Her Volkovs #Book 4

Chapter 47

Chapter 47


Sergey Yvanislov: What did you say?

FBI: We are releasing Nikolai Volkov.

Sergey: I gave you everything that I have to take the man down! What the hell happened?

FBI: After the raid in his properties and his mansion, we still don't have enough evidence to link Volkov

to the Russian Mafia aside from the last name Volkov. Do you fucking know how many Volkovs are

there in this country? Your boy cleans up his tracks so well, not even a fucking parking ticket or a tax

case could be filed against him!

Sergey: (clenches his jaw as he looks at the man intensely) He has a brother! Did you at least try to

find evidence linking Alexei to anything at all? The man runs the Russian Mafia! He's the fucking

underboss! There's got to be a slip up on their part somehow!? Right?! Find it!

FBI: We are pulling the plug Sergey. There's nothing we can do now.

Sergey: How about my testimony? What will happen to the case now?

FBI: Your testimony is good for nothing if we don't have evidence to corroborate your allegations.

There's not a single soul in the underworld who is willing to testify except you.

Sergey: So that's it? Am I still under witness protection?

FBI: All I can do now is give you a location to safely hide but that's about it.

Sergey: What really happened here? Tell me.

FBI: (sighs) We have orders from the high up.

Sergey: How high?

FBI: (looks at Sergey as if contemplating to tell)

Sergey: (grabs the man by his collar) How high?


Sergey: (eyes widened, slowly lets go of the man and sat down in defeat)

FBI: Money runs the world Sergey. Nikolai Volkov is one of the biggest secret campaign contributors of

the President and he was the reason why the man swept the votes in the great state of New York. We

cannot take Nikolai Volkov down.

Sergey: You're throwing me under the bus?

FBI: The bureau is going to face law suits from the Billionaire who was arrested in front of news

reporters and his pregnant wife. I specifically told you not to leak the information about the arrest but

you still did. You're not the only one who's thrown under the bus here Sergey.


Albanian Mafia

Dardan: Boss, we entered the Irish's territory. I don't know what your Belle is doing right now but I don't

think a pregnant woman should be going around New York in the wee hours of the night, outside of the

Russian Mafia's territory yah?

Artan: Don't take your eyes off of her, not even for a second.

Dardan: We got it Boss. Just one thing, are we going to have a problem with the Irish if they see us


Artan: Belle gave the Irish a heads up right before we could talk to them. She's planning on doing

something in that pub, so watch her every step.

Dardan: She's coming out of the vehicle with her two bodyguards. There are four Russians outside of

the pub and they look like they are not expecting to see their queen.


Cabana Colombian Cartel

Sniper Shooter: I've got visual and clear target on the table at 7 o'clock. Waiting for your go Boss.

Axel: If you see movement around her, shoot to kill. Never let anyone touch her.

Sniper Shooter: Shoot to kill upon movement. Copy.

Axel: What is she doing in there?

Sniper Shooter: She's talking to them. Tough crowd in there Boss. Looks unusual looking at Russians

treat their queen that way. These old men are getting ready to take over the Russian Mafia.


Belle's POV

We are at Jakoby Quinn's territory. The boy licker who is the sole heir to the Irish Mafia. They are a

family of arms dealer across North America and Europe and they are aligned to the Russian Mafia. We

are inside a friendly territory but I thought I'd give them a call to let them know that we are entering their

territory to finish a business.

They said that they were glad to hear from me and that they would send back up just in case I need

help. I did not decline their offer but in my mind there is really no need for back up because I am going

to finish this as efficiently and as fast as possible. Pregnancy hormones are literally overpowering my

body at this moment. I could honestly use a soft bed right now.

These traitors think that they would not be found out in doing their meeting outside of the Russian

Mafia's territory. Little do they know that it only takes a few strippers from Zora to locate their secret

venue. They even booked a fake birthday celebration to evade suspicion. These people really thought.

