Into Darkness

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Oh god.

"Holy f*ck this is embarrassing" I wanted to hide under my blanket and never come back out.

"Hey, calm down. It's nothing to be embarrassed about, everyone pees and poops" He said, laughing

slightly and this made me blush even more.

"Oh f*ck me" I groaned and he laughed.

"I'd love to, but I'm pretty sure the idiot doctor wants you to rest" He smirked and I hit the back of his

head with my palm, making him laugh even harder.

"That was pathetic" He mocked me and I stuck my tongue out.

"However, my leg feels pretty okay. It doesn't hurt as long as no one touches it or I move it" I ever so

smoothly changed the subject, the consequence being Lou rolling his eyes.

"Who's Nora?" I then asked hesitantly, I didn't want to upset him.

"She was my little sister"

I froze at the words were and looked down at my hands.

"I'm sorry" I quietly mumbled and he shook his head.

"Wait, how do you even know of her?" He asked, scrunching his face.

"Err... You were kinda screaming a few nights ago and I ran into your room... Well tried at least, and

you were moving and sweating. I tried to wake you up and you eventually calmed down... Then you

said something about how I reminded you of her... Nora" I whispered the last part, it felt to personal to

say out loud.

"Oh" Was all he said, he looked down at my hands and I gulped.

"She was only 6 years old" He choked out and I felt my heart brake.

"You don't have to-" I started but he cut me off.

"No, I want to tell you. You've been so honest about your family and I need to talk about this" His voice

broke at the end and I grabbed his hand.

"It's been killing me" He whispered and I gave him a sad smile.

"I was sitting in the kitchen, cooking pasta carbonara, Nora's favorite food, I was on holiday from

College and I hadn't been home for over a month... My parents were in the garden, trimming the grass

and watering flowers... And then I heard screaming. I immediately ran to the window and looked out,

that's when I saw a Zombie for the first time. I freaked and grabbed a knife out of the cabinet. I grabbed

Nora's hand and ran out of the house, to see if my parents were alright" He took a deep breath and I


"They weren't" I could see him, trying to hold his tears back and I squeezed his hand.

"There were more Zombies, at least 10. And it only kept coming more and more... Nora cried when she

saw the zombies eating my parents organs and I wanted to, but I had to stay strong for Nora. She was

holding my hand so tight, and we started to run away, she got up on my back and we ran with everyone

else, towards the forest... But then someone, a zombie, grabbed her. And pulled her off me. I tried to-"

He stopped, his eyes were filled with tears and he was sobbing and so was I.

I didn't know Lou that well, but he seemed like a pretty closed off person and I felt honored that he

wanted to open up to me.

"I tried to save her, but... The zombie, he snapped her neck" He had stopped sobbing and was only

looking at me with pleading eyes. I was full on crying though.

"He snapped a six year olds neck, she had barely seen the world. She was too young, too- too pure

and innocent"

I kept quiet, not knowing what to say.

'I'm sorry' wasn't enough.

"It's okay to be sad, it's okay to cry. The only thing that isn't okay... Is to give up. You have to believe

that life is still worth living, because if you don't. You'll never be able to move on and live a happy life"

We were looking each other and I realized that he was leaning in.

While I was in a diaper.


Do I want this?

You have to decide.

Lucas or Lucas.


Staph it and concentrate.

Our lips were only millimeters away and I decided to go with the moment.

Our lips just brushed when someone slammed the door opens and I jerked away.

"HÓLA BITCHATCHOS I BROUGHT PIZZAAAAA" Oliver yelled as he entered and I blushed, but

covered it up with a laugh.

Lou shared the same expression and in a way, I was happy that Oliver had intervened.

And when I think about it... I don't have to choose. I can be a single ass bitch if I want.

A strong and independent woman.

Hell yeah.

But then again. Property belongs to Nôvel(D)r/ama.Org.

They're pretty hot.

Oh god damn it.

But you can't lead them both on.

That's awful to both of them.

Someone needs to slap me.

"Where did you get pizza?" I stupidly asked him and he raised his eyebrows.

"F*cking Santa gave it to me, what do you think?" He sarcastically remarked and I flipped him off with a


Soon everyone was here and they were sitting around the bed on madrases and pillows, having it

rather cozy.

I did really appreciate everyone being here and keeping me company.

I hadn't really been able to look at either Lucky or Lou though.

I blushed when I looked at Lou and I felt guilt when I looked at Lucky.

Which was stupid, since we actually weren't together, we weren't even dating.

"Herr you gooo" Loren said, as she handed me a plate with a few pizza slices on.

I licked my lips and happily started to consume the unhealthy little pieces of heaven.

