Married to the arrogant king

Marry me or watch them die


I paced around the balcony, my fist and jaw clenched in anger. “Why is it taking so long for Azrael to reply to my letter?” The feeling of not knowing where Zara is, or if she’s in good health, is frustrating.

When Jerald walked in, I was expecting to hear good news. instead, he just stood there staring at me. “What!” I rasped, giving him a questioning look.

“My king, the search parties have returned, and there’s still no news of queen Zara. Even lady Gwen’s case which you asked me to investigate, was futile. your majesty, Gwen’s case is a mystery, that would be hard to solve, as no one saw her leaving the palace,” Jerald narrated.

“How is it even possible that no one saw her leaving the palace? the guards ought to have seen her. I want you to question every one of them on duty, the day Gwen went missing, even Gwen’s servant.”

“Yes, my king… It may also be possible that lady Gwen left through a secret passage like queen Zara,” He reasoned.

I sighed, closing my eyes to think for a minute. “That could be possible Jerald,” I answered.

Why is this happening to me? First Gwen disappeared, and now, Zara. After I met with the council, I still sent soldiers, in search of Zara, but now they returned without her. I already lost one of my best friends, I’m not ready to lose the woman I love.

“Your Majesty, also the people protesting outside the palace have increased in number. They are chanting, that they rather not have a queen, if it’s not Zara. They want you to oust king Neil and Nadia from Everton. what are you going to do?” Jerald inquired, giving me a questioning look.

I chuckled in amusement. Isn’t it funny how fate plays with us? First, it found a way to bring Nadia into my life, and then took Gwen and Zara away. Now again it found a way for me to get rid of Nadia. And that’s exactly what I’m going to do.

“Jerald, come with me. I want to address the people and tell them what I have decided.”

“Yes, my king, Jerald replied, following suit.

As soon as I got near the terrace, I could hear the chanting of the crowd in the Palace Square. And once they saw me, they all became mum.

Standing on the terrace, I waved my hand at them. “Good people of Everton, it is with great sadness that I’m speaking to you today. First I want to apologize for failing to protect my queen and yours, and to let you know that I understand how you feel, believe me, I do and I also feel the same way if not worse. Also, I want to thank you for the support you’re showing for queen Zara. Seeing you like this proves how much you all care about her and I promise you this… if Zara doesn’t return, or if I don’t find her within two days, I will end my marriage with Nadia, and send both her and her father back to Nedal.”

Once I said that the whole crowd began to cheer and gave a round of applause. I wave at them again, before turning around to leave.

“Jerald, I want you to leave for Azrael immediately, I can no longer wait for their reply,” I ordered.

“Yes, your majesty.”

Meanwhile, Ariel ran to King Neil and Nadia, to inform them about what Carl had said.

She barged into the chamber, breathing hard and it startled King Neil and Nadia. “Tell us, Ariel, why did you barge in like that? Are the people of the palace coming for us? quick, lock the door,” Nadia muttered all at once, trembling slightly.

“No, your grace! they are not, but I’m pretty sure soon, they will,” Ariel replied.

King Neil and Nadia gave her a confused look, then they said, “What do you mean?”

“Your majesty, Queen Nadia, King Carl just announce that he will end his marriage to you, then send you back to Nedal, if he doesn’t find queen Zara, or if she doesn’t return,” Ariel explained.

King Neil and Nadia gasped. “Father what should we do?” Nadia cried out.

King Neil scoffed. “Nadia, this is your problem. you must think of a way to bring queen Zara back to the palace. I can’t lose Everton because of your stupidity.”

Nadia pouted, then she said, “I’ll send someone to find Draco and give my message to him.”

On the other hand, Lord Francis discussed happily with Roxanne as they walked around the palace.Content is property of NôvelDrama.Org.

“My lord, I’m happy that Carl is going to send that witch Nadia back to Nedal,” Roxanne muttered.

Lord Francis chuckled. “Roxanne, we shouldn’t count our eggs before they hatch. Queen Zara might show up before two days and then Carl would no longer send Nadia away.”

“Then I pray queen Zara doesn’t return until Nadia is sent away,” Roxanne admitted.

Lord Francis nodded in agreement, then he said, “I pray so too.”


Jamie and Theon were tied, to a tree, as Draco’s men beat and torture them. Meanwhile, Zara and Lia were locked up in the same room, due to Zara’s persistence that she remained with her. Although she had insisted that Jamie and Theon also stayed with her, Draco blatantly refused, saying she can only be with Lia.

“Queen Zara, oh no! I will no longer call you that, instead I’ll call you my goddess because that’s what you are, now that you’re finally mine,” Draco muttered, earning a scowl from Zara.

“I will never be yours Draco, not in this lifetime or the next,” Zara retorted. While Lia snuggled more into her.

Draco burst into a fit of laughter, then he said, “Zara, you’re feisty, and that’s what makes me want you more. you should accept the fact that you are mine because at noon tomorrow, you become my wife, and we’ll get intimate too.”

Zara and Lia both wrinkled their face in disgust. “L… leave Zara alone. she already belongs to one man, and that is king Carl,” Lia stuttered.

Draco scoffed. “You should keep your mouth shut, servant girl else I’ll give you to my men,” he yelled at her.

Lia gasped, trembling in fear, while Zara glared angrily at Draco. “It’s you who should keep quiet. She is right, I will never be yours and one more thing, she’s not a servant, she’s my friend,” Zara scolded.

A scowl appeared on Draco’s face, as he glared at the two women.

“Wait and see Zara, you’ll have no choice but to come to me, because if you don’t, your men will die in the worst way possible And as for your dear friend Lia, I would give her to my men, I’m sure they would want to know what she tastes like.”

Zara and Lia both gasped, then Zara said, “you’re so evil Draco. how can you do something like this, and still sleep at night? you’re heartless.”

Draco bent down to clutch Zara’s face. “I’m not heartless Zara. Feel this! do you feel how it’s beating fast? If I don’t have a heart, it wouldn’t beat, and I wouldn’t love you, my goddess,” he muttered, trailing his fingers on Zara’s face.

“Get your dirty hands off me,” Zara squealed, tilting her head away from his reach.

Draco chuckled. “I will give you just tonight to decide. will you marry me willing, and save your friends from painful death and rape, or forcefully. Mind you, it will all happen in front of you. The murder and rape of your friends will happen in front of you,” He told her, before standing up to leave the room.

Once he was gone, Lia turn to Zara. “What are we going to do Zara, what should we do?”

Zara sighed. Although she was also scared, she didn’t show it. “Lia, I don’t know what we should do, but I know one thing for sure, I will do whatever I can to save you all.”

Lia gasped. “That means, you’re going to marry Draco?”

“Lia, I…”

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