Loved by the twin alphas (Alexia Miles and Michael)

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Chapter 142

Seraphina continued with a knowing look. “In the Veil, you’ll be tested with riddles and tricky situations. It’s a place where things may not be as they seem. You’ll need to trust your instincts and rely on each other to find the antidote.”

Axiel nodded confidently, we’re ready to tackle whatever comes our way. Our determination is strong.

Seraphina continued speaking softly, “Remember, appearances can be deceiving in the Veil of Whispers. Trust yourselves and each other. Together, you can overcome anything.”

As they absorbed Seraphina’s words, a mix of excitement and nervousness filled the air. They knew the journey through the Veil would not be easy, but their resolve to save Alexia was unshakable.

Miles said with determination in his eyes, “We understand the challenges, Seraphina. We’re prepared to face them.”

Seraphina smiled with ancient wisdom. Trust yourselves and stick together. The Veil will reveal hidden strengths and truths. Embrace the journey ahead, guided by the spirits.”

They left Seraphina’s house for their car.

As they made their way back through the winding forest path, Axiel leading the way, an unexpected encounter awaited


Suddenly, a venomous snake slithered across their path, its eyes fixed on the group. Jenna, startled by the snake’s presence, let out a loud piercing scream.

“Snake! Axiel, help!”

Axiel, swift and determined, reacted in an instant. With a surge of adrenaline, he rushed towards Jenna, instinctively grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the snake’s striking range. The snake, sensing danger, reared its head, ready to strike again.

Miles screamed urgently, “Stay calm. Jenna! We need to act quickly.”

Miles swiftly assessed the situation, searching his surroundings for anything that could be used as a makeshift weapon. Spotting a fallen branch nearby, he grabbed it with a firm grip, ready to defend against the snake’s venomous strike.

Axiel said assuringly. Jenna, breathe. We’ll get you out of this.”

Jenna, though frightened, forced herself to take deep breaths, attempting to steady her racing heartbeat. Axiel’s presence. and reassuring words provided her with a small measure of comfort amidst the chaos.

With a calculated strike, Miles swung the branch towards the snake, aiming to divert its attention away from Jenna. The snake, sensing the threat, hissed and recoiled, slithering away into the undergrowth.

Miles was relieved. “It’s gone. You’re safe now, Jenna.”

Jenna, still trembling from the close encounter, leaned on Axiel for support, grateful for his protective presence. The adrenaline coursing through her veins began to subside, replaced by a sense of vulnerability.

Jenna said with her voice shaky. “Thank you, Axiel. I don’t know what I would’ve done without you.”

Miles rolled his eyes.

Axiel was gentle and comforting. “You’re safe now, Jenna. That’s all that matters. I’ll always be here to protect you

Miles said, joining them. “Let’s get back to the car. We can’t afford any more surprises. Jenna, lean on me if you need to. We’ll make sure you’re okay!”

Jenna’s footsteps began to falter, her feet aching with each step. Axiel, noticing her discomfort, offered his assistance. concerned for her well–being,

Chapter 142

Axiel offered in a gentle and caring manner. “Jenna, I can see that your feet are hurting. Let me carry you for a while. It’ll case the strain and help you rest.”

Jenna was hesitant. “Oh, I don’t want to be a burden. I can manage.”

Axiel was insistent. “Jenna, please let me help. We’re in this together, and I want to support you. It’s no trouble at all.”

Miles, watching the exchange, chimed in with a note of caution.

Miles clearly disapproved. “Jenna, are you sure about this? We’re making progress, and carrying you might slow us down.” Jenna’s determination wavered, torn between her pride and the realization that accepting help would be beneficial.

Jenna added grudgingly. “Alright, Axiel. If you’re sure it won’t be too much trouble, I’ll accept your offer. But just for a little while.”

Axiel, with a warm smile, gently lifted Jenna into his arms, cradling her with care and consideration. Jenna, feeling a sense of warmth as she wrapped her arms around his neck, finding solace in his strength.

Axiel said, reassuringly. “Don’t worry, Jenna. I’ve got you. We’ll take it slow and steady.”

Miles rolled his eyes for the hundredth time.

As Axiel carried Jenna, the group continued their journey with a slightly adjusted pace. Jenna, relieved from the strain on her feet, began to relax in Axiel’s embrace.

Jenna finally relieved said, “Thank you, Axiel. I didn’t realize how much my feet were hurting until now. This feels so much


Axiel added softly, “You don’t need to thank me, Jenna.

As the trio finally reached their car, the weight of their journey etched upon their weary faces, Axiel turned to Jenna with a bittersweet expression. He leaned in and placed a gentle peck on her cheek, a gesture of farewell filled with unspoken


Axiel said, softly. “Take care, Jenna. Stay safe on the rest of your journey. I’ll be rooting for all of you.”

Jenna, feeling a mixture of conflicting emotions, smiled faintly and nodded.

-Jenna returned, softly. Thank you, Axiel. Your help meant a lot. Take care too.”

Miles, who had been observing the interaction with a growing sense of disapproval, couldn’t contain his frustration any longer. He glared at Axiel, his eyes burning with silent anger.

Miles said through gritted teeth. “We appreciate your assistance today, Axiel. But let’s remember the purpose of our journey. It’s about saving Alexia, not romantic interludes.”

Axiel, sensing the tension, held up his hands in a conciliatory gesture.

Axiel said in an apologetic manner. “I understand, Miles. My intentions were not meant to distract or cause any discomfort. Alexia’s well–being is our priority, and I’ll keep that in mind.” He said with a sided grin. NôvelDrama.Org exclusive content.

Jenna, caught between her loyalty to her brother and her complicated feelings for Axiel, attempted to diffuse the tension.

Jenna said, nervously. “Let’s not let this distract us, Miles. We need to stay focused. Axiel. thank you for everything, but we have to continue.”

Miles, though still visibly displeased, realized the necessity of maintaining their focus. He reluctantly nodded in agreement.

Miles glared at Axiel and added grudgingly. “You’re right. Jenna. We have to push forward. Let’s get back on track Miles wrapped his hand around his sister.

Chapter 142

As the trio prepared to depart, their unity slightly shaken but not broken, they found solace in the shared purpose that, bound them together. Though emotions ran high, their determination to save Alexia remained steadfast. Miles didn’t stop glaring at Axiel.

With a final look exchanged between Jenna and Axiel, they turned their attention back to the road ahead, steeling themselves for the challenges that awaited them. A pink tint colored Jenna’s cheek as she glanced one more time at Axiel.

As they settled into the car. Jenna couldn’t help but notice her brother’s persistent glare directed at Axiel She turned to him with a questioning expression, seeking an explanation.

Jenna asked curiously. “Miles, why are you glaring at Axiel? It’s not fair or nice. He helped us during the journey, and he’s been nothing but supportive.

Miles, his expression still hardened, took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding.

Jenna, it’s not about whether Axiel helped us or not. It’s about his intentions and his history with you. I can’t ignore the fact that he’s caused you pain in the past.

Jenna spoke defensively, I know we’ve had our ups and downs, but people can change, Miles. He’s shown that he genuinely cares about me and wants to help us save Alexia. Can’t you give him a chance?

Miles heaved a sigh of relief and said, Jenna, it’s not that I don’t want to give him a chance. It’s just that I’m protective of you. I don’t want to see you hurt again.

Jenna replied him softly, I understand your concerns, Miles, but I’m an adult and capable of making my own decisions,




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