How pathetic.

"Madame, I should come in there first." Says Ivan in the driver's seat.

"No. It will just tip them off. I should catch them red-handed so this does not look like we are getting rid

of the elders in the Mafia. We have a hierarchy to consider."

"The Boss is the Mafia. These motherfuckers are nothing but wannabes. Their families owe their

existence to the Boss." Vasily said.

"While that is true Vasily, why did you think Nikolai let them live despite my husband knowing that they

doubted him before? It is because Nikolai respects his father. There are rules that the Mafia is

operating on and those rules were made by his father."

"As you wish Madame. But I'm under orders to protect you as well, so if I see one wrong move against

you from anyone in there, we are going to blow their heads off, that's a promise."

I understand that I.V are just doing their jobs so I just let them be. "Okay." I replied.

There are four men outside of the pub. The moment they saw Ivan and Vasily got out of the black SUV,

one of them instantly attempted to go inside. But Ivan got a hold of him while Vasily got the other two

before they could even react.

I realized just why Nikolai and Alexei trust I.V with my life. They are strong and fast, and boy do they

impose fear on these four.

Ivan signaled Vasily to be with me as he takes care of the four outside. Vasily then stood toe to toe with

a man who blocked our way towards the booth where the elders are seated. From my position, I can

already hear loud laughs and cheers from the elder's table. I can just imagine the obnoxious men

yapping and drinking right now, celebrating my family's apparent downfall.

"Move to the side at once." I said calmly.

The man looked over Vasily's shoulder and I swear the moment he laid eyes on me, he looked so

surprised, he gazed at the other guy quizzically perhaps to check if what he is seeing is accurate.

Good thing he made the right decision of stepping to the side albeit not removing his eyes off of us.

Vasily then placed a chair on the corner of the table by the booth for me to sit. He just stood on my side

as I come face to face with the traitors.

They are looking at each other obviously uncomfortable that a member of the family that they are trying

to overthrow is right in front of them, in the flesh. Undeniably, my blood started to boil.

"Look at you, celebrating and drinking over here while Nikolai is in the custody of the FBI and the whole

Russian Mafia is on a standstill." I said, trying so hard not to explode in anger. I have to remind myself

that these men were in the Mafia long before Nikolai and Alexei were even born. They were with Papa

Vyacheslav and Papa Viktor before because somehow they trusted these men.

They all looked at each other first and then burst out laughing. "We are at a birthday party for our boy

over there. Is it prohibited to celebrate now?" Said the man with a thick Russian accent. He's wearing

suspenders as his belly bulges over his pants. He reminds me of David from the book shop I used to

work for, only that David is dear to me while this man right here is just a nuisance.

"Darling, please don't take this differently. Okay? But you came here uninvited. Real Russian women

don't do that. They stay home, they take care of the family and take care of their husband!" The one

who seemed to be the leader of the pack said. He's talking while gesturing with his hand, faking

sincerity. "Now now- just go home and be an ornament as you always are. Okay?" He continued as if

dismissing me.

What a bunch of cowards! They did not have the balls to do this when Nikolai and Alexei were beside

me on numerous occasions before. Now that my husbands are unavailable, the misogynist in them is

naturally showing. I pity their wives for having obnoxious and ignorant men in their lives.

Before I completely lose my temper, I had to remind myself why I'm actually here. "Vasily, tell the man

who's celebrating his birthday to come over. I would like to greet him personally."

Vasily dragged the kid and made him kneel on my side.

"What's your name?" I asked.

"Simeon, Madame Volkov." He answered.

"Simeon, I suppose that you have a girlfriend yah?"

He looked at me with a puzzled look on his face. "Uh, yes Madame."

"I'm going to let you in on a little secret about women Simeon. When your girlfriend or your mother or

any woman in your life for that matter asks you a question, always tell the truth because more often

than not, they already know the answer. They are just testing you if you're going, to tell the truth or not."


