Inevitably Yours

Chapter 73


“Wow,” Nic sighed, looking up at me from where she was lying on my lap. “That’s a lot to take in.”

“I know; sorry to drop all of that on you at once,” I apologized. I hated talking about my life in Stary, but she wanted to know everything that had happened since she left. There were few people I’d tell the truth to, but I wasn’t going to keep it from her. I knew I would have to tell Quinn one day, but I didn’t want her to look at me the way Nic was looking at me now.

She put her hand on mine and lightly squeezed it, “I knew he was abusing you, but I didn’t know how bad it got….”

“No one knew,” I shrugged. “We got out, and that’s what’s important.”

“And now he called and threatened you?”

“Yea, he left that message on the machine when we got back from the tournament, and now my family is in panic mode.”

Her expression hardened, more serious now, “You really think this Quinn girl is your mate?”

I nodded, smiling down at her, “Other than being disappointed a little bit it wasn’t you, Eros is just as sure as I am.”

She blushed and looked away for a moment, “It was never going to be us, but I do love you.”

“And you know I love you too, Nic,” I reassured her, running my fingers through her hair. “I’m in love with her, though. I want you back in my life, but you have to let her be in it too. You can’t push her out like my other girlfriends. She’s… different.”

“As cliched as that sounds, fine. I’ll be nice. She better be everything you say, though, because she still needs the best friend stamp, Goddess or no Goddess,” she pouted. “Andi sucked.”

“You both share that opinion,” I laughed. It felt nice that I had someone to talk to and laugh with, even as stressed as I was about Lawrence.

“Then we’ll probably get along swimmingly,” she said very matter of factly. “As long as she doesn’t hurt you, then she’ll have to meet Flora.”

“Keep your wolf in check; I don’t want her having to deal with Eros,” I warned. “Not to mention, I’m sure Sapphire would have plenty to say about that.”

“How did you not think about her wolf being blue with a name like Sapphire and knowing she has naturally blue hair?” she asked in exasperation. “Worst detective ever.”

“Good thing I’m supposed to be an Alpha and not a detective,” I teased back. She started to retort, but my fingers caught her in the ribs, and any attempt at wit was drowned by her giggles as I tickled her.

I heard the door slam, and we both looked up from our spot on the couch. My mom had walked in the room from the front door and looked devastated.

She’d just been served by a human process server. Instead of coming to the new pack to kill us, Lawrence was using the human courts to sue for custody of Tyler. This wasn’t even close to what I thought he was planning after that message.

After hearing the message, my mom wanted to run. My dad and I were adamant. We weren’t leaving and starting over again. The more time went by, the more it was clear that I needed to finish my Alpha training and return to Stary to claim Quinn. I had no right to her yet, but I would prove myself a worthy Alpha and, more importantly, a worthy mate.

The summons included a court date demanding she show up with Tyler in tow. It was a county court just outside the pack boundary. I wanted to say I was surprised, but using human custody law to force my mom to come back is precisely the kind of thing I should have expected from him.

My mom was an inconsolable mess, my dad called out of work but was just pacing back and forth in the living room, and Tyler was locked in his room. He’d thrown himself in there and refused to come out since we heard the message from Lawrence. I could smell it; he was terrified.

“We have to fight this,” I told them. “He’ll win if we don’t.”

“I have money saved. We could pay an attorney that specializes in human and pack law,” my dad posited, stopping his pacing for a moment.

“He’s just going to win anyway,” my mom sobbed.

My dad came over and put his arms around her from behind, “Not this time.”

“You don’t know that,” she wept more quietly now.

“I’ll go with you,” I declared. “I can help keep the two of you safe if he tries anything outside the courtroom.”

“I can’t ask you to do that, Michael,” she said, her hands shakily trying to use her lighter.

“You’re not asking; I’m telling you,” I insisted. “I’m not the little boy I was when I left.”

“Claire, he just wants to keep you safe,” Nic interjected. She’d been trying to keep quiet, but she was close with my mom. She wanted to help.

