Its Too Late To Forgive



It's almost evening that Henry returns to the Jackson Mansion. He wanted to come early and see Bella getting dressed up himself but due to some official work he couldn't. His work had increased in last one month since he took over lots of projects that were suppose to be under Morris group.

Henry played dirty to give hard time to Jason and hence punished entire Morris family for taking his woman away from him. But now since their last encounter in the club , Henry was rest assured that Bella and Jason were not together anymore so he had to correct his doings and return the projects to Morris group.

Henry entered the living room and without waiting went directly to his room. He had already received the message from the designer that Bella was ready for the party. He couldn't wait to see her.

As soon as Henry entered the room, he saw her standing near the French window looking outside at the iron gate. Bella heard the door opening and slowly turned to look at Henry who was almost stunned seeing Bella.

The designer and the makeup artist had done a marvelous job. Even though Bella looked nothing like what she used to years back but right now she was looking breath taking in Henry's eyes. He couldn't take his eyes away from her and slowly approached her.

Bella was wearing a full covered mahroon evening gown. Her sleeves and back was made with net. Bella was very thin, more like an anorexic patient. But the way gown was hugging on her , it brought out all her curves perfectly. The mahroon colour of the gown was complimenting well with her not any more fair or smooth skin. Her hair were tied in a loose bun. Her make up was done in a beautiful way that all her features were standing out in a beautiful way. Her scar was so well covered under the thick layers of makeup. There was no doubt that makeup was very heavy but was very natural and it seemed to blend with Bella very well.

She was wearing no jewelry and almost flat sandals.

Seeing her jewelry and footwares , Henry was little unhappy. He still remembered very clearly that all the leading jewelry brand used to request Bella to show case their jewelry in all the events which she attended. Hence, Bella always wore most unique and beautiful jewelry compared to any other woman in the city. Even though Bella was not that short but to match with Henry, she always wore beautiful minimum 4 - 5 inches stilettos.

Henry knew that Bella has problem with her legs hence he didn't ask her to change her footwears. As for jewelry, he took out a beautiful box from his pocket and gave it to Bella. Seeing Bella's hesitation he came closer to her,

"Here, have a look if you like it."

Bella slowly opened the box and found a set of beautiful diamond studded earrings and a very delicate matching diamond pendant. She looked at Henry with confusion written every where on her face.

Henry smiled at her and took the pendant chain and put it on Bella's neck. He was pleased to see that it looked beautiful on her. He looked at Bella’s confused eyes and smiled a little before telling her,

"It's a gift for you. I hope you liked it."

Saying this he started helping her in wearing the earrings too.

"For me?"

Bella asked in confusion.


Just then Henry kind of remembered something. Was it for the first time that Henry had actually gifted something to Bella? And the answer was clearly a 'Yes'. Henry handed the box to Bella and went to his walk in closet to change into his outfit.

Within minutes Henry was out looking as usual very handsome in his black tuxedo suit. His leather shoes were shinning so bright that anyone can see their faces on it too. His hair were gelled well and set perfectly.

Bella looked at Henry for a second and then started looking outside again. Henry came close to her and stood right infront of her. Since he saw Bella today he thought of nothing but pinning her on his bed and make love to her so much that she ends up screaming his name loud. But he knew that he can't do that right now. He softly put a strand of hair behind her ears and kissed her on her cheeks. He then lead them to the car.

'Wait for tonite Bella. I will make you mine.'

The lights were brilliant, the car stopped at the main entrance of LAS DEUX. Martin and Ray were sitting in front. Ray was driving and Martin was sitting in the passenger seat. As soon they stopped, Martin got down of the car and opened the gate for Henry first. After doing so he respectfully went to the other side to open the gate for Bella but was stopped by a loud magnetic voice,

"Wait I will do it."

Said Henry who was walking gracefully to the other side of the car. Martin was dumbfounded for a second and stepped aside.

Henry walked around to the other side of the car, opened the door, and stretched out his palm to Bella who was still in the car.

Bella looked at the hand that was placed right in front of her. She looked and kept looking at it for few minutes then she pushed it away, and got out of the car.