"Also, treat women with respect because they may appear to be quiet and all smiles as they take care

of you and the family-" I looked at the misogynist momentarily before continuing. "It turns out that the

coffee that you're drinking every morning used water from the toilet bowl, your toothbrush dipped in the

same toilet water and your food sprinkled with arsenic for a slow and undetectable death."

The leader of the pack stood up from his seat and throws his napkin on his plate and bent down to

whisper to my ear. "You are acting like you are so tough Madame Volkov. I hope you walk your talk

because when I'm done with you-" He looks down to my belly and then up to my face before

continuing. "You will look back and regret this night ever happened. But don't worry, I will tell them to be

quick. You and that poor thing won't even feel it."

I felt the hair on my nape raise in utter shock. This man wants to harm me and my babies. This is

exactly what Yuri warned me about if anything happens to Nikolai and Alexei. Enemies from inside and

outside of the organization will come after me and my babies to get rid of the Volkov bloodline.

Vasily and Ivan appeared to step forward but I signaled them not to. My hands started to shake in both

fear and anger. I looked him in the eyes and all I can see is his true intentions. He meant what he just


It's as if I saw black, I pulled the gun from Ivan's side and pointed it towards the elder who called me an

ornament and threatened my babies' lives. I'd like to see his face when I shove the tip of the loaded

gun down his throat as he says the word ornament again to my face.

It caught them all off guard including Ivan and Vasily. I almost scoffed at their funny faces. At this point,

I am beyond angry. I feel like I am going mental.

There's only one reason why he can say these things to me. They are without a doubt traitors of the

Russian Mafia who want to get rid of me and the babies because of their plan to take over the Mafia's


"What? Have you not seen an ornament use a gun before?" I said, confronting him.

"Madame Volkov, put your gun down. This is not funny." Says one of the elders.

"Who says I'm trying to be funny?" I retorted.

I then looked at Simeon while still pointing the gun at the ornament elder's face. "Now, Simeon, is it

really your birthday today or not? Before you say anything, remember what I told you a while ago. Be

careful, or someone's head is going to blow off!"

Simeon shook his head in defeat. "No Madame, it's not my birthday." He replied. I signaled him to go

and leave the pub along with the others who don't want to be involved.

I then pushed the tip of the gun deeper onto the man's face. He sat back in his seat and breathes

heavily while looking at me with such contempt.

It's really nice when people underestimate you and threaten you because then, you get to put them in

place in a spectacular way.

"You can't do this. Killing a fellow member of the Mafia without prior authorization from Volkov is

punishable by death! That's in the rules! No one was in contact with Volkov since he was arrested. You,

woman, don't have your husband's permission! What's written in the rules is absolute. There are no


"Fucking hell Pyotr! You sound like a fucking sissy. My wife doesn't need any man's permission. Not

from me, not even from my brother."

My body froze as I hear the voice that I have not heard for a long time. The voice of the man that has

always been there for me through the roughest times. The man who eased my heartaches and wiped

my tears away when things seemed to fall apart. The man who never lets go of me.

My heart started to bang inside my ribcage as he spoke again, "My princess-"

I looked over my shoulder and my eyes started to well with tears. I wasn't able to contain myself so I

wrapped my other hand around his back while I rest my head on his chest. I have missed his warmth. I

have missed him.


"Hi." He said so softly, as he intertwines his arms around me in a tight embrace. The kind of embrace

that doesn't want to let go. "I'm sorry if you had to do this. I'm sorry if I fell asleep. I'm sorry about your

birthday. I'm sorry about the stupid things that I said."

"Alexei- we made mistakes. What's important is you're here and you're alive. You're awake."

He holds my face and reaches for my lips for a long and sweet kiss. His lips are so warm against mine,

taking my breath away in each soft bite.

He lets out a smile against my lips, "Something is awake alright." He said naughtily, referring to his


"Alexei!" I smack him on his shoulder which made the man chuckle.

