Her Forbidden Alpha

Chapter 59

Her Forbidden Alpha By Moonlight Muse Chapter 59

Chapter 59 Planning An Attack

The days had flown by and although it felt like ages for the Blood Moon to come closer, at the same time there was a lot to do.

With their planning of the attack on Zidane’s pack, they were kept occupied and Scarlett was grateful for it.

Jackson was the same and although he didn’t lash out at Scarlett as he did with Elijah, he wasn’t the way he used to be, still not able to understand their relationship nor expect it. Luckily Jessica and Indigo were a lot better and to Scarlett’s surprise, she learned that Indigo knew from the time she had seen them in the bathroom.

This had shocked Scarlett greatly, but she appreciated Indigo not making it harder for her, not knowing Elijah had warned her not to.

Rumours were spreading that there was a woman in Elijah’s life, or that he was having a forbidden relationship with a mated she-wolf, none however came close to the truth. Apart from a snarky comment from Keira at one point about their newly found friendship no one else seemed to say anything although they often got curious looks.

Fiona hadn’t said anything, but Scarlett had a feeling she didn’t want Elijah to get angry with her. Much to Scarlett’s surprise she even kept away from Elijah although she often looked near tears. Scarlett didn’t bother with her finding the girl increasingly annoying. Elijah had not asked her how their conversation went that day.

Something that she was surprised about but appreciated, it showed he cared and trusted her and wasn’t interested in Fiona. Today was the day that a few Alphas that were willing to help were stopping by for a meeting in person. It was a complicated matter but a few of them wanted to see Scarlett’s ability as an Alpha.

After all, there was no council or rules any pack followed it was just the Alpha who ruled, so stepping in and interfering like this was not something that anyone appreciated, an Alpha did not like anyone in their business so doing this was looked down upon. Everyone understood there were innocent wolves getting abused and it was the only reason they decided to assist.

There was also only 2 days until the Blood Moon and Scarlett’s nerves were all over the place. The fear of all the possibilities was hacking at her nerves although she tried not to show it. – She now looked in the mirror dressed in black jeans and a grey top, tugging at the sleeves, did she look too young? Not serious enough? Should she wear a Jacket? She looked at her vibrant hair that she had redone just the day before sighing deeply did she look reckless? “What’s on your mind?”

Elijah said his strong arms wrapping around her tightly from behind, instantly calming her and her wolf. He rocked her side to side as he looked at her in the mirror, she smiled softly leaning into him, “Just if I can do this.” she said, his warmth and his scent comforting her.

“You can, and I’ll be right there,” he said kissing her neck softly. She took a deep breath and nodded. “I know,”

“So ready to face them?” he asked, she turned in his arms locking her arms around his neck and nodded. “Yeah,” she said softly, he kissed her deeply wanting to do a lot more but knew they had a meeting to attend.

“Fuck tonight I’m not letting you sleep,” he groaned as they walked out the door. she looked up at him.

“I’m looking forward to that,” she said softly kissing his neck, letting her tongue flick his sensitive spot, satisfied when she felt his breath hitch, “Fuck. Don’t do that,” he groaned squeezing her ass as he pulled her against him “Feel that?”

She smirked feeling his hardened shaft against her stomach, “I love how easily I affect you,” she said sucking lightly on his neck but enough to leave a mark, a mark she knew would disappear quickly. She forced herself back as Elijah looked down at his pants “Damn and we need to go now,” he said taking her hand as they left her bedroom

“Tomorrow what time are we leaving for London?” she asked, just the mention of the mating ceremony made her stomach flutter nervously.

“In the afternoon. There’s a thing or two I need to take care of regarding business, guess you and the others could enjoy sightseeing,” She nodded not able to say more. She often forgot he had a degree in business and was a lot more than just an Alpha. She herself had been severely lacking in her job at the restaurant and she had left the salon ages ago.

Sighing she decided to pop in and help out for free tonight, she was grateful they even let her keep her job. Putting it down to her being the Alpha’s daughter, whatever the reason, she was grateful. They walked in pleasant silence to the packhouse, his arm occasionally brushing hers, it felt comforting, and she wished things could always be so relaxing.

“Alright, Alpha Red, let’s do this.” He said teasingly placing a soft kiss on her lips before pushing the door to the meeting room open. All eyes turned on the new pair.

There was Alpha Jackson at the head along with three other Alpha’s, there was Alpha Rafael of The Black Storm Pack Alpha Daniel of The Lone Moon Pack and Alpha Tristan of the Red Blood Pack. Along with them was Alejandro, Rafael’s 15-year-old brother, who looked a cross between being bored out of his mind and wanting to castrate someone. Scarlett was surprised to see him there considering his age. Then there was Beta Alfred of The Silver Fang Pack and Beta Dylan of the Crimson Moon Pack both who were standing in for their Alpha’s who couldn’t make it. The only ones from their own pack were Beta Nick and Aaron.

“Elijah!” Rafael said standing up. Although he became an Alpha at a young age, his pack was huge and well known, Elijah knew if he sided them the others would easily follow. And Rafael’s support was absolute before he even came here.

“Rafael,” Elijah said meeting him with a manly hug and handshake, before meeting the other Alphas. Scarlett gave a small nod to all of them before she took her seat at the table.

“Nice to see you again Scarlett,” Rafael said, “Nice to see you both again as well,” Scarlett said, Rafael grinned “Yeah… well I begged Alejandro to come…” he said, his brother gave him a dangerous glare and Rafael scratched the back of his head grinning sheepishly.

“If you’re all done, shall we get to the fucking meeting?” Alejandro said in his rugged voice, all eyes went to the boy questioningly, despite being 15 there was something about him that felt… different almost dangerous.

