayson screamed in fear.

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