Henry once again stretched his hand infront of her and said in a magnetic and authoritative voice,

“Hold it.”

Bella stopped. Her heart was filled with indescribable disgust and different feelings. She took a deep breath and held his hand, just the way he wished.

She smirked thinking about her past. Year after year, she chased after him facelessly, trying to hold his hand, always being pushed away mercilessly by him. But she chased him happily and smiled and hung him by her side even after being insulted time again and again. At that time, although she was pushed away by him over and over again, she was still willing to hold his hand without his approval. At that time, she felt that the distance between the two was extremely close and filled with love.

Now, he was holding her hand tightly but what she can feel is only pain. The place where the two hands entangled was so hot that she wanted to throw her hand away. She can't forget the pain that she has gone through in this so called love of hers.

As soon as they entered the hall holding hand in hand, as expected all the people around them started talking. The entrance was crowded with camera and media. They all also stopped and were shocked to see the female accompanying Young master Jackson. They were all shocked see that the woman was none other than Bella Evans.

The flashes started again. Nobody wanted to miss this story. This was a million dollar story for their papers. Others started gossiping ,

“How could she be with Mr. Jackson?”

“She? Who?”

"Oh.. my God.. am I dreaming?"

"She is almost unrecognizable.”

"How can they invite a criminal to a party?"

Henry led Bella into the banquet hall. He could feel Bella's body becoming tensed when she heard the people around her. She was soon trembling in fear and gulping her own saliva again and again. Henry felt the wetness in her palms.

He tactfully held her back and came closer to her and spoke in her ears,

"I am with you. Don't worry."

Kevin and Carson were also surprised to see Bella with Henry. They looked at each other and walked over to greet them.

"Bella, How are you? And how are you feeling now?"

Carson asked Bella with real concern written on his face. He then glared at Henry. Henry also gave him a looked indicating 'Don't provoke me'.

"I am fine Dr. Carson. Thank you."

Bella spoke softly and lowered her head. Kevin had different opinion about Bella. He had just returned after winning an international multimedia company's case in Europe. He didn't get any chance to meet his friends and learn about Bella's suffering. He still holds the same old opinion about her.

"Ofcourse you will be. And why won't you. Even after doing all those things, you still managed to get hold of Henry. Such a vixen you are."

Without waiting for anyone to speak. He gave a disgusted looks to Bella and walked away. Bella who was still holding Henry's hand, clenched her dress tightly with the other hand and lowered her head even more deeply in her neck.

She was nervous and just wanted to leave this place. Hearing what Kevin had said, many women who were near them also started laughing while looking at Bella.

Bella wanted nothing but to run away. She almost left Henry's hand and took a turn to go out but Henry had already anticipated this and held her hand even tighter. He then gave a deadly snare to all the laughing females. His one looks were enough to steal the blood from their faces and they left that place immediately.

Carson also felt that the environment around is not good for Bella's mental status. Knowingly or unknowingly Carson was also feeling a pull towards Bella. He had urge to protect her. Carson was admiring Bella's beauty and her courage to show up here just then he tilted his eyes and met with a pair of cold ones, who was throwing daggers at him. Carson immediately looked away and joked,

"Bella, you weren’t so thin before. Why, what happened? Didn’t Henry give you any food.

Let's not keep standing here. There are many vacant tables. Let's enjoy the food. Shall we?"

Carson knew that Henry has seen through him. He knew sooner or later Henry will claim Bella. He didn't wanted anything to happen to their friendship. Hence he decided to change the topic and lighten the mood.

Henry gave a provocative looks to Carson but still took Bella to the table which was reserved on his name. As he was the main host of the party, he had to leave Bella's side to attend the guests along with Claire. Henry was reluctant to leave Bella but Bella, on the other hand, was glad to stay away from him.

Bella was sitting alone on the table and saw many familiar faces around her. Ofcourse this was an anniversary party of the club where she worked. She could see many of her co-workers busy with their designated tasks.

Nobody was looking at her. It seemed as if Claire has specially instructed them not to defer from their work. Which was true plus Claire had strict instructions not to disturb and look at the big boss and his companion.