My mom looked me up and down before sharing a long look over her shoulder at my dad, “Fine. You can come with us. Thank you, Michael. It means a lot to me.”

“Of course, Mom.”

“And Nic, I’m sorry you have to see me like this, but I’m happy you’re back. I couldn’t believe it when Michael told me, and you appeared on the doorstep today,” my mom said, trying to wipe her eyes and clear her nose. Of course, she lit up a cigarette. I could begrudge her this one, though.

“I’m happy to have you all back too, Claire. I missed him and you,” Nic said, smiling warmly at my mom.

My mother eyed us sitting on the couch together, Nic now with her head on my chest, leaning against me and my arm around her, “Are you absolutely sure you’re not mates?”

We laughed, and Nic shook her head as I replied, “We’re not, Mom, sorry.”

“I’m not going anywhere now, though,” Nic answered. “We don’t have to be mates to be close.”

My mom nodded, letting it go for now. She would have to let it go whether she wanted to or not.

“You know you have to stay here?” I asked, turning my attention to my dad.

“I know…” he answered dejectedly. I knew this had to feel like he was losing us all over again, and I felt terrible for him. Still, he wasn’t Alpha anymore. He couldn’t go back without being killed as long as Lawrence was in charge.

“When I get back, I want to read everything you have on the Fae hybrids and our family. Can you have that ready?”This content is © NôvelDrama.Org.

“It will be, son,” he nodded, a little less dejectedly.

As much as I wanted to learn about Quinn, I thought having a job while we were gone would give him enough purpose to distract him and not wound his pride as much as having to stay and do nothing.

I knew I would be gone for a few days, so I didn’t want Quinn to worry about me going radio silent. She’d felt really distant lately, even when we were talking on the phone. I worried it was because she couldn’t decide between him or me, but I hoped it was just because she was coming to the same realization I already had and was just having a hard time with the distance.

I was determined to give her something to smile about. The night before we left, I grabbed my guitar and sat on my bed. I pulled out the music stand and sifted through a bunch of different songs I’d been learning, intending to send something to Quinn. I found what I was looking for, set it down, placed my capo on the first fret, and played through the chord progression before pulling out my phone. Once I felt warmed up, I set my phone on the stand next to the printed music and pressed record.

“… But all the miles that separate, they disappear now when I’m dreaming of your face….”


| hope you like this one

It felt like an eternity before my phone lit up in response.


| how couldnt i???

| that was a little more uh…


| what?


| a little more romantic than the last one?


| it was meant to be

| can I ask you for something?


| name it


| i miss your face

| send me a pic?


| cant have u forgetting my face

The picture came through, and my heart skipped a beat as I looked into her eyes. She was smiling gently, but her cheeks were a little red, and she lightly bit her l*p. She wore a sweatshirt which was odd considering it was almost summer.


| are you blushing?


| no

| the song was a good surprise


| ill sing to you anytime you want me to Blue


| “You haven’t lost her,” Eros purred happily.


| i have to go out of town and i may not be able to talk for a few days

| wanted you to have something when you’re thinking of me 😉


| everything okay?


| I hope so….

| ill miss talking to you though


| i wish you were coming here…

| ill miss you too 🙁

| call me when you get back?


| i wish i was too Blue

| of course ill call first thing when i get home


| thank you for the song

| i really do love it

“And Goddess, do I love you, Blue,” I thought. We talked for a while longer until my eyes betrayed me, involuntarily closing as I fell asleep. I woke up with my phone on my face and a farewell text far later than I’d been able to stay up.


| i think you fell asleep on me

| sweet dreams Michael “Quinn and Nic together would be the perfect way to spend a night, or many,” Eros purred. I couldn’t help but let my mind wander there, too, now that he’d said it.

“Damn it, Eros. I don’t need that in my head right now,” I g*****d. The thought made me shift uncomfortably in my small plane seat.