But no one there could explain it. Despite the blatant disrespect towards the Alpha’s in the room, no one said anything, apart from frowning disapprovingly.

“Yes,” Jackson said trying not to let the strange aura from the boy distract him, “As we have already told you, Scarlett is an Alpha wolf she had a right over that pack, I know we’ve already talked about it, so the main thing is… Scarlett, care to display your capability.”

“Command Beta Dylan to submit,” Alpha Daniel said mockingly, he didn’t really see eye to eye with Dylan’s Alpha.

“I don’t want to disrespect anyone,” Scarlett said letting her aura roll off her, as she looked Daniel straight in the eye “I’m sure my power is enough to show you I am an Alpha. I can also show you my wolf, that would put aside any of your doubts.”

“I think your power is enough,” Beta Alfred said, feeling her power weigh down on them.

“It’s unheard of though, I don’t get it,” Daniel said he seemed too shocked to believe it, “I want to see her wolf, I mean how can I believe something unheard of,” Elijah growled warningly; Scarlett placed her hand on his back, they needed their help. The more wolves the fewer casualties.

“I’ll shift,” she said firmly, with that she stepped back, taking her shoes off, and transformed.

The jarring pain of her bones breaking lasted a split second before she stood tall in her silver wolf form. All eyes were on her, shocked at the sheer size of the female Alpha before them, there was no space for doubt left in anyone.

“Is that enough proof Alpha Daniel?” Jackson said in a clipped tone. Elijah stepped back turning his back to the group, pulling his shirt off, the moment Scarlett shifted back he pulled it over her head, giving her a small smirk. She stepped out from behind him slipping her shoes back on.

“Was she… born female?” Alpha Daniel grumbled, all eyes turned to him, it was clear, for him to believe that a female could be an Alpha was impossible.

“Think what you want I don’t care, the thing is I am an Alpha, whether you like it or not, and I don’t need a fucking dick to prove that. I’ve shown you my wolf that should be enough.” Scarlett said icily “That’s enough proof… but you have to admit there has never been an Alpha female before…” he grumbled feeling unsettled.

“Then you’ve not seen anything,” Alejandro said suddenly, a dangerous glint in his eyes as he looked at the Alpha, Daniel frowned at him, but something about the young boy unsettled him greatly, looking into those eyes he felt an odd chill and quickly looked away.

“It seemed you came here to see if the rumours were true, if we truly have a special wolf in our midst. If you don’t want to help you can show yourself out,” Elijah said not caring if he was disrespectful. “N-no well I… we will help,” Daniel grumbled knowing he couldn’t disrespect his fellow allied packs.

“Good,” Alpha Tristan said frowning at him, he was a man of few words but assessed everything well, being the oldest in the room he ran his fingers through his beard “She is indeed rare,”

“My Alpha also agrees to this, we came for confirmation she is indeed an Alpha. We were of course concerned about the rules” Beta Alfred said

“Who makes the rules?” Elijah said, “The Alphas. What if Scarlett wasn’t an Alpha? Would you all sit back and let countless wolves be abused?”

The room went silent, only the sound of Alejandro slowly strumming the table could be heard, guilt weaving its way into the hearts of some of the men there.From NôvelDrama.Org.

“I was a child of that pack, I was physically abused for entertainment. Perhaps running for our lives was selfish, but my mother did it to protect us from a monster, so now it’s my turn to stand up and protect those who need it.

I would appreciate any help you can offer; I will never forget the favour and would return it when the time arises. If not for me, at least think of those young pups who are treated worse than trash.” Scarlett said her voice strong and confident as she looked at everyone in the room.

Rafael nodded “It’s true, we can’t let an innocent pack be abused under a tyrannical Alpha,” he said frowning.

“Hmm if only there was someone even an Alpha could be answerable to,” Beta Nick said quietly. “Hm. So, are we fucking done?” Alejandro said now looking at his brother coldly.

“Almost, we just need to discuss the formation of attack and then we will be sorted until after the blood moon,” Jackson said.

The rest nodded as they began discussing the terrain, the weak spots and the cracks in their security, Candice had been a great help and had provided some information on the patrol squad sizes, maps and schedules of the patrol system “The main aim is to get in there and get to Zidane, if he’s dead, then the rest will stand down,” Scarlett said, “Are you capable of killing him?” Daniel asked, everyone knew if she wanted the pack’s respect, it would have to be her.

“Oh, I am,” Scarlett said, the pain he had caused her, was something she would never be able to forget, and she would make sure he died by her hand. Elijah didn’t say anything, he would be by her side each step of the way, he wouldn’t let Zidane hurt her again.

“There are also three women who don’t bend to the will of an Alpha, he’s had some dark magic done on them, they no longer have their wolves but they are incredibly strong, one might be dead, not sure, but there’s definitely two,” Elijah said suddenly remembering Zidane’s women.

Alejandro raised an eyebrow, “Leave them to me,” he said his eyes glinting with a spark of interest. Elijah frowned “You’re going to join?” he asked surprised as he glanced at Rafael who simply shrugged, like he had no say in it.

“You got a problem with that?” Alejandro said dangerously “No… but you’re a kid, it isn’t safe,” Elijah said, Alejandro simply smirked coldly.

“My words are final, I’m going. Leave the wolf-less women to me,” his ice-cold voice was firm, and it was clear he was not going to change his mind. Elijah looked at Rafael who shrugged helplessly again.

“Well, if your brother is fine with it…” Jackson said ending the discussion, they returned to their meeting putting the final parts of the plan into place…

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