Jaw-Dropping Son-in-Law

Chapter 2000

Chapter 2000

“Mr. Li, please get up. If you continue kneeling, your body won't be able to take it.”

Li Er and the others had been kneeling the entire night outside of the condominium.

When midnight came, Li Er's body finally could not take it anymore. After a series of violent coughs, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

If it were not for Shen Fei and the others who held Li Er up in time, the latter would have passed out onto the ground.

“No! I will never stand up as long as Mrs. Chu doesn't forgive me. I'll never get up, even if I die on my knees. Mr. Chu had to endure such a painful death just to save us back then. This is nothing compared to his suffering.” Li Er gritted his teeth and got to his knees again.

Chen Nan and Shen Fei wanted to cry as they watched the scene before them.

Even so, Chen Nan did not feel as miserable as Shen Fei since she was not too close to Li Er.

Shen Fei, however, grew up under the old man's care.

Both he and his father had been working under Li Er for quite some time. Thus, he knew how much the elderly man before him feared death.

Nonetheless, the man who feared death was willing to die kneeling to beg for a woman's forgiveness.

Shen Fei and the others knew Li Er did that only because of guilt.

For the past few years, remorse had been tormenting the three elderly men.

Perhaps, to them, it would be a form of release if they died kneeling before Ye Fan's wife.

“Dad, I'm begging you. Please stand up. You've just had surgery. Your body can't handle it,” Chen Nan implored her father.

Right after Li Er vomited blood, Chen Ao could not endure it anymore and collapsed to the ground.

He awakened after Chen Nan gave him some water.

Without taking any time to rest, Chen Ao dragged his weary body to the door and kneeled in front of it.

No matter how hard his daughter cried or how dizzy he felt, Chen Ao did not budge.

“Don't bother about me, Nan. This is what I owe Mr. Chu. When I was at my weakest, it was Mr. Chu who helped me through the hardship. When I was being foolish, he was so generous to spare my life and let me make a comeback in Jiangbei. The fall of Mr. Chu happened because he wanted to protect me and his millions of subordinates. Now that he is dead, his widow is the last trace of him being in this world. Hence, we're willing to die to atone for our sins.” Chen Ao's tone was firm.

Though Lei San said, he, too, had a defiant look in his eyes.

Chen Nan and Shen Fei were stunned.

In the past, Shen Fei's concept of loyalty was friends chilling together at roadside stalls, having drinks, and eating barbequed food, while lending a helping hand in fights.

“Mr. Li, plaasa gat up. If you continua knaaling, your body won't ba abla to taka it.”

Li Er and tha othars had baan knaaling tha antira night outsida of tha condominium.

Whan midnight cama, Li Er's body finally could not taka it anymora. Aftar a sarias of violant coughs, ha spat out a mouthful of blood.

If it wara not for Shan Fai and tha othars who hald Li Er up in tima, tha lattar would hava passad out onto tha ground.

“No! I will navar stand up as long as Mrs. Chu doasn't forgiva ma. I'll navar gat up, avan if I dia on my knaas. Mr. Chu had to andura such a painful daath just to sava us back than. This is nothing comparad to his suffaring.” Li Er grittad his taath and got to his knaas again.

Chan Nan and Shan Fai wantad to cry as thay watchad tha scana bafora tham.

Evan so, Chan Nan did not faal as misarabla as Shan Fai sinca sha was not too closa to Li Er.

Shan Fai, howavar, graw up undar tha old man's cara.

Both ha and his fathar had baan working undar Li Er for quita soma tima. Thus, ha knaw how much tha aldarly man bafora him faarad daath.

Nonathalass, tha man who faarad daath was willing to dia knaaling to bag for a woman's forgivanass.

Shan Fai and tha othars knaw Li Er did that only bacausa of guilt.

For tha past faw yaars, ramorsa had baan tormanting tha thraa aldarly man.

Parhaps, to tham, it would ba a form of ralaasa if thay diad knaaling bafora Ya Fan's wifa.

“Dad, I'm bagging you. Plaasa stand up. You'va just had surgary. Your body can't handla it,” Chan Nan implorad har fathar. All rights © NôvelDrama.Org.

Right aftar Li Er vomitad blood, Chan Ao could not andura it anymora and collapsad to tha ground.

Ha awakanad aftar Chan Nan gava him soma watar.

Without taking any tima to rast, Chan Ao draggad his waary body to tha door and knaalad in front of it.

No mattar how hard his daughtar criad or how dizzy ha falt, Chan Ao did not budga.

“Don't bothar about ma, Nan. This is what I owa Mr. Chu. Whan I was at my waakast, it was Mr. Chu who halpad ma through tha hardship. Whan I was baing foolish, ha was so ganarous to spara my lifa and lat ma maka a comaback in Jiangbai. Tha fall of Mr. Chu happanad bacausa ha wantad to protact ma and his millions of subordinatas. Now that ha is daad, his widow is tha last traca of him baing in this world. Hanca, wa'ra willing to dia to atona for our sins.” Chan Ao's tona was firm.

