I’m Divorcing with You Mr Billionaire! (Sydney and Mark)

Chapter 53

Chapter 53

Chapter 58 Chapter Fifty Three

He swung our joined hands forward and backward as we wordlessly walked along the park, each of us to our own thoughts as we basked in the tranquility of the night.

There was a light shining ahead and there seemed to be a lot of people there. I squinted at it. “Is that a truck“” I muttered and briefly glanced at Lucas who was also staring ahead.

1 think so. Lucas answered with a feeble lift off his shoulders.

As we got closer, it got clearer and I could not have stopped myself even if I wanted to as I screamed. “The cream!” I pointed at it and turned to Lucas who was now smiling.

“Come on” I untangled my hands from his, let’s go get.”

Without waiting for his response. I ran over to the singing truck. When I had screamed, some of the kids there had turned to me so as I rushed over there, they were still staring.

I didn’t care one bit for the stares. Right now I feel so much like their age. I was reminded of when Lucas and I used to take strolls when we were younger and then we would stop by an ice cream shop or bus, just like this one, and get two each for the both of us.

What favors would you like, ma’am?” The man selling the ice cream asked. My big grin faltered and I frowned. I turned back to Lucas, his gaze was on me as he waited behind the kids. He smiled. I returned his smile and faced the ice cream man back

Lucas used to like the vanilla flavor only but now? I wasn’t sure if he still fancied it but I got it nevertheless and I got the same for myself too. I didn’t exactly have a preference when it comes to ice cream, as long as it is a well made ice cream, then I’m down for it, no matter the flavor. “Give me two servings of vanilla.”

The man nodded and started to reach for a small white plastic container. I quickly stopped him, “No no. I want the two on the cone, please.”

He passed me a brief look then he nodded and got to serving my orders.

I paid him and happily walked over to Lucas. With a shy smile, I stretched my hand and handed his cone over to him.

He bent in a little bow that got me giggling. Thank you ma’am.”

We resumed our light stroll and somehow, our hands got entwined again. And it was just like old times: hand in hand as we silently devoured our ice creams.

My eyes searched the area for a bench as I suddenly started to worry. Back then, Lucas couldn’t walk for long. We usually timed him. If he walked for fifteen minutes straight, he might come up with a fever before the end of the day but if he walked for eight minutes and took about a five to seven minute break, he would be fine.

I wondered how long we’ve been walking since we left the car. I looked behind me and the car was not in view anymore. I felt panic bubble up my throat. No no. We must have been walking for over ten minutes now.

I frantically resumed my search. I could not let Lucas get sick when we’ve just reunited. Just when I found a seat, Lucas pulled my hand to get my attention then he called out urgently, “Sydney!”

When I looked up at him, I saw that his brows were furrowed and we had stopped walking. “Are you okay?”

I frowned. “Ofcourse, I’m okay. Why do you ask?”

You looked worried and you were looking around frantically. I called your name and you didn’t answer. Even as we stopped walking you didn’t seem to notice.”

Wow. “Oh. I must have gotten lost in my thoughts. Sorry.” I turned my head to look at the bench again and it was still unoccupied.

“Let’s take a break… There’s a bench over there, I pointed to the bench for him to see.

He shrugged. “If that’s what you want. But are you sure you are okay?”

“Yeah, I am. I’m sorry if I got you worried.”

We walked the short distance to the bench. I took a calming breath when we were finally seated. We sat there in silence for a while then I caught him eying the bag I slung over my shoulder. He raised a brow, “Sketch papers?”

I nodded slowly but I wondered how he had known what was in the bag. “How did you know what’s in the bag?”

He nodded toward the bag. The zip is half open.”

I looked down at it and cussed, “Shit!” I quickly placed it on my lap to crossch*ck if anything fel from it. The zip must have opened when the thief was slugging it around or when Luigi snatched it from him.

I felt Lucas‘ eyes on me as I brought out the designs and checked them. I released a sigh of relief as they were complete.

When I looked up, I awkwardly felt the need to tender an explanation. “I was worried that one of them might have sl*pped out and fallen.” I managed a smile.

“And did any get lost?” He arched a perfectly carved brow.

“No. They’re all intact.” I answered and started to return them into the bag.

“May I take a look?” His gentle request stopped me. I smiled and my heart warmed that he was interested in seeing some of my sketches.

“Here,” I handed them to him. “You can see them.”

He collected the papers from me and carefully held them like they were precious jewels. I watched, with bated breath, as his eyes settled on the one on top. His l*ps parted a bit and his fingers slowly traced the drawing

I wondered what he thinks of them?

But soon, my thoughts wandered from wondering what he thought of my design sketches as my eyes traced the contours of his face, going over every ridge and crook. His eyes were more deep set than they were. It made him look more mature, enigmatic and mysterious in an attractive kind of way. But it also told of the endless trials and struggles he must have been through, probably mostly with his health. My heart ached as I imagined him on a hospital bed, fighting for his life, without me by his side. This text is © NôvelDrama/.Org.

