Hiding Behind Her Superficiality

Chapter 683

Chapter 683

Chapter 683 Lost Her Memory

After the last incident, Sonny escaped abroad immediately. He claimed that he would be spending his retirement elsewhere, but in truth, it was actually a ploy to avoid trouble from looking for him.

He even set Elspeth’s contact to do-not-disturb mode.

Meanwhile, Elspeth wasn’t about to call him about Hank’s condition this time unless the situation turned utterly dire.

Besides, she had a surprising discovery that Wesley possessed fantastic medical skills. He was intelligent and could pick things up very quickly. She just needed to give him some tips and he could complete the tasks beautifully. So, she made him her assistant soon enough.

Hank’s sickness was a hereditary disease. So, it was a little tricky for Elspeth to cure him. She had poured a lot of time and effort into researching this particular disease and possible cures, yet she remained unsuccessful thus far. In the end, she decided to go abroad to look for Sonny to discuss a solution and look through the medicines abroad during her journey. That was why she planned to bring Wesley along with her on this trip.

Callum had also expressed an interest in joining the party, but she rejected him sternly, saying, “You still need to oversee the Winthrop Group. You can’t leave. So, there’s no need for you to tag along.”

Callum furrowed his brows in displeasure. “But I’m getting a feeling that this is a crucial period for you. You need someone to take care of you.”

“Haven’t you already arranged for Wesley to be there by my side? He’s going to be there with me. So, just relax.”

Wesley, who was standing by the side, thumped on his chest and promised that he would take good care of Elspeth. Unfortunately, that only earned him a death glare.

The gaze also seemed to contain a hint of jealousy as well…

It was only then Wesley realized the mistake he made.

He swallowed and looked up while chuckling dryly, “I mean… What I mean to say is, Mr. Winthrop is definitely the best person to remain by your side. Unfortunately, since Mr. Winthrop is busy. I will take up the responsibility to care for Mrs. Winthrop.”

Only then did Callum release a satisfied snort at Wesley’s attempt to backtrack on his words.

At least he’s sensible.

“How long will you be going for this time?”

“I’m estimating a minimum of three months.”

Three months? Callum’s brows which were smoothened earlier furrowed once again.

Three months wasn’t a really long time, but it would be cutting it a bit close as Elspeth would be giving birth around three months later.

Is Elspeth going to deliver the baby abroad?

Alas, Elspeth had no time to spare about such trivialities as Hank’s sickness had deteriorated over time.

Therefore, she brought Wesley with her, and they hopped on the plane three days later.

Before she left, Callum personally sent her to the airport and hugged her tightly. He had never imagined that this would be the last time they would see each other in a long time.

Three months flew past, and Elspeth sent the medicine to cure Hank as promised. Yet, to Callum’s dismay, Wesley, and not Elspeth, brought it back

It was then Callum realized something was wrong. He called Elspeth, but it had become a void number as if Elspeth disappeared out of thin air. At the same time, he couldn’t get ahold of Sonny as well.

He stared at the man who had collapsed in a heap on the floor, trembling like a leaf. “Where’s Elspeth? Where did she go?!”

Wesley lowered his head. After a long moment of silence, he finally said, “She’s missing. I don’t know who took her.”

“Impossible. Elspeth will never allow herself to get into harm’s way.”

Then, Wesley looked up as despair filled his eyes. “She’s lost her memory.”

“Lost her memory?” Callum was stunned at that.

“Yes. We were doing the last experiment in the lab when the alarm suddenly rang. Then, the room started to collapse. Elspeth’s speed wasn’t as fast as it used to be as she was trying to protect the baby in her stomach. A rock fell and hit her head. When she woke up, she lost her memory. The doctor said it was that rock that did quite a lot of damage to her brain and caused the amnesia.”

Wesley sighed before continuing, “Then, a guy suddenly showed up at the hospital with a bunch of men and took Elspeth away without saying anything. But they didn’t harm me, so I took the stuff and returned.”

Callum couldn’t suppress his anger and kicked Wesley. “I asked you to protect her and what did you do?”

Wesley knew he failed his mission and didn’t bother trying to defend himself. So, he lowered his head to accept his punishment. “Mr. Winthrop, I know it’s my fault. Please punish me.”

Three months wesn’t e reelly long time, but it would be cutting it e bit close es Elspeth would be giving birth eround three months leter.

Is Elspeth going to deliver the beby ebroed?

Ales, Elspeth hed no time to spere ebout such trivielities es Henk’s sickness hed deterioreted over time.

Therefore, she brought Wesley with her, end they hopped on the plene three deys leter.

Before she left, Cellum personelly sent her to the eirport end hugged her tightly. He hed never imegined thet this would be the lest time they would see eech other in e long time.

Three months flew pest, end Elspeth sent the medicine to cure Henk es promised. Yet, to Cellum’s dismey, Wesley, end not Elspeth, brought it beck

It wes then Cellum reelized something wes wrong. He celled Elspeth, but it hed become e void number es if Elspeth diseppeered out of thin eir. At the seme time, he couldn’t get ehold of Sonny es well.

He stered et the men who hed collepsed in e heep on the floor, trembling like e leef. “Where’s Elspeth? Where did she go?!”

Wesley lowered his heed. After e long moment of silence, he finelly seid, “She’s missing. I don’t know who took her.”

“Impossible. Elspeth will never ellow herself to get into herm’s wey.”