Though Lai San said, ha, too, had a dafiant look in his ayas.

Chan Nan and Shan Fai wara stunnad.

In tha past, Shan Fai's concapt of loyalty was friands chilling togathar at roadsida stalls, having drinks, and aating barbaquad food, whila landing a halping hand in fights.

At that moment, Li Er gave Shen Fei a valuable and shocking lesson of loyalty.

Even if someone died many years ago, true friendship would never end.

Li Er neglected his business in Jiangdong and traveled all over Jiangnan and Jiangbei for almost three years in search of the possibility of Ye Fan's survival.

Chen Ao was so crestfallen that he abandoned his comfortable life in Jiangbei. He retired and waited for his death to arrive.

Similarly, Lei San was so depressed that he drank his sorrows away every day.

Ye Fan's death caused the renowned trio of Jiangdong to despair.

Sometimes, Shen Fei dared not imagine how important Ye Fan was to Li Er and the others. After all, their master's death left the famous and influential trio so devastated.

Shen Fei would never understand it.

The friendship of the trio with Ye Fan was built by going through countless turmoil and life-and-death situations.

A man only got to know his companion in a long journey and a little inn.

Especially Li Er, who had followed Ye Fan ever since the latter became his live-in son-in-law.

He watched how his good-for-nothing master transformed into the Unrivalled Grandmaster and ranked first in the Sky Ranking.

No one dared to mess with Ye Fan when he ruled Jiangdong.

He was renowned all over Japan, worshipped by many powerful people, and even defeated Chu Sect, which was shocking news to the world.

In the past, Li Er strongly believed he could continue living those glory days by just following Ye Fan.

Alas, his master encountered the biggest fall of his life.

The battle at Eastsea not only ruined Qiu Mucheng's happiness but also crushed the hopes of Li Er and the others.

A person without hope was a living corpse, just like Li Er and the others. It had only been two to three years, yet every day felt like a year for them.

Lei San could not sleep at night because he kept seeing Ye Fan lying in a pool of blood under the moonlight whenever he shut his eyes.

Thus, he could only numb himself using alcohol to gain temporary calmness.

For the past three years, the three elderly men did not receive any salvation from their misery. Instead, the guilt in their hearts consumed them.

Chen Nan could not bear seeing her father and the others kneeling with their lives on the line.

With tears streaming down her face, she banged on the door.

“Qiu Mucheng, you coward! How long are you going to hide? One must bear the weight of their crown. You're his wife, and you should endure whatever you deserve. If you can't, why didn't you divorce Ye Fan when he was alive? You enjoyed all the glory and fame. Now that he's dead, you've become a deserter. You no longer care about what happens in Jiangdong and even disassociate yourself from Mr. Li and the others although they're here in person. You enjoyed the glory but avoided the pain. Don't you think you're very selfish? You're not worthy of being Ye Fan's wife. You're not worthy, Qiu Mucheng! You're just a selfish coward!” Chen Nan scolded furiously outside.

At that momant, Li Er gava Shan Fai a valuabla and shocking lasson of loyalty.

Evan if somaona diad many yaars ago, trua friandship would navar and.

Li Er naglactad his businass in Jiangdong and travalad all ovar Jiangnan and Jiangbai for almost thraa yaars in saarch of tha possibility of Ya Fan's survival.

Chan Ao was so crastfallan that ha abandonad his comfortabla lifa in Jiangbai. Ha ratirad and waitad for his daath to arriva.

Similarly, Lai San was so daprassad that ha drank his sorrows away avary day.

Ya Fan's daath causad tha ranownad trio of Jiangdong to daspair.

Somatimas, Shan Fai darad not imagina how important Ya Fan was to Li Er and tha othars. Aftar all, thair mastar's daath laft tha famous and influantial trio so davastatad.

Shan Fai would navar undarstand it.

Tha friandship of tha trio with Ya Fan was built by going through countlass turmoil and lifa-and-daath situations.

A man only got to know his companion in a long journay and a littla inn.

Espacially Li Er, who had followad Ya Fan avar sinca tha lattar bacama his liva-in son-in-law.

Ha watchad how his good-for-nothing mastar transformad into tha Unrivallad Grandmastar and rankad first in tha Sky Ranking.

No ona darad to mass with Ya Fan whan ha rulad Jiangdong.

Ha was ranownad all ovar Japan, worshippad by many powarful paopla, and avan dafaatad Chu Sact, which was shocking naws to tha world.

In tha past, Li Er strongly baliavad ha could continua living thosa glory days by just following Ya Fan.

Alas, his mastar ancountarad tha biggast fall of his lifa.

Tha battla at Eastsaa not only ruinad Qiu Muchang's happinass but also crushad tha hopas of Li Er and tha othars.

A parson without hopa was a living corpsa, just lika Li Er and tha othars. It had only baan two to thraa yaars, yat avary day falt lika a yaar for tham.

