Celeste’s POV

I feel like I have been in this cell for months but I know it’s just been a few weeks. Sighing in defeat, I tucked my knees underneath my chin while my hands circled around my legs. My stomach growled from hunger and I pray that the at least bring us something to eat. The last time we were fed was four days ago… I think?

As I sat silently there, I couldn’t help but think, does anyone know I’m missing? I mean surely someone has to have noticed. I thought about my family and how worried they’d be if the found out that I’ve been kidnapped. I thought about my best friend Anna, she probably thinks I’m dead and I chuckled at that. I could feel the others glance at my cell, wondering why I was laughing with myself but I paid no attention to them.

And lastly, I thought about him. Elijah’s betrayal stung deeply, leaving a very large hole in my heart that would take years to heal. I was such a fool for believing that love would come to me so easily, I mean, even my mate couldn’t love me.

Cedrick’s’ words came ringing in my ear from our first encounter, ‘Run while you still can’ but I was a fool to have stayed.

The blaring of alarm snapped me of my thoughts and I looked around agitated by the red lights and non stop noise. Shakily, I got up with the chain behind me, rattling on the ground as I took a few steps forward. Even though my hands could not reach the bar, I tried stretching my head forward to seeing what was happening.This content © 2024 NôvelDrama.Org.

Everyone kept murmuring and hiding in the shadows while I tried finding out what the fuck was happening.

The body of one of my captivators was pressed against the bar of my cell and I jumped back in fright from the noise and for my safety. Before I knew it, his neck was snapped and with a crack, he slump down to the ground.

I recognized that the man had killed one of my kidnapper was from the palace for he was putting on the royal guard cloth. He bent down and searched the pockets of the dead man on the ground. My heart kept beating hard on my chest, from being happy that we’ve been saved and also from fear of something terrible happening.

When I saw he found the keys to open the cell- all the cells, I could jump up from happiness. But my happy moment was short lived because after he had opened the door, someone grabbed him my the neck and literally tore his neck out.

I gasped in horror, stumbling backwards as the man’s eyes roll to the back of his head while his body was thrown to the wall, blood coming out his mouth and neck.

When I looked up to see who had killed him, the devil himself-Derrick, stood at the door, his huge figure blocking my escape. His eyes held so much anger and I gulp backing away from the terrifying man.

He walk towards me within five steps and grabs me by my arm. I winces from his tight hold but he paid to attention to that- not that I was expecting him to.

With both hands he took the chain on my right wrist and snap it in half then do the same to the others. I couldn’t believe he broke the chains, I thought they were enchanted.

I watched as the remaining half chain that was still on my wrist and feet literally opened up then turn to dust.

“Move” Derrick growls as he forcefully held me by my shoulder and pushed me forward. I comply in fear of him doing something worst.

I could feel his breath on me the entire time he led me through the underground tunnel. My body shook in fright but my legs kept on moving.

I could see light at the end of the tunnel, I am afraid of what he’s going to do with me. Is this how it would end for me? For my child? Will I ever get to see Eli-.

I was cut from my thoughts when a very loud growl echoed from the tunnel- behind us. My body tensed up while the grip The rouge king had on me tighten.

Derricks large hand moved from my shoulders to my neck, cutting off air, while I struggled to free myself. He turned us around to face whoever it was. Right in front of us is a huge brown wolf with gray and golden eyes. Even though I was struggling for air, I was still able to gasp at the sight.

Elijah’s left eye was a glowing golden color while his right was just gray, the gray eyes that Captivated my heart the first time I gazed into them.

He had an golden armor wrapped around his abdomen, back and neck for protection and blood dripping down his chin.

He growled again and Derrick pushed my back to his chest taking a few steps back.

“Come any closer and I rip her throat out” He murmured when he noticed Elijah moving towards us.

I could feel my face turning purple from lack of air but the evil man behind me seems to not care.

“Pathetic” Derrick mumbled eyeing Elijah’s’ form. “A king doesn’t need all that to fight. You are weak, not fit for a King”

Those were the same words my dead mate told me ‘Weak, not fit to be a Luna”.

I’ve had enough, while Derrick was distracted, I extended my claws and clawed at the hand he had around my neck. He hissed out in pain and throws me to the wall on the left. My body feels down with a thud, bricks from the wall falling on my weak body.

Blood kept rolling down from my head and into my eyes but that was the least of my concern. I could feel it- the hot liquid rolling down my thighs and mixing with the dirty water on the ground.

Slowing, I placed my hand on the inner part of my thighs and brought it up to my Face. Tears gathered in my eyes and I let them fall freely.

I looked up to see Derrick and Elijah engaged in a bloody fight.

Brown vs Black.

Golden vs Blue.

Their movements Become blurry, the growls, grunts and whimpers becoming distant to my ear.

I could hear growls but not just from two Lycans. People were calling my name… Or was it just a person? I am not sure.

I felt weightless, am I being carried or am I falling through an endless hole?


Elijah’s blurry face came in view. I could feel his hands on my cheek but they felt cold.

“Stay with me, please” He mumbled shakily but that was all I heard before everything went black.




I feel like I have been in this position before. Was it once? Twice? I’m not so sure anymore. I could feel someone’s hand holding mine gently. With a groan, I open my eyes but whimper at the pain that shoot through my head.

“Shhhh” Someone breaths beside me and I turned my head to the left to meet a very familiar face.

“Mom?” I rasped out, confused as to home she got here.

“Oh my poor baby” She choked out, her eyes filling up with tears and her hand coming to touch my cheek gently. I looked around and saw that I am in my room- in the palace.

“How did I get here… Why are you crying?” I asked her still confused by what was happening.

“Don’t you remember honey?” She asked. Her warm hand leaving my cheeks to wipe her tears away.

I closed my eyes trying to remember what happened but I just can’t- everything is foggy and my head really hurts.

I shake my head signaling that I do not remember and mom looked worried. She turns her head to the back and that’s when I saw who was behind her.

“Elijah?” I Called and he looked hesitant to come near me like he was expecting me to lash out or something. After a few seconds of contemplating, he moved closer to me and sat at the edge of the bed while his hands came to cup my cheeks.

“What happened?” I asked with my eyes closed as I lean into his hands.

“Don’t worry about it” he murmured shifting closer to me on the bed. I felt weak and all I want to do is close my eyes and go back to sleep.

“Hmm” I mumbled distractedly as sleep kept calling me.

I opened my eyes when Elijah got up from the bed and I shot my hand to grab his that was still on the bed.

“Stay” I pleaded. He looked around and that was when i noticed that mom was still in the room.

“I’ll leave” She whispered and came to place a kiss on my temple. I watch her walk out of the room and when the door closed, I looked up To Elijah who was still standing at the edge of the bed.

“Are you sure?” He asked and I frowned. I felt like he was expecting me to blow up and started screaming at his face. I’m not sure why but feel like he is hiding something.

“Yes” I mumbled with a pout and reluctantly, he took off his shirt and slack then got in with me. I shift closer to him and he tensed up but I said nothing.

“Celeste?” He whispered softly, probably thinking that I was asleep-which i was until I heard his voice.

“Hmm” I said already drifting back to sleep.

“We’re having a child”

That was the last thing I heard before everything went black.

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