His Exclusive Stripper: You Are Mine, Don

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Antonio stormed into his room, his footsteps thundering on the floor like a raging bull. He paced back and forth, his mind racing with the implications of Reina’s so-called smartness . His eyes blazed with fury, the red hue a testament to his unbridled anger. He couldn’t fathom how Reina had outmaneuvered him, a seasoned mafia boss. The only plausible explanation was that one of his trusted men had betrayed him, feeding her information like a mole.

His gaze narrowed as he thought of his men, his mind scanning their faces like a surveillance camera. That’s when he remembered the CCTV footage, and his eyes widened as he recalled the suspicious scenes he had dismissed earlier. Albert, his loyal man, had been caught on camera entering and exiting Reina’s room, his movements furtive and secretive.

Antonio’s mind raced back to the day he had sent Albert to return Reina’s phone, the same phone he had planned to use to get information about Evelyn. The connection was crystal clear now – Albert had been playing both sides all along. A growl escaped Antonio’s lips as he clenched his fists, his anger boiling over like a volcano.

“How dare they?” he bellowed, his voice shaking the walls. He punched the wall with a fierce cry, the drywall cracking under his fist. Blood oozed from his knuckles, but he didn’t flinch, his rage consuming him. “You’re dead, Albert,” he hissed, his gun appearing in his hand like magic.Content © provided by NôvelDrama.Org.

But as he reached the door, he hesitated, his mind finally catching up with his emotions. He couldn’t just barge in and shoot Albert without a plan. No, he needed to play this smart, to outsmart the traitor and Reina, to use them to get Evelyn. A sly smile spread across his face as he holstered his gun, his eyes gleaming with a newfound determination.

“It’s time to play a game, Albert, Reina” he whispered to himself, his voice dripping with menace. “And this time, only one of us will walk away alive.”

He said and walked into his bathroom.

Antonio got out of his bathroom, his mind filled with thoughts of Evelyn. His mind seethed with anger and frustration as he stormed towards Reina’s room, his gun at the ready. The thought of Evelyn suffering at the hands of her abductors fueled his rage. He couldn’t believe Reina could outsmart her this way. Reina had always been able to get whatever she wanted using her body.

As he approached Reina’s room, he spotted Albert emerging from the doorway, a look of guilt and fear etched on his face. Antonio’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t confront him yet. He simply nodded and continued towards Reina’s room.

Reina’s sultry voice greeted him as he entered, her words dripping with seduction. “Hi baby, did you miss me? My body missed you too.” She reached out to touch his chest, her fingers tracing the contours of his muscles. Antonio’s expression remained stoic, his eyes fixed on her with a cold intensity.

“Take me to your room already, I’m dripping down there already,” Reina pouted, her voice laced with desperation. Antonio’s response was swift and brutal. He slapped her hands away, pinned her to the wall, and pressed his gun to her temple.

“You idiot, you think you’re smart, right?” he sneered, his voice low and menacing. Reina’s eyes widened, but she didn’t back down. “I love you, Antonio, I want you, can’t you see it?” she protested, her voice laced with a false sincerity.

Antonio’s grip on her neck tightened. “Look, Reina, I never loved you, and I know you never loved me too. What you cared about was sex, just sex, we both wanted sex right? Isn’t that what you are very good at?.” His words were laced with venom, his anger boiling over.

Reina’s face contorted in a mixture of anger and desperation. “You know how my body can be, hon, my body…” she began, but Antonio’s slap cut her off. The sound echoed through the room, leaving a red mark on her cheek.

“That’s how you slept with different men while we were together, or you think I don’t know? You even slept with my best friend Ricardo,” Antonio spat, his eyes blazing with fury.

Reina’s eyes flashed with defiance, but Antonio’s grip on her neck only tightened. “I hate you, Reina, I promise you, when I find Eve, I’ll kill you,” he hissed, his voice dripping with malice.

With that, he released her, and she slumped against the wall, her eyes fixed on him with a mixture of fear and anger . Antonio turned and strode out of the room, his mind already racing with a new plan.