"So what do we do?" Colton impatiently asked us and I shrugged.

"We can play 20 questions or something. Someone asks 20 questions and everyone has to answer

truthfully" Tyson suggested and I pursed my lips and nodded.

"Sounds fun" I agreed and Loren nodded.

"Okay... Who was your first crush?" Tyson asked and I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Err... A boy called Cole when I was like 8 years or something" I tried to remember.

"A girl called Lindsay" Lucky said and I laughed.

"I was fourteen, she was together with another boy though" He cringed as he thought back at it and I

flashed him a smile.

"Mrs. Young, my English teacher... I was 11" Oliver admitted and I grimaced.

"That's kinda gross" He glared at me and I smiled sweetly.

And so it went on, we were on the 19th question when Loren asked a question.

"When did you loose your virginities and to who?" I looked around as they all moved in their seats,

rather uncomfortable.

"You already know I was 17, it was to my girlfriend at the time" Lou calmly answered and it made me

happy that he didn't loose it drunk at a party.

"I was 16, it was to my best friend... After that she never talked to me again though" Colton said and I

felt a little bit bad for him.

"Probably because you sucked in bed" Lou deadpanned and I gaped.

"F*ck you" He muttered and I had to stop a laugh from escaping.

"I was also 16, it was at a party to some guy I barely can remember" Kylie didn't look like she cared, but

I still felt a little bit sad for her.

"What about you Tyson?" Loren asked her big brother with big innocent eyes and he looked over at us

in panic.

"Uh, It was last year and it was with Gina" He quickly admitted and Loren gasped.

"Gina? What? But- just what? She seemed so innocent I just can't- what?" She stuttered out,

completely taken aback.

She sat on her madras staring at her brother with wide eyes.

"But she was my best friend! What the hell?" She spat and I gasped as the realization dawned on me.

"How old are you both?" I asked.

"I'm 16 and he's 18" She muttered, her arms connected around her knees.

"Wait... You f*cked a fifteen year old?" Kylie asked, clearly surprised and so was I.

I hadn't expected that from Tyson.

"No, she's one year older than Loren and one year younger than me" Tyson muttered, he seemed

pretty upset with his sister.

"But she was my best friend! Why didn't you tell me? How long had you two been seeing each other?

Were you together? Did you love her? Or was it all just a one night stand? Because if that's the case I'll

freaking kill you" Loren was furious and it was very visible. Her cheeks were flushed and she was

clenching her fists.

"We'd been seeing each other for a few months, no we weren't together, but yes, I loved her. And I

didn't tell you because I knew you'd flip out. Just like you're doing right now!" He was also pissed, he

was glaring at his baby sister and she was returning the glare.

"No, if you would have told me from the beginning I wouldn't have been mad! You- I, I just never

thought you would keep such a big thing from me" She stared down at the floor and I felt really

awkward and uncomfortable.

I shared a look with Lou and I knew he felt the same.

"So... What about you Luke?" Oliver asked Lucky and I face palmed.


"I was, eh, fifteen. And I- I don't even want to tell you guys since it was so awful..."

Fifteen, holy crap.

"C'mon mate" Colton pushed him to admit and he sighed.

"Before I tell you, just know that I'd never do something like that now. I was young and incredibly

stupid" He looked like he was in pain and I wondered what could have been so bad.

"I was pretty popular in my school, I had a lots of girls chasing me and all that. And one night my

friends dared me to take a girl in our class's virginity. And I accepted the challenge. She was already

crushing on me, so I took her on a few dates and then she gave in. And that's how I lost my virginity

and took hers" When he finished telling the story, we were all quiet.

I couldn't believe what I'd just heard.

He took a girls virginity as a bet?

This is just like 'After' holy f*ck.

"I still regret it and I would travel back in time and change it if I could" He added, but the damage was

already done.

I couldn't look him in the eyes and everyone was still sitting quiet.

"That's truly awful" I choked out, snapping everyone out of their dazes.

"I know" He shortly answered, I could tell that he felt regret and was sorry for what he did.

But still.

How could anyone ever do that?

"We should probably try to sleep now, it's getting pretty late" Loren whispered, probably regretting her


I just nodded and leaned back in the bed.

I looked down at Lou, he was just next to me on a madras and he was wearing a frown.

When he noticed me staring, he looked up at me and we made eye contact.

He smiled an emotionless smile and I closed my eyes, trying to forget everything I just heard.

"Good night" I heard Loren say as she turned off the lights.

"Good night" Oliver and Colton answered and after that the only thing I could hear was everyone


This wasn't how I'd thought the night would turn out.

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