Im -perfect

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

What are you doing here" once I'm sure that my mum is out of earshot , I confront Jacob once again .

"Told you ; I wanted to return your book" shrugging with an innocent expression that might have fooled half of Austin's population he answers me.

"I call that bullshit ; Knight and you know it , forget about the book we don't have chemistry together ! "

The only period that I have with this asshole is Maths we don't share classes for chemistry and I would be lying if I say that I wasn't Thank ful for it .

"Ah ; knew something was off , didn't pay attention while I was grabbing it " he murmurs

"You broke in my locker!" I screech in complete disbelief .

He simply rolls his eyes at me as if my reaction to him breaking into my locker and messing around with my things was over the top.

"Is this fun to you ?"I demand ;wanting to know whatever reason this creep has followed me to my home .

He shrugs "Why don't you tell me that sweetheart?" Amusement clear in his eyes .

"Why are you doing this to me! You asked me to run away when I see you and for once I did that , so what's your scene following me all the way to my home ? Making my life hell at school is not enough to you anymore?" Content provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

I try to ease my breathe not wanting to slam the Longhorn's Q B.

"Of course not" he says dismissively "I didn't do anything to you except for that little kiss as a dare ; did I sweetheart.

My jaw locks as I glare at the hateful arrogant prick in front of me , of course he didn't because he didn't have to ;his minions are more than eager to do his bidding .

"You're a psycho, you declared that I was a dead bitch when I slapped you , remember?" try my best to be the better person but if someone was going all out to snap my nerves then I wasn't going to sit back and smile.

Jacob cannot act as if he didn't have any role in making my life hell.He shrugs apparently unconcerned

"Why didn't you apologize to me earlier? Things have been easy for you" Eyes wide ;I stare at him "

You kissed me against my will! Is that to hard for you to understand?" We stop in front of his expensive obnoxious lexus which I believe could only belong to a arrogant haughty jerk like him.

"Here's the thing " he tells me opening the his driver's side door and slipping in " I have a reputation to take care of Hamilton , while yours can take all the shit mine can't and you ruined it for me, if I didn't make you take the burn , I wouldn't be everyone's golden boy , I will be someone who has a sick fetish for chubby chicks "

This time his words sting while I try to act as of their not so subtle jibes at my weight doesn't hurt me, it does .

"So you're here to tell me that you're not into me? Well news flash Knight , I'm not interested in you either, glad we could clear that out "With that I turn around to walk back inside my home but his long fingers traps around my wrist .

"Not so fast sweetheart , I'm not done talking " he says.

"And I'm suppose to care about that?" shriek.

"Let me be clear and we can be off , you stay away from me , I stay away from you .The deal here is you have to apologise to me , tomorrow at cafeteria;you do that ,your life will get easier , I can promise you that"

"Yeah right; go and fuck off Knight "I flick his hand off me , Maybe this time he knew that I won't agree to it ;hence it didn't took much effort for me to shake his hand off.

"I can work with that too " he mumurs.

I wrap my arms around myself, as he fires up his engine and backs out of my driveway but I'm not there to watch him go instead ;I run back inside muttering and chattering about how I will not let Jacob Knight ruin my remaining year at school, h e and his minions had done their worse and my pride wasn't quite agreeable to bow down to the asshole ;who kissed , groped and threatened me.

"I barely make it inside when my mum's hot at her heels come rushing at me "How do you know Jacob Knight, Are yoi seeing him?"

"No mum" trying to shake her off I mutter "=

He has a girlfriend ; he just ..he was just doing a good job as my class mate "I don't tell her Jacob breaking into my locker ; even if Ido she might not believe me .She is so into her world that she can't she mine.

"I expected that much " a disappointed sigh escape her red lips

Bella; why not loose some weight, maybe if you do, you can get a man like him ? I'm not saying this to hurt you but boys these days- I turn around instead of going into the kitchen , I back away taking two steps at a time to my room.

‘Where are you going?"My mum calls after me "I'm tired mum, I'm not hungry"

Because I'm sick ;my mum leave me at that but I know that she will once again bring this up .I wasn't fat ;] was healthy was it really necesaary for me to all stick and bones ?Can't I be happy with what I'm?

I hate Jacob and my mum for taunting my curves;so what if I was fat ;I was happy with just being myself .I didn't want a guy like Jacob.

I continue my chants about and not liking Jacob and that my mum was wrong but somewhere deep inside my heart, I can't help but feel myself being disappointed at Jacob's remarks .

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