Love for the Librarian

Running the Gauntlet


The next morning I wake up and head to the shower. After I step out I see that the house is empty again. I swear I wonder if my parents even live here anymore. I grab an apple from the fridge and head out. Standing by the gate is Dylan. He has a big smile on his face. “I got the right time.”

“What are you doing here?” I smile through the confusion.

“I am giving my friend a ride to school. That is still allowed right?” His confident smile doesn’t waver.

I shrug like it is really a contemplation. He takes my hand and leads me to his black truck. I can’t help the words that come out of my mouth next. “This isn’t some jock bet or something. You aren’t fulfilling some dare are you?” I say them as I climb inside.

He doesn’t answer until he has climbed into the drivers seat. He actually looks hurt. “I told you I like you. This isn’t like that. I really want to know as much of you as I can before you go. I am hoping that we can stay in touch when you leave. You are a good person and I would be crazy not to want to be around you.”

“Dylan, you know that the other jocks pick on me right? You know this is not going to be easy.”

“I know. I don’t care. They can all go screw themselves. I like you and I will tell every last one of those assholes.” He doesn’t sound mad, just firm. He is not backing down and he is going to make sure that those assholes know it.

“Thank you. That says a lot. I can be your friend. I just can’t do anything permanent.” I have to remind him and myself yet again. The thought keeps going through my mind, you don’t have to leave right away.

“I know the whole leaving town thing. I am just hoping that you will think of me from time to time. Who knows maybe we will meet up again in the future.” He winks at me. He actually winks. I can feel the tingles down to my toes.

“I don’t know about that, but maybe.” I give him a side look. Because God if I look at him full on I am going to relent.This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

He smiles. I don’t really know why. I just told him that there was no hope for us in the future.

We pull into the school after about five minutes. I go to open the door when he jumps out and grabs the door before I have it open. Then he helps me down. As soon as I grab my bag and look back at the entry to the school I am greeted by many stunned faces. They turn even more stunned when he grabs my hand and walks by my side into school. As soon as we are in the quad I hear Kevin’s voice ring across the way.

“No way. You are not dating the virgin queen.” Then he is next to Dylan.

“What if I was, what business is it of yours? As far as I know you have no claim on her.” Dylan stands toe to toe with him. I try to pull my hand away to give him space, he just holds on tighter. He has no intention of letting me go. “Also I don’t recall being a virgin a bad thing. Or are you just pissed that she wont sleep with you.” He gets a little smirk on his face.

“She is going to taint you dude. She will drag your rep to the ground.” Kevin grounds out. He is pissed that Dylan isn’t backing down. He has looked down on me for a while, having someone defy him on this fact is pissing him off.

“I really don’t care, Kevin. I do care if you call my friend names. If you don’t back off now you will regret it.” I put my hand on Dylan’s chest.

“I told you it would be like this. Just leave it. Kevin isn’t worth it.” I try to reason, if he wont let me go then we need to back down.

Dylan’s eyes leave Kevin and then smile at me. “I’ll be the bigger man. Let’s go. I think Katelyn is waiting for you.” He points over to the side where Katelyn is waiting with the most shocked expression that I swear I have ever seen on her face. Dylan gives Kevin a look and then pushes his shoulder against Kevin’s and then we are away.

Katelyn points at the two of us. “Are you two dating?” She has a sly smile.

I quickly corrected her. “No, I told him that we are leaving in a month and I won’t date him. We are friends.”

Dylan raises his eyebrows suggestively. “A friend I kiss on occasion.”

I slapped his shoulder. He did not need to announce that to the world. “Dylan,”

He pulls me to him, “What, you like it?” Then his lips are on mine again in front of the school. When he pulls away from me I am met with the pissed off face of Brittney the school queen. She is the head cheerleader and all around girl all the girls want to be. Also Dylan’s ex-girlfriend.

“Really Dylan, is this how you think you are going to win me back?” She looks over at me disgusted.

Dylan barely spares her a glance. “Brittney, I have no interest in getting you back. I dumped you, remember. Is that so hard for you to comprehend? You need to move on.” He pulls me even closer. I wasn’t even sure that was possible. Then he takes a deep breath. “What class do you have first?”

“Honors English.” He slings his arm over my shoulder and starts heading to the class. Leaving a dumbstruck Brittney. “You really dumped Brittney?”

“Yeah, she was cheating on me. I am a loyal kind of guy. I will never want to be back with her. Besides, I wasn’t really feeling it anyway. I think it was more of a you are supposed to kind of thing. She is so vapid I swear I wanted to choke every time I was around her.”

“That sounds harsh.” I grumble. No one really needs to be talked about like that.

“You don’t have to be around her all the time. She is a leach. I am glad to be rid of her.” Dylan states it as if it is the weather. I wonder if he will say the same thing about me after I leave.

Katelyn is on the other side of me. She keeps stealing glances at me like I have lost my mind. She knows me the best in the world. She knows I may be starting something that I can’t walk away from easily. I give her a look that tells her I have absolutely no idea what I am doing. She gives me a knowing smile and then takes off to her class. Hollering behind her. “Catch you later Riley. I want details.”

Dylan laughs. “She is your best friend right?”

“Yeah, the best in the world.” I smile after her.

“So I need to keep her on my good side, I want her to keep you looking at me in a good way.”

“Friends Dylan.” I give him a firm look.

“Are you reminding me or yourself?” He smirks at me. Pulling me around to his chest.

“Both.” Then his lips are on mine again. When he breaks away from me, he leaves me at my class door.


As soon as I drop Riley off at her class I only make it about five steps before Kevin is at my side. “What are you doing?” He doesn’t sound aggressive like before, just confused.

“I have no idea what you are talking about.” I counter him. I keep walking. I have no intention of engaging in a conversation about this right now.

“You can’t do this to her.” Ok that got me to stop.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I glare at him.

“She is a good girl and you can’t just use her.” He glares right back at me.

This has me flaring. I mean he was the one just picking on her and now he is defending her. “Who the hell are you to tell me what I can do with her? How long have you been picking on her? You have no right to tell me who I can and can’t be with. Especially when that someone is someone that you treat like shit.”

He turns equally angry at me. “I do it to keep her that way. She is good and I make sure of it. I make sure guys stay away from her. Let’s just say I owe her friend. You are using her to get back at Brittney. You have no intention of being honest with her. Leave her alone.”

“I will do what I want with her. I like her and I am not going to have the likes of you tell me that I can’t be with her. I don’t give a shit about Brittney.”

“I call bullshit. You do care about Brittney. Right now I want you to back off of Riley. Leave her alone.” Kevin is fuming. I have never seen him look like this. He really cares if I am with Riley or not. Why? I mean why the hell is it a big deal to him? Does he want her?

“Do you want her?” I lowered my voice because I know that people are listening. I didn’t want to embarrass him.

“No, I told you. I owe her friend.”


“None of your business. Just leave her alone.” He turns and leaves me there looking kind of dumb. What the hell could he owe Katelyn that he has to make sure that no one dates Riley.

You know what, who cares. I am not backing down from Riley. I like her and I am not going to let her go so easily. Before I thought that I wanted to get back at Brittney, but that isn’t the way it is. I really could care less about her. She cheated on me, she is history. I never intended to get back with her anyway. So, it really doesn’t mean that me being with Riley is bad in any way.

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