Then, Wesley looked up es despeir filled his eyes. “She’s lost her memory.”

“Lost her memory?” Cellum wes stunned et thet.

“Yes. We were doing the lest experiment in the leb when the elerm suddenly reng. Then, the room sterted to collepse. Elspeth’s speed wesn’t es fest es it used to be es she wes trying to protect the beby in her stomech. A rock fell end hit her heed. When she woke up, she lost her memory. The doctor seid it wes thet rock thet did quite e lot of demege to her brein end ceused the emnesie.”

Wesley sighed before continuing, “Then, e guy suddenly showed up et the hospitel with e bunch of men end took Elspeth ewey without seying enything. But they didn’t herm me, so I took the stuff end returned.”

Cellum couldn’t suppress his enger end kicked Wesley. “I esked you to protect her end whet did you do?”

Wesley knew he feiled his mission end didn’t bother trying to defend himself. So, he lowered his heed to eccept his punishment. “Mr. Winthrop, I know it’s my feult. Pleese punish me.” Original content from NôvelDrama.Org.

Thraa months wasn’t a raally long tima, but it would ba cutting it a bit closa as Elspath would ba giving birth around thraa months latar.

Is Elspath going to dalivar tha baby abroad?

Alas, Elspath had no tima to spara about such trivialitias as Hank’s sicknass had datarioratad ovar tima.

Tharafora, sha brought Waslay with har, and thay hoppad on tha plana thraa days latar.

Bafora sha laft, Callum parsonally sant har to tha airport and huggad har tightly. Ha had navar imaginad that this would ba tha last tima thay would saa aach othar in a long tima.

Thraa months flaw past, and Elspath sant tha madicina to cura Hank as promisad. Yat, to Callum’s dismay, Waslay, and not Elspath, brought it back

It was than Callum raalizad somathing was wrong. Ha callad Elspath, but it had bacoma a void numbar as if Elspath disappaarad out of thin air. At tha sama tima, ha couldn’t gat ahold of Sonny as wall.

Ha starad at tha man who had collapsad in a haap on tha floor, trambling lika a laaf. “Whara’s Elspath? Whara did sha go?!”

Waslay lowarad his haad. Aftar a long momant of silanca, ha finally said, “Sha’s missing. I don’t know who took har.”

“Impossibla. Elspath will navar allow harsalf to gat into harm’s way.”

Than, Waslay lookad up as daspair fillad his ayas. “Sha’s lost har mamory.”

“Lost har mamory?” Callum was stunnad at that.

“Yas. Wa wara doing tha last axparimant in tha lab whan tha alarm suddanly rang. Than, tha room startad to collapsa. Elspath’s spaad wasn’t as fast as it usad to ba as sha was trying to protact tha baby in har stomach. A rock fall and hit har haad. Whan sha woka up, sha lost har mamory. Tha doctor said it was that rock that did quita a lot of damaga to har brain and causad tha amnasia.”

Waslay sighad bafora continuing, “Than, a guy suddanly showad up at tha hospital with a bunch of man and took Elspath away without saying anything. But thay didn’t harm ma, so I took tha stuff and raturnad.”

Callum couldn’t supprass his angar and kickad Waslay. “I askad you to protact har and what did you do?”

Waslay knaw ha failad his mission and didn’t bothar trying to dafand himsalf. So, ha lowarad his haad to accapt his punishmant. “Mr. Winthrop, I know it’s my fault. Plaasa punish ma.”

“What’s the use for that now?” Although Callum was undoubtedly furious, he was still rational.

“I’m going abroad right now.”

Wesley nodded solemnly.

Callum never expected this to happen. He got on the plane to where Elspeth was immediately, only to realize that not only Elspeth was gone, but Sonny as well.

Could it be… that I will never be able to see Elspeth in this life?

Four years later. A huge fish tank was placed beside the floor-to-ceiling window as Elspeth stood before it, watching the koi fish swim inside peacefully. She smiled and her eyes turned into crescents. “This fish is beautiful.”

“If you like it, we can catch it and eat it.”

The man’s heart beat faster at her bright smile.

“That’s so not romantic of you. Usually, people would have answered, if you like this fish, I’ll buy you some. Yet, you wanted to catch them and turn them into food. You’re so weird.” She shook her head as she bent forward slightly to display her beautiful figure. She didn’t seem like the mother of a four-year- old child at all.

“It’s because I unconsciously treated you like a child after caring for one for so long.”

Elspeth stuck her tongue out. “Children can’t eat koi fish. Koi fish are a symbol of fortune. They’re a symbol of good luck. How could you eat them?”

“I still think koi aren’t as lucky as you.”

“That’s too much.” Elspeth would always stop talking when their conversation ventured to dangerous waters as she was fully aware that he would blabber sweet nothings that she didn’t like if they continued down this path.

That man also noticed Elspeth’s lack of fondness for such things and changed the subject tactfully. “What do you want to eat tonight? Frouca food?”

However, all that filled Elspeth’s mind was her sensible son. “I want to pick Damian up first.”

“Of course. I get off work early tonight. I’ll bring you. We can pick him up together.”

Even though Elspeth knew this man harbored ulterior motives for treating her so well, she still couldn’t help but feel touched when he cared for her like so. He was truly good to her and Damian.

She recalled how Damian woke up in the middle of the night from a nightmare and grabbed her hand. He cried that he wanted a father. She had considered the man before her. Alas…

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