Back then, I had always wished I was the one with the unstable health because Lucas was just too good a person to go through all those pains, especially without anyone by his side. Whenever he was rushed to the hospital, it was always me and his servant. His parents only called to ch*ck up “on him once or twice.

He must have gone through all of that pain over the years all by himself.

“This one,” he turned to face, and I blinked. He smiled when he found my gaze on him and I blushed.

He tapped on the design he was looking at now, his eyes filled with awe. For me? Or my work? I wondered.

“This one, I like it.” He paused, seeming to find the right words. “It seemed you poured out a lot into this. It it…” he stammered, “It’s breathing…trying to fight its way out of the sketch pad to manifest…” He stopped talking and his gaze returned to the sketch. He looked at it for a while then he moved onto the next.

I suddenly felt nervous. It felt as if my favorite teacher was checking my homework and I was scared that I might disappoint him. Before Lucas disappeared, I had started sketching and he had been my tutor since it was something he was good at. But really, Lucas was just good at everything.

He studied the other sketches carefully. His fingertips gently brushed the paper. It was as if he was communicating with every detail in the drawing.

After the last sketch, he looked up at me, his eyes filled with admiration.


He shook his head, “These are out of this world. They’re beautiful.”

I couldn’t keep the smile off my face as I muttered. “Thank you.”

“You’ve drawn very well, far surpassing my own level of drawing. You’ve made a lot of progress over the years.

A blush appeared on my face at his praise. “Of course. I rely on this for my livelihood so I have to make progress; that way I will give my clients the best. By the way, I am now a jewelry designer.

Lucas smiled slightly. His gaze that was still on me was dark with affection, “I know, Sydney. I know your jewelry store is one of the best out there. I know all there is to know about you.”

His words sent a chill down my spine and at the same time, a thrill went through my heart. “If you knew about my situation all along, why didn’t you come to find me sooner instead of sending someone else?”

Lucas sighed before he replied, “Because they wouldn’t let me come back.”

Them?” My brows drew down as I looked at him, puzzled. “Who didn’t let you?”

His lashes swept down and a corner of his l*ps tipped up in a bitter smile, “My family members. My brows creased deeply as I tried to understand him. I shook my head, I’m lost. Can you make this clear?”

“You see, you just found out that Mark and I are related because I am actually an illegitimate son. At first, I was not accepted in the family. I was their dirty secret that was never mentioned or talked about, tucked away in hospital beds. My father was Doris‘ late husband, my link to the family. When my father was dying, his only wish was for the family to take good care of me, so they reluctantly brought me back.”

I frowned, “So it wasn’t that your father didn’t have your time, he was… I paused, then whispered, ‘sick.”

He nodded solemnly. What about you mom? I wanted to ask but something held me back. If he wanted to talk about his mother, he would. If he doesn’t want to, then I can’t force it out of him. To prevent me from seizing any of the family’s rights, Mark’s father, my half–brother, first sent me away abroad. Then he cut off all of my contact with the family. Now, with Mark’s father deceased and Mark fully in charge of the corporation, they thought it was now safe for me to return. The corporation was now fully in Mark’s hands so I couldn’t be a threat anymore.”

I nodded slowly as I processed it all. Since Doris had transferred all her shares to Mark, it made him the holder of the highest number of shares. Automatically he became the de–facto leader of the company, unrestricted by any family member.

“The highlight here is that, all these years, I’ve been watching over you, seeing your progress, yet I couldn’t appear to protect you because my hands were tied,” he gazed down grimly. “I let suffer for so long, my heart reached out to him as his voice carried a hint of regret.


My heart tightened and I scooted closer to him. I took a grip of his hand and assured him; “It’s okay, it’s not your fault. I have to face life on my own anyway so it is bound to happen that I will be alone at some point in my journey to success.” Then I grinned. I looked up and thought of how to get off the gloomy topic.

“You said the moon is beautiful tonight so let’s not talk about these sad things on such a stunning night.

I watched as he tipped his head back and looked up too. He nodded, still looking up at the sky, “You’re right. It is beautiful.” Then he looked down and my breath caught in my throat at the intense way he looked at me, “And such beautiful moonlight casting its soft glow on us, it’s the perfect time for a k*ss.”

I had merely been able to process his blunt words when his l*ps came down on mine. I closed my eyes as my senses registered the feel of his soft l*ps on mine. My heart skipped a beat then went ahead to slam against my ribcage. It was like I was transported back in time and then it stilled, allowing us the luxury to revel in the moment.

My l*ps eagerly parted and the k*ss deepened as Lucas‘ tongue swept in. I briefly felt his hand Chapter 33 Chapter.Fifty Three

gently rest on the small of my back then he pulled me closer so carefully that I barely felt it until the upper part of my b*dy was pressing against his muscled ch*st . My hand went around his shoulders and my fingers rested on his nape before tangling in the soft curls at the back of his head.

Maybe it was the ice cream, maybe it was just because Lucas was so sweet that even his kids. tasted the same but the k*ss under the moonlight was the best k*ss I had ever had.

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