Bella was feeling awkward sitting right in the middle of the hall. There was a group of females who were also her old friends. They were continously passing comments on Bella hearing which Bella was not comfortable. Bella decided to go and have a walk till the balcony. Earlier when Bella was a cleaner , this hall was also under her hence she knew everything about this hall.

She walked towards the empty balcony and took the much needed breath. She was still not comfortable and confident regarding staying in the hall. She wanted to run away from the familiar faces. She turned and wanted to run just then she saw the most familiar face that she knew.

She was unable to move from her place. She kept looking at the gorgeous couple who was standing right infront of her. Soon that couple was joined by another equally graceful but young couple. They laughed on something. They seemed to be enjoying themselves and walked to the designated place booked for 'The Evans'.

Seeing her family just few steps away, Bella was having very mixed feelings. Once she thought of running towards her mother and hug her tightly and ask them why they aboundant her. But she knew this is not possible. She stills remembers the indifference in Brandon's eyes from the other night.

Bella held her dress tightly and rushed to the other corner of the balcony. She was not focused and banged into someone. Bella immediately apologized and wanted to run away from there but was blocked.

"Sorry Miss, are you OK? I am sorry I was not focused."

Said the man in mesmerizing voice.

"No, S... sir I am sorry. I didn't see y... you."

The man seemed to be little confused but then suddenly he looked at the face again and asked,

"Where is your scar?"

Bella was little shocked to hear this and she immediately looked up to see the face of the man with whom she crashed. For once Bella felt safe as she could see young master James infront of her. For some reason, even though she didn't know him that well but she felt safe in his presence.

"It's under the heavy makeup."

She herself didn't realize why but she said the truth. Hearing this Alen smiled softly and gave way to Bella to go. Even though Alen didn't wanted Bella to leave from there. He always felt some unknown pull towards her and wanted to spend more time with her but seeing her present attire, he was sure that Bella is accompaning someone plus this is the party of the club where she is an attendant thus she need to be working right now.

Just as Bella started walking away, her hand was held tightly by someone from behind. Initially Bella thought it was Alen but when she turned she saw that it was Young master Lynch who was holding her tightly. Bella tried to move her hand from his grip but was unable to do so.

"Bella... you look... look A..m..a..zing."

He couldn't keep his eyes away from her face. Hearing this Bella felt awkward and lowered her head. By now Bella was used to humiliation but not compliments anymore. Alen saw Lynch holding Bella's hand and felt little uneasy. He came towards them and saw how Bella was uncomfortable with Lynch's touch.

"Lynch leave her hand."

He demanded. Young master Lynch seems to be little drunk already.

"Alen, you remember I told you that there is girl whom I am longing to touch again and again. A girl who kind of stole my heart from the minute I had her dancing on my laps. A girl who I desire to kiss and mark as I did that day... do you remember Alen..."

"Yes I do Lynch.."

Alen said in an understanding way while trying to remove Bella's hand from Lynch's grip.

"this is that girl."

He didn't leave Bella's hands but pulled her more towards him.

"You are looking so beautiful in this dress Bella. You know how hurt I was when I saw another man holding your hand while you walked in the hall. Why Bella?"

He tightly held Bella by her shoulders and demanded answers to the questions which were almost new and unknown to Bella.

"Why Bella... tell me.. can't you see me getting hurt by your actions?

Can't you feel the soreness in my heart??

Tell me Bella."

"That's enough Lynch. Leave her, you are hurting her."

Demanded Alen. Lynch left Bella immediately after realizing that he was actually hurting her.

"I am sorry princess I won't hurt you again. I won't do anything to hurt you. Please come with me. I can't forget the feelings I got when I touched you and kissed you that day at Alora's party... I..."

Before Lynch could finish speaking, there was a loud voice of a female who was fuming with anger,

"You fucking bitch. Can't stay away from men. Now you are trying to seduce my fiancée. I will show your place today.."