As he entered his room, he remembered the name he had mentioned – Ricardo. His eyes narrowed, and he rushed to his phone, a new lead forming in his mind. He dialed Ricardo’s number, his eyes fixed on the screen as he waited for an answer.

Antonio’s fingers flew across the screen as he dialed Ricardo’s number, his mind racing with the plan he had concocted. The phone rang twice before Ricardo’s cheerful voice answered, “Hey, Tony! What’s up, my friend?”

Antonio’s expression turned serious, his voice dropping to a low tone. “Ricardo, I need your help, man. I’m in a tight spot.” He paused, collecting his thoughts before launching into the story of Reina’s betrayal and Evelyn’s abduction.

Ricardo’s tone turned somber, his words laced with concern. “Damn, Tony, I’m so sorry. What can I do to help?”

Antonio’s eyes narrowed, his mind working overtime. “I need you to play a role, Ricardo. I need you to gain Reina’s trust, make her think you’re on her side.” He paused, his voice dropping to a whisper. “I need you to use your charm, your sex appeal, to get close to her. She’s weak for sex, Ricardo. Use that to your advantage.”

Ricardo’s chuckle was low and husky. “I see what you’re getting at, Tony. You want me to be the mole, to get close to her and find out where she’s hiding Evelyn.”

Antonio’s voice was laced with determination. “Exactly, Ricardo. I know I can count on you. You’re the only one I trust right now.”

Ricardo was sure good with handling ladies, he himself loved sex too, so, it would be very easy to use Reina’s weakness to his advantage. He was a fine looking mafia who lived across the city, with the way he is going to handle this case reina would sure fall into his trap.

The two friends brainstormed, their conversation flowing like a well-oiled machine. They hashed out the details, their plan taking shape with each passing minute.

Finally, they concluded, their smirks mirroring each other’s. “Let’s do this, Ricardo. Let’s get Evelyn back and take down Reina once and for all.”

Antonio ended the call, his mind already racing with the next step. He knew he had to keep his circle small, and couldn’t risk another mole. Jacob was the only other person he trusted, and together, they would put their plan into action.

With a deep breath, Antonio stood up, his eyes fixed on his door and he thought of going out to read in the library. Like that… He walked out of his room. He slipped on his shirt, while walking, his movements swift and silent, his mind focused on the task ahead.

Antonio walked into the library, his anger and frustration had calmed a little due to his plan with Ricardo. He grabbed a book from the shelf, but his mind refused to focus on the words. The thought of Evelyn consumed him, her absence a heavy weight on his chest. With a growl, he hurled the book across the room, the sound of pages fluttering and the thud of the book hitting the floor echoing through the silent space.

He stood up, his eyes welling up with tears. “I will find you, Eve,” he whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. “I promise.” The tears spilled down his cheeks, a rare display of vulnerability from the usually stoic Antonio.

He quickly brushed away the tears, his face set in a determined expression. No one must see him weak, no one must see him cry. With a deep breath, he strode out of the library, his destination clear.

Reina’s room was his next stop, his plan already in motion. He flung open the door, his eyes locked on her smirking face. “Hey, get out,” he barked, his voice firm.

Reina’s laughter was like a cold breeze, her eyes glinting with amusement. “Baby, are you giving up?” she taunted, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Antonio’s jaw clenched, his eyes flashing with anger. “I said get out! I don’t want to ever see you again. You won,” he spat, his words laced with venom.

Reina’s hands trailed down his chest, her fingers leaving a trail of fire. “Shh, don’t say that,” she purred, her voice husky. “A whole Antonio Bernoti, give up?” She laughed again, the sound grating on his nerves.

He pushed her hands away, his face twisted in disgust. “I don’t want to ever see you again. Go into the deep forest if you have to, or else I’ll give your head to your father,” he snarled, his eyes blazing with fury.

Reina’s smile never wavered, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

“I will take care of myself for you, my body is in a mess right now, but trust me, I’ll be waiting for your call when next you need a hole to fuck. Thanks sweetheart. She said and gathered her heels in her hand and walked out of the room, her hips swaying with a seductive rhythm. Antonio watched her go, his face set in a determined expression. The game had begun, and he was ready to play.

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