I really wanted to text Quinn, but with everything going on, I thought it was best to wait until I got home. The temptation to see her would be too much, and if Jaxx showed up…

“Let him,” Eros growled deeply.

I was as outwardly calm as possible, and I think it was working for my mom at least. She kept looking at me for reassurance, and I would just smile back at her. It felt odd having our roles switched, but I felt like the adult here. I was the one she looked to for safety and comfort, and as much as I was mad at her for other things in our life, she needed me now. Tyler was quiet for once in his life. He’d brought his game along, but he was more staring at the screen than playing it.

“We won’t let him take you,” I tried to reassure my little brother.

“No one can stop him,” he told me, his tone flat. “He found us over a thousand miles away in a pack no one has ever heard of. He’ll find us anywhere.”

“I don’t care. He doesn’t win this time,” I told him softly.

“Whatever you say. Why do you even care? You’re my half-brother. You have a dad, and I have a monster.” I looked over, and I could see the tears in his eyes. Luckily, our mom wasn’t paying attention. I reached down, putting my hand on his knee to squeeze it, hopefully reassuringly.

“We don’t do halves in this family. You’re my brother, period. As much as it’s nice getting to know Melvin, he feels more like an older friend than a dad. We both have our problems, but we’re always going to have each other, even if you are a brat,” I laughed a little inside at the last part.

“Thanks, Michael,” he replied simply. His breathing and heart rate steadied, and for the first time since Lawrence called, he didn’t smell like fear anymore.

I had wondered more than once if the right thing for Tyler was going back, but I knew that was stupid. Tyler may be his son, but Lawrence would probably turn on Tyler next if I weren’t there. Although, maybe he just hit me because I wasn’t his. Who knew what Lawrence was thinking. With his attitude towards ‘gay s**t’ I would be surprised if Tyler could live with Lawrence openly once he finally accepted what we all knew already. Although, for all of his bluster, what I found in Lawrence’s office painted a different story of what he was into.

The plane touched down, and after a longer taxi in than I would have liked, we were out of the suffocating tin can we’d flown in. I started looking around, but I didn’t see or smell any wolves from Stary. I half expected him to be watching the airports for when we came in.

“Maybe I’m being too paranoid.”

“I don’t think we’re being paranoid enough. It’s Lawrence. We need to keep our eyes open every second we’re here,” Eros responded. I could feel his restlessness within me, and it did nothing to quell my own.

“He’s not my father, and I owe him nothing,” I railed at my mother’s attorney. We’d only been here fifteen minutes, and I already thought I was in an alternate universe.

“The man raised you your whole life. You will address him with the respect he deserves for that,” she snapped at me.

“Are you our attorney, or are you his?” I demanded, slamming my hand on her desk in anger. Who did this b***h think she was? She’d taken thousands already in retainer from my dad, and now she’s pulling this bullshit?

“I was retained on behalf of your mother; I am not your attorney. This is a family court matter, and you will not come into my office and disrespect your parents regardless of the issues between them.”

“Lady, you have no idea what the f**k you’re talking about. If you can’t be on our side in your office, how are you going to be on our side in the courtroom?” I demanded. I looked at my mom, and she just looked defeated.

Placing her hand on mine to calm me, my mom looked up at me, “Will you just wait outside so I can tell her why you’re angry? She’s clearly not understanding, and fighting with her isn’t going to help.”

“Fine,” I agreed. I looked at the lawyer pointedly before I left. “You better do your job, or I will take this to the Bar.”

“Do whatever you want, kid,” she said dismissively.

I slammed the door shut behind me, and the glass rattled within it. “What’s going on?” Tyler asked. “I could hear yelling.”

“This attorney is full of s**t,” I told him. “I’m starting to wonder if Lawrence paid her off before we got here.” His head fell into his hands, and he just sat there looking dejected.

“That doesn’t mean we’re going to lose. All I have to do is tell them what he’s done to me, and they’d never give him custody of another kid.”

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