His Cure

Chapter 15 You cheating on me?


Tears streamed down her face and fell on the bed.

“Please…, I plead with you. I am sorry.. please.. I beg of you. You also have a sister, don’t you?. Would you like her to be raped?, like a man she doesn’t love to copulate with her?. I beg you..”she sobbed loudly.

Gregory sighed and shook his head.

“Too much dirty thoughts.”he left her side and went to sit on the chair behind the desk.

“I.. I will do anything, I will do anything else, I will accept any other punishment you would give me, but not this. Please… in my whole twenty four years of existence, I haven’t for once thought about losing this. I am not ready for this.. I beg you in Christ’s name, the one who died for you on the cross of Calvary. Please. If–if–if you do this to me, that wouldn’t make you a gentleman. You are going to sin, go against God’s will if..”

“Can you just stop?!”he fired.

She wiped her tears away and sniffed the catarrh that is dripping out of her nose in.

“Such rude remark. All I ask of you is to warm my bed! Make it warm, that’s all.”

Beatrice opened her mouth again in a wail.

Gregory got infuriated by her cries and flipped the table over.

It fell to the floor with a loud thud.

She coughed out and looked at him.

“I am not asking for a fucking s*x with you! I just want you to warm the bed for me, nothing much! What the heck?! You think I would stoop so low to a mere human like you just to satisfy my burning desire?. I can go out there–No, a call, I just have to make one call, and dozen of women would be here. You think I am ignoble?. What are you?, and, who are you? For me to want to get you laid down. If that was what I had in mind, you think I would still..”he paused with an angry scoff and shook his head.


So, he was just asking her to warm his bed?, not the other….

Oh, God.

Her cheeks instantly turned red in embarrassment.

“Get the hell out.”he ordered.

Beatrice bowed her head and slowly sat up then stood up.


“I…”she wanted to say.

“Out!”he yelled, pointing to the door.

She scooted out of his room and as soon as she was out, she smacked her head.

She literally just disgraced herself.

She went to her room and shuts the door gently behind her before sliding to the ground.

She clutched her head and shuts her eyes.


How will she face him now?

Can she ever look at him again?.

But.. geez. He was too much himself. He could have just made his words clearer. Besides, he did played along at a point – What the hell?

And, calling her a mere human?

*You deserve it?*her inner mind said to her.

She banged her head on the door. She regretted it simultaneously as she winced out in pains.

*Alright.. nothing ever happened.*she reassured herself.

*I just have to pretend as if nothing ever happened.*

She stood up and moved to the bed.

She stretched herself down on it and breathed out.

Later, she went downstairs to take her phone.

She bumped into, oh no! Just the person she has been trying to avoid.

“What are you up to?”he questioned.

“Huh?, no.. nothing. Just want to have a three hour sleep before..”

“I didn’t brought you here to sleep. I–”

“Yeah, I know. I will prepare the next chapter. Sleeping would help me a lot too. I.. would be in for like two hours?. I will come read your story to you later.”she rushed her words.

“You only get seven hours break in a day, author.”he said before advancing on.

She nodded and pressed her lips together before going back to her room.

“Phew! That was close.”she breathed out and went to sit down on the bed.

She saw a notification of some missed calls on her phone.

She tapped on it and saw that it was a call from her ex boyfriend.

Well, why hasn’t she block his number tho?

She rolled her eyes and ignored it.

Why did he call her? They already broke up a week ago.

Her love life is a mess, you could say.

She went to check out celebrities news.

That often inspires her to write too.

She scrolled down the page of the news.

An headline caught her attention and she clicked on it.

*Jennifer Lopez having the bliss in China town.*it reads.

She read the contents and got captivated by her story.

How come she has never come across this woman before?

She is sure pretty and she has got a nice body.


She is the daughter of a business man that runs a conglomerate company.

The man is related to the owner of Henry. co.

Who is that? Henry. co?


She went out of the page.

A grin appeared on her face when she saw news about Gomez.

She clicked on it and she screamed her life out when she saw a picture which they took together.

*Gomez posted new pictures of her and a woman who she said is a fan of her’s on her Instagram account. They look quite close in the picture.*

She logged in to her Instagram account and went to Gomez’s page.

“Oh my God!”she squeaked in excitement.

Everywhere was buzzing.

She went to the comment section to check the comments.

‘She is so lucky. Oh, my. Gomez, when are you coming to Manila?. I would like to meet and take a picture with you too.’

‘Gosh, I feel so jealous. They look both pretty in the picture.’

‘Awnnn.. I’m literally crushing on the girl beside her. She is a beaut.’

‘I love you, Gomez. When is your next fan – meeting?, I would like to be there.’

‘Gomez is so magnanimous. I love her.’

She jumped up in excitement and bounced her hair.


Her phone vibrated in her hand and she looked at the screen to see it was a call from Daniel.

Why is he calling her?!

Not this moment.

She declined his call.Copyright Nôv/el/Dra/ma.Org.

She is not going to allow him ruin the moment for her.

He called again and she picked up immediately to lash out her mind at him, but when she heard his voice, she became stilled.

She is an idiot that is still crazily in love, she knows.

She shouldn’t have pick up.

His voice is her weakness. It always soften her heart and she hate that!

