KING MICAH: World Beyond The Ruins

Chapter 13

Micah’s POV

It’s been four days since we left the Kingdom and journeyed to the high mountains and everyday I become weaker and weaker.

My men have taken notice and I fear that they might try to challenge me for the throne in my weakened state. As we kept on running in our wolf form, it became hotter and I knew we were almost there.

The dragon’s layer.

After two more hours of running through the high mountain, we stopped about two hundred feet to the gate of the dragon king’s home. We all shifted into our human forms and walked to the gates that were guarded by it’s warriors.

“Halt!!” Yelled a man from above and I gritted my molars in irritation. No one tells the King what to do but of course I was in an unknown territory – seeking for help so I have to obey.

The gate was pushed ajar and two man in dragon scales amour and a spare in their left hands came out.

“Who are you and state your business” The one with a very dark skin said, his eyes checking each of us from head to toe to see if we were a threat.

“I am King Micah, ruler of the Wolves and humans from the North, I have come to speak with the Dragon king- Hayden” I answered in a monotone voice.

Their eyes widen and they both looked at each other before looking at me again probably wondering why the King himself would bother coming all the way here when he could just send a messenger.

I was getting angry as they kept on looking at me like I had grown two head and was ready to take them out of their thoughts but looking at their unfocused eyes, I knew that they were communicating with someone.

When they both blinked I finally snapped. “Will you let me pass or will you just keep on staring at us?”

“Of course!” The blonde one said, jumping into action and waving the men up to roll the gates completely open. I looked back and tilt my head to the side and my men followed behind me.This is property © of NôvelDrama.Org.

The castle was nothing like I had expected, built with gray bricks and as tall as my castle. It had different type of flowers planted at each side of the road.

The gates to the castle were wide open and a few servants worked on the grasses and flowers. As we all entered, led by a man waiting at the entrance of the castle, I was even more confused by the little people that roamed the inside.

In fact, I have only seen two people so far.

Although it is known that Dragon shifters prefer living in solitary, I hadn’t expected it’s castle to be so silent… Deserted even.

Anyways, it makes it all the more better, if the Dragon king tries to refuse my request, I could just fight it out of him without any army trying to take me down.

Abruptly, the man leading us stopped in front of a large door made out of gold and turned around.

“His majesty would only like the King of the North, Micah to step in the throne room” He said with him hands behind his back and head slightly bowed.

I looked back to my men and they all looked confused and worried about letting their king step in to an unknown room alone.

Or maybe they were worried for themselves. Being left out alone without their king’s protection.

Either ways I hesitated but after a few heartbeats, I nodded to both my men and the man at the front.

The golden door was pushed open and I walked straight in, my steps on the marble floor strong just as my pride and confidence.

I was here for a purpose, a mission and one I must succeed. I was a strong king who had it’s people to care for and a mate who was waiting for me.

Soon enough, I was standing in front of him. He sauntered down the eleven steps from his throne and stood in front of me with a smile.

For the first time, I got to see the Dragon king. Here I was, thinking he would be a man in his late fifties or sixties but boy was I wrong.

He had bright red hair – almost similar to that of my mates’ and brown skin with a body packed with the right muscles enough to not come out bulky but still muscular.

“Ah! It’s not everyday the wolf king gets to visit the Dragon’s layer” He said with a light chuckle and my tensed shoulders relaxed a bit but I was still on alert in case of any danger.

“Yes, I apologize for the unannounced intrusion but I am in need your help” I told him, clenching my fist and releasing a deep breath.

I need to be calm but not relaxed. I am weak and dying and I can’t take down someone like him, I doubt I will be able to even get a single drop of blood out of his body.

He crooked and arrogant brow at me and took a step closer to me but not close enough to be able to know his smell.

He is a dragon covered with thick skin and scales that hides his scent from others making it hard to track them.

“And which is?…” He asked in a calm tone.

“Blood. I need your blood”

He looked at me for a second with his brows furrowed and then laughed. Fucking laughed.

“Do not laugh at me” I growled out with my canines poking out my lips and my claws growing longer.

“My blood? You just don’t walk into my castle and demand for my blood!” He lamented.

I released a sigh and ran my hand through my white locks. I knew he was right and I need to lay this down calmly.

“Yes, you are right and I apologize for it but can we at least discuss this while not standing?” I asked.

Fatigue was catching up with me with the endless running and the poison spreading through my body.

“Oh yes! Forgive my hosting manners, I was just intrude to why the wolf king would want to come talk to me himself – unannounced” He leered not even bothering to hide his suspiciousness.

“Important matters” I simple answered and he replied with a muttered ‘I see’.

His eyes went unfocused for a few seconds and then he blinked. “Rooms are being prepared for you and your men and someone will be here to lead you there. Please have a good rest and when the sun is up we will discuss about this… Blood matter”

Before I could say anything, a servant walked in through the pushed door and bowed to her king and me.

“If you will follow me sir” She mumbled.

I gave him a frim nod and turned around to follow the girl but before I left the throne room, I turned my head to look at the king only to see him already watching me.

“Thank you, Hayden” I hesitantly said and his lips formed a from line.

“Do not thank me yet Micah”

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