His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 374

Chapter 374

Chapter 374


T have high hopes for you. Fabio Garcia, the man I used to call dad, had once told me..

After we had lost mom, the unborn baby boy, and my brother Gian in a tragic house fire due to miscommunication, he hadn’t always been the best father, but at that time, I didn’t know any better.

I could still remember how he used to leave me in the care of his brother, my deceased uncle-while he and Nic went away on ‘business trips.

Might I remind you? Nic was still extremely young.

Dad was afraid he would lose his heir the same way he had lost the love of his life and my brothers. He couldn’t bare the thought of going through another heartbreak-so he dragged poor Nic around like a bag of dirt while 1, who at that time didn’t have much value-had to stay with uncle,

Uncle Dotard, as Fabio nicknamed him, used to be his lawyer and lived in Canada with his daughter and wife.

I can’t exactly remember at what age-I think I was around five-but somewhere along the way, uncle Dorard adopted a toddler named Beau.

He is one of your father’s sins. Dotard used those words to describe him throughout my childhood. I’m only taking care of this bird until it’s time for him to fly and find his way back.”

Year in and year out, I would stay with uncle Dotard and was not allowed even to catch a glimpse of this aggressive and cold-looking toddler.

My brother Nic, who had always been a bright kid and a reliable brother, had changed drastically, and so did Fabio.

I ignored the clear signs of mental abuse and forced myself to believe dad was just stressed because of work.

At sixteen, Nic had reached his limit and told me he couldn’t be around Fabio any longer.

He begged me to come with him, but I told him I couldn’t. If it’s not me, then who will be taking care of dad?’

I was eleven.

With Nic being absent, dad turned the attention to me as I became his only heir. He wanted to try a different approach. He had become soft-told me the truth about the business, taught me how to be the boss, how to hold a gun, and how to gain respect.

Things were starting to look up, and months later, I finally understood why.

This is Sofia, your new mother.’ Fabio introduced me to the beautiful, kind-looking woman with arms wrapped around her heavily pregnant belly.

I was shocked, confused-felt betrayed, but Sofia managed to do some damage control. I’m not here to replace your mommy. I remember her correcting Fabio’s words with a warm smile on her face. ‘But I would like to be a mother figure to you someday if you let me.’

From that day forward, we were a happy family, and the birth of my brother, Luis-made everything


Fabio was an affectionate family man and loved Sofia more than ever-so did I. Luis was his little prince, and he wouldn’t let a person pass without ranting about the love he carried for his two sons, leaving out Nic and our deceased brothers as if they had never existed.

Happily ever after is not something I believe in, and maybe dad and Sofia were to blame for that.

I was 16 years old when I lost Sofia. Dad found out she had been having an affair with uncle Dotard and

went crazy.

He dragged her by the hair, straight to the basement-while I stood by and did nothing.

Now that I think about it, I was mortified and too afraid to stand up for Sofia.

Only after hearing the sound of gunshots had I somehow found the courage to walk to the basement, and that’s the day everything changed.

“This woman right there? Fabio pointed to her lifeless body on the floor. ‘She’s an ungrateful thore who couldn’t appreciate all I’ve done for her!”

“She’s been sleeping around with Dotard!”

Terrified, I asked for uncle, but Fabio had no problem telling me he was no longer alive. According to him, that man was a fraud, and I was not allowed to remember him as my uncle.

Little four-year-old Luis, who was supposed to be asleep, had found his way to the basement, crying for his mom-but I had stopped him. I held onto him and told him everything would be alright, knowing it wouldn’t.

‘He’s not mine.” That was Fabio’s reaction. I’m sure he’s Dotard’s bastard.”

Deep down, I’m sure he knew that was a lie-but he didn’t care. He hated Sofia, which automatically made him hate Luis.

With his hand raised, he marched to little Luis to hit him-but before he could do anything, I jumped between them to stop him. Exclusive content from NôvelDrama.Org.

I begged and prayed for him not to touch him. Fabio was furious and needed someone to help him release his anger, so I took Luis’ hits instead. It wasn’t two or three-no.

21 punches, straight to the face, and it wouldn’t be the last time,

I counted every single punch, not regretting a thing because I got to protect Luis from that monster.

I was prepared to die if that meant keeping my little brother safe.