“Beatrice, I know I’ve fucked things up big time, but, can we meet?. I’ve got something to say. Please..”

She felt a lump in her throat.

“I.. Daniel, we.. we broke up. Why do..”her voice cracked up.

“I still love you, Beatrice. I swear with my all that it was never in my intention to cheat on you.. I.. I am sorry for that. I already went over to your apartment but you were not around. Where are you?, I could come over if you can’t.

She took in a deep breath before asking,”where are you?”stupidly.

“I will wait for you at our favourite spot. You will come?”

“I will.. try.”she looked at the time on her phone.


“I’ll be there by seven.”

“Okay, thank you. I love you?”

“Cut your crap.”she fought back her smile and quickly hung up.

How is she going to go out tho?

Oh, yeah. She told him she was going to take a two hours sleep.. so..

She dialed Daniel’s number.

“I am coming, now.”

She rushed inside the restroom to wash her face.

She look at herself in the mirror and sighed.

Are you doing the right thing, Beatrice?

She took some tissue paper and wiped her face down with it.

She dumped it in the dust bin and walked back to the room.

She get herself donned in one of the clothes she got at the shopping mall and creamed her face and..

She scuttled to her bag and brought out a bottle of perfume.

She made some squirts on her body.

She grabbed her phone and exit out of her room.

She stopped walking when she got to his room and moved stealthily to his door.

She placed her ear on his door and heard him huff then smiled.

She snuck out of the house and..

Oh, fuck!

She totally forgot about transport.

She called Daniel again.

“Can you send your driver over?”

Well, he is that rich.


It was already forty – nine minutes past six when his driver dropped her off at the park.

Daniel looked up and on seeing her, he smiled.

“Beatrice.”he called, happily.

“Make whatever you’re going to say fast.”she said, trying so hard not to drool over him.

He looks so hot right now.

Well, he has always been hot but, tonight, his hotness is on another level?

Or, is it because she is just seeing him after a week?

They have never been so apart for a long time before.

They’ve always had their misunderstandings and always speak and threaten themselves with a break – up, but they would soon reconcile after a day or two.

She went to sit down on the swing chair while he stood in front of her.

“I’ve missed you, so much. Can i–”

“No, Daniel. You said you have something to say, start speaking.”she cuts him off.

He nodded, reluctantly.

“Why were you at–”

“Don’t ask anything, Daniel. I will decide what I want to do with my life. If you have nothing to say, then, I would like to take my leave now.”

“Oh-oh. C’mon, babe. Why so impatient?. I.. are you quitting because of your mom?. Your writing job, I mean.”he asked, carefully.

Oh, well. He was her reader too and was quite supportive in the journey.

“Yeah.”she responded.

“Why?, you know I could help you with that. I.. we are lovers and..”

“Not anymore, Daniel. You’ve hurt me beyond the love you gave me. I know you probably see me as one of your plaything too.”she rolled back the tears that threatens to fall.

“What?. Beatrice, I have never for once thought of you as one. You’re my heart, for real. You’re the ice that always kill the burning fire in my..”

“Oh, please, Daniel. Don’t make any stupid love – phrase here. Did you just say I am your heart?, and you keep driving a knife into.. into..”she closed her eyes and balled her right fist.

“I don’t even know why I’m here, Daniel. But I do guess I came here to make it official. Let’s break up, Daniel. I am not telling you this over the phone now, let’s go our separate way.”

“Bea..”he tried to touch her but she slapped his hand off.

“I mean it. I’m tired of you.”she took a gulp down.

Daniel scoffed and ruffled his hair.

“But you know I love you, right?. When I saw your text message, I thought..”

“Ah, I think I’m a total nutcase. I’ve sent you the message since last week and you’re just coming to make amends now?. I am indeed your heart.”

“I thought you were joking!”

“Who the hell jokes with that!”she fired back and stood up. A tear rolled out of her eye.

He pulled her in a hug and sniffed.

“Look, Beatrice, I’m sorry. I promise to be better. I will fix things up. Just give me another chance. Please..”

She sniffed in his scent for the last time and broke the hug.

“Yeah, right?. But, I’m sorry, Daniel. I’ve run out of chance so I can’t lend you any, anymore. Good bye.”she tried to walk past him but he gripped her hand.

He gazed at her with pleading eyes, while shaking his head.

“Don’t do this to me, please.”he sobbed lowly.

She flashed him a quick smile and slipped her hand out of his grip.

As she turned her back to him, she busted into fresh tears.

She would miss him.

She wanted to turn back and go hug him, sniff his scent that has always send her crazy in again, but she knew she would be walking towards her destruction if she do that.

He doesn’t love her. Maybe he did, but just don’t care about her feelings.

“Get in, ma’am. I will…”his driver offered.

She raised her palm at him to stop.

“I’ll find my way.”she replied.

She will find her way to her peace of mind herself too.

In the cab that drove her back to the lake, she cried river.

The cab man seemed to make matter worse when he turned on a slow melancholic song.

The cab stopped in front of the house and she got down, feeling as light as a feather.

She felt all her energy has been drained out.

She walked into the house, and slowly shuts the door then spun around.

“Where are you coming from, author?. You cheating on me?”

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