His Promise: The Mafia’s Babies

Chapter 278

Chapter 278

Chapter 278


“Stupid, stupid, stupid!” I bumped my forehead against the sink in the restroom. After seeing him, I freaked out and made a run for it—and now I was too afraid to face him.

The cold expression on his face was enough to prove that he was not that happy to see me either. I mean, it was understandable-after I had walked out on him for a second time.

Marvin was Tiago’s brother?

Tiago was Marvin’s brother?

Marvin and Tiago were brothers?

It was all so obvious, and the signs were literally there, but I couldn’t see it. I was aware of Tiago’s last name, but I couldn’t make the connection because it didn’t make sense. How could someone as sweet and soft as Tiago, who could not even look someone in the eye, be part of a cartel family?

What about Linda and Karina? One was way too kind, and the other one way too stupid.

“Oh my god, I’m at a cartel wedding.”

The realization had finally kicked in, and so did the fact that my dad and Alex were probably nearby, and if they would’ve seen me inside-they would’ve dragged me by the hair to get me the hell out of here.

“I should leave!” I spoke as I stared at my reflection. That was the only thing going through my mind. I should leave. I couldn’t be here, and neither could Rona or anyone else for that matter. How could she,

of all people, not recognize him at the cocktail bar after I showed her a picture of him?

I took a deep breath and replayed the past few weeks in my head. Dad and Alex were so invested in the case where this Danny Hernandez dude got arrested in our bar, and right after that, Rona had told me about Tiago’s brother. I should’ve known back then, but I was too stupid and missed the signs.

Was I really a DEA agent daughter? Did I had the right to call myself Elena Torres?

What would Victoria think? Someone like her would’ve been judging me, especially now that they were representing the guy the Castillo’s had reportedly set up for murder.

“Guys, it’s the time!” Tiffany called out. I panicked and grabbed my phone to call my dad, but my mind went back to Anya. “I am not a bad person. I am not a bad person.” I whispered with closed eyes. What would H even tell my dad?

I’m at the wedding of my prison pen pal’s brother, who also happened to have murdered your best friend and partner. His name is Marvin Castillo, and if looks could kill-I would’ve been dead by now because I left him behind on our


No, that would’ve been embarrassing on my part, and I wasn’t ready for that. I also wasn’t prepared to ruin Anya’s day. I could tell that she was a kind girl who just wanted to marry her high school sweetheart. Running away just wasn’t an option because that also meant I had to bail on Rona-and I did not want the cocktail bar to receive a bad review.

“Just be a good girl, finish your job and leave,” I spoke to myself. I looked crazy, but it didn’t really matter anymore. My hands were shaking as I reached for the handle to open the door. I didn’t have to could just pretend like we never met.

Who was I kidding? He was my partner.

I widened my eyes as an impatient guy stood in front of me. “Finally, I really have to pee!”

It was one of the groomsmen, who was probably unaware of what kind of mess he had brought himself into. Se tax I

His legs were trembling, and he seemed like he could cry any minute, but he was not the only one. He was not special.

“Go, I won’t bother you.” I patted his shoulder before I walked off to face my biggest nightmare.

My head was lowered as I entered the room, and the only thing which stopped me from bumping into. someone was my conscience.

“Elena!” Tiffany pushed a bouquet in my hands. “It’s time to get into your pairs.”

She pulled me to my doom and pushed me beside Marvin while my eyes could only see the floor. Marvin’s presence struck a chill in me, and I could sense him staring. All the noise in the room had completely disappeared as all I could hear was the sound of his breathing.

He was the person in the world who my dad hated the most: his biggest enemy and the one who took away the life of his best friend.

“If I didn’t know better, I would’ve said you are the one getting married.” Marvin spoke for the first time.

I couldn’t believe it.

Was he talking to me?

I raised my head after hearing his voice and turned to look at him while he still carried the same stoned expression on his face. Was he flirting with me? He had some nerve. “M-me, m-married? W-with who?”

Marvin chuckled as he shook his head in disbelief. “To the floor, of course.”

Case closed, he was not flirting.

If the situation was different, I would’ve laughed at his lame joke-but I couldn’t, because his behavior got on my nerves. Why was he pretending like this was our first meeting? Was I so irrelevant that he didn’t remember me, or did he not want to remember?

This was a good thing, right? It meant he wouldn’t come after me to kill me, so why was it bothering me? He wasn’t asking me any questions, so I figured Tiffany must’ve told him about Anya’s situation.

Marvin looked straight ahead as I kept staring at him and took in his perfect side profile. Behind that face of an angel was a personality of a demon. What if he was plotting my murder at this very moment and was just waiting for the right time? What if he found out about my dad’s identity and was just playing with


My thoughts got interrupted by two little girls who attached themselves to Marvin’s legs. “Spin me around!” The younger one of the pair ordered as she stuck out her hands. I was surprised when Marvin picked her up and planted a kiss on her cheek.

“Next time, okay?”