As Fabio was about to give me the 22nd punch, a strong and determined grip around his wrist stopped him.

In unbearable pain, I looked up at the boy who stared back at me with sharp eyes and recognized him as Beau.

The same Beau, raised by uncle Dotard. The one I was not allowed to interact with.

I feared for his life, but Fabio had gently released himself from his grip and chuckled, amused. A coward

might’ve raised you-but nothing can change where you truly come from.’ His words left both of us confused. Years later, it had all made sense.

Fabio hated the Alfonzos and the Lambertis because he felt they were to blame for our family’s death. Their men burned down the house with mom and Gian still inside.

Fabio told them he expected a child in return, and both families had agreed to hand over Beau—while the hidden twin Serena got sent to an orphanage.

Beau and I had only learned of this years later when the truth came out.

After Beau had stopped him, Fabio gave him a shoulder pat and exited the room.

Beau stuck out his hand to help me, but all I could ask was why.

Why would he risk his life to protect me?

His answer was simple. He did it because, according to him, he had nothing to lose.

The next question which had gone through my head was why everyone, including me, was so scared of that man.

What did he have that others didn’t?

For years I’d been trying to find an answer to that question, and yesterday when dad’s former associate visited the Garcia factory, I finally got my answer.

Fabio was next level crazy.

“What am I going to look at?” I asked, unlocking the door to the basement with Nico by my side. The basement of the Garcia Factory had been a strictly forbidden room, even for me.

I had never cared much for that room, and after Fabio passed away-the thought of the basement hadn’t even crossed my mind.

“You’re looking at legacy Fabio Garcia left you behind♫ Nico pushed me aside, entering the basement before I could. “All of this is now yours.”

A cold wave found its way through my body, staring straight at the endless containers. I expected the basement to be a small and cozy area and ignored others’ theories-but I guess I should’ve never done


God knows what that man hid in those containers.

Nico nodded, guiding me to open the containers, and I did. One by one.

Unlike my new expectations, it wasn’t frozen bodies or bones. They were weapons, and a lot of them. We weren’t just talking about a stash of tiny handguns-no, we were talking about military weapons, cleavers, machetes, swords, foreign and dangerous weapons which no soul should’ve even been messing with.

With each container, my hand started shaking more and more until I eventually couldn’t take it anymore.

Why did Fabio had these weapons?


“What do you expect me to do with this?” I gulped, eying Nico, who shrugged his shoulders.

“Why don’t we sit down?”

Nico and I took a seat in the separate office in the basement. Both eager and annoyed to hear what he had to say, I shot daggers with my eyes.

“You might’ve known me as a close associate of your father’s.” Nico grabbed a big dusty book from a safe before throwing it on the table.

“Yes, I did.” I covered my mouth, waving off the dust with my hands. “You stuck around even after he had lost his mind-

“And I couldn’t be any happier that man is dead.” The look on Nico’s face told me he meant it. “I think we all deserved the peace.”

“Yes, 1 agree.”

“Your father, he always wanted to be the best.” Nico shook his head. “He had big ambitions, and he looked. beyond the factory, the clubs, his clients, the product he put on the market.” He explained. “All of it was merely a cover-up.”

“Yes, I can certainly tell.” I couldn’t withhold my laughter, pointing out the horrific situation outside of the office. “How did he get his hands on these things?”

“He bought them from this associate who lives abroad, and he resold them anonymously on the black


“Yes, yes.” A nervous chuckle escaped my lips. “That does sound like something Fabio Garcia would do.” I didn’t doubt Nico’s information for a second. “How much are these things worth?”

“Enough to put a family like the Lambertis to shame.” Those words brought a sharp pain to my head as challenging the Lambertis were words that should never leave someone’s mouth. “Your father left you behind a fortune-”

“And a bad reputation.” I reminded him not to even think about complimenting that man.

After waking up from the coma he had put me in, we learned that Fabio left the names of his three sons in his will. I thought he hated us, I was sure of it-so why would he?

No one questioned the large sum of money, my brother and I hadn’t discussed it because the name Fabio became taboo for not only us but all the families.

After all the damage he had caused us, that man didn’t even deserve a name.

“How did he do it?” I squinted, feeling slightly embarrassed fishing for more information.

Why did I even care?

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