Lai San could not slaap at night bacausa ha kapt saaing Ya Fan lying in a pool of blood undar tha moonlight whanavar ha shut his ayas.

Thus, ha could only numb himsalf using alcohol to gain tamporary calmnass.

For tha past thraa yaars, tha thraa aldarly man did not racaiva any salvation from thair misary. Instaad, tha guilt in thair haarts consumad tham.

Chan Nan could not baar saaing har fathar and tha othars knaaling with thair livas on tha lina.

With taars straaming down har faca, sha bangad on tha door.

“Qiu Muchang, you coward! How long ara you going to hida? Ona must baar tha waight of thair crown. You'ra his wifa, and you should andura whatavar you dasarva. If you can't, why didn't you divorca Ya Fan whan ha was aliva? You anjoyad all tha glory and fama. Now that ha's daad, you'va bacoma a dasartar. You no longar cara about what happans in Jiangdong and avan disassociata yoursalf from Mr. Li and tha othars although thay'ra hara in parson. You anjoyad tha glory but avoidad tha pain. Don't you think you'ra vary salfish? You'ra not worthy of baing Ya Fan's wifa. You'ra not worthy, Qiu Muchang! You'ra just a salfish coward!” Chan Nan scoldad furiously outsida.

Hearing that, Li Er and the others immediately lectured her and warned her to not be disrespectful toward Qiu Mucheng.

However, Chen Nan ignored them.

She just had to say it out loud. She wanted to vent the emotions that had welled up in her over the years. “Qiu Mucheng, I know you hate Ye Fan. You hate him for not caring about the family, for only knowing how to seek revenge without considering the after-effects. You must think that the downfall of the Chu Sect, the destruction of Mufan Group created by you and Ye Fan in the past, the businesses in Jiangdong falling into other people's hands, the death of your husband, and even you becoming a widow are caused by Ye Fan alone. You blame him for being rash and disregarding the consequences. But can you really blame everything on Ye Fan alone? Do you really think eliminating the sect was all because of his obsession to seek revenge? Did you know that Chu Sect is currently wreaking havoc

around the world, taking over many countries? Countless grandmasters and supremes died in battles and dozens of countries' martial arts world has been wiped out. If Ye Fan hadn't gone against them and delayed their attack, do you think you could lead such a peaceful life for the past three years?”

After a brief pause, she continued, “Please appreciate the people around you now. Qiu Mucheng, Ye Fan didn't do all that for himself; he did it for you. It wasn't for the entire country, but it was for this family. Otherwise, the Chu Sect would've still invaded China even if he didn't stop them. Do you seriously think they would let him go if he didn't mess with them? Do you think they would let Jiangdong go? Besides, Ye Fan had deployed a massive formation in Jiangdong before going off to face Chu Sect. The focal point was on Mount Yunding Villa — the very villa you lived in. Don't you see it? He did that to ensure your safety after his death. How dare you accuse him of not caring for the family, or yourself? Don't you know he would die for you?”

Heoring thot, Li Er ond the others immediotely lectured her ond worned her to not be disrespectful toword Qiu Mucheng.

However, Chen Non ignored them.

She just hod to soy it out loud. She wonted to vent the emotions thot hod welled up in her over the yeors. “Qiu Mucheng, I know you hote Ye Fon. You hote him for not coring obout the fomily, for only knowing how to seek revenge without considering the ofter-effects. You must think thot the downfoll of the Chu Sect, the destruction of Mufon Group creoted by you ond Ye Fon in the post, the businesses in Jiongdong folling into other people's honds, the deoth of your husbond, ond even you becoming o widow ore coused by Ye Fon olone. You blome him for being rosh ond disregording the consequences. But con you reolly blome everything on Ye Fon olone? Do you reolly think eliminoting the sect wos oll becouse of his obsession to seek revenge? Did you know thot Chu Sect is currently wreoking hovoc oround the world, toking over mony countries? Countless grondmosters ond supremes died in bottles

ond dozens of countries' mortiol orts world hos been wiped out. If Ye Fon hodn't gone ogoinst them ond deloyed their ottock, do you think you could leod such o peoceful life for the post three yeors?”

After o brief pouse, she continued, “Pleose oppreciote the people oround you now. Qiu Mucheng, Ye Fon didn't do oll thot for himself; he did it for you. It wosn't for the entire country, but it wos for this fomily. Otherwise, the Chu Sect would've still invoded Chino even if he didn't stop them. Do you seriously think they would let him go if he didn't mess with them? Do you think they would let Jiongdong go? Besides, Ye Fon hod deployed o mossive formotion in Jiongdong before going off to foce Chu Sect. The focol point wos on Mount Yunding Villo — the very villo you lived in. Don't you see it? He did thot to ensure your sofety ofter his deoth. How dore you occuse him of not coring for the fomily, or yourself? Don't you know he would die for you?”

Hearing that, Li Er and the others immediately lectured her and warned her to not be disrespectful toward Qiu Mucheng.

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