I’m Divorcing with You Mr Billionaire! (Sydney and Mark)

Chapter 70

Chapter 70


Chapter 70 Chapter Seventy

Sydney’s POV:

“Sydney, are you okay? The doctor said…”

I tuned out and everything Lucas said fell on deaf ears. First, I felt the surface I laid on; it felt familiar. I recognized the shirt I had on; it was one of Lucas

Immediately I woke up. I had a quick replay of the last time I was awake. I remembered falling into Lucas‘ arms and falling unconscious as he screamed if I was okay. I had half expected that I would be in a hospital room but here I was, on the familiar feel of my bed and sheets. Lucas‘ face was the last face I saw and now, his face was still the first image I opened my eyes to. “Are you okay?” He reiterated and held my hands. His brows were furrowed and concern filled. his

as they searched mine. He seemed to have gotten the hint that I wasn’t listening to him. “I’m fine, my voice came out scratchy as I murmured my response and tried to sit up. Lucas quickly rushed to me. He arranged the pillow I laid my head on and propped them up so I could rest my back then he helped me sit up.


Thank you.” I said slowly.

“Are you sure? I could quickly holler the doctor back” He held my hands as he asked, his eyes intently on me as if he would detect whatever was wrong with me by just staring

I shook my head slowly, “There’d be no need for that. I feel okay.” Atleast, I think I do. I wasn’t feeling any pain or discomfort actually. No headache or insane migraine, no b*dy pain or joint pain…nothing. I felt like how I would feel after I’ve just woken up on a normal morning. Groggy was the word.

I heard him release a breath of relief as he moved close and sat by my side. He placed a soft k*ss on my forehead, I was really worried when you fell.”



him a tender smile, “I Know,” then I frowned, “What happened though? Why did I just blackout like that?”

He answered, smoothing my hair to the back, “The doctor said you fainted because of extreme stress combined with being overly tired recently. He said you’ve been overworking your b*dy and it had been building up. It just turned out that was the moment your b*dy couldn’t take all the stress anymore.”

His explanation made sense. Since divorce to the issue with Richie and the company and many other happenings, I had been overworking myself, both Grace and I. I also made a mental note to make sure she goes on a break soon even though she went on vacation after her ordeal with Sandra and Steven. These past few days have been crazy. Anyone who went through what we went through deserved a good amount of rest.

“I guess I saw it coming.” I murmured back. I definitely saw it coming, the few seconds dizziness, the mild headaches, b*dy aches…my b*dy alerted me but I was just so used to overworking myself that I ignored them.

You really need to take a break,” Lucas said and placed a k*ss on my forehead again. Whert he drew back, he was frowning. “It why was it at that time it happened? I mean you’ve gotten off work. What happened in the restroom? Besides you took too long in there?” He rushed out his questions. His frown deepened and his eyes fell on my wrist. “And how come you have the bracelet that Lucas bid for and bought at the auction on your wrist?”

I looked down at my wrist too and I sighed. There is no way of escaping this. I have to tell him. “Mark was in there.”

“What?!” Lucas erupted. Then I explained everything that had happened in the restroom. Lucas‘ face was pinched and red with rage by the time I was through. “How could he treat you like that?” I had half expected him to blame me fir not calling out for help or for letting me touch him but all of his anger was directed at Mark.

Chapter 70 Chapter Seventy,

“We should go to the police, he finished his speech and snatched his phone from my bedside table.

I quickly touched his arm and touched him, “No, Lucas. There’s no need for that. His influence is strong and he’s about to become a politician’s son–in–law. They will all back him no matter what

he did.”

“Well I don’t care who he is or who he is in alliance with. He did something wrong and I will call the police on him.”

He tried to untangle my fingers around his wrists: I didn’t let him. “Lucas, please. You shouldn’t act on your anger. Think it through. With all the affluence and connection he has, even if we did report him, the case would get buried. Besides, you know his company just invested in ours and I don’t

want anything that will make them withdraw their investment. Considering everythin going to the police isn’t a viable solution at all.”

His shoulders sagged, “I’m letting this go because you don’t want to press charges.

I gave his arm a squeeze, “I know.”

He smiled slightly and pulled me into a hug. I hugged him back.

“Why don’t you come with me to Italy?” He suddenly blurted out and I had to pull away to be able to tell if he was joking or if he meant what he said.

I searched his eyes and there was no trace of humor in them. “Are you being serious right now?” “I am. Let’s get out of here. Away from all these people. You could even build a branch for you

your business there.”