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. Of course, little children loved grown-ups who looked like princes and did not know who they were dealing with. Being kind to children was just part of his act. A younger boy rushed towards Marvin and looked up at him.

“Uncle, I’m tired, and I can’t feel my legs!” The boy complained. Marvin released the little girl from his arm and knelt to face the children. “Cisco, do you know that the three of you are very important?” He

ruffled his hand through the boy’s hair. “Anya and Tiago won’t be able to get married without you because you need to give them their rings.”

“Wow, really?” The boy gasped. Marvin nodded his head and turned to the two girls. “And the two of you…. Anya will turn into a monster if you don’t break the curse and decorate her path with flowers.”

The two girls looked at him in awe. “Wow.” They spoke in unison. He even got me fooled for a second, but I quickly realized that this was all part of his nice guy act, and this time I wouldn’t be falling for it.


A woman who I assumed had to be the wedding planner led the children to the back while I was left behind with the biggest con artist of the century. What bothered me even more than his identity and lack of brains was his carefree personality. I would rather have him confront me, so we could just get it over with. From NôvelDrama.Org.

It seemed as if I lost control over my eyes as I once again stared at Marvin. I knew he could see me, but he didn’t seem to mind, and I was wondering what was going through his head. Without any warning, Marvin turned around to stare at me the same way I stared at him.

The most logical reaction would be to turn away, but I couldn’t. I stared right into his eyes while he raised. his eyebrow. I was waiting for him to make a comment, but it never came-and the look in his became too much to handle, causing me to break our eye contact. One point for Marvin, zero points for Elena.


My heart was beating as Marvin grabbed my hand, and I once again looked at him with big eyes. What was his game?

“It’s starting.” He spoke dryly. I grew an embarrassed smile on my lips and looked down at our intertwined hands. “Right,” I mumbled. My hands were warm and sweaty, while his hands were the opposite. His touch felt cold and calm, meaning he did not felt as threatened by my presence.

After all, he was a cold-blooded murderer.

I hadn’t even noticed we started walking until Marvin squeezed my hand. There was no turning back now, so all I could do was suck it up as we followed the pair in front of us and made our way to the door of the ceremony hall. “Okay, guys, everyone smile!” A voice encouraged us.

Before I could realize what was happening, the door to the ceremony hall had opened, and we were forced down the aisle. This time I looked ahead as I did not have the nerve to look at any of the guests. Tiago was a Castillo, which meant that Mario, Panther, and all the other faces I had read about in my dad’s files would also be here.

Only when we had reached the end of the aisle, I was left with no choice and followed the other bridesmaids as Marvin had finally released my hand. Unlike the other girls, I did not know what to do and did not expect any of this to happen, so as insecure as I was, I copied their every move.

I slowly raised my head and turned away so I didn’t have to face the audience, but I couldn’t help but panic when my eyes met Tiago’s. He looked at me with a warm smile on his lips, but it was one which 1 could not return-so I looked away instead and faced my biggest fear-the crowd.

I didn’t even have to look for him, but my eyes were directly staring at the true leader of the underworld, Mario Castillo. Next to him were Linda, Karina, Panther, and Victor.

Turning away was not an option as my only other choice was to look at Marvin, which I didn’t have the power for. Panther squinted his eyes for a second and looked from me to Marvin with a grin on his lips.

For some reason, the thought of Panther made me sick, and it was probably because I could tell he was a dangerous person. At least Marvin looked attractive and dangerous, but the same couldn’t be said about


“Look, he’s so cute!” The girl next to me squealed as she pointed to the door. I got to my senses and smiled at the cute ring bearer, who told Marvin that he couldn’t feel his legs. Behind him were the other two girls who threw the flowers in every direction possible while the guests laughed at them.

Not long after, the guests got up from their seats and stared at the door full of anticipation as it was Anya’s turn to make her entrance, and there she was. The hall was in complete silence as everyone was

mesmerized by her beauty. The number of diamonds on her dress was enough to light up a room, and her smile was enough to heal the world.

“Look, he’s crying!” The girl next to me tapped my shoulder. I followed her finger and looked at Tiago, who wiped the tears from his face. My heart grew soft at the sight of his sincere tears, and I could not understand how a guy as soft as pillows could be a Castillo.

Would Marvin be crying? Why was I even thinking about him?

I couldn’t help myself and ended up looking at Marvin, who had a soft smile on his lips. Just from that one look, anyone could tell that Marvin was someone who lived for his brother. Given the opportunity, he would’ve probably run over to wipe the tears from his eyes.

No Elena

He’s a bad person. He’s a monster.

It was hard to repeat those words in my head when he was showing me otherwise. Everything aside, we clearly had some sort of a connection and he was so easy to talk to. He was not weirded out by my thoughtless words and understood my odd personality-but he was also the one who went to prison for murdering my dad’s best friend.

Whether he was responsible or not, it was not something I could ignore.

Even then, there was still a little part of me, hoping he would forgive me for walking out on him, and there was still a little part of me, hoping for all of this to be nothing more than a big misunderstanding.

What the hell was wrong with me?

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