"I love you princess." He said, without a care that we are literally surrounded by our people and

enemies alike.

"I love you Alexei."

"Princess, you can put the gun down. I got this." He said, referring to my other arm that is still holding

the gun pointing towards ornament whose real name apparently is Pyotr.

Alexei signaled his men to take the traitors out of the pub. They were forced into one of our SUVs and I

think I know what the fate of those men will be soon enough.

The love of my life held my hand tightly on our way outside. He looks like he just did not wake up from

coma. He is still very handsome and so damn gorgeous. How can he be a god and my husband at the

same time?

"Where are we going Alexei?"

"We are going to the boathouse, but before that, we'll just pick someone up."

I did not inquire further since at this point my adrenaline has subsided and my pregnancy hormones

kicked in. Perhaps now I feel at peace because Alexei is here. And I know that everything is going to

be alright soon because the brothers always have each other's back. Alexei will find a way to get

Nikolai out of this mess. I am a hundred percent sure of that.

Alexei ordered I.V and the rest of his men to go their way and not follow us. These happen very rarely

and when it does, the moment becomes very special. Like our date in the town where our safe house is

located. There were no bodyguards- just me, Nikolai and Alexei.

Before anything else, I made sure that the things I got from the secret safe which I plan on gifting my

father later on was transferred to our car. I am sure Papa will love these as he collects guns and arms

of rare origin.

As we pass through Brooklyn bridge, Alexei's one arm is already in my tummy and occasionally down

my delicate parts. Good thing the car is heavily tinted so no camera would catch us doing things.

Several minutes later we arrived at what looked like the back of a government establishment.

"Alexei, who are we picking up?"

"Him." He replied, referring to the man going out of the back entrance who looks scarily familiar.

His silhouette alone made my heart jump in my chest. I wasn't able to contain myself so I got out of the

car hurriedly and waited for him to appear from the dark.

He is wearing a black leather jacket, white shirt and jeans. I wanted to run towards him but for some

reason, I feel like my feet are glued to the ground.

"Nikolai?" I covered my mouth to suppress myself from sobbing.

He came to me and instantly kissed me on my lips. He held my jaw with both of his hands and kissed

me, deeply.

"Baby, promise me you won't run to me again if there are guns pointed at me?"

"I love you too Nikolai." I retorted, purposely evading his request.

He smiled against my lips and shook his head in defeat. "Oh, you will be the death of me."

Alexei cleared his throat as he leans back on the hood of his car like in a friggin magazine cover. Even

in darkness, the man's electrifying charm is unbelievable.

Nikolai and Alexei reunited right in front of me and I could not be happier. They hugged and kissed

each other on the cheeks, showing their unconditional love as brothers. Although, I feel like Nikolai

looks the happiest seeing his Alexei well and awake from a life-threatening accident.

Our ride on the way to the boathouse was the first time that I felt complete again. I feel like there's not a

void in my heart right now. Nikolai, Alexei and I are together again.

I'm back on Alexei's lap in the front passenger seat while Nikolai drives. The man is now all smiles as

he play bites my shoulders, my breasts and my arms. The Russian Mafia Boss on the other hand is

laughing at me because Alexei was telling him about what happened in the pub.

We were having the time of our lives when I noticed that Nikolai is glancing curiously at the rearview

mirror and the side mirror in intervals as if noticing something from the back. He and Alexei then talked Têxt belongs to NôvelDrama.Org.

in Russian as the other brother dials his phone.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Someone's following us." Nikolai answered.

Instead of getting worried I actually got annoyed. How dare them rudely interrupt our moment! I

stepped over to the back of the car carefully and noticed a very suspicious acting vehicle following us

at a distance.

"Alexei, they are not our people right?"

"No. Our people are in the boathouse now."

I grabbed the bag full of guns I.V and I took from the warehouse and gave one long gun to Alexei and

the other one I clutched around Nikolai's side just in case he needs it.