My heart warmed at his good intentions and my l*ps stretched into a smile. “I would like to, I I started, “but I still have some things to take care of here. Once I wrap up things at the company, I’ll go to Italy with you.” I decided to add, “For a while though. To see where you lived.”

He smiled. “I can’t wait.

“Me either. As for Mark, I’ve thought it over. I think I’ve been too arrogant lately, at least to him. I’ve been touching his nerves and pushing him to the wall. It’s time I tone it down or just stop. We’re business partners now, I shouldn’t be too conceited towards him.”

“And you should keep your distance from him too,” Lucas added and I giggled.

“You jealous man,” he teased.

He shook his head with a soft smile, “Nah. You’ve given me zero reasons to be jealous. I’m yours and you mine, forever.”

“Aww,” I pulled him, “Yes, Lucas. I will forever be yours.”

“Speaking of forever…” Lucas trailed off and pulled away. I watched him with furrowed brows as he got on his knees and dug his hands into his pants pocket.

“What are you doing?” I asked, puzzled.

He removed his hand from his pocket and opened his palm before me. I covered my m*uth as I gasped when I saw the ring in his palm.

“It’s beautiful…” I cooed. Then my smile fell and my heart hammered in my ch*st as he took my fingers and gently sl*pped the ring on the middle finger.



He placed a k*ss on the finger with the ring. “This is my mother’s family ring. It went missing long time ago; thankfully, I found it at the auction yesterday.”

The ring was so beautiful…It looked so ethereal that I didn’t want to ask the exorbitant amount. he had to bid to get the ring because I was sure if I did, it would make me feel dizzy all over again.

“Now,” he cleared his throat and continued, “With my mother’s ring, I’m asking you to marry me.” He looked away from the ring and held my gaze, “Will you marry me, Sydney?”

My breath caught in my throat and my l*ps parted at the raw emotion in his gaze. My eyes. watered and I pulled him into a hug.

Chapter 700 iter.Sever

“Ofcourse, Lucas, I will marry you. No matter how many times you ask, my response will always be a yes.

His hands tightened around me and I heard him murmuring a thank you‘ or was it ‘thank God? Then he pulled away and took my m*uth in a breezy k*ss. NôvelDrama.Org holds this content.

“You know, I’ve been dreaming of marrying you since we were kids, I giggled to myself and he chuckled.

“I dreamt of having you by my side till the end of time.”

He took my l*ps for another k*ss. It started tenderly, soft and short. A peck on my nose, my chin then he connected our l*ps again.

I let out a contented sigh as I ran my fingers through his curls while he let out a guttural groan at the gesture.

His hand found their way under my shirt and mine found its way to the buckle of his belts. Frantically and still somehow slowly, we got rid of our shirts. He eased my back to the bed, muttering sweet nothings into my car after nibbling on it.

Soon, we were both n*ked, our limbs entwined. Our breathing was ragged as our hands explored cach other’s b*dy. Whenever Lucas and I were alone, it was hard taking our hands off each other and it was what was happening now.

Suddenly, my phone rang out. “Pick it up,” Lucas murmured huskily against my n*eck and I dazedly shook my head. “Let it be.”

“Might be work…” he drawled as his l*ps made its way down the door of my stomach.

I let out a frustrated sigh and snatched the ringing phone. I let out a long hiss when I saw the caller’s ID. “It’s Mark,” I said aloud and went back to running my fingers along his muscled back. “Hmm,” he hummed absentmindedly. I doubt he even heard me.

If it was so serious, Mark could easily reach out to Grace. Right now? I need this break.

Almost instantly, another ringing sound filled the room. Even Lucas let out a frustrated sigh. I giggled. “Might be work, I deepened my voice, imitating him.

His face was still buried in between my boobs when he blindly reached for his phone, knocking off some items in the process.

“Mark,” he gritted out.

“Oh come on, what does he want?” I whined. Lucas was now looking up at me, a few strands of his

messy hair fell over his eyes and made him look even more attractive.

I shrugged, “Just answer it, otherwise he might come over and tear down my house.” -Lucas hesitated, his brows knitted in a frown as he watched the phone rin

Eventually, he swiped right, “Mark, what’s up?” He practically growled the question and I covered my m*uth to hold my laughter.

The phone was on speaker so I could hear Mark’s voice on the other end. His voice was calm, but the words he spewed out demanded an urgent tone. “Tell Sydney, grandma is sick and she wants. to see her.”

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