While saying that, Alora raised her hand to slap Bella. Since her birthday celebration that happened in LAS DEUX, Lynch had cut all the ties with her. He was ignoring her and infact he also called of his engagement with her saying that he is in love with Bella. Initially Alora thought that Lynch must be drunk as he decided to love such an ugly creature but reality hit her hard when he personally went and spoke to her father to call off their engagement.

This was the perfect opportunity for Alora to take out her anger on Bella. But before her hand could touch Bella anywhere, someone caught it in between and within seconds her hand was bend behind her back. The person holding her hand applied so much of pressure that Alora felt that her hand can break in seconds. She was now crying in pain and begging that person to leave her hand.

"Appologize to Bella first."

Initially Alora thought that it was some man holding her hand so tightly but hearing the voice she was shocked that it was a female. She called for help and looked at Lynch and Alen for the same. Lynch was drunk and was just starring at Bella giving no attention to Alora whereas Alen was starring at the beautiful face holding Alora's hand.

He saw her again. It was the same face about whom she has been dreaming since he last saw her with Bella in Henry's booth. He was busy with his work in City F , that's why he couldn't get hold of Claire to ask about this girl but now he doesn't want to loose that opportunity.

Bella looked at Sophia,

"Sophia thank you but I need to go."

She didn't stop to look at anyone else. Alen heard Bella and saw her walking away. He wanted to stop her but he also wanted to know this girl who seemed to be very interesting. NôvelDrama.Org (C) content.

'So her name is Sophia.' He thought. He suddenly held her hand and pulled her with him to somewhere secluded.

"Hey... stop it. What are you doing?"

Sophia was wearing a long gown , not very expensive but very classy in its own sense. The turquoise blue matched with her eye color so beautifully. Her long silky hair were flowing freely like waves of water. She had slight makeup which enhanced her beauty.

She was in high heel stilettos and couldn't balance herself by Alen's pull and feel on him directly. Alen caught her in his arms tightly. Sophia was struggling to be free but she was no match to this strong German man.

Sophia knew who Alen was. She had seen him quite a lot of time in the club especially with the big boss. She knew that she can't offend him. So she spoke softly,

"Sir, I am working right now. Can you please let me go?"

Without even blinking his eyes, Alen refused,


Sophia was a little shocked as she couldn't understand what this man wanted from her. She tried again,

"Sir, If I don't get to my designated work then I will be punished and there will be consequences."


Sophia nodded softly. Alen smirked and looked around and saw Claire attending someone else. He pulled Sophia towards Claire,

"Miss. Claire..."

"Good evening Young master J...James.. "

Claire was confused to see Sophia with Alen and stammered.

"Miss. Claire, I don't have a female companion for the party and if you don't mind then can I have honor to take one of your employees as my companion."

Claire gave him a confused look. She knows him and also knows that even she can't offend him but... Seeing her embarrassed face, Alen understood something and spoke while looking at both the beautiful women infront of him,

"Just till the party gets over. Nothing after that."

Claire knew Alen was a decent man hence she looked at Sophia who was also quite and agreed. After all they all were the attendants and this was part of their job to company the guests tonite in the party. Alen was happy and happily pulled Sophia to his table.

Bella was walking as fast as she can but was stopped by Henry.

"Where do you think you are going?"

"I want to use the washroom."

Bella said while keeping her head down. She did wanted to go to the washroom but She was also planning to run away from this party after that. She didn't wanted to look at Henry as she knew that he

will understand her next move. Henry came closer to her and spoke while placing a strand of hair behind her ear,

"Don't try to do anything foolish to make me angry. You know the consequences won't be good. Go and come back fast."

Bella can't understand what action of her gave a hint to Henry that she was planning to run away. She simply nodded her head and went out.

Bella entered the washroom. She took a napkin and made it wet and kept it on her eyes. Even though her make up was water proof but she didn't wanted to spoil it. It was hardwork of others and she respected everyone's hardwork. But she wanted something to relax her eyes.

But before she could relax herself further, she was pulled into a strong embrace and her lips were sealed into a strong dominating kiss. Nothing can be more familiar then this embrace and kiss. Bella need not open her eyes to know who this fragrance belonged to.

Only one thing came in her mind,


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