"Nikolai baby, you got this? Alexei, if you need more ammunition just tell me I brought enough."

"Princess-" He looked at me quizzically at first and then a huge smile of wonder came afterwards.

"What? We can never be too sure! Inside this vehicle is worth the whole Russian Mafia and the friggin

Conglomerate. I literally have the future of the Volkov family inside me right now. So chop chop missies

because I am not losing the both of you and my babies tonight. Not now, not ever! We've been through

enough and I'm so friggin tired of people wanting to kill us! By now, it's either them or us in the grave.

And you know what?" I said, bending over in the middle of the two. "No Volkov is gonna die tonight."

"Fucking hell princess, yes!" Says Alexei like a proud daddy.

"Who are you woman? Where is my wife? Where did you take her?" Says Nikolai followed by a

booming laugh of crazy.

What is wrong with these two? They look like they are not bothered at all while I'm here, already in

survival mode! I glanced at the back again and the vehicle is still following us although they are a little

far now.

"You know what, I have an idea." I took the box where the rocket launcher thingy is stored and I

carefully placed its ammunition the size of a nine inches baseball bat inside the hull. Good thing I got

the chance to ask Vasily how to operate this thing back at the secret place.

I opened the sunroof of the car and asked Nikolai to slow down a little bit so I can have a good aim at

the vehicle following us.

"Hey hey hey- princess. No no no!"

"What the fuck! Baby! Put that down! Oh fuck!"

The moment half of my body is out of the car, I leaned back a little bit for support as I take my aim

pointing towards the moving vehicle. To my dismay however, the car following us swerved to the right

and then to the left in clear panic.

The men from inside jumped out of the vehicle one after the other. Even the driver got out whilst the

engine is on, crashing the car to the side in the gutter.


Phone conversation on car speaker between Axel, Nikolai and Alexei.

Axel: Are you fucking serious! You were gonna let her blow up my people?

Nikolai: I mean, had I known it was your people, I would not have stopped her.

Axel: Fuck you Volkov!

(Short silence)

Nikolai: Thank you De Alba. I know what you did while I was away. It does not go unnoticed. I owe you


Axel: Yeah yeah-

Alexei: Should I get you two a room or what?

Axel: Fuck you Alexei.

Alexei: (Chuckles) How sweet.

Axel: So, you're pushing through with the shifting of the wolf?

Nikolai: (Gazes at Belle's reflection on the rear view mirror. His wife-sound asleep) Yes. After all that's

happened. It's the right time.

Axel: Well, good luck and have fun changing diapers for the next few years. I wish to never have the

same fate as you.

Nikolai: You could only wish to be in my shoes right now De Alba.

Axel: She's my wife too you know.

Nikolai: Fuck you De Alba.

Axel: Haha. Congratulations Alexei. Welcome to the old man's club. See you at the Conglomerate



Boat House

Belle is sleeping in the back of the car guarded by Ivan, Vasily and basically hundreds of mafia men

outside the boat house. Almost every one from the Russian Mafia is here to witness the shifting of the

wolf. A ceremony tattooing the head of the wolf on Alexei's neck, officially inducting him as the Boss of

the Russian Mafia.

The mood in the air is solemn. Nikolai is sitting across Alexei whose tattoo has just been finished. They

are surrounded by the elders and other high ranking men of the Russian Mafia.

Matushka Irene is on one side, teary eyed as she witnesses Nikolai embracing Alexei. Nikolai holds

him on his face and kissed his cheeks a couple of times before connecting his forehead onto him.

Matushka knows that the brothers' love for each other made them who they are now. In her mind,

wherever part of hell Vyacheslav and Viktor are in right now, she is sure that they are proud of their


As Nikolai and Alexei walk out of the boathouse, the Mafiya men waiting outside fired their guns in the

air in cheers for the new Boss of the Russian Mafia- Alexei Viktor Volkov.

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